Argh... Spent the last 30 minutes on phone support with a family friend. It's... frustrating as f- when seemingly they had lost the ability to read English while in a vehicle.
To start from the beginning... Four people are driving to Las Vegas for a venue. They were using nav paired to the vehicle as they started driving. Then sometime after crossing the CA/NV border the phone lost connection to the onboard Carplay for some reason. They are older than I am (and I'm in my 50s) but AFAIK they are not tech luddites. Yet today, they seem to not only be tech luddites, they also lost their ability to read English (that, and Chrysler UConnect is JUNK).
First, they just complained that it's not working, and this and that. I said instead of trying to describe it, take a photo of the console screen and text it to me.
There was a 3 minute debate about what to send it with (background: take a picture and send it to him on WeChat! I don't have him in contact list on Wechat. Then send it with Message/SMS! )
They sent me a picture that's cut off and slanted. I said I need one that shows the whole screen. This took them another 5 minutes. All that told me was "xxx's phone: not connected".
I told them to also send me a picture of the phone it was connected to. (Background: No, a picture of the navigating phone! Not my phone! The navigating phone!)
The phone seems fine, but it's not showing a Bluetooth symbol. It's navigating, so it's not the GPS, and signal stregth of data is good.
I told them cycle the Bluetooth on and off on the phone (it's an iPhone).
Instead of going to the quicksettings, they went all the way to settings // Bluetooth. Fine, same thing. Nope, no change.
Can you cycle the whole phone off and on again? Sure, wait, wait... Nope, no change.
On the console, I see you had paired the phone before. There's a gear symbol to the left. Press that.
Nothing. it doesn't do anything.
How about the symbol to the right? (there's one more button there). No reaction.
What vehicle are you driving? Uh, I have no idea.
Can you find out? (background: shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, open the glovebox! No, the glovebox by your knee! GLOVEBOX! I can't read this small print. )
You don't know what car you rented?
Uh... C- H - R - Y - S - L - E - R.
I mutter to myself: Had to be Chrysler Pacifica, that's the only minivan they make. Let me Google that... Something called UConnect, at least 3 different version, argh. Recent one, rental car probably pretty new, probably UConnect 5...
Back on the console, hit back.
What's that?
That left arrow on the upper left corner. (background: no! not that one! Move your finger up! Up! No, not that far! You passed it! )
Now the bottom row, there is a PHONE button. Press that please.
Okay. Back to same screen, still shows not connected.
Can you press the gear button again?
Something came up, then it went away.
What? (Mutter to self: You didn't say that before!)
Yeah! It disappeared by itself!
Please do it again and read the message back to me. (Background: Do it again! The gear button!)
"This function... cannot be engaged... while the vehicle is... in motion."
Okay, I know what to do now. Thanks! (hangs up)