If you think about local time in terms of how a pre-starflight person growing up on that planet would tell time then it starts to make more sense. On earth we defined a solar day as the time it took for the sun to repeat one cycle of reaching the highest point in the sky. We define that as 24 earth hours. Mercury takes 59 earth days to make one rotation. A civilization on Mercury would define one cycle of the sun reaching the highest point in the sky as their 1 day, even though to us it's 59 earth days. In order to fit a Mercury day into a 24 hour time clock we define 1 Mercury hour as 1/24 of a Mercury day, or 59/24 = 2.458 Earth days.Punisher wrote: Fri Sep 22, 2023 6:47 pm Thanks to coop and BH for trying to help me understand time.
I'm still confused but thats more of a me understanding issue then a ypu explaining issue. BHs in particular seemed pretty detailed.
I'll just have to keep rereading it and hope it wventually clicks.
It makes sense for extractors to use UT time because they are machines and they don't care about planet rotation. If it takes one UT hour to produce 1 copper, then it takes 24 UT hours to make 24 copper, regardless of planet rotation. But YOUR character's wait time depends on rotation, i.e. local time, so you waiting 1 hour on Mercury = 2.458 earth days of extractor production whereever that extractor happens to be.
Personally I think it would make more sense for your character to always go by the UT clock. You are a space-faring person, so you don't care what the local time is; 8 UT hours of rest is 8 UT hours of rest whereever your bed is. It's like the folks on a submarine where they set their clocks and work shifts to GMT no matter what time zone they are in. The only time a space-faring person would care about the local time is when they have to deal with local business or meet someone.
Realistically I think vendors would also use UT. If GalBank is the universal banking system it would make sense for GalBank to use UT. Which means they would use UT billing cycles and hence vendors get credit per UT day. As for stock, let's say it takes 8 UT hours for a supply ship to get from New Atlantis to Akila. That's 8 UT hours regardless of how fast or slow either planet spins, which means the fastest a vendor could restock is 8 UT hours. And then there's the issue of daily wages. Imagine being a worker on Mercury paid $10/day versus a worker on Earth paid $10/day. You'd leave Mercury real quick.