Two hours of playing completed. Running a nice solid 60fps with an i9-10850K, RTX 3080 and 32 GB RAM at 2560x1440. Settings, which I left at default:
Impressions... space combat with keyboard and mouse is fine, although I'm not totally sure of what I'm doing. I managed to defeat three enemy ships but I didn't have to switch around energy to different systems. I'm sure I'll have to learn more about that later.
Not a lot of onboarding to figure out what everything means. It took a while to understand that I kept being over the weight limit because I was looting every weapon I saw, just in case. I'm back to just carrying one of everything. I'm not sure if things wear out and I have to repair them. We'll see.
For instance, these suits. I'm not sure what all those categories like PHYS and ENGY mean. I guess I'll have to go to the interwebs and see, unless someone here has figured it out.
I came across lockpicking and had to find a
video to explain to me what the hell I needed to do.
Pretty much all of the above are nits and probably not any different that previous Bethesda games, but my memory isn't that good on them so I'll just say that there isn't a lot of hand holding so far.
From the standpoint not of comparing Starfield to this previous game or that, just on how I'm enjoying it, so far it is pretty fun. No glitches or crashes, nothing really out of sorts. There's nothing weird about the conversation mode as I've seen mentioned in some previews, it looks fairly natural, although the person you are talking to is really, really focused on you. Things like the inventory system take some getting used to but then feels normal.
There is an amazing amount of detail in the ships and buildings, gear, everything. It is very immersive in that respect. I'm really enjoying stopping and getting close looks at everything. I can tell I'll be loading up on screenshots.
I think that's enough for now. I'll put in a couple more hours tonight and maybe do some more posting later. Please post any questions you have about things I have or haven't mentioned.