Lars Lynching Liasons 4: Game has ended

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Lars Lynching Liasons 4: Game has ended

Post by Lars »

Game changes:

Added rule stating that someone cannot vote for themselves for a lynching.

Modified powers of Werewolves
Modified powers of Werewolf Hunter
Modified powers of Priest
Modified powers of Seer
Added role Beserker Wolf
Added role Mentalist
Added role Cursed
See below for details


The game involves 20 villagers.

3 of the villagers are Werewolves
1 of the villagers is an Beserker Werewolf
1 of the villagers is a Sorcerer

1 of the villagers is a Seer
1 of the villagers is a Werewolf Hunter
2 of the villagers are Masons
1 of the villagers is a Priest
1 of the villagers is a Medium
1 of the villagers is a Mentalist
1 of the villagers could be Cursed
8 of the remaining villagers will be Innocents

Roles will be assigned at random. However, there is only a 50% chance that someone in the game will be Cursed.


Werewolves (includes Beserker Werewolf)
During the night cycle, the 4 werewolves will conspire to kill a villager. They cannot kill one of their own, it must be someone who is not a werewolf. Upon the killing of the villager, the werewolves will know the role of the person they killed, as they will search the dead person's home for clues.

Beserker Werewolf
The Beserker Werewolf is like the other Werewolves in every respect, except if the Beserker Werewolf is ever lynched by the village, the Beserker Werewolf can choose one player to kill before being lynched.

The Sorcerer is on the Werewolf team (wins if the Werewolf team wins but is not a Werewolf). During the night, the Sorcerer can ask 1 question about any other player, DEAD OR ALIVE. The question that the Sorcerer asks the moderator must be a specific yes or no question about the role of the player in the game. (Examples include: "Is <player> a mason?" "Is <player> a werewolf? "Is <player> an innocent villager?" Asking a question such as "Is <player> a Mason or Seer" will not be accepted.) The moderator will answer the Sorcerer either yes or no. The Sorcerer starts off by not knowing the identity of the Werewolves nor do the Werewolves know his identity. The Sorcerer does not count as a Werewolf for determining the endgame, meaning that the Sorcerer counts as a villager when determining if the Werewolves can take over the town.

Each night the Seer can ask about a player, and is told if that player is a Villager or a Werewolf. No other roles will be disclosed to the Seer about that person, with 2 exceptions:

1. If the Seer scans the Beserker Werewolf, he will be told that the player is, in fact, the Beserker Werewolf.
2. If the Seer scans someone who is Cursed, he will be told that the player is, in fact, Cursed.

Werewolf Hunter
At night, the Werewolf Hunter can choose to secretly protect one other player. The Werewolf Hunter can also choose to not protect someone during the night cycle. The Werewolf Hunter cannot choose himself to protect, or the previously protected player from the previous night, if any.

If the Werewolf Hunter decides to protect one other player and the Werewolves choose to kill that same person that the Werewolf Hunter has chosen to protect that night, the player chosen will not be killed. It will be announced to the village that no one was killed that night. The Werewolf Hunter will be informed that he prevented that person’s death.

In addition, during the day cycle, the Werewolf Hunter can choose to shoot a currently living villager with a silver bullet. This power can only be used once during the game. The villager selected will be killed instantly, and it will be announced to the village if that player was a Werewolf or not. In addition, the moderator will announce to the village the identity of the Werewolf Hunter

Three of the villagers are Masons (members of the secret society). Since they are together at night, they know each other are not Werewolves. The Masons can secretly speak with each other at night, and are the only villagers allowed to speak with each other via personal message during the night period.

The Priest can, during the night cycle, discover the true role of one player who was previously killed. That includes giving the Priest the truth if the player was the Medium, the Seer, the Sorcerer, etc. This ability can be used once per night.

The Medium can, once a game, hold a séance. In order for a séance to occur, a majority of the village has to vote for it for a particular player, and the player being voted on has to be dead, obviously. In addition, the Medium must also vote for the séance to occur for that player. The moderator will announce to the village who the Medium is when the séance occurs. When holding a séance, the dead player can make one post in the thread, revealing what he knew up to the point in time of his death. The player is not forced to tell the truth, they can say whatever they wish, but the information has to be presented in the actual thread only, no PMs are allowed. Thus, it is very important for any dead person from this game to not look at any spoilers or get any other information about the game until the game ends.

