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Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:57 am
by Max Peck
Locally, masks are still required on public transit and the federal government is still requiring masks on aircraft and trains across Canada.
I've been to the neighborhood pharmacy twice since the provincial mask mandates were dropped. Staff continue to wear masks, but customers are not required to do so. On one weekend trip, about half of the customers were masked and on the second trip a few days later all of them were masked. Maybe the public health messaging asking people to continue to wear masks in indoor public spaces is getting through, or maybe weekday shoppers are more cautious than weekend shoppers. I dunno, it's tough to plot a curve with 2 data points.
I've also been to the local grocery store once, and all staff there were masked (although some weren't wearing them properly) as well as all of the customers. I didn't notice whether there was still a sign at the entrance requiring masks.
My apartment building still has a sign at the entrance saying that masks are required in public spaces within the building, but the notices at the elevators have been changed to ask people to be considerate of any residents who do not wish to share an elevator. Previously they limited capacity to one "family unit" at a time.
I continue to mask up when appropriate. When I have to be around other people in an indoor setting I've got nothing to lose by wearing a respirator and nothing to gain by not wearing one. I've come to prefer my FFP3 disposable respirators to my P100 elastomeric respirator. The FFP3 has a very good fit, maintains a reliable seal and has filtration that is nearly as good as the P100, while being more comfortable to wear for extended periods.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:46 am
by Blackhawk
And I haven't seen a single mask in weeks.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 4:31 pm
by Jaymon
Doesn't matter if Biden overturns that hack judge. Doesn't matter if a deadlier mutation sweeps the world. At least in the US, mask mandates are over. Even if another mandate was started, it would be completely ignored.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:18 pm
by Zaxxon
I enjoyed (for some masochistic definition of
enjoyed) this Vox piece which tries to put the death of the transportation mask mandate in context within society's unstoppable drive to move on from COVID, damn the consequences:
Welcome to the choose-your-own-adventure phase of the pandemic.
Rising coronavirus cases aren’t going to stop much of the country from continuing to move on from the pandemic, leaving many Americans to fend for themselves on the road to a new normal.
Even as cases nationwide have jumped 47 percent over the last two weeks, on Monday a federal judge lifted the mask requirement for air travel and it doesn’t sound as if the Biden administration is putting up a big fight to reinstate it. When people who were literally on a plane heard the news, their response reflected this chaotic new moment in the pandemic, a mixture of cheers and fresh fears.
But if you look at people’s attitudes broadly, Americans have been drifting toward normalcy. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s March poll, 27 percent of Americans say they have basically returned to doing what they normally did before the pandemic. Another 14 percent said that they never changed their behavior — meaning nearly half of the country is living as if Covid-19 had never happened. On the other end of the spectrum, 17 percent of Americans say they are still not doing most of the activities they did before the pandemic.
The largest group, 42 percent of the US, is somewhere in the middle. These Americans say they are doing some — but not all — of their pre-pandemic activities. If you combine this group with the people who have returned to normal, more than half of the country is now taking it less seriously, as the government and businesses continue to encourage a return to economic and social activity.
But it’s hard to avoid exposure when the combined policy response from federal, state, and local authorities is no longer based on helping people do that. In general, the government is now focused almost entirely on limiting hospitalizations and deaths and otherwise allowing a return to pre-pandemic activities. Hospitalizations are currently plateauing nationally after a long decline. Deaths are still dropping from their peak during the winter omicron wave.
With so many vaccinated or previously infected with the virus, we would expect to see fewer severe cases. But the virus is still spreading. The difference now is, the government and businesses are tacitly and overtly acknowledging they can only do so much about that. Delta Air Lines, in its response to the court ruling lifting the mask mandate, initially referred to Covid-19 as an ordinary seasonal disease — before backtracking.
Instead of one cohesive Covid-19 response, people are left making millions of individual decisions that also ultimately limit other people’s ability to steer clear of the virus.
As President Joe Biden said on Tuesday, when asked whether Americans should continue to mask on planes despite the mandate being rescinded: “That’s up to them.”
