Willful ignorance is self-reinforcing and apparently ascendant...but reality has a stubborn way of seeping in.
The real problem is not a lack of education or information, it's tribalism.
There is not a wide gap between moderate conservatives and moderate liberals, but the issues rarely get examined in detail because they are too busy hating each other.
Drumpf has been closer to a liberal his entire life, yet when he slapped a Republican label on himself suddenly he's the right's saviour. It's ludicrous.
The Christian right's embracing of this absolutely ungodly man is the clearest indicator yet that platforms are irrelevant, only which team you're on matters.
How do you educate out of that?
OK, forget about education.
You'd need a larger, mutually inclusive tribe. A common enemy would do it, or maybe a sports team. Remember when Russia was our common enemy and we all rooted for Murica?
I seem to remember that we weren't mutually inclusive even then.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:08 pm
by GreenGoo
YellowKing wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:26 pm
I think the most surprising thing about that tweet was that he spelled "losers" correctly and didn't use "loosers."
I think in retaliation, news outlets should hold the "Fake President Awards."
He deleted that one when an aide pointed it out.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:11 pm
by GreenGoo
Holman wrote: Sun Jan 07, 2018 11:07 pm
I seem to remember that we weren't mutually inclusive even then.
The US has never been a homogeneous country, which has always been one of its strengths. Lots of people disagree, and the marketplace of ideas would do it's job and some great ideas would come out of the US.
Now, no one is talking. The marketplace is abandoned and covered in cobwebs, and everyone is wondering just how treasonous the other side is and when (not if) the pickforks should come out.
Willful ignorance is self-reinforcing and apparently ascendant...but reality has a stubborn way of seeping in.
The real problem is not a lack of education or information, it's tribalism.
There is not a wide gap between moderate conservatives and moderate liberals, but the issues rarely get examined in detail because they are too busy hating each other.
Drumpf has been closer to a liberal his entire life, yet when he slapped a Republican label on himself suddenly he's the right's saviour. It's ludicrous.
The Christian right's embracing of this absolutely ungodly man is the clearest indicator yet that platforms are irrelevant, only which team you're on matters.
How do you educate out of that?
OK, forget about education.
You'd need a larger, mutually inclusive tribe. A common enemy would do it, or maybe a sports team. Remember when Russia was our common enemy and we all rooted for Murica?
The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!
You had all weekend to do this assignment.
Must've been playing golf.
If I were a publisher, I would totally be hoping to win one of these badges of honor. But you know that WaPo, the NYT, and CNN are going to sweep. Rigged system!
Stephen Colbert bought a huge Time Square billboard with a "For your consideration" type ad to lobby for these awards.
The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!
You had all weekend to do this assignment.
Must've been playing golf.
If I were a publisher, I would totally be hoping to win one of these badges of honor. But you know that WaPo, the NYT, and CNN are going to sweep. Rigged system!
Stephen Colbert bought a huge Time Square billboard with a "For your consideration" type ad to lobby for these awards.
Counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway said Wednesday that "nobody" in the Trump administration talks about Hillary Clinton, denying that the White House has sought to rehash the 2016 election.
"We don't care about her. Nobody here talks about her," Conway told CNN's Chris Cuomo. "Hey, Chris, nobody here talks about Hillary Clinton, I promise you."
When Cuomo suggested that the White House was "frozen" in the moment of President Trump's electoral victory over Clinton, Conway said that "that's just not true."
I wonder what color the world is in Trumpsters alternate reality? And why do interviewers not have the balls to simply call her out on these blatant, easily disprovable lies?
Also, who ended up winning the "Most Dishonest Network" and "Like, Totally the Smartest Network. Trust me." awards? Those were yesterday, right? Wait...you mean to tell me that was all a juvenille publicity stunt from Dear Leader? Well, color me shocked!
