Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:29 am
Crooked Hillary.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons bring us some web forums whereupon we can gather
Crooked Hillary.
I was kinda sorta also hinting that 'uninformed' is probably highly correlated to 'uneducated/undereducated'. And I'm not talking about whether or not someone has a college degree. Some people just aren't curious about things, in general, and much less politics, as YK pointed out. We saw again and again people interviewed about why they voted for Trump, and it's basically because they identify with his "straight talk" and very likely, limited, simple speech. "He talks like me."El Guapo wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:21 am There is a clear correlation between education levels and having voted for Trump or supporting Trump. One can make of that what one will.
Could be that they are the same thing. Highly educated people of any background have more in common with each other than they do with folks from a similar beginning that have much much less education. The culture surrounding higher education in many ways defines us more deeply than that of our origins.Carpet_pissr wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:34 amI'll say it again, I think we are less in a culture war, than an education war. Could be wrong, but that's how I see it.
When the white cowl fits the white cowl fits.Rip wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:22 pm I think calling Trump supporters uneducated racists is working fine, you should keep on doing it.
Rip wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:22 pm I think calling Trump supporters uneducated racists is working fine, you should keep on doing it.
I'm good with that too.Rip wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:22 pm I think calling Trump supporters uneducated racists is working fine, you should keep on doing it.
Christ man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here. Thus the correlation.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
OK, thanks for your approval. I will continue to call out racism when I see it.Rip wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:22 pm I think calling Trump supporters uneducated racists is working fine, you should keep on doing it.
We're all a little freaked out here. The latest bombing is slightly out of pattern in both location and technique, so now it's moving from concern and morbid curiosity to nervous...tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pmChrist man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
I'm perfectly calm. I'm just tired of you coming in just to let us know about your disapproval of whatever conversation is annoying you this week.tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pmChrist man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here. Thus the correlation.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
Nothing passive aggressive about it.
I can only imagine how awful that must feel. I hope you folks catch the evil son of a bitch soon.geezer wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:03 pmWe're all a little freaked out here. The latest bombing is slightly out of pattern in both location and technique, so now it's moving from concern and morbid curiosity to nervous...tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pmChrist man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
I was living in Maryland just outside DC in 2002 when the DC sniper happened and understand the shift in perspective. Hope they catch the guy soon and stay safe.geezer wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:03 pmWe're all a little freaked out here. The latest bombing is slightly out of pattern in both location and technique, so now it's moving from concern and morbid curiosity to nervous...tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pmChrist man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
Oh man, so close to this scene!GreenGoo wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:06 pmI'm perfectly calm. I'm just tired of you coming in just to let us know about your disapproval of whatever conversation is annoying you this week.tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pmChrist man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here. Thus the correlation.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
Nothing passive aggressive about it.
I didn't say you were wrong, I said you were passive aggressive.
If you want to talk about the bombings, start a freakin' thread. I'm sure many of us will participate. It's not the forum's responsibility to make sure topics are already underway when you arrive, so I'm not sure why you would criticize it instead of meaningfully participating.
I heard about a trip wire. I'm wondering if the "wrong" target tripped it or the bomber screwed up. It's very strange.geezer wrote:We're all a little freaked out here. The latest bombing is slightly out of pattern in both location and technique, so now it's moving from concern and morbid curiosity to nervous...tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pmChrist man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
I'm from that area, and most of my family still lives there. I'd honestly forgotten about it until I heard people drawing parallels today, but now that I think about it the "feeling" in the community seems to be similar.stessier wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:18 pmI was living in Maryland just outside DC in 2002 when the DC sniper happened and understand the shift in perspective. Hope they catch the guy soon and stay safe.geezer wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 3:03 pmWe're all a little freaked out here. The latest bombing is slightly out of pattern in both location and technique, so now it's moving from concern and morbid curiosity to nervous...tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pmChrist man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
Doing our best! Yeah - the latest one is really strange.tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:19 pmI heard about a trip wire. I'm wondering if the "wrong" target tripped it or the bomber screwed up. It's very strange.geezer wrote:We're all a little freaked out here. The latest bombing is slightly out of pattern in both location and technique, so now it's moving from concern and morbid curiosity to nervous...tjg_marantz wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:23 pmChrist man chill out. I did talk about something, the Austin bombings. I don't like that their President hasn't said shit about it. There is no thread about the bombings here.GreenGoo wrote:If tjg wants to talk about something, then he should talk about something. If he doesn't like what people are talking about, he should say so. I'm not a fan of passive aggressive.Holman wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 6:20 am I'm not sure I understand that. Was it snark or something else?
Stay safe man.
While it paints a picture, it still means that 37% of college graduates support him and obviously the number is much higher if you're asking people who identify Republican. Insulting their intelligence is not likely to garner you any support in the mid-terms. Generally speaking, who cares, but the vote totals in PA18 were close enough that you should.El Guapo wrote: Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:21 am There is a clear correlation between education levels and having voted for Trump or supporting Trump. One can make of that what one will.
Maybe in your time zone.GungHo wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 12:51 am I'd be surprised if you could get 74% of people to agree it's daytime at noon
That's what I'd expect you people to say.Blackhawk wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:33 am Each side refuses to listen to the other because the other side has become a 'them.' Each side has dehumanized the other much the way soldiers do in war (krauts, libruls, japs, snowflakes, trumpists.)
This is a big part of the problem. People in general still can't accept that this isn't a both sides issue. This is a one sided issue. The Republican party is demonstrably much, much worse. They are the problem.Blackhawk wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:33 am A big part of the reason that we're in this mess is because both sides have spent the last couple of decades slowly escalating from disagreeing with the opposition to openly hating the opposition. Each side refuses to listen to the other because the other side has become a 'them.' Each side has dehumanized the other much the way soldiers do in war (krauts, libruls, japs, snowflakes, trumpists.) We're not going to get anywhere until we deescalate back to civility.
