Some.Carpet_pissr wrote: Sat May 04, 2024 9:52 am BH as you know I’m trying to play through FO3 and FNV combined using Tale of Two Wastelands (if I can get it to work).
How much of your above post wrt builds and such, would apply to the previous games?
Anything referring to building/settlements/etc is meaningless in FO3/NV, as are references to specific named perks. The weapon types are probably a little different (I'd honestly have to check and compare.) Some of the specifics are different. Stats can't be increased the same way (you can't just put level-up points into them.) The basic decisions are similar, though.
Unlike some games (say, Borderlands or Diablo), Fallout doesn't really require a planned build for success, but it still benefits from a degree of planning. Mostly because if you want certain perks, you'll need to plan on them from the beginning. Also, for TTW, be aware that you're mixing the perks and abilities from two games together, so build calculators/guides for either of the games aren't really useful. It's pencil-and-paper, just like them olden days (or something like OneNote.)
Keep in mind that many of the perks are different from the vanilla versions, so check the documentation.
I'd personally read through the documentation from the game and make a few notes. Decide on where you're going to 'live', look at the perks and decide which ones you may want (which will influence how you allocate your SPECIAL points), etc. Again, you're free to wing it, but the chances are good that there will be things you decide you really want to be able to do that you'll find you can't because some stat or another is too low. You should also look through the Nexus pages for the associated mods. You don't need to worry about utilities and graphics tweaks, but you should probably read through things like interface mods, Stewie's tweaks, quest mods, crafting mods, and so on so that you know how things work. Again, notes are your friend.
Here's a shot of my TTW OneNote section: