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Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:53 pm
by GreenGoo
Friday night was combat training night. Our team of 4 with Octavious, Freyland, Thunderball and myself continually dropped into high risk, population dense areas.

I think the training paid off as we managed to be the last team standing multiple times in the initial rush to loot and kill, and even our early losses were fun while they lasted.

Which is not to say there wasn't frustration. Getting headshotted by a kar98 from 5m is enough to piss anyone off. Oftentimes​ one or two of us would be knocked out permanently, leaving the rest of the team to make due while those of us who were dead to spectate and spot for the next 20 mins.

One thing's for sure, if you go looking for fights, you're gonna find them. Learning to heal successfully in combat, or swap out your damaged vest for a more intact one from your victim while bullets zing past is a new experience for me. I'm not used to living that long once the bullets start flying.

We never did manage a chicken dinner, but we were close many times, often being the second or third last team alive. Our extremely aggressive play even after the initial drop made for exciting games, especially when we were well equipped taking well stocked locations for ourselves.

Oh, I also learned that downed teammates make great cover in the knife fights that happen in crowded areas like the school.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 5:10 pm
by Freyland
LMAO... I used to refer to myself as "bullet-sponge". Now I'm "cover".

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:31 pm
by coopasonic
Hey I finally got killed by a cheater!

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:44 pm
by GreenGoo
Hit someone at 500+ m with a VSS, and he was juking too!

2 hp exp for me!

Then I got sks'd to death and I just couldn't locate him. There were 3 noises for every shot he fired. I think it was echo'ing off the hills around me. Annoying.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 8:58 pm
by Freyland
I wonder how much better I would be with a better internet connection.

I loaded up a game before making dinner, landed near the church in the ruins on Erangel. Fantastic church loot, including level 2 armor, an M16 and a mini-14. Lots of healing as well. Carefully skirted the ruins, managed to get the drop on another guy with the M16. Went to the sunken village, finished out my ammo stores and some additional healing. The wall caught up to me, so ran all the way to Rostock. There I gunned down a gal who was foolish enough to be checking her inventory in the middle of the road. Found a buggie, flew across the map to deeply penetrate the white, and the yellow house cluster I stopped at was untouched! More ammo and healing for me! Heard a buggie, left the house and managed a driver kill. Left to get on my buggy, came under heavy fire. Ran back into my building, healed up in the bathroom. Heard the dude approach, fired two bursts of 5.56 into him before he turned to me and somehow killed me with a burst from his AKM.

On the replay, such as it is, I only fired 1 burst instead of 2, and *after* my body slumped to the ground another bullet suddenly appeared next to me, like it was somehow late to the party. Funny, but the whole thing bodes poorly for me.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:01 am
by Freyland
I'm still not where I want to be with this game, but I have my moments...

Travelling between the blue and white. The blue is moving, but I've got time. I'm in the desert, heading towards a warehouse, there is some cover. A bus starts heading towards me. I bring out my M16 with red dot, attempt to burst fire him out of the cab. Despite him initially heading straight towards me, no apparent damage. He turns away, towards the slowly oncoming blue, and jumps out behind a rock. Rather than play peekaboo with him, I.... shoot out his tires and run. :D
I keep my rock between myself and where he was, and zig the minimum required amount to not be called a Noob. As soon as I reach my building, I whip around, bring out my AKM with 4x, and engage my now exposed target. He couldnt stay where he was, couldn't drive away, so he was smack out in the open when I began firing.
I didn't get a chicken dinner, but I sure had a little gravy!

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:03 pm
by GreenGoo
Told my son I was going to use the computer for about an hour to play a couple of games of PUBG.

It's been 30 minutes and I've "played" five already.

Geezus, what a day.

edit: Not getting any better. I scope a spot, no one there, start running, take fire, looking, looking, dead. I watch deathcam, dude was right where I scoped, except he was running before that, so he managed to arrive at that site, at full run, less than 1 second after I scouted it. I mean, really.

edit2: Holy crap. 8 games, 0 kills, 1 top 10 finish. What an awful day. I can't even blame it on being outplayed. I lost at least 2, maybe 3 duels to players who were obviously weak. What does that make me? Hah. Frustrating. Lots of hp exp, zero kills. I just couldn't finish the job.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:39 pm
by coopasonic
Hey, you've still won more games than I have. Take some consolation there?

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:03 pm
by Paingod
GreenGoo wrote: Fri Jan 12, 2018 11:41 pmI really need to work on my end game circle management.
Among the other tools, someone should release a "Final 10" mod where you can simulate the last, smallest circle with 10 people in it.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:56 pm
by GreenGoo
Sold a desperado crate for 1 canuckibuck. The price just absolutely plunged for the last 24 hours, which I assume is because Sunday is when the crate prices reset. If the price recovers this week, and I get another of these crates, I'll wait a few days and then put it up.

That said, I don't expect the price to recover much this week, and for every week after this one it will recover less and less until the price arrives at a steady state, once the market is saturated with these crates. They'll still be more expensive than the regular old crates (I think) but not by much. No idea how long this will take. 1 month? No more than 2 months, I wouldn't think. 5-6 weeks?

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:09 am
by GreenGoo
Finally got a kill earlier tonight. Since it was the #2 dude, I also got a chicken dinner! Booyah!

It was in third person, because the game constantly reverts, and sometimes I forget to switch to FPP, or I click it and it doesn't take and I immediately start a game. In any case, I've now got 1 FPP win and 1 TPP win.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:43 am
by Octavious
Was going through and simplifying my settings last night. I had made them too complicated and it was getting me killed. Seems to have helped as I got a win just before I went to sleep. Desert map fpp. 3 kills. Was pretty easy actually. Just waited for everyone to kill each other and shot the last one. I'm getting really good at auto fire from distance. Just do short little bursts and you can wreck people.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:51 am
by Freyland
The internet was not my friend last night. I had my (old!) problem of not being able to load into the lobby completely with my standard internet, so I had to use my hotspot. Had three episodes of "internet freeze" in game, each worse than the last. The first time, the team was in Yazney and I was able to rejoin the match just in time to flank the last baddie, so that was nice. The second time we had just started a knife fight in Muldova(?), and while I was in cover at the time, when I reloaded I was dead on the ground. The final time was on my own... I had a decent start, including a kill, and had opted to run into the 3rd circle. I had just come under fire from a long range sniper, who even tagged me once, when I froze in place. Needless to say, the game didn't even offer me the chance to rejoin that match.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 10:17 am
by Moliere

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:26 am
by Octavious
It is BY FAR my most played game ever. I never thought i would get so addicted to this damn game. I'm over 600 hours now. I should be a golden god by now, but no I still suck. :lol: The only thing I would say I'm amazing at is looting. :lol:

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:14 pm
by morlac
Octavious wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:43 am Was going through and simplifying my settings last night. I had made them too complicated and it was getting me killed. Seems to have helped as I got a win just before I went to sleep. Desert map fpp. 3 kills. Was pretty easy actually. Just waited for everyone to kill each other and shot the last one. I'm getting really good at auto fire from distance. Just do short little bursts and you can wreck people.
Details on your new settings please. I think I may have the same problem :)

I have been random grouping lately to mixed success. My adventures have led me to believe that China is indeed NOT #1. At least none of the players I get randomly grouped with appear to be. I did get a fun/hysterical group of students/farmers (they were in a a cyber cafe or sweat shop best I could tell; lots of background chatter/etc.). Their English was just good enough to ensue hilarity multiple times. Honestly, they were the best random group I had yet. Shared all the loot, waited in vehicles, etc. We made it to the final 4 groups before we got pinched in a bad spot due to zone and another group. We did go down in a blaze of Glory at least.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:48 pm
by Octavious
The one thing I have ALWAYS hated about this game is the click to aim down site. I had switch it so that the hold aim was on a different button as it's the only way to get hold ADS working right now. Seriously why they make this difficult is beyond me, but whatever. I set this back to default as anything else I tried made aiming too confusing and I was dying trying to remember which button to press. :(

Things that have helped me:
Peek I set to toggle instead of hold - It's really hard to move back and forth while peaking unless you have ninja skills with you hands. I do not...
Fire mode I put on the side button on my mouse - It's MUCH quickly than hunting down the b key that is away from everything else
Vault I had spit into it's own key - I reverted this back to the default of vault and jump being on the same. It was just an extra button that wasn't helping all that much

Throwables I have mapped to the h key. So hitting h will go through the grenades. G key is you guessed it grenades..

Other things -
Car positions I remapped a long time ago to just be f1, f2, f3, f4. No reason to have it be two key presses

Biggest thing is the aim sensitivity. If you have this wrong aka way too high aiming will be difficult and you will never get good. This is very setup specific, but off the top of my head my mouse DPI is 800 and my settings are in the 25-33 range. Scopes I have a lower number as you want it to be precise.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:34 pm
by morlac
Octavious wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:48 pm The one thing I have ALWAYS hated about this game is the click to aim down site. I had switch it so that the hold aim was on a different button as it's the only way to get hold ADS working right now. Seriously why they make this difficult is beyond me, but whatever. I set this back to default as anything else I tried made aiming too confusing and I was dying trying to remember which button to press. :(

Things that have helped me:
Peek I set to toggle instead of hold - It's really hard to move back and forth while peaking unless you have ninja skills with you hands. I do not...
Fire mode I put on the side button on my mouse - It's MUCH quickly than hunting down the b key that is away from everything else
Vault I had spit into it's own key - I reverted this back to the default of vault and jump being on the same. It was just an extra button that wasn't helping all that much

Throwables I have mapped to the h key. So hitting h will go through the grenades. G key is you guessed it grenades..

Other things -
Car positions I remapped a long time ago to just be f1, f2, f3, f4. No reason to have it be two key presses

Biggest thing is the aim sensitivity. If you have this wrong aka way too high aiming will be difficult and you will never get good. This is very setup specific, but off the top of my head my mouse DPI is 800 and my settings are in the 25-33 range. Scopes I have a lower number as you want it to be precise.
good stuff there. I think I'll leave Aim at default. it is messy but not sure of a better solution. I already had peek set up as toggle but I really liked your side button for firing mode. Also, stealing throwables to H and ca positions to F buttons.

I have 12,000 DPI mouse and it is at full blast or one setting below on the mouse. I'll mess with the in game settings to see if it makes a difference for me but I generally like the DPI stupid high :) It's quite amusing at work when somebody wants to "drive" my PC at work to show something and can't ever find the mouse pointer.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 1:57 pm
by Octavious
I'd HIGHLY recommend not doing that for this game. If your mouse is flying around your aim is crap. I found this is the number 1 thing that has been messing me up in games like this. I have almost the same exact settings when playing BF1 and it's so much easier to aim.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:16 pm
by morlac
Ok, turned mouse down to 600ish dpi and in game settings are at 45% moving down when scoped. I also adjusted the graphics down a bit. 1st game new settings 7 place finish 3 kills. Small sample size but promising results thus far.

Neat thing with this mouse is it has a 'scope' button on the right thumb that dumps the DPI way down for as long as you hold it. Perfect for when zoomed in but I never really used it (just got mouse for Christmas). I used it this last match at the end in a sniper duel, I lost but it worked great. I just had no cover at all but still almost beat the guy. Will use again! ... ouse-black

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:36 pm
by GreenGoo
Hey Oct, remember that I sent you a trade for the mustard/green stripped shirt? Can you go into your steam inventory, click on trade offers button, click on incoming trade offers and accept? If you don't want to make the trade, just click refuse or whatever.

You seem to have several extras of this shirt and the bp value is the same for the shirt I'm offering, I believe.

In any case, when you get a chance can you accept or decline? No hard feelings either way of course. Thanks.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 8:07 pm
by GreenGoo
Just out played a guy at least twice as good as I am. To add insult to injury, I was literally swinging the muzzle back and forth like a 70's action movie. It was so bad that I was embarrassed. Hopefully he watched the death cam and it made him die a little inside. :D

Everything leading up to the kill was him doing smart things, and me anticipating those smart things. I then outwaited him, staying completely still for at least a full circle. Hot damn that was a good one.

