[Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

Max Peck wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 8:06 am
Moliere wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 11:04 pm If someone is born and raised in a Vault wouldn't they have at least a little agoraphobia when stepping outside the first time and seeing the wide open spaces and sky?
The virtual outdoor farm where they grow their crops and held the celebration might serve as conditioning to prevent agoraphobia.
If nothing else, Lucy is clearly a player character, and no player character was struck down with agoraphobia upon stepping out of their Vault.
That's very in keeping with Vault-Tec's way of doing things. With only a few exceptions, every vault was actually an active experiment - every one had some 'twist' with the apparent intention of seeing how humanity dealt with certain situations. One might have an intentionally faulty water chip. One might have only a single food. Another might have one man and the rest all women. Another might have intentional radiation leakage. Vault 33's has to include (ep 1 spoilers)
the 'twin vaults', but the farming aspect stands out as unique as well. The 'open space' effect, the farm, that seems intentional, and that suggests a Vault-Tec plan. Maybe 32 and 33 were actually meant to kickstart surface agriculture.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

hentzau wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:31 am My Fallout lore is only from FO4 and the minis game.
This, plus the P1S, really gives me the urge to dive more deeply in FOWW. I was going to start with Rangers of the Shadow Deep, but I'm considering changing my plans.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Smoove_B »

I'm i agreement with others; I watched 1.5 episodes last night and what I saw was quite good - especially all the little details. That's why I think there's a reason we haven't been told yet about the BoS and the NCR element that was presumably covered in New Vegas.

The only other thing I'd add is having Michael Rapaport as the first Knight we get to experience was hilarious. Maybe it's just typecasting, but he's so good at being an unlikable asshole. :)
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Max Peck »

Blackhawk wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 11:28 am That's very in keeping with Vault-Tec's way of doing things. With only a few exceptions, every vault was actually an active experiment - every one had some 'twist' with the apparent intention of seeing how humanity dealt with certain situations. One might have an intentionally faulty water chip. One might have only a single food. Another might have one man and the rest all women. Another might have intentional radiation leakage. Vault 33's has to include (ep 1 spoilers)
the 'twin vaults', but the farming aspect stands out as unique as well. The 'open space' effect, the farm, that seems intentional, and that suggests a Vault-Tec plan. Maybe 32 and 33 were actually meant to kickstart surface agriculture.
Triplets, at a minimum.
The overseer came from Vault 31 in a similar arrangement as the trade with Vault 32. Since Vault 33 has never (officially) opened the exterior entrance, that implies an inter-Vault connection to Vault 31 even if it isn't explicitly shown.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Smoove_B »

Max Peck wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:07 pm Triplets, at a minimum.
The overseer came from Vault 31 in a similar arrangement as the trade with Vault 32. Since Vault 33 has never (officially) opened the exterior entrance, that implies an inter-Vault connection to Vault 31 even if it isn't explicitly shown.
Yes that's what I thought as well
That there's at least 3 vaults that are physically connected through access tunnels and perhaps their "experiment" was to try and set up a stable, healthy (genetic) colony of people that would be prepared to leave the vault and re-colonize the surface post-war.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

Context: Episode 1.

FWIW, we've been to this area in the games. It's Boneyard from FO1. My only thought is that this takes place just 14 years after New Vegas (nine years after FO4,134 years after Fallout 1, and 194 years after the start of Fallout 76.) The NCR may control the region, but they aren't a big enough force to have pacified all of southern California, especially since they would still be recovering from the war with Caesar's Legion. There would still be strongholds, likely some protected regions and trade routes, but in between would likely be lawlessness.

Then again, the location of Vault 33 (I'm being vague to avoid spoiler tags) is only 20 miles from the NCR headquarters (Adytum, aka Highland Park.) Here's the thing though: Vault 33's location is not far from the Cathedral from Fallout 1, and the Cathedral went kablooey - nuclear kablooey - much more recently than the rest of the area.