The Mentalist can, once per night, establish a mental link with any other living villager. Once this link is established (via the Mentalist telling the moderator whom he wishes to speak with), the Mentalist and the person selected can exchange PMs for that night cycle. Once the night cycle is concluded, the PMs must stop immediately. In addition, if the werewolves happen to attack either the Mentalist or his subject during that night cycle, the moderator will PM the 2 participants to inform them that the link was broken, which means that all PMs between the 2 would have to stop immediately. Due to the great mental strain on the subject, the Mentalist cannot contact the same person 2 nights in a row.

A cursed player will become a Werewolf if he is attacked by the Werewolves during the night cycle. The cursed player can be any player that is not assigned to be a Werewolf. The cursed player will not know if he is cursed until he is attacked by the Werewolves and turned into a Werewolf. A cursed player can also have another role in the game: for example, the Seer may be cursed. If a cursed player is attacked during the night, it will be announced that no player was killed during the night cycle.


The game begins at night, while the village sleeps. Each night, the 4 Werewolves conspire to murder an Innocent. Each night, the Seer, if still alive, receives a vision (by asking me "Is X a Werewolf?"). The Sorcerer will receive a vision (by asking me "Is X the <seer, werewolf, priest, innocent, etc>?") The Werewolf Hunter will tell me who he wishes to protect, if anyone (by telling me "I will protect X" or "I will not do anything this night"). The Priest will ask me for the true identity of a deceased person (by asking me "I wish to know the true identity of X"). The Mentalist will tell me who he wishes to speak with, if anyone (by telling me "I will speak with X"). I will have to hear back from each of these people before I can advance the game cycle.

Each dawn, the village will awaken to discover the mauled corpse of the prior night's victim, or I will announce that no one died during the evening. All living villagers will then have a chance to select one of their number to lynch by participating in the discussion in this thread. You may vote for anyone still living, however, you cannot vote for yourself. Remember, NO PERSONAL MESSAGING IS ALLOWED. They can also call for a séance, if they wish.

To vote for a lynching, place the name of the accused in boldface. Nothing else is a vote. To vote for a séance, boldface the phrase "Séance for X".

Lynching goes by majority rule. Changing votes is possible only until a majority is reached. (If you're in the plurality and you want to change your vote, change it before that decisive vote is cast!) Once a majority is reached, the accused will be hanged by the neck until dead! Voting is not required, but night will not fall until the village hangs someone. The same rules apply for a séance vote. When the villager is hanged, I will reveal if he was a Werewolf or not.

I will announce the latest news at dawn and dusk (gametime) to mark the cycle.


I will provide no clues in the thread, and none outside the thread other than the questions I'm asked by the people with the appropriate roles.

Nobody dead may say anything to anyone at any time, unless you are "resurrected" in a séance. I will tell you personally if that happens to you. (See rules about the Medium for clarification)

Anyone may PM me for clarification of the rules.


The Villagers win if they kill all the Werewolves, and there is at least one non-Werewolf left alive. The Sorcerer is counted as a non-Werewolf, even though he is on the "winning" side if the Werewolves win.

The Werewolf team wins if the number of non-Werewolves equals the number of Werewolves at any time during the game cycle.

Listed below are the players that I would like to participate. As I hear a yes or a no from them, I will adjust the available spots. The free spots will be first come, first serve. If your name isn't listed, please don't be offended: I'm just half delirous from lack of sleep.

1. Grundbegriff
2. Nameless
3. Remus West
4. Bakhtosh
5. SirReal
6. Chaosraven
7. LordMortis
8. pr0ner
9. tru1cy
10. Kraegor
11. Kelric
12. Mr Bubbles
13. Austin
14. setaside
15. Ralph-Wiggum
16. Chris Grenard
17. Cesare
18. Zurai
19. Lassr
20. PR_GMR

The game will start once it gets filled up. If it looks like I missed something in the rules, please let me know.
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Post by Remus West »

Consider me a yes! Hopefully I do better than your last game and maybe folks will shut up about it. :cry: :lol:
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Re: Lars Lynching Liasons 4: Rules and signups

Post by Grundbegriff »

Lars wrote: ...
2. If the Seer scans someone who is Cursed, he will be told that the player is, in fact, Cursed.
A cursed player can also have another role in the game: for example, the Seer may be cursed.
Since the Seer is capable of detecting curses, it would make sense for a cursed Seer to know from the outset that he is cursed. Does he?
Grundbegriff (unconfirmed)
OK. :)

Looks as if you're aiming to reassemble the previous cast.
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Post by Mr Bubbles »