The uncomfortable truth is there is only so much one person can do now. Wearing masks, avoiding crowded indoor spaces, and staying up to date on vaccinations are still the playbook for reducing your risks from Covid-19. But with so many people moving on, there is not a foolproof plan for avoiding infection.
“We’re in a position where you’d have to have really compelling reasons to try to avoid exposure, given society’s failure to make it easy to avoid exposure,” Justin Feldman, a social epidemiologist at Harvard University, told me.
At previous points in the pandemic, it seemed clear what would need to happen next to start loosening our pandemic rules: cases needed to fall. New tools were arriving all the time to help that happen. First, we were waiting for the vaccines to be approved and then for people to get vaccinated. A few months later, we were waiting for news on booster shots, and the looming omicron wave promised to spread immunity throughout much of the population, albeit at a high cost.
But at this point, few if any new interventions are coming even as cases keep climbing. The toolbox has been stocked — vaccines, therapeutics, tests — and it’s now left to each person to decide how they’ll use the tools.
Society is making a difficult pivot, asking people who have lived through the most extreme social and economic disruption of their lives, all because of the novel coronavirus, to regard it now as part of the milieu. We are transitioning from a world of stay-at-home orders, business closures, and universal masking requirements to a choose-your-own-pandemic experience.
With such a dizzying information environment, it’s no surprise the pandemic is messing with our heads. Experts were warning about decision fatigue a year ago, and research indicates the last two years have made a lot of people’s anxiety worse. One survey-based study in Europe found that people who had a higher interest in the pandemic were more likely to show signs of neuroticism. People with higher levels of anxiety were more likely to perceive a higher level of risk from Covid-19, according to another US-based study.
When something as simple as asking a coworker to go get a drink can feel fraught, people are bound to be stressed out. Every social interaction comes with a complex decision tree: Would that person be comfortable going out in public? I’m supposed to go see my parents this weekend — so if I go out tonight, can I get tested in time?
“It’s a lot of cognitive engagement. Having to engage in that calculus all the time is so wearing that I think it makes people just stay home,” Cagney told me.
Or they may go the other way and largely give up on taking precautions. After all, a lot of other people have.
infuriating to me that society has given up. But as I've bitched about here in the past, it's clear that society
has given up, and the result is that COVID isn't going anywhere anytime soon (which, by my estimation, means at minimum several years from now). Given that, it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to justify continuing along the path I've taken thus far (which is doing everything I'm 'supposed' to and none of what I 'shouldn't'). I'm
going to get COVID at some point, as will my kids. Virtually all of you will, too. I don't want that. You don't want that. But I'm not willing to hermit for several more years to avoid it (and, realistically, in all likelihood to
fail to avoid it).
My kids have lost a large portion of their socialization for 25 months and counting despite COVID being a very low risk to them at this stage. We're going to the school's roller-skating event tonight, which will be the biggest COVID risk they've taken yet. I'm not yet in Kurth territory, passing on masking while traveling through an airport. But we're doing the roller-skating event. The kiddos are going to have a sleepover with a couple of friends.
The risk assessment has become, for me, a lot different lately. I'm not sure whether it's right or not, but I'm just exhausted and am having too much difficulty justifying to myself the social damage I'm inflicting on the kids.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:26 pm
by Kraken
Zaxxon wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 5:18 pm
COVID isn't going anywhere anytime soon (which, by my estimation, means at minimum several years from now).
That was always true, as I think China's zero-covid policy shows. They can minimize disease at great effort and expense, but they can't eliminate it any more than we can. Maybe we could if the whole world went to such extremes, as we did very briefly early in the pandemic, but instead we've stopped trying.
Promising technologies in development include a nasal vaccine (currently being tested in mice with encouraging results) that would stop the virus at the point of infection; a broad coronavirus vaccine that would protect against variants of SARS-CoV-2 as well as other coronaviruses; and modifications to tailor current vaccines to omicron and its little friends. Of those, only the former promises to break the chain of infection, and only the latter is likely to be available soon (like, by fall).