I hacked together a quick FO1/real world comparison map. Ultra-mild spoilers as to where Vault 33 is located:
The green circles represent the FO 1 locations. The FO 1 map was different from the real world map (extensive bombing seems to have altered the coastline a bit), so locations here are approximate. Of the two circles in the LA area, the top is Angel's Boneyard (LA, within which is Adytum), and the lower one is the Cathedral. Vault 33 is in Santa Monica, likely under some of the beachfront hotels near the pier.

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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

Smoove_B wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:10 pm
Max Peck wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 12:07 pm Triplets, at a minimum.
The overseer came from Vault 31 in a similar arrangement as the trade with Vault 32. Since Vault 33 has never (officially) opened the exterior entrance, that implies an inter-Vault connection to Vault 31 even if it isn't explicitly shown.
Yes that's what I thought as well
That there's at least 3 vaults that are physically connected through access tunnels and perhaps their "experiment" was to try and set up a stable, healthy (genetic) colony of people that would be prepared to leave the vault and re-colonize the surface post-war.

More likely it was an experiment to see how the people would interact - perhaps each one was given a different advantage or edge. Whether separate communities would cooperate, integrate, or go to war with each other is exactly the kind of thing Vault-Tec would set up. They weren't all that worried about the future, and they weren't worried about long-term viability.

Not really a spoiler - more of a well-researched theory on the deeper Fallout backstory:
The Enclave (basically a true Deep State/Illuminati) had an ultimate goal: a generation ship with which to colonize another planet. The vaults were just experiments to see what worked and what didn't when people were isolated for multiple generations. Think about the Mars living experiments they do in the real world where five people are stuck in a habitat for a year or two. The Enclave didn't believe that the Earth would remain viable after the war, and so they came up with an alternate plan for humanity. They wanted to get it right, so they created their own vaults (not the same as the public vaults) to serve as a long-term experiment. There were, of course, a handful of control vaults (Vault 76 was one.) It's an experiment, after all.

There are very strong hints and suggestions throughout the games that Vault-Tec and the Enclave were the ones responsible for the war in the first place (and Vault-Tec's execs were probably part of the Enclave - it's basically the Illuminati.) They'd gone to all of the trouble to set up the experiments, they had everything in place, and war seemed inevitable. The evidence hints is that their experiments were basically stalled until the vaults were occupied, so they took steps to get the vaults occupied - they made the war happen on their own terms, with their own members and their families already safely secured.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by RunningMn9 »

Moliere wrote:The music is good, but I was disappointed that there was no Ron Perlman voiceover.
If someone is born and raised in a Vault wouldn't they have at least a little agoraphobia when stepping outside the first time and seeing the wide open spaces and sky?
If you were watching a documentary, yes. :)
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Smoove_B »

Ok, having just finished the second episode, it genuinely felt like I was watching an interpretation of an unreleased Fallout video game. Between some of the sets, the way a specific scene was shot and then the ending I'm feeling a cliche urge to fire up Fallout 4 and start playing again. :D
Filly looked straight out of Fallout 3, and the combat scene with the ghoul was clearly VATS inspired. However, the ending element where she's told to take his head was perfect.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Jaymann »

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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by hentzau »

Blackhawk wrote:
hentzau wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:31 am My Fallout lore is only from FO4 and the minis game.
This, plus the P1S, really gives me the urge to dive more deeply in FOWW. I was going to start with Rangers of the Shadow Deep, but I'm considering changing my plans.
I’m really tempted too, but my brain is so stuck with Pulp Alley that I’ve mostly been noodling how to use that instead of the F:WW rules set. FO factions would line up really well to PA leagues.

