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Re: Shootings

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 8:29 am
by Daehawk
9 shot at Virginia Beach, 2 dead in 2 shootings

Two people were killed and at least eight injured in Virginia Beach shooting incidents

Police found at least eight victims at "the original crime scene" when they arrived shortly after 11 p.m. Friday, Virginia Beach Police Chief Paul Neudigate said at a press briefing.
While police were investigating, shots were fired about a block away, resulting in "an individual being confronted by a uniform Virginia Beach police officer," Neudigate said.

The officer shot and killed the person in what the chief described as a "police intervention shooting."

Re: Shootings

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:05 am
by LawBeefaroni
Genuinely curious why this makes national news but something like this doesn't:.

CHICAGO [March 14] — At least 15 people were shot at a party Sunday morning in Chicago’s Greater Grand Crossing neighborhood, leaving at least two people dead, according to police.


Stinnett added that the total number of people shot in the incident is expected to grow as more potential victims arrive at hospitals.


The incident marks the second time in less than a year that 15 people were shot in a single incident in Chicago, following a shooting of 15 people last July outside a funeral home on 79th Street.
Or hell, within 24 hours of Virginia Beach:
Eight people were shot, one fatally, at a gathering early Friday in the Wrightwood neighborhood on Chicago's South Side, according to police.

The shooting took place just after midnight in the 2500 block of West 79th Street, according to Chicago police.

This isn't rhetorical curiosity either. I know people who live in or are from these neighborhoods and they see the nation mourning some shootings and ignoring the ones in their backyard and don't understand it.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:33 pm
by malchior
White people shot doing normal things is a concern that the media cares to cover. Non-white people shot at a house party aren't a story for them. That gets bracketed into gang violence or whatever overarching narrative they think it fits. That's how I see it at least.

Edit: Just to expand a little. Most big news stories are broken by companies that roll up to a small number of huge corporate owners (Disney, Comcast, Fox, AT&T, Verizon, ViacomCBS, etc.) Those owners have a lot of control and put focus on their narratives which surprise, surprise mirror the larger systemic racial issues in our society. This is what people feared when the government allowed them to consolidate.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:31 am
by Paingod
Zaxxon wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:57 pmI don't mean to single you out, Paingod, so much as use your less-than-30-minutes-apart posts to demonstrate a thought process that I perceive to be rampant among those who tend to react poorly to discussions of how we might address this country's unique gun violence problem.
I'm not sure what me being bored at work has to do with a gun control debate. I don't post on weekends, either, but that doesn't mean I'm spending the time formulating witty retorts and doing research for posting on Monday morning.
Zaxxon wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:57 pmI would venture that the overwhelming majority of people here that you perceive as 'anti-gun' are not, in fact, against your right to own a gun to defend your home, or shoot at the range, or go hunting.
I don't doubt that. Some people have voice an interest in "zero guns" and a lot of others are in between.
Zaxxon wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:57 pmNo one's coming for your guns. There is precisely a 0.00% chance that America ever (ok, in my lifetime or that of my kids) bans the types of guns that you need for those activities.
I absolutely know that. I have never once bitten at my fingernails in fear of the government discontinuing the 2nd Amendment as it's generally accepted right now. I have never once gone out and panic-purchased guns or accessories or ammunition in fear that it was going to go away. The only time I've been outraged was when there was a literal disaster with literal looters and literal anarchy and police took that opportunity to confiscate civilian firearms, but left them with private security guards to protect businesses but not residences.
Zaxxon wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:57 pmWhat you call 'anti-gun,' I call 'largely in agreement with what I believe you, Lawbeef, ND, and other folks who value the right to bear arms would agree with' if they sat down and dispassionately evaluated options.
Honestly, if you told me that all I had to do to prevent 99% of mass shootings was to give up my guns, I'd do it without hesitation. Sadly, I only own about 0.0000000075% of all guns in America.