Consider me confirmed
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Post by Zurai »

I'll be willing to fill in a free spot.
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Post by Kraegor »

I'll play! prolly die in first round too... :(
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Post by Mr Bubbles »

Kraegor wrote:I'll play! prolly die in first round too... :(
get a taste of my medicine!
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Post by Kraegor »


yer the one that volunteered to be seer, i just hid in the shadows and acted confused... :P

edit: oops after glancing thru the original thread it was Nameless who played anti-seer!
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Post by Lassr »

Bring it on.
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Post by Kraegor »

However, there is only a 50% chance that someone in the game will be Cursed.
:shock: well as long as the odds are low....

Is there a 1 cursee hard limit?
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Re: Lars Lynching Liasons 4: Rules and signups

Post by Lassr »

Grundbegriff wrote: ...

Looks as if you're aiming to reassemble the previous cast.
Looks like he's looking for active participants. Which should speed the game up with so many...or at least that's the theory. This should be a fun one.
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Post by PR_GMR »

Sounds very complex... All those roles. It's gonna be a massacre!

Sign me up!
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Post by Chaosraven »


I mean...

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Post by Nameless »

Sounds fun. Consider me confirmed.
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Post by Chaosraven »

Rules questions:

Will the Werewolf Hunter be revealed upon using the Silver Bullet Option?

The two possible outcomes of a night will be Dead Villager (role revealed to werewolves) or No Kill At Night which will mean either Cursed recruited (known to werewolves, cursed, and hunter who didn't choose that victim) or Victim protected (known to wolves and hunter)

In the event the Hunter protects the Cursed when chosen as a victim, will the Cursed remain human until chosen again by the wolves or will he become a wolf?
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Post by setaside »

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Post by Kelric »

I wanna play!
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Post by Orinoco »

Sorry - I haven't got the time at the moment. I'd love to play but wouldn't have time to contribute. :(

Tell you what - there'll be a town cat called Orinoco that will be watch everything with interest and a smug "I know but I'm not telling look" :twisted:
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Re: Lars Lynching Liasons 4: Rules and signups

Post by Lars »

Grundbegriff wrote:Since the Seer is capable of detecting curses, it would make sense for a cursed Seer to know from the outset that he is cursed. Does he?
You know how most people have problems seeing their own flaws? Well, so does the Seer, so if he happens to be cursed, he will not know it.
Grundbegriff wrote:Looks as if you're aiming to reassemble the previous cast.
As Lassr says, I'm looking for active participants, and each of the people I have asked to join are unlikely to "flake out" during the game (unless ezmate has another vacation he's going on.) :wink: I haven't notice Leigh around for a while, does anyone know if she's even still reading the boards?
Kraegor wrote:
However, there is only a 50% chance that someone in the game will be Cursed.
:shock: well as long as the odds are low....

Is there a 1 cursee hard limit?
Yes, only 1 person will be cursed. Before the game starts, I'll flip a coin. Heads, someone is cursed, tails, no one is cursed.
Chaosraven wrote:Rules questions:

Will the Werewolf Hunter be revealed upon using the Silver Bullet Option?
Yes, he will. I failed to include that in the rules, so I'll have to fix that.
Chaosraven wrote:The two possible outcomes of a night will be Dead Villager (role revealed to werewolves) or No Kill At Night which will mean either Cursed recruited (known to werewolves, cursed, and hunter who didn't choose that victim) or Victim protected (known to wolves and hunter)
That is correct.
Chaosraven wrote:In the event the Hunter protects the Cursed when chosen as a victim, will the Cursed remain human until chosen again by the wolves or will he become a wolf?
In this case, the Werewolf Hunter will have protect the Cursed against the attack, so the Cursed would not turn into a Werewolf at that time. Only a successful Werewolf attack will "turn" the Cursed.
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Post by pr0ner »

I'd like to be in if a spot opens up.

FYI: Leigh doesn't post on the boards anymore.
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Post by triggercut »

I think I'm in. I hope I have enough time to get someone killed before me!

(I noticed last time that most in-game posting and pm activity seems to happen during the afternoons/late mornings while folks are at work and stuff; that used to be my prime time, too, but since November I've been working a lot fewer late nights and a lot more normal hours, and can't post from work too often.)
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Post by Lars »

pr0ner wrote:I'd like to be in if a spot opens up.