I'm frustrated, too, but it's hard to buck the now-dominant narrative that we're all just going to have to get used to it. I'm still masking and sanitizing my hands and avoiding indoor events, but Wife went to a play last week and has similar activities scheduled, including a concert that she wants to take me to as a birthday gift. I expressed reluctance but she bought tickets anyway, saying she'll just sell them online if the pandemic surges again before the show. I myself am reluctant to shut down our weekly restaurant night again, even though I know that I should and have been threatening to do it for weeks.
My packie is having its big spring beer tasting this Saturday. I'm passing on that one.
Choose Your Own Pandemic indeed.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 7:59 pm
by hitbyambulance
i sold my ticket to a concert this week after i heard multiple stories of people contracting Covid at previous dates on this tour (and from what i heard, a very small tiny percentage of the people at this particular show was wearing facial coverings of any kind.) did i really want to go to this concert? yes. was i willing to face the risks of going? very much no. i'm going to be looking out for myself and informing family and friends of any new thing i learn - but i'm going to have to be vigilant in the face of overwhelming odds. this is what society wants right now, and there is not a thing i can do about that. the Tao has spoken.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:45 pm
by Smoove_B
Kurth wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:24 am
And I’m done with it, too. I’ve got a flight to San Fran this Thursday and then cross-country flights to Philly and D.C. later this month and early next. Unless the mask mandate is reinstated on Alaska, I won’t be wearing one.
I've been thinking for two days about how to reply your post, namely because I wanted to respond in a constructive way.
In that spirit, I've decided I can only quote the works of philosopher (and author) Albert Camus from his 1947 book,
The Plague.
Albert Camus wrote:All I maintain is that on this earth there are pestilences and there are victims, and it's up to us, so far as possible, not to join forces with the pestilences. That may sound simple to the point of childishness; I can't judge if it's simple, but I know it's true.
I can't claim it's an original quote or one that hasn't been bandied about during the last 2+ years. However, imho it still applies. Arguably more so than ever.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 3:54 am
by Kurth
Smoove_B wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 8:45 pm
Kurth wrote: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:24 am
And I’m done with it, too. I’ve got a flight to San Fran this Thursday and then cross-country flights to Philly and D.C. later this month and early next. Unless the mask mandate is reinstated on Alaska, I won’t be wearing one.
I've been thinking for two days about how to reply your post, namely because I wanted to respond in a constructive way.
In that spirit, I've decided I can only quote the works of philosopher (and author) Albert Camus from his 1947 book,
The Plague.
Albert Camus wrote:All I maintain is that on this earth there are pestilences and there are victims, and it's up to us, so far as possible, not to join forces with the pestilences. That may sound simple to the point of childishness; I can't judge if it's simple, but I know it's true.
I can't claim it's an original quote or one that hasn't been bandied about during the last 2+ years. However, imho it still applies. Arguably more so than ever.
I appreciate the thought you put into that, and I know we are coming at this from different perspectives. I also love that you've got a Camus quote for this. I'm far from an expert in philosophy, but I did catch the existentialism bug in college and took a couple courses. I loved Camus. For every thing I hated about the existentialist despair, I felt like Camus had an answer: Fight the good fight. Just keep on. There's value in that, in and of itself. I think you and I might agree on that in theory, but we differ on how that actually applies, at least to life in this pandemic.
So, I'll see your Camus quote with one from my least favorite existentialist:
I marvel at these young people: drinking their coffee, they tell clear, plausible stories. If they are asked what they did yesterday, they aren't embarrassed: they bring you up to date in a few words. If I were in their place, I'd fall all over myself.
― Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:43 am
by $iljanus
For me I find it ridiculous that of all the restrictions that have been challenged, the least onerous of all of them gets challenged and struck down in court.
Also some of the experts being interviewed today pointed out that while airplanes have good air filtration systems, buses are pretty dismal.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:51 am
by malchior
$iljanus wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:43 am
For me I find it ridiculous that of all the restrictions that have been challenged, the least onerous of all of them gets challenged and struck down in court.
