I'm proud of this tiny little design for an Upcycler.
I put my failed experiments in the center iron chest, and the upper right chest ends up getting as many Rare quality items out of it as the system can.
It's fun to watch it consume things and turn them into a (greatly fractioned) nice product.
I'm on the verge of sending off my first spaceship to a planet of my choosing. My Nauvis base is ready for all comers while I'm gone (hopefully!). I'm thinking Fulgora for my next planet as I'd like to get into upcycling. I've done enough quality upgrades without the opportunity for recycling the failed parts that this next challenge appeals to me. I'm not sure if I want to tackle things on easy mode (with bots) or challenge myself to a belt base on Fulgora, but we'll see what it has on offer for me and go from there.
"Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet." — Elontra
Unagi wrote: Sun Dec 08, 2024 8:18 pm
Gleba is tricky.
Yeah it is! I'd say it was roughly as difficult as the other two planets put together.
Also, I got the best achievement in the game: "Eat a legendary fish". Only .1% of players have it! After finishing the game I went past the end to get promethium science, travel towards the shattered planet, etc. I think the difficulty level of the game has definitely been increased with the expansion, which is great if you are really in to the game but certainly for people just starting Factorio I'd recommend just getting the base game and not the expansion for now.
Next step for me now is starting over and applying all the things I learned my first time playing to create a 'better' base. And the cycle continues ...
The Meal wrote: Sat Dec 07, 2024 12:42 pm
I'm on the verge of sending off my first spaceship to a planet of my choosing. My Nauvis base is ready for all comers while I'm gone (hopefully!). I'm thinking Fulgora for my next planet as I'd like to get into upcycling. I've done enough quality upgrades without the opportunity for recycling the failed parts that this next challenge appeals to me. I'm not sure if I want to tackle things on easy mode (with bots) or challenge myself to a belt base on Fulgora, but we'll see what it has on offer for me and go from there.
The only heads-up I'll give is that you will need Metallurigcal Science (Vulcanus) to research Rail Support Foundations, which will come in handy sooner than later on Fulgora. But not at all required.
I've gotten a little progress on Gleba - but it keeps stalling and needing my attention and and and....
I'm upset because I'm starting to just not want to figure it out - but I don't want to give up either. bleh.
I was never able to fully automate Gleba. I had to keep running back there every so often to deal with stuff. I think it may be possible -- in fact now that I've started over I've got some ideas on how to do that, but we'll see. But it is the most difficult planet I think.
Aquilo was roughly the same difficulty as Gleba, but it was mainly because I didn't know something fundamental about the ice. Well, two somethings really. Now that I know them I anticipate it will be easier than Gleba for my second game. I'm going to put off Gleba until last because of the difficulty level when I play through again, same as I did the first time.
The key for me to figuring out Gleba was to look at how long items took to decompose. Some of them decompose really quickly, and some of them take forever. That is sort of a hint about how to handle each item.
The Meal wrote: Sat Dec 07, 2024 12:42 pm
I'm on the verge of sending off my first spaceship to a planet of my choosing. My Nauvis base is ready for all comers while I'm gone (hopefully!). I'm thinking Fulgora for my next planet as I'd like to get into upcycling. I've done enough quality upgrades without the opportunity for recycling the failed parts that this next challenge appeals to me. I'm not sure if I want to tackle things on easy mode (with bots) or challenge myself to a belt base on Fulgora, but we'll see what it has on offer for me and go from there.
The only heads-up I'll give is that you will need Metallurigcal Science (Vulcanus) to research Rail Support Foundations, which will come in handy sooner than later on Fulgora. But not at all required.
Not a lot of play time for me with family in for the holidays, but this morning I found a little scrap island (105M) within roboport range of a nice big development island. And it appears there’s room on the little island to place accumulators enough to run the roboports and miners to bot the scrap over to where I can play with it.
Should be fun!
"Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet." — Elontra
The Meal wrote: Sat Dec 07, 2024 12:42 pm
I'm on the verge of sending off my first spaceship to a planet of my choosing. My Nauvis base is ready for all comers while I'm gone (hopefully!). I'm thinking Fulgora for my next planet as I'd like to get into upcycling. I've done enough quality upgrades without the opportunity for recycling the failed parts that this next challenge appeals to me. I'm not sure if I want to tackle things on easy mode (with bots) or challenge myself to a belt base on Fulgora, but we'll see what it has on offer for me and go from there.
The only heads-up I'll give is that you will need Metallurigcal Science (Vulcanus) to research Rail Support Foundations, which will come in handy sooner than later on Fulgora. But not at all required.
Not a lot of play time for me with family in for the holidays, but this morning I found a little scrap island (105M) within roboport range of a nice big development island. And it appears there’s room on the little island to place accumulators enough to run the roboports and miners to bot the scrap over to where I can play with it.
Should be fun!
Not sure about your specifics - but you will shortly find out that your robots may have the range - but if they fly over oilfields at night, they will be hit by lightning.
I've got my setup to sort the byproducts of the scrap, but haven't started doing anything with it on this main island. I do have plenty going after getting my starter base humming on my initial drop-zone (hand crafting) island, including plenty of EM plants, level 3 assembly machines and chemical plants. I've also played enough with quality to have a working set of rare (3-dot) quality modules to move about as required (and a stack of uncommon, 2-dot, quality modules to put in whatever I may want to set up permanently). On my main island, I've used quality on substations and accumulators, along with logi bots moving scrap over from the adjacent scrap island.
"Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet." — Elontra
I'm not convinced that I've got proper recycling set up on Fulgora to avoid locking up my system (but that's future The Meal's problem), but I do have EM Science Packs getting made and I've got a fully automated transport ship taking the science back to my labs on Nauvis. Mech Armor (of course) is my first research topic with the new science packs. Progress!
"Better to talk to people than communicate via tweet." — Elontra