Blackhawk wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:46 pm
(Note: Because I'm an inconsiderate bastard, I keep using 'skill', 'perk' and 'card' interchangeably. They all mean the same thing.)
Daehawk wrote: Sat Jul 01, 2023 11:22 am
A collector eh? I always collect one item in these Fallout games. Not decided on what yet. The little Red Rocket toy is cool and the Alien. Not sure yet though.
Nope. I keep a few for myself, but most of them I stick on my vendor to sell to other players (at a below-market price that's more about making it available than making a profit.) Take a look
here. I don't have everything (or even close to it), but I have a lot of the more common stuff. If you see some stuff you like and I have it, I'll gladly pass it on.
Also I feel its coming time I decided on one weapon type to make ammo carrying easier. Im not really happy with the 3 I use now. Its why I carry three. Shotgun is powerful but a little slow and has no range. The 10mm I love and have always used one in these games but it lacks power and isn';t totally accurate. The laser pistol is the best as its powerful and accurate. But that sound it makes really gets repetitive after a bit.
The basic weapon types are (with only minor variations):
Rifles (semi-auto)
Rifles (auto)
Heavy Weapons
You want to specialize in one. Semi-auto really only works with stealth builds (as with what I'm running.) Auto and heavy are considered the 'go to' builds.
But you do not want to limit yourself to one gun. I am built for semi-auto rifles, and I carry four: Two short range (reflex sights, some hipfire accuracy, fire rate), and two long range (high damage, sighted accuracy, etc.) Why two of each? Because there are two main damage types: Energy and ballistic. Each is good against different enemies.
The trick is that energy and ballistic weapons are the same skill, and most weapons can be modded to any of the weapon types.
So, say I find a laser pistol. It is a pistol (pistol skill applies) that does energy damage.
I mod it with a longer stock. It is now a single shot rifle that does energy damage.
I mod it with an automatic barrel. It is now an automatic rifle that does energy damage.
I mod it with a beam splitter. It is now a shotgun that does energy damage.
So I carry two ballistic weapons (up close, long range) and two energy weapons (up close, long range.) That's also three ammo types (cells for the up-close laser rifle, 2mm for the gauss long range energy rifle, and .45 for my two ballistic weapons. It's easier to carry fewer ammo types, but it screws you if you run low. It's best two plan on at least two or three ammo types, especially early on when getting large amounts ammo is a challenge (doubly so if you go automatic.)
If you're going auto, it can be worth it to grab the star's worth of the Ammosmith perk, which lets you craft more ammo for the resources.
If you do buy ammo, buy it only from player camps (they're visible on the map), and never, ever pay more than one cap per round. Even missiles normally sell for a cap.
tl;dr - most weapons can be used with multiple skill types depending on how you mod them, and it's best to carry both energy and ballistic.
I think what I need is an assault rifle. Something not semi automatic and has power and range. Not seen one yet. Maybe a sniper rifle for range.
For the prior, keep your eye out for a Handmade, although a Fixer isn't bad. For the latter, a lever action is great, but anything will work. But be careful - the assault rifle will use one skill set (the Commando line), while a sniper rifle will use a different skill (the Rifleman line.) Early on you can get away with it. But later on you won't be able to effectively use both, as you won't be able to equip the perks to use both.
Short version of the card/perk/stat system in case you missed the nuances:
Every card has stars on it. They all start at one star. If you get two of the same card, you can merge them to create a much stronger two-star version. Each additional card you merge adds one star, up to the card's limit (most cap at 1-3 stars, but some go as high as 5.)
The cost in perk points to equip a card is the number of stars on that card. (There are a very few that cost a little more, but I'm ignoring those for now for simplicity.) So a one-star Charisma skill requires one Charisma to equip. A one star Strength card and a two star Strength card require 3 Strength to equip both.
Every time you level up, you gain one stat point and one card that you get to pick from those available at your level (access to the card is based on player level, not stats.) Every five levels (5, 10, 15, etc) you get an additional pack of cards. (Tip: When you level up and pick a stat, you can pick any card from your level or below from
any stat. Look at the bottom of the screen for the buttons to change the filter. It defaults to the stat you just picked, but you can choose anything, so you can add one Perception, then pick an Agility card.)
When you hit level 50, you stop gaining stat points, but continue to gain cards forever (I've seen level 2000+ characters running around.) (Side note - there is another perk mechanic that kicks in at 50 that will give you a use for your unneeded cards.)
Also, each stat is capped at 15. You will only ever be able to put 15 points worth of cards onto any stat, regardless of your level.
So, back to the weapon thing. My single-shot build requires two general rifle perks (Concentrated Fire and Tank Killer) that cost 6 Perception, and apply to any rifle (semi- or full-auto.) The semi-auto specific perks are three cards (Rifleman, Expert Rifleman, and Master Rifleman), all of which are three stars. 3+3+3+3+3=15. Just equipping my weapon skills takes 15 points of Perception, the max I can have. If I wanted to fire a full-auto rifle, I would be doing without any of the associated perks, unless I unequipped all of my semi-auto perks. Bows, crossbows, explosives, and shotguns also all have perks that require Perception. That means that I can't run a semi-auto build and also carry any of those without running them without perks (which makes a big difference.)
I could probably come up with some way of having a second weapon half-viable, but it would be at the cost of any utility perks.
I posted this earlier, but
here is my current build. It's a non-power armor stealth based build (which isn't your thing), but if you take off the stealth perks and swap the three Rifleman cards for the three Commando cards, it would be a solid start (
Something like this.)
As for action points is there a use without VATS? Do they affect my stam regen or something?
They don't affect your stamina regen - they
are your stamina. It was that way in FO3/NV and 4, too. The bar on screen that drains when you run is your Action Points, used for running, jumping, and VATS.