I suspect there will come a day when a terrorist realizes they can strap a pound or two of C4 onto a $1,000 drone and fly it over a crowd at no risk to themselves. On that day, I also expect there to be a call to make all drones in the US illegal - and I won't be lining up to freely turn in my drone unless there's a law that tells me to.

It goes to the feeling that I'm not the problem. Someone else is. I think a lot of gun issues can be solved with mental health spending over gun control, but that doesn't mean I don't want gun control. Ii means I want a shit-ton of mental health spending. Firearms or not, suicides and mass shootings are mental health problems. The guns provide a means, but aren't the trigger.
Zaxxon wrote: Fri Mar 26, 2021 5:57 pmI disagree with the notion that having a firearm in the home 'for protection' is likely to prove out as a positive cost-benefit calculation for most homes, most of the time, but I am totally for your right to make that decision for yourself. The problem (again IMO) is that the reality in this country is so far divorced from that being the question actually at hand that it's just exhausting to have these discussions continually devolve into that 'debate.'
I don't disagree with the notion that not having a gun is statistically better than having one in terms of risk to a family. I also happen to believe that statistics include a lot of really stupid people and education and training make a HUGE difference in mitigating risk. We train and license people to drive cars. I don't see why we don't do the same thing for guns.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:21 pm
by Blackhawk
I'd have no problem with a 'zero guns' nation where nobody needs them because nobody has them, but that's finger-snap wishful thinking that won't apply to our reality anytime in the foreseeable future. We have to work with what we've got.

But narrowing it down to one cause isn't going to work, either. Gun control won't solve the problem. It would be like establishing water control while swimming in the ocean.

Mental health spending won't solve the problem when there is so much stigma and consequence for mental health issues. Too often admitting to an issue results in discrimination, fear, friends and family turning their backs on you, whole groups of careers being permanently blocked off, and rights restricted. So people with mental health issues won't get them treated, as they don't want to suffer the consequences. Parents of children with issues won't get them treated because they don't want them stigmatized and their futures restricted. And those that do need it and are willing often can't afford it, not because of a lack of funding, but because our health care system is bonkers and insurance is a real bitch when it comes to mental health. Try getting mental health care in a small town on Medicare. The only place local to us keeps *one* therapist on staff that takes Medicare patients, and if that *one* therapist is full, or overbooked, or just not very good, well, that's what you've got.

Education won't solve the problem, as it might reduce accidents, but it doesn't solve stupidity, temper, trauma, or intoxication.

All of those, every one of them, implemented together would be necessary to really impact the issue. And too often I see gun rights activists say 'mental health and education!' because if that solves the problems, we won't have to restrict their guns. But it won't. It's not enough. Our whole culture is sideways on this, and we're paying the price for that in human lives.

Social change is a big one. Maybe if we can stop seeing a mental health issues as shameful, dangerous defects we could get people actual treatment. Maybe if we'd stop yelling "Commies!" every time someone mentioned health care reform people could get help. Maybe if we quit idealizing ourselves as invincible action heroes waiting for Red Dawn to happen we wouldn't be so desperate to have access to weapons we have no genuine use for.
Paingod wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:31 am Honestly, if you told me that all I had to do to prevent 99% of mass shootings was to give up my guns, I'd do it without hesitation.
What about if I told you it would save one life, a crippled old man with no family, severe intellectual disabilities, and one year to live?

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:35 pm
by Paingod
Blackhawk wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 1:21 pm
Paingod wrote: Mon Mar 29, 2021 7:31 am Honestly, if you told me that all I had to do to prevent 99% of mass shootings was to give up my guns, I'd do it without hesitation.
What about if I told you it would save one life, a crippled old man with no family, severe intellectual disabilities, and one year to live?
If somehow, me giving up a "thing" - a material possession - would save a life, yeah. The world doesn't exactly work that way, though.

