YellowKing wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:40 pm
Watching Fox News tell its supporters what to be OUTRAGED about next is like watching someone torment a cat with a laser pointer.
I can’t wait to hear the about-face when the movie ends with the hunted MAGAs finding and killing the librul hunters with high powered weaponry, as I fully assume it will.
It will be hailed as a “Triumph of the Deplorable Spirit”
From watching the trailer, it might be as bad for you guys as Top Gun Maverick with it's Murica! feel. I'd think your side would want to suppress (hehe) both?
hepcat wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 6:29 pm
I will say that Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace are pretty damn good at being fair journalists.
...that's all I got.
It's relative.
I've seen Chris Wallace transition from reporting on a white-supremacist shooter to an apparently random crime involving black bank robbers, just so Fox can focus on black mugshots longer than on the white mass murderer.
No doubt there are Fox news producers who made this decision, but Wallace is still a part of it.
hepcat wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 6:29 pm
I will say that Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace are pretty damn good at being fair journalists.
...that's all I got.
It's relative.
I've seen Chris Wallace transition from reporting on a white-supremacist shooter to an apparently random crime involving black bank robbers, just so Fox can focus on black mugshots longer than on the white mass murderer.
No doubt there are Fox news producers who made this decision, but Wallace is still a part of it.
I doubt Wallace was aware he was race baiting if it did happen the way you believe it did.
Trump hates Wallace and Smith. That’s usually a good sign they’re doing something right.
The News side of Fox News is pretty solid. They however have been edged out of the main rotation over time. At this point, Shep/Wallace et. al. on the sane side are on only a few hours of the day. If you are seeing the OUTRAGE!!! machine on the screen then there is a very, very good chance that it isn't the News division running the show.
hepcat wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:44 pm
As far as I can tell from trailers, they don't identify the hunted as conservatives and the hunters as liberals in any way, shape or form. Are they just forcing that context onto the film without justification, or am I missing a trailer or two that spells that out?
However, if I'm NOT missing some vital info, I would like to declare that Toy Story 4 is clearly torture porn about victimized liberals (the toys) being used and abused by conservatives (the children), and am now outraged.
The trailer I saw mentioned the hunters as elites and the prey were from places like AK and WY.
It looked like a revenge fantasy for the common folk to me, so not sure why they are getting outraged.
Wikipedia also mentions that a trailer refers to them as deplorables.
The trailer isn’t explicit but the theme of elite liberals hunting stupid conservatives is there - it’s not something made up. Given the situation in the country right now, I think this is a terrible idea, and so did a lot of studios that intelligently passed on the project. I like good satire but this is as bad as a satire with conservatives hunting Hispanics - I would not approve of either.
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. – G.K. Chesterton
hepcat wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:44 pm
As far as I can tell from trailers, they don't identify the hunted as conservatives and the hunters as liberals in any way, shape or form. Are they just forcing that context onto the film without justification, or am I missing a trailer or two that spells that out?
However, if I'm NOT missing some vital info, I would like to declare that Toy Story 4 is clearly torture porn about victimized liberals (the toys) being used and abused by conservatives (the children), and am now outraged.
The trailer I saw mentioned the hunters as elites and the prey were from places like AK and WY.
It looked like a revenge fantasy for the common folk to me, so not sure why they are getting outraged.
Wikipedia also mentions that a trailer refers to them as deplorables.
The trailer isn’t explicit but the theme of elite liberals hunting stupid conservatives is there - it’s not something made up. Given the situation in the country right now, I think this is a terrible idea, and so did a lot of studios that intelligently passed on the project. I like good satire but this is as bad as a satire with conservatives hunting Hispanics - I would not approve of either.
I'm not sure why you quoted me, I didn't say any of the things you're refuting, and you actually echoed what I said.
I don't even know if I'd consider it satire. It looks like a basic victims turn the tables tale.
hepcat wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:44 pm
As far as I can tell from trailers, they don't identify the hunted as conservatives and the hunters as liberals in any way, shape or form. Are they just forcing that context onto the film without justification, or am I missing a trailer or two that spells that out?
However, if I'm NOT missing some vital info, I would like to declare that Toy Story 4 is clearly torture porn about victimized liberals (the toys) being used and abused by conservatives (the children), and am now outraged.
The trailer I saw mentioned the hunters as elites and the prey were from places like AK and WY.
It looked like a revenge fantasy for the common folk to me, so not sure why they are getting outraged.
Wikipedia also mentions that a trailer refers to them as deplorables.