The dicks were dicks already. The Republicans just weaponized their racism. They weaponized their ignorance. The Republicans became more extreme because they've gradually shrank their base courting them and now have to resort to 'cheats' like gerrymandering, voter disenfranchisement, and more to keep power. They are essentially becoming an authoritarian party out of necessity. This is why it is coming to a head because they can't retain power and protect white privilege much longer without throwing the whole shooting match out.And you deescalate by not treating other people - whether you agree with them or not - like dicks.
It isn't the masses. The masses are appalled right now. We are held hostage by an angry minority of the majority.Even if it winds up being useless, I'll at least be happy to be able to claim I wasn't gleefully making it worse along with the masses.
I agree! The problem is that most people don't know how to treat the viewpoint different from the holder of that view. And yes, doing disgusting things can make you a disgusting person. This ties in with my second point: You absolutely can treat people with disgusting viewpoints with disrespect and hatred. As long as you're willing to accept the cost of doing so - which is an endless quagmire of openly hostile tribalism/partisanship. I don't think the cost is worth venting my anger at human beings.GreenGoo wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:44 am The solution is not to treat their deplorably dickish viewpoints with respect and openmindedness
If we are going to convert their votes then we need to tell them what WE are going to do. Pointing out that Trump has done nothing for them will just play into his message that we are blocking him from doing anything. We need to combine the truth of his uselessness with the promise of action on their behalf.Zarathud wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:16 am remind all Trump voters that he's done nothing but a tax cut for himself and those who stay in Trump properties. No opioid solution. No economic ideas other than a trade war. No foreign policy. No solution to gun violence. Just chaos that he revels in while nothing gets done.
Come on, man, no one is jumping down your throat. And I for one, highly value your input here, and welcome your balancing voice. Goo can be a bit direct, but I think most of us are grown ups and can take his somewhat aggressive posting style.Blackhawk wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:46 amI agree! The problem is that most people don't know how to treat the viewpoint different from the holder of that view. And yes, doing disgusting things can make you a disgusting person. This ties in with my second point: You absolutely can treat people with disgusting viewpoints with disrespect and hatred. As long as you're willing to accept the cost of doing so - which is an endless quagmire of openly hostile tribalism/partisanship. I don't think the cost is worth venting my anger at human beings.GreenGoo wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:44 am The solution is not to treat their deplorably dickish viewpoints with respect and openmindedness
Anyway, remember when someone said that people hesitate before posting a viewpoint because it is exhausting having the 90% jump down your throat for not going along with the crowd?
Blackhawk has a point. The last couple of decades has definitely seen a escalation from disagreeing with the opposition to openly hating the opposition. Living in the DC area is a prime example of this. Even going back to the early 2000s, there is a very large subset of people who want NOTHING to do with someone of the opposite political party because a vote for GWB made them an evil person.malchior wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 6:35 amThis is a big part of the problem. People in general still can't accept that this isn't a both sides issue. This is a one sided issue. The Republican party is demonstrably much, much worse. They are the problem.Blackhawk wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 1:33 am A big part of the reason that we're in this mess is because both sides have spent the last couple of decades slowly escalating from disagreeing with the opposition to openly hating the opposition. Each side refuses to listen to the other because the other side has become a 'them.' Each side has dehumanized the other much the way soldiers do in war (krauts, libruls, japs, snowflakes, trumpists.) We're not going to get anywhere until we deescalate back to civility.
That is going to be hard to sell in 30s commercials. I'm definitely getting more back next year, but I have read enough to know what that means, what was given up to get it, and what is going to happen in a few years. Hoping the general populace has read as much is not likely to turn out well.Zarathud wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 8:16 am but remind all Trump voters that he's done nothing but a tax cut for himself and those who stay in Trump properties.
He put out a plan to execute the dealers. People in my neck of the woods are glad to see someone suggesting such a tough stance.No opioid solution.
Again, the people around here see the stock market up and are glad that someone is standing up to the governments dumping products in our market. I've tried to have discussions with them about this. It is very depressing.No economic ideas other than a trade war.
No solution to ending world hunger either. A better phrasing would be "taking steps to curb gun violence." It's not something that someone is just going to wake up one day and solve.No solution to gun violence.
Supplier-side economics doesn't work, either.stessier wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 9:28 amHe put out a plan to execute the dealers. People in my neck of the woods are glad to see someone suggesting such a tough stance.No opioid solution.
I'm just saying you are going to have to build a case and it's not going to be easy to keep people's attention that long.
Laughable like desperate laughable? Or maniacal laughable? That you can't see a very small minority is controlling the US against the wishes of the people and the states in the name of preventing the tyranny of the majority while redefining the law because they control government. Well, it's not laughable. It's lamentable. A minority of voters seized power by the nature of the institution of preventing the majority from trampling them. They took that power and expanded it through gerrymandering. They intended to vote their wallets and their (a?)moral agendas. They have since been exploited by a smaller minority with their own wallets and amoral agendas and they don't want to be wrong so they eat their shit sandwich in the name Ayn Rand or Donald Trump or Guns or God and they expect me to be happy about having to partake. Fuck that.Rip wrote: Tue Mar 20, 2018 2:42 am The basic premise that governance of the US is being held hostage somehow is laughable.
The sky isn't falling Henny Penny.
That suggesting it is because you don't agree with the decisions being made is hyperbole and fear mongering, nothing more.