FYI: Leigh doesn't post on the boards anymore.
Really? I must have missed that. What happened?
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Post by Cesare »

I'll take a spot if someone else bows out.
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Post by SirReal »

I'm in if a place opens up.
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Post by LordMortis »

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Post by Remus West »

Lars wrote:
pr0ner wrote:I'd like to be in if a spot opens up.

FYI: Leigh doesn't post on the boards anymore.
Really? I must have missed that. What happened?
My understanding from a comment (I think by Meal) in another thread is that it was a personal decision and not a result of something happening here. That or some dude named Lars hurt her feelings.
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Post by setaside »

pr0ner wrote: FYI: Leigh doesn't post on the boards anymore.
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Post by Ralph-Wiggum »

Sure, I'll play.
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Post by PR_GMR »

Oh, cool.. I nabbed the very last spot.
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Post by Lars »

Remus West wrote:
Lars wrote:
pr0ner wrote:I'd like to be in if a spot opens up.

FYI: Leigh doesn't post on the boards anymore.
Really? I must have missed that. What happened?
My understanding from a comment (I think by Meal) in another thread is that it was a personal decision and not a result of something happening here. That or some dude named Lars hurt her feelings.
Watch it, dude, or I'll turn my rapier-like verbal skills against you, and drive you from the boards as well! :twisted: :lol:

I sent PMs to the other unconfirmed people yesterday afternoon, so I'm going to give them until Monday night/Tuesday morning to respond. If I don't hear back from them, I'll drop them and add in the alternates. Unless, of course, I don't have enough people, then I'll wait another couple days. :wink:
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Post by Remus West »

I have a question about the Beserk Wolf. The way the desciption reads to me he can only kill if a lynch vote passes versus him. Is this correct? Menaing if we need 8 votes to lynch and he has 7 against can he say "screw it I kill player X" or must he wait for the 8th vote? If he gets shot does this prevent him from using his ability? Since the Seer would know which wolf it was he had id'd that makes it important for when/if the seer comes forward. i.e. that player will kill him if he says "I am the seer and x and y are wolves with y being the beserker" The village could not lynch y without losing the seer.
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Post by Lars »

Remus West wrote:I have a question about the Beserk Wolf. The way the desciption reads to me he can only kill if a lynch vote passes versus him. Is this correct?
Remus West wrote:Menaing if we need 8 votes to lynch and he has 7 against can he say "screw it I kill player X" or must he wait for the 8th vote?
He must wait for the 8th vote.
Remus West wrote:If he gets shot does this prevent him from using his ability?
Remus West wrote:Since the Seer would know which wolf it was he had id'd that makes it important for when/if the seer comes forward. i.e. that player will kill him if he says "I am the seer and x and y are wolves with y being the beserker" The village could not lynch y without losing the seer.
Correct. Unless the Werewolf Hunter shoots him first. So, the Seer has a lot to think about when he decides to come forward.
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Post by triggercut »

So...wait. No PMs between players, ever?
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Post by Chaosraven »

Looks like Wolves, Masons, and the Mentalist Link only to me.
"Where are you off to?"
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The door shut again and Snufkin entered his forest, with a hundred miles of silence ahead of him.

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Post by tru1cy »

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Post by triggercut »

Chaosraven wrote:Looks like Wolves, Masons, and the Mentalist Link only to me.
Interest waning rapidly.
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Post by Remus West »

triggercut wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:Looks like Wolves, Masons, and the Mentalist Link only to me.
Interest waning rapidly.
If you have not done a no PM game I think you should give it a try. I was very sceptical of my first one but after having played it I really feel it add a lot to the game.
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Post by setaside »

triggercut wrote:
Chaosraven wrote:Looks like Wolves, Masons, and the Mentalist Link only to me.
Interest waning rapidly.
You haven't played a no PM game yet?

They are actually quite interesting since everything plays out in the open. People actually have to pick apart your verbiage to try to discern who you are and who you're playing for. Voting records are picked apart vote by vote, specials will reveal themselves in an attempt to earn trust and/or avoid the chopping block. It's a completely different style of game. I didn't think I'd like it the first time but they've grown on me.
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Post by triggercut »

I've looked at a lot of the no-PM games, and a lot of the action takes place during a time when I cannot be at a computer.

For those of us who cannot get away until odd hours of the day or night, PMs are our method of playing and staying active--we can talk our way into and out of tricky situations, as the game warrants.

I'm afraid someone can have my spot. Appreciate the invite.

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Post by Austin »

I'll try one of these if a spot opens up.
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