Also, who ended up winning the "Most Dishonest Network" and "Like, Totally the Smartest Network. Trust me." awards? Those were yesterday, right? Wait...you mean to tell me that was all a juvenille publicity stunt from Dear Leader? Well, color me shocked!
Now scheduled for Jan 17. Because the dancing giraffes and Trump's favorite lady boys were stopped at the border.
“The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday,” Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon. “The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!”
During his morning Executive Time, President Trump took a well-deserved break from his long hours of document study to watch Fox News. The segment featured one of the talking heads urging Trump to oppose the House bill reauthorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The president immediately tweeted out his alarmed confusion that the House was apparently on the verge of approving the very law the sinister Deep State had used to “tapp” his phones:
Why, yes, it is that bill. Ideally, Trump would be posing questions like this to his own advisers, rather than to the entire world. The president’s alarm was unfortunate, since the Trump administration strongly supports reauthorization of this law. It has sent its highest-ranking security officials to lobby Congress for reauthorization, and reiterated its endorsement of the law as recently as last night.
The source of Trump’s confusion may be that he has taken seriously the Republican talking points about the Deep State, failing to realize that it’s disingenuous propaganda designed to cover up misdeeds by his campaign. Republicans don’t actually object to the counterintelligence functions of the government as a whole. They merely want to discredit their specific application to the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia. They don’t want the president blowing up the bill right before the vote they labored carefully to assemble.
During his morning Executive Time, President Trump took a well-deserved break from his long hours of document study to watch Fox News. The segment featured one of the talking heads urging Trump to oppose the House bill reauthorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The president immediately tweeted out his alarmed confusion that the House was apparently on the verge of approving the very law the sinister Deep State had used to “tapp” his phones:
Why, yes, it is that bill. Ideally, Trump would be posing questions like this to his own advisers, rather than to the entire world. The president’s alarm was unfortunate, since the Trump administration strongly supports reauthorization of this law. It has sent its highest-ranking security officials to lobby Congress for reauthorization, and reiterated its endorsement of the law as recently as last night.
The source of Trump’s confusion may be that he has taken seriously the Republican talking points about the Deep State, failing to realize that it’s disingenuous propaganda designed to cover up misdeeds by his campaign. Republicans don’t actually object to the counterintelligence functions of the government as a whole. They merely want to discredit their specific application to the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia. They don’t want the president blowing up the bill right before the vote they labored carefully to assemble.
It's ok - an aide explained to Trump what Trump really thinks:
Update: Apparently somebody has explained the administration’s position to the president, who has followed up his old tweet opposing the House bill with a new one supporting it:
pr0ner wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:25 pm
MAGA. So much MAGA that it hurts.
You really support this buffoon, Rip?
Yes because Hillary Clinton = BAD!
30,000 emails, Benghazi!, Clinton Foundation. Duh.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:29 pm
by Holman
If anyone on a Fox morning show ever announces that "The time has come and we must attack North Korea RIGHT NOW," Koreans will have fifteen minutes to get to a bunker.
Or possibly up to two hours if the president is using the TiVo.
During his morning Executive Time, President Trump took a well-deserved break from his long hours of document study to watch Fox News. The segment featured one of the talking heads urging Trump to oppose the House bill reauthorizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The president immediately tweeted out his alarmed confusion that the House was apparently on the verge of approving the very law the sinister Deep State had used to “tapp” his phones:
Why, yes, it is that bill. Ideally, Trump would be posing questions like this to his own advisers, rather than to the entire world. The president’s alarm was unfortunate, since the Trump administration strongly supports reauthorization of this law. It has sent its highest-ranking security officials to lobby Congress for reauthorization, and reiterated its endorsement of the law as recently as last night.
The source of Trump’s confusion may be that he has taken seriously the Republican talking points about the Deep State, failing to realize that it’s disingenuous propaganda designed to cover up misdeeds by his campaign. Republicans don’t actually object to the counterintelligence functions of the government as a whole. They merely want to discredit their specific application to the Trump campaign’s collusion with Russia. They don’t want the president blowing up the bill right before the vote they labored carefully to assemble.