True but it is one of the most politicized one (thanks Trump!). It is a symbol for oppression to a portion of the population. Because we are *that broken*.
Also some of the experts being interviewed today pointed out that while airplanes have good air filtration systems, buses are pretty dismal.
Yeah that's the troubling thing. This isn't about the law or good policy or public health ultimately. It's about the naked exercise of power. And it is an indicator of a darkness that is building in this nation.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:53 am
by Zaxxon
malchior wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:51 am
$iljanus wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:43 am
For me I find it ridiculous that of all the restrictions that have been challenged, the least onerous of all of them gets challenged and struck down in court.
True but it is one of the most politicized one (thanks Trump!). It is a symbol for oppression to a portion of the population. Because we are *that broken*.
Yes, that thin piece of cloth on your face while you travel freely across the country is a sign of OPPRESSION by THE MAN!
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:16 am
by YellowKing
While I'm pro-mask, my flight a week ago was repeatedly delayed, and at one point diverted to another airport due to weather. All told I spent nearly 10 hours masked up, and it freaking SUCKED.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:23 am
by Zaxxon
YellowKing wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:16 am
While I'm pro-mask, my flight a week ago was repeatedly delayed, and at one point diverted to another airport due to weather. All told I spent nearly 10 hours masked up, and it freaking SUCKED.
While I'm in favor of mothafuckin' masks on the mothafuckin' planes, this Atlantic piece by Tom Nichols (yes, it pains me somewhat to be pushing a Nichols article) speaks to me:
Masks on Planes Were One More Form of Safety Theater.
The two-part gist is that 1)
as implemented, the benefit isn't/wasn't nearly what it should have been, and 2) we routinely accept and even endorse unnecessary risk as a society.
Especially when contrasted against how well (poorly) Shanghai's zero-COVID policy is going at the moment, I think this piece rings true. I'd prefer we still had a mask mandate on public transport, but only if it's actually enforced in a meaningful way. The current method smells more like shoes-off-at-airport-security to me. Metaphorically, that is.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:58 am
by Smoove_B
Enter the "argument of the beard" via Jon Levy: ... 5253383169
When I took logic in high school, my favorite logical fallacy (yes, I had one - don't judge) was "argument of the beard". I actually think it informs some of the current arguments about masks, airplanes/buses/trains, and other aspects of pandemic response. First off, I know I'm not a philosopher or logician. My understanding of "argument of the beard" comes from a high school logic class in the 1980s. So don't dunk on me if I don't grasp the subtleties or misuse the fallacy a bit. But my simple understanding is this - if you pluck one hair from a beard, obviously it is still a beard, right? Pluck one more, still a beard. But if you make that argument for every hair, eventually you will say that a clean-shaven person has a beard. As I understand it, the fallacy is that if you only define the extremes (beard vs. clean shaven), there will be no single moment when they meet on the hair-plucking continuum. A continuous variable of beardedness is treated categorically. So what does this have to do with the pandemic? As mask mandates drop, some of the arguments are about whether one-way masking works or doesn't work. If high-quality masks work, then aren't you protected if you wear one? Or will you get infected if others don't mask?
But this isn't about whether one-way masking works or not, just as it is not about beard vs. clean shaven. Yes, masks work, but they aren't perfect, and one-way masking works less well than collective masking. So those who mask are now at higher risk than they used to be. More broadly, if we cast everything in the extremes, we end up with false choices. Lockdown vs. let 'er rip. Mask forever vs. never mask. We lose the shades of gray and ability to recognize that incremental reductions or increases in risk matter. Extreme definitions also lead to definition creep. If you start with a lockdown and remove one protective element, is it still a lockdown? What about two protections removed? And so forth, until we are down to a few straggling hairs and still calling it a lush beard.
I know this is risk analysis 101, basic harm reduction principles, and so forth. We don't need the "argument of the beard" to understand the importance of continuous risk functions. But I think it is helpful in calling out black-and-white thinking and not misleading people. If you are riding a bus, plane, or train, your risk is now higher than it used to be, even if you wear a mask. We can argue about level of risk or its acceptability, but let's not pretend it is zero or unchanged.