Before I get a big head, I got into a medium ranged duel with a dude. I only had an UMP and a Winchester, he had a K98 and scar-l, but I got the jump on him, took him down to 25% and then we cat and moused around some desert hills. We both circled clockwise, so we ended up in each others' original position. He saw me first, and 2 kar shots (last one to the head) ended my game. He outplayed me, outflanked me and outshot me despite me getting the drop on him.

Interestingly, I knew he was in the area because something was wrong with the loot I was finding. It wasn't so obvious as a weapon but no ammo, or doors being left open, it was just...something odd. It's also why I had poor weapons and he had good weapons. I decided to hunt him down (before I even knew he was there, it was almost instinctual) before I stumbled upon him and got shot in the face.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:21 pm
by GreenGoo
GreenGoo wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:36 pm Hey Oct, remember that I sent you a trade for the mustard/green stripped shirt? Can you go into your steam inventory, click on trade offers button, click on incoming trade offers and accept? If you don't want to make the trade, just click refuse or whatever.

You seem to have several extras of this shirt and the bp value is the same for the shirt I'm offering, I believe.

In any case, when you get a chance can you accept or decline? No hard feelings either way of course. Thanks.
Thanks Oct. Now we can all dress the same. Won't that be special?

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:08 am
by morlac
Played 3 more games last night on new settings and had a 6 place finish and two top 20s. Got at least one kill in each. Good stuff, I may get me chicken dinner yet. Funny enough now that I can snipe a bit better I seem to find sniper rifles everywhere.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:31 am
by Octavious
GreenGoo wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 11:21 pm
GreenGoo wrote: Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:36 pm Hey Oct, remember that I sent you a trade for the mustard/green stripped shirt? Can you go into your steam inventory, click on trade offers button, click on incoming trade offers and accept? If you don't want to make the trade, just click refuse or whatever.

You seem to have several extras of this shirt and the bp value is the same for the shirt I'm offering, I believe.

In any case, when you get a chance can you accept or decline? No hard feelings either way of course. Thanks.
Thanks Oct. Now we can all dress the same. Won't that be special?
LOL honestly I forgot that you even sent me the request.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:33 am
by Octavious
morlac wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:08 am Played 3 more games last night on new settings and had a 6 place finish and two top 20s. Got at least one kill in each. Good stuff, I may get me chicken dinner yet. Funny enough now that I can snipe a bit better I seem to find sniper rifles everywhere.
Nice had one good round with Thunderball otherwise I didn't do much of anything. :( Think we ended up top 3 teams. The one team was on top of a cliff that we couldn't get to so we had no shot. we got 7-8 kills so it was fun at least. We wiped one duo that was stocked better than the army. I wish I could of asked them where they went to get all the cool stuff. Not that it helped them from us killing them. :lol:

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:39 am
by GreenGoo
I managed to kill our team by deciding we should swap our bus for a truck (good idea) then pulled up short so we had to run 20-40m to the truck (whoops), then let the bus roll over me knocking me out (god damn it), then we came under fire (oops!), then Frey couldn't get in the truck for some reason (weird) then shots started coming in from other directions until we were almost completely surrounded by people firing at us (typical).

The only saving grace (for me at least) was that a guy in a lvl 3 helmet popped his head over a ridge at close range (20ish m?) and I scoped and shot his helmet off with a VSS in ~1 second. That felt pretty good. Was fast, clean and pretty cool if I do say so myself.

Also, I hope the teams that decided we were easy meat turned on each other the moment we were all dead.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:42 am
by coopasonic
GreenGoo wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:39 am Also, I hope the teams that decided we were easy meat turned on each other the moment we were all dead.
I'm curious what the alternative is in this situation. They all decide to peacefully go their separate ways knowing that with the OO crew dead all was right with the world?

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:19 am
by Isgrimnur
I managed a Top 15 finish last night.