That said, I have TONS of terrain sets ready to go, as well as TONS of STLs from M3 Studios. Plus a box full of minis that need to be painted.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

hentzau wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:53 pm
Blackhawk wrote:
hentzau wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:31 am My Fallout lore is only from FO4 and the minis game.
This, plus the P1S, really gives me the urge to dive more deeply in FOWW. I was going to start with Rangers of the Shadow Deep, but I'm considering changing my plans.
I’m really tempted too, but my brain is so stuck with Pulp Alley that I’ve mostly been noodling how to use that instead of the F:WW rules set. FO factions would line up really well to PA leagues.

That said, I have TONS of terrain sets ready to go, as well as TONS of STLs from M3 Studios. Plus a box full of minis that need to be painted.
Fallout is really just gritty pulp at it's heart (and it was spun off of the GURPS rules to begin with - sort of.) The other day I was trying to figure out how well Pulp Alley would work for Borderlands, given that I have a ton of BL miniatures and terrain from the Arena of Badassery board game. I'm... neutral on PA for BL. I could make it work, but I couldn't make it balanced.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Daehawk »

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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

hentzau wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:53 pm
Blackhawk wrote:
hentzau wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:31 am My Fallout lore is only from FO4 and the minis game.
This, plus the P1S, really gives me the urge to dive more deeply in FOWW. I was going to start with Rangers of the Shadow Deep, but I'm considering changing my plans.
I’m really tempted too, but my brain is so stuck with Pulp Alley that I’ve mostly been noodling how to use that instead of the F:WW rules set. FO factions would line up really well to PA leagues.

That said, I have TONS of terrain sets ready to go, as well as TONS of STLs from M3 Studios. Plus a box full of minis that need to be painted.
I'm glad I just spent a bunch of money - Modiphius is having a Vault 33 sale right now (33% off some of their stuff.) I'm still too guilt-ridden to spend.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by hentzau »

Blackhawk wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:22 pm
hentzau wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:53 pm
Blackhawk wrote:
hentzau wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 10:31 am My Fallout lore is only from FO4 and the minis game.
This, plus the P1S, really gives me the urge to dive more deeply in FOWW. I was going to start with Rangers of the Shadow Deep, but I'm considering changing my plans.
I’m really tempted too, but my brain is so stuck with Pulp Alley that I’ve mostly been noodling how to use that instead of the F:WW rules set. FO factions would line up really well to PA leagues.

That said, I have TONS of terrain sets ready to go, as well as TONS of STLs from M3 Studios. Plus a box full of minis that need to be painted.
I'm glad I just spent a bunch of money - Modiphius is having a Vault 33 sale right now (33% off some of their stuff.) I'm still too guilt-ridden to spend.
I need to dig out my stock and see what I have. I pulled out one minis box that I thought had all of my F:WW minis in it but it was only about half...
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Smoove_B »

Blackhawk wrote: Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:22 pm I'm glad I just spent a bunch of money - Modiphius is having a Vault 33 sale right now (33% off some of their stuff.) I'm still too guilt-ridden to spend.
Sale goes on for a month (ends ~5/12), so take some time to evaluate your situation and process things. :wink:
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Grifman »

Wow, just finished and that was a wild ride, went places I never thought it would go. The plot was very inventive, and full of surprises, but the ending was pretty dark IMO, so it was kind of a downer. Not really a fan of
Basically undoing all that happened in the first 3 games, that sort of made me sad
But I have to give them props for daring to go there, though I disagree with that creative choice. Definitely a well done series, looking to next season.

I have to add that they pulled off mixing the humor and zaniness of Fallout with the seriousness and darkness too. That’s not easy to pull off, but they did this very well.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

Episode 3 had the most accurate representation of playing Fallout I've ever seen.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Kraken »

Watched the first episode and loved it. Wife fell asleep 15 minutes in, then woke up in time to be horrified by the violence. This is not the show for her. :D
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Holman »

Just started episode 3. This is so much fun!
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

I need a mod that adds ass jerky to the game.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Brian »

Kraken wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:40 am... then woke up in time to be horrified by the violence. This is not the show for her. :D
Yeah, Walton Coggins ghoul definitely has the "Bloody Mess" perk.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Lassr »