And for the inevitable comments on this thread that "masks don't work", well, that's back to the black-and-white thinking. Masks reduce your inhaled dose and risk of infection, but don't eliminate them. We can argue about efficacy, but it's not 0% or 100%.
Anyway, hopefully we can train ourselves to wince when we see headlines like "One-way masking works" or "Masks don't work", because they push us into extreme positions and false choices.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:09 am
by Zaxxon
I think the issue with that framing is that in reality this change moves us from a scenario where masks are mostly worn well by those who want to wear them well and poorly by those who don't, to one where masks are mostly worn well by those who want to wear them well and not at all by those who don't. It's a nudge within one shade of grey, and the practical impact is much smaller than 'TRANSPORTATION MASK MANDATE DROPPED' leads one to believe.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:19 am
by Smoove_B
I think people are significantly underestimating support for masks and the "peer pressure" element that occurs for a significant number of people when they see others masked. The ~25% of the population that actively refuse anything? F them.
Also, the Biden administration absolutely needs to appeal for the reasons mentioned above. It's not about the masks. It's about a court being able to cut the legs out of public health response during an infectious disease outbreak. If they don't appeal this, our ability to address future disease outbreaks will be diminished. I know thinking about that excites some people, but you can still refer to my comments above.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:26 am
by Zaxxon
Smoove_B wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:19 amAlso, the Biden administration absolutely needs to appeal for the reasons mentioned above. It's not about the masks. It's about a court being able to cut the legs out of public health response during an infectious disease outbreak. If they don't appeal this, our ability to address future disease outbreaks will be diminished. I know thinking about that excites some people, but you can still refer to my comments above.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:21 am
by Kraken
YellowKing wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:16 am
While I'm pro-mask, my flight a week ago was repeatedly delayed, and at one point diverted to another airport due to weather. All told I spent nearly 10 hours masked up, and it freaking SUCKED.
I had a similar experience the last time I had to fly, except it was 12 hours with a 1-hour break halfway through for dinner in a bar. Whereupon I learned not to eat tuna when you're compelled to mask up for hours afterward.
Today I added a mile onto my normal 3-mile walk in order to go into the bank and convenience store. As I neared the store I realized I'd forgotten to grab a I kept on walking. I can do those errands later. But I must admit, after walking the extra half-mile to get there I was tempted to "just run in" like everybody else does.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:55 am
by Daehawk
I stopped masking last couple times to town. Feels weird. And unsafe. The pharmacy lady thought I was lucky Id never had Covid. Maybe it was because id worn a mask all these decades years .
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 1:34 pm
by hitbyambulance
Daehawk wrote: Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:55 am
The pharmacy lady thought I was lucky Id never had Covid.
and 'having had Covid' is going to be normalized and the best kind of socially acceptable
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 1:53 pm
by gilraen
The talk about how COVID-19 is no more serious than cold or flu for the majority of the population drive me crazy. Am I really concerned about being hospitalized or dying from it? No, probably not - I'm young, healthy overall, and there are pretty good therapies out there now to treat more serious symptoms. But I *am* very much concerned about the possibility of this:
People who had COVID-19 were about 40% more likely to develop diabetes within a year after recovering
Patients with COVID-19 were at increased risk of a broad range of cardiovascular disorders including cerebrovascular disorders, dysrhythmias, ischemic and non–ischemic heart disease, pericarditis, myocarditis, heart failure, and thromboembolic disease.
and just in general:
80% of individuals with a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis continue to have at least one overall effect beyond 2 weeks following acute infection
TL;DR: I'll wear a mask in public indoor settings, tyvm.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:05 pm
by LordMortis
Cases around here appear to be on the rise, which isn't great when you know testing and reporting is down down down. Hospitalizations remain steady and we aren't red lining bed occupancy but they are a lagging indicator. Washenaw county (where my largest concern lay) is up to 33 cases per 100,000 per day (testing and reporting, which likely means closer to 80 or more if we were still testing like we were a year ago) ... s-and-maps, ... --,00.html
I consider myself a prime candidate for diabetes (let alone the my per-existing heart and lung issues). After my cousin's wedding, he died, while his sister, who never had diabetes, went into a diabetic coma, and now will be fighting serious diabetes for the rest of her life.

