's finally over. I wish I could just publish my PMs...bit from home, for the weekend with dialup, it's just NOT going to happen.
I will give a brief synopsis (even if this is long, trust me, it's the short version)
Msteelers: you were a random pick by Lassr. No reason was given...but it was a damn lucky pick that eventually sealed our doom - when gbasden revealed the passing of the mantle, and it was confirmed by McNutt, we were officially screwed. There was no recovering from that. It proved that either gbasden WAS the confused, or had spoke to the real confused.
I played my civvy game as if I was a real team member. I voted without conscious thought of the terrorist game behind it. ArmyOfOne was just a random pick out of the crowd, as all day 1 picks are. When he and Harkonis fingered me, our suspicions were raised about one of them being the confused, but killing one of them overnight would have looked like revenge. Of course, I knew Zekester was innocent...and I wanted to defend him for as long as possible to keep from being too closely associated with Lassr's votes (who had the unfortunate honor of nominating the first execution).
That night, we killed Mr. Bubbles. Setaside was our first choice until Silky & Setaside started going at each other, so they were left alone. Harkonis & AOO would have been a suspicious kill. Mr. Bubbles had accused Smutly in Rd, 1, and our plan was to attempt to frame Smutly and have him executed that day. Our plan took a detour when Silky came out of the gates voting for Harkonis. This gave us a great opportunity to take out both players we thought might be the confused. Harkonis died before either one got a chance to post that day, or our voting might have gone differently. The highlight of that day was in our PMs, I was going over potential candidates when I told Lassr that with friends like Silky, who needs us? His prophetic reply was, “Yep, we should keep him around for a while. He seems to be on track to uncovering the whole plot.

The sad part is that Lassr suggested offing gbasden who had been awfully quiet, just to stir the pot. Unfortunately, we went with AoO in the end.
Day 3 was the clincher. I have almost a whole page of PMs from just this game, and more than half of them are from day 3. I think I was doing a pretty good job slinging my BS until gbasden showed up with his nuke. As I stated before, McNutt’s confirmation of the mantle blew my credibility out of the water. I originally claimed to be the confused with the intention of coming back to widely expressed doubts and saying, “Of course I’m lying. So are these other two nitwits!” Had I done so before McNutt’s confession, I might have stood a chance, but I still think it was just too much damage. Everyone knew that gbasden was the confused, and everyone would have voted for me eventually. In hindsight, Lassr should have switched his vote when McNutt verified gbasden’s story. Cutting off Silky’s rants about us being tied together might have pushed day 4 up to a time when Smutly would have been around and before he had too much time to think about it.
Setaside was chosen for the bomb because gbasden was a definite target, and set was another possibility for being the confused. It was doubtful in the extreme that Smutly or Silky was the confused. Also, Silky was the best opponent for Lassr to go up against in the final round.
Good game to everyone. It was a lot of fun and horrible at the same time. Some of the worst lines in the video I wrote were taken from real suicide bomber’s videos. Reading those transcripts was disturbing. Retyping them was worse. But the role-player in me demanded it.