Blackhawk wrote:We get it, you don't like America. You've made that clear over the years with your belittling, condescending tone.
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't mean to sound as if I don't like America, because it's not true. There are many things I admire about America - your music, your movies, your immigrant multiculturalism, the down-to-earth, direct way you communicate, the pride you take in your democracy, your disdain for oppressive government and refusing to let anyone tell you what to do or how to live your life. But I suppose I can sound harsh at times. These last few years of looming Trumpism and, especially, these past few months since the election has had me less tolerant than usual, especially when I see people express the kind of American exceptionalism, the belief that your empire is somehow special and meant to last, that led you to this place.
Of course, I don't know what it is specifically that I've written that you feel is belittling and condescending, but for what it's worth, if I offended you then I do apologize.
Everything that I've read (from reliable news sources) has indicated that many European nations relied on the 'nuclear deterrence' provided by America to get by with smaller militaries and less infrastructure. That doesn't mean that we're 'better', just that our partnership allowed them to focus their efforts elsewhere. And yes, the EU can and will step into the void. They should be doing everything they can to cut dependence on us. But doing so is going to take time. Time to organize, build, recruit, and train. Putin knows that. His best shot, short of us pulling even more of the rug out, is to double down on their efforts before the EU has time to fill the void.
But how would Russia go about doing it, is my point. They're already stretched thin and both sides are dug in. They produce about 350 armored vehicles per year and they're running out of Sovet era tanks. They use donkeys and golf carts in their supply lines. They had real trouble the last time they tried a draft (september 2022? if I recall) and while I don't know how many North Koreans Kim Jong-Un is willing to sell to Putin's meat grinder I don't see how they could realistically pull it off. Unless everyone (America + EU) leaves, that is. Which is not going to happen, because Europeans see the Ukraine war as their war. Stop Putin in his tracks now or let him rebuild and come back later.