It's ok - an aide explained to Trump what Trump really thinks:
Update: Apparently somebody has explained the administration’s position to the president, who has followed up his old tweet opposing the House bill with a new one supporting it:
It's ok - an aide explained to Trump what Trump really thinks:
Update: Apparently somebody has explained the administration’s position to the president, who has followed up his old tweet opposing the House bill with a new one supporting it:
It's been a little over a year. Let's take a look at all those jobs at Carrier that Trump "saved" from being outsourced, shall we? Oh dear.
A new round of layoffs is taking effect this week at the Carrier Corp. factory in Indianapolis a little more than a year after President Donald Trump touted a deal that staved off the plant’s closure and saved some of its jobs.
About 215 people are being let go starting Thursday, leaving about 1,100 workers at the plant, according to the company. That’s down from the some 1,600 factory, office and engineering jobs at the facility when Carrier announced plans in early 2016 to move production to Mexico.
This week’s previously announced layoffs follow about 340 job cuts at the factory in July.
Are we great again yet?
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 2:17 pm
by Octavious
When I don't think it's possible for him to top himself he does it again. Seriously fuck anyone that supports this piece of shit.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 2:29 pm
by Skinypupy
It's exactly what I expected to happen. Make a huge public show about saving the jobs (all while giving Carrier a huge tax breaks), then either lay them all off or outsource the jobs anyways once the spotlight has moved on to something else.
Frankly, I would be far more shocked if this hadn't happened.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 2:37 pm
by Octavious
I was more referring to him just parroting something he saw on Fox in the morning even though it goes against his "own" policy. Seriously the f'n idiots on Fox and Friends are pretty much running the country. If this is what the forgotten people want well then maybe they SHOULD be forgotten. F'n idiots.
Yesterday, President Donald Trump announced a delivery of F-52 fighter jets to Norway as a gesture to bolster defense in Northern Europe. There’s only one problem: the F-52 is a fictional plane from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
I'd like to think someone slipped that in his talking points note card to make him look like an idiot, but then I remember he doesn't need any assistance there.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:32 pm
by Kraken
Smoove_B wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:13 pm
I didn't realize Trump was a gamer.
Yesterday, President Donald Trump announced a delivery of F-52 fighter jets to Norway as a gesture to bolster defense in Northern Europe. There’s only one problem: the F-52 is a fictional plane from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
I'd like to think someone slipped that in his talking points note card to make him look like an idiot, but then I remember he doesn't need any assistance there.
In Trump's defense -- words that I do not write lightly or often -- we sold them 52 F-35s. It's easy to transpose the numbers and not deserving of the ridicule he's getting, IMO.
Smoove_B wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:13 pm
I didn't realize Trump was a gamer.
Yesterday, President Donald Trump announced a delivery of F-52 fighter jets to Norway as a gesture to bolster defense in Northern Europe. There’s only one problem: the F-52 is a fictional plane from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
I'd like to think someone slipped that in his talking points note card to make him look like an idiot, but then I remember he doesn't need any assistance there.
In Trump's defense -- words that I do not write lightly or often -- we sold them 52 F-35s. It's easy to transpose the numbers and not deserving of the ridicule he's getting, IMO.
To be fair, the fact that it was a simple slip of the tongue doesn't make Trump not an idiot. If mocking him for it serves as a needed catharsis, I can't really blame anyone for jumping on it.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:43 pm
by Carpet_pissr
I have no idea where to put this. Someone on one of the R&P threads mentioned a book recently that they said was an excellent explanation of "how we got here". 500 something? Mentioned religious roots and how we as a people are easily duped, etc. I'm trying to find the title.
Carpet_pissr wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:43 pm
I have no idea where to put this. Someone on one of the R&P threads mentioned a book recently that they said was an excellent explanation of "how we got here". 500 something? Mentioned religious roots and how we as a people are easily duped, etc. I'm trying to find the title.