The trailer isn’t explicit but the theme of elite liberals hunting stupid conservatives is there - it’s not something made up. Given the situation in the country right now, I think this is a terrible idea, and so did a lot of studios that intelligently passed on the project. I like good satire but this is as bad as a satire with conservatives hunting Hispanics - I would not approve of either.
I'm not sure why you quoted me, I didn't say any of the things you're refuting, and you actually echoed what I said.
I don't even know if I'd consider it satire. It looks like a basic victims turn the tables tale.
Take a deep breath, I wasn’t trying to refute you I was trying to complement what you had said with additional information. That said, it is a satire as that is how the director has described it.
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. – G.K. Chesterton
A man who sparked panic by walking into a Walmart with a rifle and body armour told police he was testing his right to bear arms in public.
Dmitriy Andreychenko entered the shop heavily armed, days after a mass shooting at another of Walmart's stores.
"I wanted to know if that Walmart honoured the second amendment," the 20-year-old told police after his arrest.
Prosecutors have charged him with making a terrorist threat.
If found guilty, the charge could result in a four-year prison sentence and a fine of $10,000 (£8,300), Greene County prosecutor Dan Patterson said in a statement.
On 8 August, Mr Andreychenko entered the store "armed with an AR style rifle slung across his chest", police said, wearing a ballistic vest and recording himself. Both the rifle and a handgun he carried were loaded.
He told police he did not expect the reaction his walk generated.
"This is Missouri, I understand if we were somewhere else like New York or California, people would freak out," he said, according to police filings.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
hepcat wrote: Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:44 pm
As far as I can tell from trailers, they don't identify the hunted as conservatives and the hunters as liberals in any way, shape or form. Are they just forcing that context onto the film without justification, or am I missing a trailer or two that spells that out?
However, if I'm NOT missing some vital info, I would like to declare that Toy Story 4 is clearly torture porn about victimized liberals (the toys) being used and abused by conservatives (the children), and am now outraged.
The trailer I saw mentioned the hunters as elites and the prey were from places like AK and WY.
It looked like a revenge fantasy for the common folk to me, so not sure why they are getting outraged.
Wikipedia also mentions that a trailer refers to them as deplorables.
The trailer isn’t explicit but the theme of elite liberals hunting stupid conservatives is there - it’s not something made up. Given the situation in the country right now, I think this is a terrible idea, and so did a lot of studios that intelligently passed on the project. I like good satire but this is as bad as a satire with conservatives hunting Hispanics - I would not approve of either.
I'm not sure why you quoted me, I didn't say any of the things you're refuting, and you actually echoed what I said.
I don't even know if I'd consider it satire. It looks like a basic victims turn the tables tale.
Take a deep breath, I wasn’t trying to refute you I was trying to complement what you had said with additional information. That said, it is a satire as that is how the director has described it.
I wasn't aware of the political leanings of the characters, but it still sounds like much ado about nothing. It's a comedic take on The Most Dangerous Game. Not the most original of ideas, I must say. I'm fine with holding off the release date in light of the shootings, but I'm not going to condemn this movie based solely on whether or not it intentionally is trying to play off partisan divide in this country using a story that's older than most of those bitching about it as its vehicle. Also, movies like The Purge and other crappy revenge/violence porn has been showing liberals hunted/being controlled by thinly veiled conservatives for ages. I don't remember anyone on the left getting bent out of shape over such stuff. But then again, what can you expect from a group of people who love to believe they're victimized at every turn. Conservatives have become a bunch of spineless whiners.
A man who sparked panic by walking into a Walmart with a rifle and body armour told police he was testing his right to bear arms in public.
Dmitriy Andreychenko entered the shop heavily armed, days after a mass shooting at another of Walmart's stores.
"I wanted to know if that Walmart honoured the second amendment," the 20-year-old told police after his arrest.
Prosecutors have charged him with making a terrorist threat.
If found guilty, the charge could result in a four-year prison sentence and a fine of $10,000 (£8,300), Greene County prosecutor Dan Patterson said in a statement.
On 8 August, Mr Andreychenko entered the store "armed with an AR style rifle slung across his chest", police said, wearing a ballistic vest and recording himself. Both the rifle and a handgun he carried were loaded.
He told police he did not expect the reaction his walk generated.
"This is Missouri, I understand if we were somewhere else like New York or California, people would freak out," he said, according to police filings.
Good thing there wasn't a good guy with a gun there.