In watching "The Good Place" I loved the way they handled ethics and how there's always a tipping point that pushes people one way or another.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 10:26 pm
by Jaymon
Guns is the culture here, and its very deeply ingrained. its more than just people wanting home defense, or hunters and target shooters.
Its more than 2nd amendment lovers and milita folks, or preppers. Its more than mental health, and making sure crazy people don't have access, or getting disturbed folks the help they need. Its also a deep culture issue. how many tv shows in prime time are showing the good guys with guns? How many of our childhood action heroes are muscley dudes with machine guns mowing down ranks of faceless bad guys?

We as a culture glorify gun usage, not for home defense or for hunting, but for popping caps in asses. And I believe that is just as large a contribution as any of the other reasons.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 11:32 pm
by Kraken
Culture is the key word. I grew up in MI, which has a very strong gun culture. Now I live in MA, which does not. We're fine with the strict gun laws that give us one of the lowest gun violence rates in the US. Some of my MI relatives are appalled at the restrictions we not only tolerate, but demand. I think it's because MA never had a Wild West mentality and is too densely settled for hunting to be a big thing anymore. Those scenes you've seen of armed and armored bubbas threatening the capitol in Lansing would never be tolerated in Boston...and it's not because we're oppressed.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 8:49 am
by Daehawk
Four people, including a child, were killed in a mass shooting at an office complex in Orange, California
The complex where the shooting occurred houses multiple businesses including Farmer's Insurance, Calco Financial and Miller Counseling.
At least 20 mass shootings have taken place in the two weeks since the metro Atlanta spa attacks left 8 dead
Two weeks have passed since the three Atlanta-area spa shootings claimed the lives of eight people, and in that time at least 20 other mass shootings have taken place.
The incidents have stretched from California to Washington, DC, and many have left multiple victims dead.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 9:01 am
by stimpy
Welcome to Chicago, rest of the United States!!!!

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 3:39 pm
by Daehawk
removed cause theres a thread after all...-Dae

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 3:45 pm
by Smoove_B
We have a dedicated thread for domestic violence terror attacks now, because America.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 3:59 pm
by Daehawk
We do?..geez these times. Ok Ill delete it.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:08 pm
by Isgrimnur
A Navy hospital corpsman who shot and critically wound two people at a Maryland office park was himself shot and killed Tuesday morning several miles away in Fort Detrick, the site of the U.S. Army’s biological defense program center, officials said.

Local police in Frederick, Maryland, separately said they had responded to an “active shooter” at a commercial business address in that city about 4 miles away from Fort Detrick.

“Currently there are two victims and one suspect is down,” police said.

NBC 4 in Washington reported that the unidentified 38-year-old suspect traveled to Fort Detrick after the shooting.

A Fort Detrick spokesman said that the gunmen breached a gate at the facility, where he was shot by military police. The gunman received medical attention in an effort to save his life, but was pronounced dead at the scene, the spokesman said.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:22 pm
by Daehawk
I dont get why people live their life then suddenly do this.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:24 pm
by Isgrimnur
You don't know their stories.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:45 pm
by malchior
Daehawk wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 4:22 pm I dont get why people live their life then suddenly do this.
They don't suddenly do it. They often act out for years and are ignored. They self-isolate, build up a library of injustices in their minds, they often tell people what they are upset about, they still get ignored, and then they decide to get even.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:13 pm
by Daehawk
Ex-NFL player Phillip Adams killed 5 in South Carolina before taking his own life, authorities say

Investigators do not yet know what led to the shootings, though they believe Adams was the only assailant.
Former NFL player Phillip Adams killed five people -- including a prominent doctor, his wife and their two young grandchildren -- at the physician's South Carolina home Wednesday before killing himself in his own family's home nearby, authorities said.

Investigators believe Adams, 32, forced his way into Dr. Robert Lesslie's home in Rock Hill and shot Lesslie, his wife and the two grandchildren in a room, as well as two air conditioning technicians outside, York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson said.
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Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:23 pm
by Alefroth
I'm going to say a gun led to the shooting.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:32 pm
by Jaymann
The A/C techs were asking for it.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:41 pm
by stimpy
Jaymann wrote: Thu Apr 08, 2021 5:32 pm The A/C techs were asking for it.
Jaymann wrote: Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:55 pm Sorry dude, too soon.


