Daehawk wrote: Thu Feb 20, 2025 9:25 pm
Seeing the Stafford guy Im left wondering what it would be like to go back in time and live that age for say a week or so. Minus the diseases of course or deadly cuts. Could we fit in or survive? And just how far back in time would we modern folk still fit in and look the same race or species even?
Fitting in would be the problem.
In England ca 500 AD, no one yet speaks even Old English, let alone our version. I guess you could prep by spending a few years studying Old Saxon, but I believe our knowledge of it is only partial, and you'd have a weird and possibly unintelligible accent. I suppose you could also get really good at spoken Latin and try to pass yourself off as knowing no other language.
Most of us would also stand out for being taller than almost everyone else (due to childhood nutrition) while being less fit (due to sedentary lifestyles). As for me, I would be very nearly blind unless I brought my glasses with me and gave the game away.