On Monday night, Democratic Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro posted the names and employers of 44 San Antonio residents who donated to President Trump’s reelection bid.
Add "doxxing" to things you don't know the meaning of. All that info is publicly available.
But do keep trying. It's fascinating to watch you prove all my beliefs about the average Trump supporter.
p.s. if it's any consolation (I sure hope not), the other rabid Trumpie sites are also clueless about what doxxing is because I've seen more than one of them make the same mistake.
This is the Definition on bing.
doxxing (present participle)
search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.
"hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"
Is that not what he did or does Bing have it wrong?
If I make a grammar or spelling mistake, PM me. I will correct it. It’s better than you being an asshole!
No one knows the truth, only hypothesis, assumptions, conjectures, speculations, presumptions, guesses and theories.
We are not Gods, but nature. No more than one of many dominate species that will inhabit this planet for a short period of time, on its ever so long journey through the universe.
A man who sparked panic by walking into a Walmart with a rifle and body armour told police he was testing his right to bear arms in public.
Dmitriy Andreychenko entered the shop heavily armed, days after a mass shooting at another of Walmart's stores.
"I wanted to know if that Walmart honoured the second amendment," the 20-year-old told police after his arrest.
Prosecutors have charged him with making a terrorist threat.
If found guilty, the charge could result in a four-year prison sentence and a fine of $10,000 (£8,300), Greene County prosecutor Dan Patterson said in a statement.
On 8 August, Mr Andreychenko entered the store "armed with an AR style rifle slung across his chest", police said, wearing a ballistic vest and recording himself. Both the rifle and a handgun he carried were loaded.
He told police he did not expect the reaction his walk generated.
"This is Missouri, I understand if we were somewhere else like New York or California, people would freak out," he said, according to police filings.
Good thing there wasn't a good guy with a gun there.
The man was filming himself walking around the store pushing a cart when the store manager pulled the fire alarm to warn customers to escape. The man exited through an emergency exit.
An off-duty firefighter then held the heavily armed man at gunpoint until police arrived.
Not that it made a huge difference but I think it did help the cops catch the guy, who was trying to flee.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
On Monday night, Democratic Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro posted the names and employers of 44 San Antonio residents who donated to President Trump’s reelection bid.
Add "doxxing" to things you don't know the meaning of. All that info is publicly available.
But do keep trying. It's fascinating to watch you prove all my beliefs about the average Trump supporter.
p.s. if it's any consolation (I sure hope not), the other rabid Trumpie sites are also clueless about what doxxing is because I've seen more than one of them make the same mistake.
This is the Definition on bing.
doxxing (present participle)
search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.
"hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"
Is that not what he did or does Bing have it wrong?
The man was filming himself walking around the store pushing a cart when the store manager pulled the fire alarm to warn customers to escape. The man exited through an emergency exit.
An off-duty firefighter then held the heavily armed man at gunpoint until police arrived.
Not that it made a huge difference but I think it did help the cops catch the guy, who was trying to flee.
That's the problem with this kind of performative bullshit. What, exactly, was the dude trying to "flee"?
By gun-humper logic, he was merely Carrying To Pwn The Snowflakes, which is not a crime because 2nd Amendment or something. I'm surprised there's not a right-wing campaign to have the firefighter arrested for threatening him.
I hope we see more and more businesses posting a "no guns" policy, which they can do on private property. Even so, we're probably looking at years of idiots like this one trying to push "Any Caliber, Anywhere" to the Supreme Court (which will probably go for it).
Meanwhile, the rest of us will have to get used to seeing deadly weapons brandished as a political statement.
On Monday night, Democratic Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro posted the names and employers of 44 San Antonio residents who donated to President Trump’s reelection bid.
Add "doxxing" to things you don't know the meaning of. All that info is publicly available.
But do keep trying. It's fascinating to watch you prove all my beliefs about the average Trump supporter.
p.s. if it's any consolation (I sure hope not), the other rabid Trumpie sites are also clueless about what doxxing is because I've seen more than one of them make the same mistake.
This is the Definition on bing.
doxxing (present participle)
search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.
"hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"
Is that not what he did or does Bing have it wrong?
What identifying information was released?
Doxxing is typically used when referring to private information, which includes home addresses and phone numbers. Castro simply posted a list of publicly available names and their companies ..and nothing else. Trump routinely lists the names of those who disagree with him on Twitter. Do you think that is doxxing as well?
The man was filming himself walking around the store pushing a cart when the store manager pulled the fire alarm to warn customers to escape. The man exited through an emergency exit.