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 6:29 pm
by Carpet_pissr
Alefroth wrote:I'm going to say a gun led to the shooting.

This tragedy could have just as easily been carried out via a bomb. Or a mass drowning. Hot air balloons can also be deadly.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 8:03 pm
by Alefroth
Those would be tragedies, yes, shootings no.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 8:21 pm
by Isgrimnur
One person was killed and at least five others were wounded -- four of them critically -- in a shooting at an industrial park in Bryan, Texas, on Thursday afternoon, police said.

A trooper with the Texas Department of Public Safety was shot while pursuing the suspect, the department tweeted, and is in serious but stable condition.

One person was later taken into custody in nearby Grimes County, Sheriff Donald Sowell told CNN, adding the incident may be connected to the industrial park shooting.
Bryan Police received a call around 2:30 p.m. (3:30 p.m. ET) of an active shooter at Kent Moore Cabinets, Chief Eric Buske said.
Police believe the gunman was an employee of the business, Buske said, and police are investigating the motive.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:01 pm
by Daehawk
A shooting at a Texas office park has left 1 person dead and 5 wounded, police say

A gunman killed one person and wounded at least five others -- four of them critically -- at a cabinet manufacturer in Bryan, Texas, on Thursday afternoon, police said.
A gunman killed one person and wounded at least five others -- four of them critically -- at a cabinet manufacturer in Bryan, Texas, on Thursday afternoon, police said.

The gunman, who is believed to be an employee of the company, Kent Moore Cabinets, fled before police arrived but was later taken into custody, Bryan Police said.
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Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 8:55 am
by Z-Corn
The very rare but always appreciated Delayed Reverse BAM!

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:37 am
by Daehawk
Im lagged.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:26 pm
by Smoove_B
Remember in 2020 when we didn't have any school shootings?
Multiple agencies are on the scene of a shooting at Austin-East Magnet High School [Knoxville, TN]. Multiple gunshot victims reported, including a KPD officer. The investigation remains active at this time. Please avoid the area.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:28 pm
by malchior
According to that link, 4 current or former (how former?) students have been killed so far this year in shootings. It's incredibly sad.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:49 pm
by Little Raven
malchior wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:28 pm According to that link, 4 current or former (how former?) students have been killed so far this year in shootings. It's incredibly sad.
It's worse than that. Go look at the obituaries of those 4 former students. You'll be astounded by all the "was proceeded in death by their brother/aunt/cousin." Look them up and you'll find they were also shot to death within the last couple of years.

Whatever is going in that neighborhood it is NOT GOOD.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:51 pm
by malchior
Little Raven wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:49 pm
malchior wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:28 pm According to that link, 4 current or former (how former?) students have been killed so far this year in shootings. It's incredibly sad.
It's worse than that. Go look at the obituaries of those 4 former students. You'll be astounded by all the "was proceeded in death by their brother/aunt/cousin." Look them up and you'll find they were also shot to death within the last couple of years.

Whatever is going in that neighborhood this entire country it is NOT GOOD.

Edit: Just to put an exclamation point on it.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 9:49 pm
by Kraken
Smoove_B wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:26 pm Remember in 2020 when we didn't have any school shootings?
Multiple agencies are on the scene of a shooting at Austin-East Magnet High School [Knoxville, TN]. Multiple gunshot victims reported, including a KPD officer. The investigation remains active at this time. Please avoid the area.
If the pandemic taught us anything, it's that the way to end school shootings is to close the schools.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:08 pm
by LawBeefaroni
malchior wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:51 pm
Little Raven wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:49 pm
malchior wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:28 pm According to that link, 4 current or former (how former?) students have been killed so far this year in shootings. It's incredibly sad.
It's worse than that. Go look at the obituaries of those 4 former students. You'll be astounded by all the "was proceeded in death by their brother/aunt/cousin." Look them up and you'll find they were also shot to death within the last couple of years.