Skinypupy wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:59 pm
It's been a little over a year. Let's take a look at all those jobs at Carrier that Trump "saved" from being outsourced, shall we? Oh dear.
A new round of layoffs is taking effect this week at the Carrier Corp. factory in Indianapolis a little more than a year after President Donald Trump touted a deal that staved off the plant’s closure and saved some of its jobs.
About 215 people are being let go starting Thursday, leaving about 1,100 workers at the plant, according to the company. That’s down from the some 1,600 factory, office and engineering jobs at the facility when Carrier announced plans in early 2016 to move production to Mexico.
This week’s previously announced layoffs follow about 340 job cuts at the factory in July.
Are we great again yet?
But hey, Walmart is now paying $11/hour! Skilled factory workers can work at Walmart, can't they?
Walmart is closing 63 Sam's Club stores across the US, the company told Business Insider.
Several stores were abruptly closed Thursday. In some cases, employees were not informed of the closures prior to showing up to work on Thursday.
Instead, they learned that their store would be closing when they found the store's doors locked and a notice announcing the closure, according to reports.
Ten of the affected stores will be turned into ecommerce distribution centers, and employees of those stores will have the opportunity to reapply for positions at those locations, a Walmart official said.
Skilled factory workers can go work in a Walmart e-commerce distribution center, can't they?
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:06 pm
by Octavious
Yup they closed the Sam's club by me this morning. Good thing I signed up for a membership like 3 months ago and that there isn't another store for 30 miles. They better give me my darn money back. Well part of it at least.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:15 pm
by El Guapo
Well, it finally happened. They put Trump's portrait up at the SEC's building entrance. I guess it was bound to happen eventually, but they could have at least given everyone a trigger warning first.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:25 pm
by Octavious
Whenever I'm in a store and there's a magazine with him on the cover I flip it upside down as a sign of distress. I was in Barnes and Nobles and must of done that to like 20 items. Yes I know it's silly and likely driving the workers crazy, but I can't help it.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:34 pm
by Remus West
More and more like your avatar every day.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 4:42 pm
by Octavious
Seriously between Christie and this asshat I've been dealing with BS for wayyyy too long. At least one is gone shortly.
Smoove_B wrote: Thu Jan 11, 2018 3:13 pm
I didn't realize Trump was a gamer.
Yesterday, President Donald Trump announced a delivery of F-52 fighter jets to Norway as a gesture to bolster defense in Northern Europe. There’s only one problem: the F-52 is a fictional plane from Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
I'd like to think someone slipped that in his talking points note card to make him look like an idiot, but then I remember he doesn't need any assistance there.
In Trump's defense -- words that I do not write lightly or often -- we sold them 52 F-35s. It's easy to transpose the numbers and not deserving of the ridicule he's getting, IMO.
To be fair, the fact that it was a simple slip of the tongue doesn't make Trump not an idiot. If mocking him for it serves as a needed catharsis, I can't really blame anyone for jumping on it.
Oh, he's an idiot alright. There is ample material to make that point legitimately without resorting to a simple slip of the tongue. If people want to mock him for the lulz anyway, that's fine, but doing so distracts from the valid case for his mental incompetence. We ought to pick our spots. But covfefe moments are fun , I get that.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 5:46 pm
by Holman
In WSJ interview, Trump suggests that Trump-critical text messages between FBI agents amounted to treason.
Mr. Trump also said that messages traded between a pair of FBI employees who had been involved in the Mueller investigation amounted to treason. Agent Peter Strzok was removed from his post on Mr. Mueller’s team last year after the disclosure that he sent text messages in the summer of 2016 critical of Mr. Trump to FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who also worked temporarily for the special counsel. The texts surfaced as part of an internal Justice Department investigation. The Justice Department didn’t respond to a request for comment.
No, he doesn't get a pass on this for being tough or a "straight-talker" or even dumb as a rock. He's unfit for office.