An off-duty firefighter then held the heavily armed man at gunpoint until police arrived.
Not that it made a huge difference but I think it did help the cops catch the guy, who was trying to flee.
That's the problem with this kind of performative bullshit. What, exactly, was the dude trying to "flee"?
By gun-humper logic, he was merely Carrying To Pwn The Snowflakes, which is not a crime because 2nd Amendment or something. I'm surprised there's not a right-wing campaign to have the firefighter arrested for threatening him.
There have been plenty of 2A nuts saying the guy did nothing wrong and that the firefighter and WMT manager that pulled the fire alarm should be prosecuted.
Holman wrote: Sat Aug 10, 2019 2:37 pm
I hope we see more and more businesses posting a "no guns" policy, which they can do on private property. Even so, we're probably looking at years of idiots like this one trying to push "Any Caliber, Anywhere" to the Supreme Court (which will probably go for it).
Meanwhile, the rest of us will have to get used to seeing deadly weapons brandished as a political statement.
Actually, what he did (open carrying a firearm) is only legal in open carry states. If he did that in states that don't allow open carry, he would be breaking the law. The body armor is also illegal in many places. And "brandishing" is a different issue altogether and even in open carry states can get you into trouble.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
A man who sparked panic by walking into a Walmart with a rifle and body armour told police he was testing his right to bear arms in public.
Dmitriy Andreychenko entered the shop heavily armed, days after a mass shooting at another of Walmart's stores.
"I wanted to know if that Walmart honoured the second amendment," the 20-year-old told police after his arrest.
Prosecutors have charged him with making a terrorist threat.
If found guilty, the charge could result in a four-year prison sentence and a fine of $10,000 (£8,300), Greene County prosecutor Dan Patterson said in a statement.
On 8 August, Mr Andreychenko entered the store "armed with an AR style rifle slung across his chest", police said, wearing a ballistic vest and recording himself. Both the rifle and a handgun he carried were loaded.
He told police he did not expect the reaction his walk generated.
"This is Missouri, I understand if we were somewhere else like New York or California, people would freak out," he said, according to police filings.
It's interesting that it's white folks who always feel comfortable testing their 2nd Amendment rights in our country...
"Who's going to tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?"
-Michelle Obama 2024 Democratic Convention
Wise words of warning from Smoove B: Oh, how you all laughed when I warned you about the semen. Well, who's laughing now?
I’ve got a couple derper cousins who have been crowing on social media this morning about how this release getting cancelled proves that Trump was truly sent by God to save America from evil.
They’re also the same ones blaming the recent shootings entirely on videos games, unsurprisingly.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
$iljanus wrote: Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:21 amIt's interesting that it's white folks who always feel comfortable testing their 2nd Amendment rights in our country...
The last time black people tried to open carry, the NRA supported gun control measures to stop them.
The bill was introduced in April 1967, six weeks after it had been reported that an armed group of Black Panthers acting as an escort for Malcolm X’s widow, Betty Shabazz, were involved in tense, nonviolent confrontations with airport security officers and police in San Francisco. As leftist writer Sol Stern later noted in Ramparts, “Local cops were dumbfounded to discover that there was no law which prohibited the Panthers from carrying loaded weapons so long as they were unconcealed, a legal fact which the Panthers had carefully researched.”
In a statement quoted by Associated Press, a Panther spokesman said, “The cops asked us what we were doing and we told them. ‘We’re exercising our constitutional rights and we’re not going to take any bull.'”
The Mulford Act was designed to impose a limits on those very constitutional rights in the state of California, establishing that “every person who carries a loaded firearm on his person while on a public street, or in a public place within any city or in a vehicle while in any public place or on any public street in an incorporated city or in an inhabited area of unincorporated territory is guilty of a misdemeanor.”
The National Rifle Association would later (during the 1970s) harden their stance against any limitations on the right to bear arms, but in 1967, when the Black Panthers emerged as the most militant defenders of that right, the NRA took a very different position.
Their mutual legacy, the Mulford Act, is still on the books today.
A boy accidentally killed by his father during a fishing trip in Montana. A woman dead and her husband behind bars after a single gunshot in a Dallas hotel room. A teenager cut down on his porch on a warm day in Washington state.
During the week bookended by mass shootings in Gilroy, California; El Paso, Texas; and Dayton, Ohio, in which gunmen killed 34 people, hundreds of others were shot to death across 47 U.S. states, according to the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit group that uses local news and police reports to track gun incidents.