Kraken wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:40 am Watched the first episode and loved it. Wife fell asleep 15 minutes in, then woke up in time to be horrified by the violence. This is not the show for her. :D
As a Non-video gamer, my wife was on her phone most of episode 1. I was enthralled and loved it. Guess Ill be watching alone.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by hepcat »

Brian wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 6:55 pm
Kraken wrote: Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:40 am... then woke up in time to be horrified by the violence. This is not the show for her. :D
Yeah, Walton Coggins ghoul definitely has the "Bloody Mess" perk.
:lol: Yeah, I can almost see a slow down of the scene like the kill shots in the game.

Loving the show so far. I'm only two episodes in though. But it doesn't feel like a cheap money grab based on an established video game franchise, like most of these do.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Smoove_B »

hepcat wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:59 am Loving the show so far. I'm only two episodes in though. But it doesn't feel like a cheap money grab based on an established video game franchise, like most of these do.
All will be forgiven when a favorite actor makes an appearance. I don't want to spoil it for you (or anyone), but once again it's perfect casting.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Zarathud »

Same here, my wife and I watched the first two episodes. She loves Lucy, and the Doctor. Not the violence, but the writing is good enough she’s willing to keep watching with averted eyes during combat — the bloody mess perk is too much for her. It has her interest after reading REALLY good things about the show.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by hepcat »

Smoove_B wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 9:47 am
hepcat wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 8:59 am Loving the show so far. I'm only two episodes in though. But it doesn't feel like a cheap money grab based on an established video game franchise, like most of these do.
All will be forgiven when a favorite actor makes an appearance. I don't want to spoil it for you (or anyone), but once again it's perfect casting.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Smoove_B »


That would be epic. I can't guarantee he's not in it (I'm on Episode #6), but so far you'd be safe.

As soon as this actor made an appearance, I literally did

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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

And I think we all know who you're talking about. Well, all of us who survived to that episode.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Smoove_B »

Just to minimize all confusion
Are you sure you want to ruin the moment?
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Carpet_pissr »

Smoove_B wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:53 am Just to minimize all confusion
Are you sure you want to ruin the moment?
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Max Peck »

It might just be me, but when Maximus is wearing the armor, he sounds a lot like Robotman in Doom Patrol.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Max Peck »

I finished the 3rd episode today. My favorite callback was:
The water chip being destroyed. :lol:
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Holman »

Smoove_B wrote: Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:53 am Just to minimize all confusion
Are you sure you want to ruin the moment?
Unfortunately, that actor's presence is spoiled in the "upcoming on Fallout" post-credit snippets at the end of Ep 1.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Blackhawk »

Yes. Also...
I loved him in the part, but I've seen so much of him lately that I could only see him - not the character he was playing.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by coopasonic »

Just finished it. I'll admit I was happy but not thrilled up through episode 6. The last two episodes cemented it for me. As far as a show taking advantage of a world established in video games, this might be my favorite. Sorry Last of Us. I guess part of that might be that Fallout has been part of my life for so much longer than The Last of Us. I'm not sure the show is going to work well for many people that never played the games, which I think The Last of Us could, but as a big fan of both, Fallout was awesome-er.
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Dramatist »

I just watched episode one with my wife last night. I loved it and she enjoyed it it couldn’t fanboy out like I was doing.

We want to watch it together so we will probably work through the episodes slowly because we are both super busy right now.

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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Holman »

One point of confusion: why is the small barter-town where Lucy meets the Ghoul called "Filly"? It seems like this will cause some viewer confusion with Philadelphia (especially for people without captions enabled), even though the place is clearly in California like everything else.

Is there a game-canon explanation for this?
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Jaymann »

It's a one horse town?
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Re: [Amazon Video] Fallout - now coming 4/10/24 (new date - early birthday?))

Post by Holman »

Jaymann wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2024 4:36 pm It's a one horse town?
Or a two-headed brahmin town?
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