Yawn. His simple act of taking a knee created a national discussion of the reasons he was taking that knee (and a separate sidebar discussion of the merits of knee taking).Remus West wrote: If you speak of working to solve an issue but then decline to participate in the simplest manner I reserve the right to no longer respect you.
THAT is a far bigger step to making social change than voting ever would. Don't you read these forums? Don't you vote? An absolutely TINY percentage of votes matter. If you're not in a swing state, no one, not even the system, gives a shit about who you voted for or what you think.
Voting is the LEAST effective way to make social change, especially in a two party system like in the US. Especially when the social change is not inherently political. It's not like the GOP is running on a "more racial injustice via cops" platform while the Dems are running a "less racial injustice via cops" platform.
I get it. Voting. It's important. See: South Park Turd Sandwich vs Giant Douche for the realities of your system. With that said I actually agree that it is important. But come on, the reality is that only a tiny number of votes in specific geographical locations matter. Dismissing someone who brought attention and almost single handedly created a national discussion about racial inequality at the cop level, is asinine.
Unbelievably narrow minded and ... naive, I guess. Simplistic, maybe.