The deaths were the sort of everyday murders, suicides and accidents that may not grab the headlines of mass shootings, but in many ways show the true toll of the gun violence endemic to the United States.
More than 36,000 people are shot to death every year on average in America, according to U.S. government data compiled by the gun-control advocacy group Everytown for Gun Safety. That works out to about 100 a day, or one every 14-1/2 minutes. Suicides account for more than 60 percent of those deaths. Slightly more than a third are homicides.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
A 65-year-old man who tackled a gunman who stormed a mosque in Norway is being hailed as a hero.
Witnesses said Mohamed Rafiq restrained the terror suspect and held him down with another worshipper before police arrived, despite being injured in the struggle.
Mr Rafiq was among three people at the al-Noor Islamic Centre in Baerum on Saturday, when a man burst in with “two shotgun-like weapons and a pistol”.
The attacker, who was reportedly wearing a uniform and body armour, broke through a glass door to reach the place of worship, where people were preparing to celebrate the Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha.
Irfan Mushtaq, board member of the mosque, said that minutes before the shooting on Sunday afternoon around 15 people had been inside the building.
The suspect has been named as Philip Manshaus, a 21-year-old local man.
A post on an online messaging board suggested he was a far-right extremist inspired by the Christchurch, Poway and El Paso shooters
Police are investigating the shooting as a potential terror attack, and have arrested a local white man in his 20s on suspicion of attempted murder.
The same man is also accused of killing his 17-year-old stepsister, whose body was found at her home.
A scare was averted Monday afternoon at the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center, when shots were fired into the hospital by a man with an assault rifle – but nobody was injured.
Jeffrey S. Sallet, special agent in charge of the FBI Chicago Field Office, said the offender was carrying an assault rifle. He said VA police mitigated the threat within 30 second of the gunman entering the building.
Former Army medic Oliver Robinson came face to face with the shooter.
“I told him, ‘You don’t have to go through this. Just put that thing down.’ And by then, the VA police were coming down the hall and they drew weapons and took him down,” Robinson said. “He didn’t fight or anything.”
The shooter’s motive remained unclear Monday night. Patients described him as rambling, saying things like: “Who hit me? Who hit me?”
“He kept saying when he got inside the VA: ‘Where’s the ER? Where’s he ER?’” Townsend said.
The hospital said the man who fired the gun is not a veteran.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
Officials blamed "political rhetoric and misinformation" after shots were fired at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office in San Antonio, Texas, early Tuesday morning.
Local TV station KENS 5 reported that suspects fired at the building,which includes the ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) field office and Jefferson Bank offices, around 3:00 a.m. CDT Tuesday morning on the northeast side of San Antonio.
No one was injured in the shooting, and federal investigators from the FBI and Department of Homeland Security were searching for suspects.
Christopher Combs, special agent in charge of the San Antonio FBI, said in a press conference later Tuesday that “an unknown number of individuals in an unknown number of vehicles” fired shots at the building and came close to hitting federal employees in the building, according to the San Antonio Express-News.
Combs said that ICE was targeted in the shooting since “all of the shots that we have found were on the floors where ICE has offices, so there is no question it is a very targeted attack.”
President Donald Trump said Friday there has been "tremendous support" for changing background check laws and appeared optimistic that the National Rifle Association would come around on the issue, despite public statements from the NRA against certain changes to current law.
"I really believe that the NRA — I've spoken to them numerous times — they're great people... and frankly I really think they're gonna get there also," Trump told reporters outside the White House on whether the NRA will support background check legislation.
Following his talks with NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre and gun rights activists, President Donald Trump struck a different tone on potential gun regulations in the weeks after two mass shootings, according to a New York Times report.
But in the weeks since, Trump said he was "very concerned" with the Second Amendment and claimed, "people don't realize we have very strong background checks right now."
A White House spokesman told The Times that Trump's recent comments were not a reversal of his prior statements.
Even if you believe they the NICS check is enough, you can't deny that it's broken. Agencies don't share data and plenty of prohibited persons slip through.
There's also the inconsistent usage of the system. In some states, sales are permitted if there is no immediate red flag as opposed to getting a green light. That means an immediate sale. In Illinois we have to wait 3 days to ensure no red flags show up. Other states have still other rules.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
A 19-year-old freshman arrested in his dorm room at a North Carolina university with two firearms was obsessed with mass shootings and told police he planned to kill his roommate and himself if he failed to get into a fraternity, prosecutors said.
