Cost was about $700 not including all the card sleeves and tackle boxes. I'm not new to the hobby. I've sold several hundred pen and paper RPGs and board wargames on eBay over the years. I get these binges where I buy every game in sight that looks interesting. If I never play them (which is usually what happens due to lack of opponents) then I end up selling them.Jow wrote:
Runebound and all expansions
Arkham Horror and all expansions
Doom and expansion
World of Warcraft and expansion
Warcraft and expansion
Marvel Heroes
War of the Ring and expansion
Twilight Imperium
Catan Card Game
Dungeon Twister
Puerto Rico
Axis and Allies Revised
Duel of Ages
Age of Mythology
Conquest of the Empire
Nexus Ops
Betrayal at House on the Hill
Holy shit, that's 20 games, not including their individual expansions. In one fell swoop I think you just ordered more games than I own. How'd you pull that off (and if you don't mind me asking, how much did that run ya approximately)? Are you new to the hobby?
I do the same thing with computer games.