Yeah, this part is what I was referring to. I mean, it's not that difficult to look up what he's lied about in the past month (or year, for that matter) and be prepared to call him out when he says it again.Holman wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:34 pmIf I have it right, the debate moderators have already said that they will not be fact-checking in real-time. Hopefully they'll push back on the most egregious lies, but...Hyena wrote: Tue Sep 10, 2024 12:39 pm I really hope they have in mind the concept of fact-checking his comments as he makes them. I know it's going to be hard with OR without open mics (still not sure what they settled on), simply because he won't let anyone get a word in edge-wise. But if she can call him out and then counter with her logical ideas, it should be a much easier task to show how categorically deceitful and unhinged he is. I know somehow the right is going to claim success, even if he comes unglued, but I hope at least she can make a case for herself as the calm to his chaos. Please, call him out on his lies!!
My hope is that the Harris team already has a mechanism in place to fact-check in parallel real-time (via social media) or else to push out an annotated list of Trump's lies within minutes of the conclusion of the debate--and that Harris will be pointing everyone's attention to this resource at every opportunity.
We need to hear her say something like "You're lying, and we have the facts for you" over and over again. It should be the slogan of the evening.
That being said, I hope they DON'T do any preemptive strikes on his lies, because he'll just be able to deny he ever said it, or spin it somehow. Even if he DID say it during his rallies, he'll easily deny it during the debate and hope no one checks.
And finally, post-debate fact checks are absolutely pointless, because it's like trying to stuff the spring snake back in the tube. It's already out there and the debate is over. If I'm not wrong, he was fact-checked on 30-something lies in the Biden debate and nothing EVER came of it, other than everyone bitching and complaining that no one called him out on it during the debate. Plus, everyone was a bit focused on the train wreck of Biden himself.