Paul Steber of Boston was arrested Tuesday after other students alerted High Point University campus security that he had a 9mm semi-automatic pistol and a double-barrel, 12-gauge shotgun in his room.
He was charged with possession of weapons on campus and making threats of mass violence, the High Point Police Department said in a statement.
Assistant District Attorney Lori Wickline told the court Wednesday that Steber had bought the guns over the weekend.
She said Steber told officers he had been planning a shooting spree since last Christmas and was "not going to be an outcast any longer" at the university.
She added that Steber told officers he had decided to enroll in High Point University "because it was easier to get guns in North Carolina than other states."
Martin Lentz attended the Newman School, a private school in Boston’s Back Bay, with Steber, according to The Associated Press. He said the news of Steber’s arrest “didn’t surprise me in the slightest.” He said there were warning signs that Steber could be dangerous.
“Basically every single day during class, all he did was look up the NRA, look up guns, politicians. He would look up politicians both Democratic and Republican and just stare at them,” Lentz said.
Gee, heroin now kills more people than deaths related in any way (including suicide) to guns. You suppose the D's will propose laws against the importation, sale & use of this deadly drug?
I use heroin to kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard when my kids are playing.
There is no such thing as an assault heroin. Even though it is a commonly used term, it is incorrect both literally and grammatically. “Assault heroin” is a media term used to attract attention, and this incorrect term has been normalized for any tactical style heroin.
Black Lives definitely Matter Lorini!
Also: There are three ways to not tell the truth: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
Not many details but apparently started as a traffic stop. The Texas DPS officer who pulled him over was shot. The suspect then fled, stole (USPS?) truck and then started shooting people in random drive-bys.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
LawBeefaroni wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 10:07 pm
Not many details but apparently started as a traffic stop. The Texas DPS officer who pulled him over was shot. The suspect then fled, stole (USPS?) truck and then started shooting people in random drive-bys.
Killed the 29 year old carrier at the end of her shift. The motherfucker and just been fired from his job in the past couple of days.
Well, good on Walmart. Now there's a sentence I've never typed before.
The company, America's largest retailer, said it will stop selling handgun ammunition and "short-barrel rifle ammunition," such as the .223 caliber and 5.56 caliber, that can also be used on assault-style weapons after selling all of its current inventory. Walmart (WMT) will also stop selling handguns in Alaska, the only state where it still sells handguns. And Walmart will request that customers no longer openly carry guns into its 4,700 US stores, or its Sam's Club stores, in states that allow open carry.
"It's clear to us that the status quo is unacceptable," Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said in a memo to employees on Tuesday.
However, Walmart will continue to sell long barrel deer rifles and shotguns and much of the ammunition for those guns. The company sells guns in about 3,900 stores. Walmart will also continue to allow concealed carry by customers with permits in its stores.
I have no quarrel with single- or double-shot long guns.
I have no quarrel with single- or double-shot long guns.
FWIW, AR10s commonly use .308, which they will continue to sell. Heck, they can probably be chambered to take most "long rifle" cartridges.
Nice of them to take a position but banning select cartridges is like a game of whack-a-mole.
Since then, the .308 Winchester has become the most popular short-action, big-game hunting cartridge worldwide. It is also commonly used for hunting, target shooting, metallic silhouette, bench rest target shooting, palma, metal matches, military sniping, and police sharpshooting. The relatively short case makes the .308 Winchester especially well-adapted for short-action rifles. When loaded with a bullet that expands, tumbles, or fragments in tissue, this cartridge is capable of high terminal performance.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
Recent mass shootings have revived demands for meaningful gun control. But many opponents of a renewed federal ban on assault weapons, led by the National Rifle Association, say the earlier ban, from 1994 to 2004, made no difference. Our new research shows otherwise.
We found that public mass shootings — which we defined as incidents in which a gunman killed at least six people in public — dropped during the decade of the federal ban. Yet, in the 15 years since the ban ended, the trajectory of gun massacres has been sharply upward, largely tracking the growth in ownership of military-style weapons and high-capacity magazines.
Using the Mother Jones mass shooting database, we identified the number of gun massacres over a 35-year period. (And following the F.B.I.’s approach, we excluded crimes of armed robbery and gang or domestic violence in evaluating public active shooter incidents.) Compared with the decade before its adoption, the federal assault weapon ban in effect from September 1994 through 2004 was associated with a 25 percent drop in gun massacres (from eight to six) and a 40 percent drop in fatalities (from 81 to 49).