The game crashed during the drop, so I came back in to me already being on the ground. I managed to not die while I stood there, despite being close to the School. Looted a couple buildings, then drove off in the Dacia that was in the garage. Took a little fire as I headed south. Holed up in some houses for a while as the circles closed, then the final circle closed to put it on the South island. I worked my way to the cliffs, jumped down next to a large boulder, and was promptly stuck in a terrain hole until the circle closed over me.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:33 am
by coopasonic
Isgrimnur wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:19 am I worked my way to the cliffs, jumped down next to a large boulder, and was promptly stuck in a terrain hole until the circle closed over me.
I've died in that exact same spot. Well, possibly not the exact same spot in a literal (former definition of literal) sense, but gotten stuck between a boulder and the cliff wall on my descent. After trying everything I could think of to get myself out (sadly I had no frags) I started shooting randomly just trying to draw some attention so someone would come put me out of my misery.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:33 am
by GreenGoo
coopasonic wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:42 am
GreenGoo wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:39 am Also, I hope the teams that decided we were easy meat turned on each other the moment we were all dead.
I'm curious what the alternative is in this situation. They all decide to peacefully go their separate ways knowing that with the OO crew dead all was right with the world?
They decide that the other teams are too far away or not worth the risk or the circle is coming and it's better to run or they can't see them because they are on the opposite of the dead bodies or....?

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:40 pm
by Redfive
morlac wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:08 am Played 3 more games last night on new settings and had a 6 place finish and two top 20s. Got at least one kill in each. Good stuff, I may get me chicken dinner yet. Funny enough now that I can snipe a bit better I seem to find sniper rifles everywhere.
Have I already asked why you haven't joined us?

If I haven't you are welcome to and if I have, sorry I don't remember :)

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:25 pm
by Octavious
Maybe he doesn't want to get run over by a buggy? :lol:

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 4:12 pm
by Octavious
FYI if anyone wants to use the excuse that they don't have a headset, the razer holiday bundle was freaking 49 bucks at Walmart this weekend. Guess it didn't sell well, but you could easily part out the pieces and make money off that. I'm really confused by it and almost bought another one just because. Headset, keyboard, mouse and mouse pad. All good quality... So weird... Maybe it's radioactive?

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:25 pm
by GreenGoo
Do you have any idea which kraken headset comes with it? There are several different Kraken models, none of which are just called Kraken Headset. I'm still digging to see if I can find out.

edit: It's the Kraken Essential, whatever that is. More digging.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:27 pm
by Octavious
Says Kraken Essential gaming headset. I would just assume it's the lowest of the bunch. Seems pretty decent to me. Especially at that price.

It's this one...

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 5:31 pm
by GreenGoo
Reviews are mediocre, although the mic is supposed to be the best part about it. I'm certain they are way better than what I'm currently using, and the keyboard and mouse can be used on the other computer, which will make the kids happy.

I'll decide tonight. Thanks for the headsup.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 6:24 pm
by Octavious
49 is a good price for the mouse alone. :lol: The bundle was originally 200 bucks and 100 for black friday. 49 is just ridiculous.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:52 pm
by coopasonic
GreenGoo wrote: Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:56 pm Sold a desperado crate for 1 canuckibuck. The price just absolutely plunged for the last 24 hours, which I assume is because Sunday is when the crate prices reset. If the price recovers this week, and I get another of these crates, I'll wait a few days and then put it up.

That said, I don't expect the price to recover much this week, and for every week after this one it will recover less and less until the price arrives at a steady state, once the market is saturated with these crates. They'll still be more expensive than the regular old crates (I think) but not by much. No idea how long this will take. 1 month? No more than 2 months, I wouldn't think. 5-6 weeks?
I thought you were crazy for thinking it would go back up at all, but you were spot on. I sold one for 87 cents on Monday and just sold another for $2.70 today. I guess the actual crazy people are the PUBG players.

There's nothing in the new crates I am even interested in wearing.

Re: PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2018 9:11 pm
by morlac
Redfive wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:40 pm
morlac wrote: Wed Jan 17, 2018 10:08 am Played 3 more games last night on new settings and had a 6 place finish and two top 20s. Got at least one kill in each. Good stuff, I may get me chicken dinner yet. Funny enough now that I can snipe a bit better I seem to find sniper rifles everywhere.
Have I already asked why you haven't joined us?

If I haven't you are welcome to and if I have, sorry I don't remember :)
I've been playing more lately but lost the invite to discord and it always times out before i get the next one :)