Smoove_B wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:03 pm
That's also interesting about the camo. There really aren't too many painted examples I could find online for V-Sabotage to I ended up using the game art (which is my least favorite option as I'm really not good with eyeballing colors). But yes, the two guys to the right are British and French. The guy on the left is American and his game art jacket looked like a really pale washed out green. I put a "plague flesh" wash over his brown jacket but it didn't quite green-up like I'd hoped. I will probably brush prime it back and then use the pale green first *then* hit it with a brown wash. Here's the art for the Medic and the Officer. I really don't have any familiarly with uniforms for anyone other than the Americans (cliche, I'm sure). Even learning the German uniform color schemes was something new.
The Brit does seem to have a denison smock (the same kind I posted above.) I'll be honest, though - I have never researched French uniforms, and I'm not finding much that matches that one anywhere. I'm sure it existed, it's just not well known.
For the American, I looked up his card on BGG. Brown boots, olive drab* pants, tan gaiters, green bag... I'd go out on a limb and suggest that his jacket is khaki (well, US Field Drab, but that would look too dark at that scale.)
*Contrary to popular belief, the WWII color called 'olive drab' was closer to brown than green. See
this page, which kindly also sets the background to the chosen color. I'd think (sticking to GW) either Snakebite Leather with some Dark Angels Green, or Wyldwood with some Creed Camo.
Yes, I thought I should get a little journal to keep with my painting supplies to write things down. I'm terrible at documenting things like that. This isn't a difficult formula (2:1 Gray:Green), but I should note exactly what colors I used. I picked up tiny 3ml disposable droppers, but they ended up leaving quite a bit of the paint on the inside which I wasn't thrilled about.
Since I use an old computer at my painting desk, I just type the recipes in OneNote.
For the droppers, I really need to find some of the little glass rod droppers that scientists use for adding a single drop here and there. I used to have a couple, sort of like glass stirring rods, but with a small tapered bulb at the end. I should figure out what they're called.
What doesn't kill me makes me stranger.