Whatever is going in that neighborhood this entire country it is NOT GOOD.

Edit: Just to put an exclamation point on it.
I promise you that the rest of the country is nowhere near that neighborhood or the worst neighborhoods in Chicago, Baltimore, etc.

Problems, maybe, but nothing like those neighborhoods.

They have the equivalent of a mass shooting several times a year in a multi block area. Monthly in the case of Chicago. With "minor" shootings daily.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 7:56 am
by malchior
I have no doubt that are places like this that are worse than normal. But this whole country persists in having the highest levels of lethal violence across all advanced economies.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 7:45 am
by Smoove_B
8 people killed at Indianapolis FedEx:
A gunman opened fire outside and inside a FedEx facility near Indianapolis' main airport Thursday night, killing eight people, wounding several others and sending witnesses running before taking his own life, police said.
Police were called to the facility at about 11 p.m. local time for what has become the country's deadliest shooting since 10 people were killed March 22 in a grocery shooting in Colorado.

The names of the victims or gunman were not immediately released.

"The (gunman) came into the parking lot, and I believe he exited his vehicle and quickly began shooting. ... The first shooting occurred in the parking lot, and then he went inside and did not get very far (inside)," Indianapolis police Deputy Chief Craig McCartt told CNN early Friday.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:52 am
by Octavious
If I had the means I totally would move out of this country yesterday. Mass shootings over and over... People worshipping a guy who got over half a million people killed. Out in the open racist crap on Fox News. When Obama was in office I had a feeling everything was going in the right direction and had hope. I have zero faith in our country at this point. :cry:

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:03 am
by LordMortis
Octavious wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:52 am If I had the means I totally would move out of this country yesterday. Mass shootings over and over... People worshipping a guy who got over half a million people killed. Out in the open racist crap on Fox News. When Obama was in office I had a feeling everything was going in the right direction and had hope. I have zero faith in our country at this point. :cry:
Don't know where I'd go, but I'd move to somewhere better if a place revealed itself to me. My reverence for my nation doesn't exist any more. 10 years ago, I don't think I'd have been open to that sort of revelation.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:05 am
by hepcat
While I don't think it's quite THAT bad, I do agree things felt more positive under Obama. I'm hoping Biden can bring back that feeling.

Trump is the worst thing that has happened to this country in ages. He's legitimized hate and childishness to the point where it's no longer used with the caveat "I know this sounds bad, but..." in public anymore.

Also, my retirement plans are still calling for me to research Portugal more. :wink:

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:41 am
by YellowKing
Yeah I'm withholding judgment until a bit more time has passed under Biden. We're still only four months out from the Trump disaster and still in the grips of the pandemic. The wounds of 2020 have not even begun to heal. People are still stressed and angry and flipping the fuck out.

That's not to say I think that Fox News diehards will magically have a change of heart, or that the divisions in Washington will suddenly heal. Those are enduring problems that are going to be with us a long time. But I do feel it's going to take some time to dig out of the hole Trump put us in.

This is, after all, the same country that felt hopeful under 8 years of Obama. Those people are still there. And having Trump's deplorables come out of the woodwork and be more vocal doesn't change the demographics. If anything, Trump caused more people to jump ship, and the GOP has alienated more than it has attracted.

Sure I could be wrong, and we could see a wave of GOP control for the next decade. On the flip side, the Trump disaster may have been the catalyst that kicks off years of progressive movement. Right now I think it's too early to make that call.

Re: Shootings

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:56 am
by Octavious
I do think it's that bad sadly. The opinions and beliefs of at least 76 million people don't even remotely align with anything I want to be a part of . I know tonnnnnnsssss of people personally who after the last few years it's reveled that they are total garbage. They just needed someone to make it ok to not hide their crap.