Punisher wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 7:47 pm
Holman wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 6:16 pm
Hyena wrote: Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:53 pm
However, there *ARE* some interpretations of the 2nd amendment that allow for
“whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”
I think this interpretation is a myth. The Amendment itself only speaks of a "well-regulated militia," and rebellion is by definition unregulated. Even George Washington put down an armed rebellion in Virginia during his second term.
There's no conceivable world in which the government would accept the demands of an armed rebellion because "Well, the 2ndA gives them the right."
The only *practical* effect of the 2ndA in history has been to allow some Americans to restrict the rights of other, less privileged Americans. It has never once been used to prevent or correct government behavior.
I've always felt that this was one of the purposes for the 2A
IIRC, I've seen and read a few documentaries that explained it.
They said this makes sense because right before the American Revolution, the British made it a point to confiscate weapons in order to prevent a Revolution and the founders wanted to make sure that if the American experiment started failing, then the people had a final option to take back the country.
I think this makes sense in this case.
I do think that one problem in the now times would be that the blue side is less likely to have and/or use weapons to take back the country. I could easily see the red side doing so but not so much the blue states. Especially in the states that make it difficult to purchase firearms.
Additional I don't think we are near that point in any case.
Yes, there are horrible things going on and more to come but I don't think we are near the point where an armed Revolution is needed. As bad as it is, we need to suck it up and at minimum wait until everything gets sorted out legally before we would even begin to think of that.
A full blown armed Revolution would be MUCH more worse that Jan 6th.
Apologies in advance for coming off as a pedantic a-hole here, if I do. I have a degree in this stuff with a specific concentration in the colonial/revolutionary era. More importantly, I've seen
Hamilton twice.
All kidding aside, generally speaking, I'm comfortable saying that the
intent of the second Amendment was probably NOT to provide a "final option" in the event of tyranny, even if that's a real-world result. I say this because one of the stated reasons for a "well-regulated" militia was, (and I have to point out here that in the language of the times this means "prepared" or "well-trained," not "subject to strict laws"), in Madison's words at the Constitutional Convention, “A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty." Note that Madison was making this argument in favor of a citizen militia
instead of a standing army, not as a counterweight to a standing army. He eventually lost that point, and a (weak) army was established, but the citizen militia idea preceded that and was still seen as a/the critical piece of national defense.
More directly, we know that rebellions (Whiskey, Shays, etc..) and secessions have been dealt with harshly, and that Texas v White (Fuck Texas, BTW) established that secession/rebellion isn't legal.
Finally, though no one asked, it's germaine to the stupid "constitutional carry" pro-2A arguments to note that the colonial era was rife with local gun-control laws, so it's utterly nonsensical to suggest that leaders in late 1700s were writing a Constitution that was meant to ensure an individual citizen's right to carry any weapon anywhere at any time.