And still we have shared blood relatives who won't practice hygiene, won't vaccinate, and swear Tim died because he didn't get horse paste.
TL;DR: I'll wear a mask in public indoor settings, tyvm.
+1 for for now until..? (I hope not too long from now for the season, but this week's indicators suggest my hopes were getting too high)
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:21 pm
by Kraken
I'm still masking for my weekly grocery run. Today a smattering of other people were masked, too. Seemed to be a little better than the previous week, although still no more than 10%.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:56 pm
by Zaxxon
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 11:58 am
by Smoove_B
Absolutely unreal. ... 2821386242
Here are 2 CDC COVID maps. The community level map on the L shows low levels (green) almost everywhere. The map on the R shows COVID transmission levels where very few places have low transmission (blue) & large swaths are high (orange & red). The green map is disinformation.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2022 12:38 pm
by malchior
Why should we care what matters most to the virus? There are important things to worry about like elections and CRT!
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:03 pm
by Smoove_B know, for history. It's impressive giving how far out of our way we're collectively going to not test people or have tests counted.
U.S. reporting more than 50,000 coronavirus cases a day on average, highest since March 3
I now know of someone that has had COVID-19 three times. Maybe the
next exposure will be protective.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:54 am
by Kurth
Smoove_B wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 10:03 pm
I now know of someone that has had COVID-19 three times. Maybe the
next exposure will be protective.
(1) How's that person doing?
(2) To what extent have they been taking precautions to avoid getting COVID?
(3) For any of their cases, do they (or you) have any understanding of how they got it?
(4) How far apart were their cases?
(5) Have they changed their behavior at all as a result of getting COVID not once, not twice, but three times?
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 7:52 am
by Smoove_B
Kurth wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 12:54 am
(1) How's that person doing?
(2) To what extent have they been taking precautions to avoid getting COVID?
(3) For any of their cases, do they (or you) have any understanding of how they got it?
(4) How far apart were their cases?
(5) Have they changed their behavior at all as a result of getting COVID not once, not twice, but three times?
Geez. Am I their doctor?
(1) Definitely ill, not so much so that they will need to be hospitalized (unless something changes). I don't believe any of the illnesses have resulted in anything severe, but all three have resulted in 5+ days of misery. I don't know if there have been any communicated lingering impacts.
(2) Minimal, I believe. I don't know (but suspect) they are not vaccinated. Or if they are they only have single J&J shot or 2 parts of Moderna/Pfizer. I would bet my house they are not fully vaccinated, regardless. Anti mask unless it had been required and enforced.
(3) No idea. Probably related to (2). I don't believe travel was involved. I'm guessing it was acquired to just doing whatever - eating in restaurants, shopping, holiday family visits, etc...
(4) I believe the first case was part of the first wave in the Spring of 2020, but it might not have been until Fall of 2020; I'd need to verify. Then not again until Winter 2021 as part of holiday Omicron bonanza. Now again as part of BA2 bump. I would be willing to bet they're on deck to get it again in Fall of 2022. Incidentally, I'm in the camp that believes Fall/Winter of 2022 is going to be bad - mainly because of low levels of vaccine protection and the belief that prior exposure is largely protective.
(5) I don't believe so, no - not in any measurable way. "It's not a big deal" is the phrase I've been told.
Given the
February 2022 study that was published regarding long-term heart problems associated with even mild infections, you'd think people wouldn't be throwing caution to the wind.
The researchers wrote that the increased risks “were evident regardless of age, race, sex, and other cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and hyperlipidemia; they were also evident in people without any cardiovascular disease before exposure to covid-19, providing evidence that these risks might manifest even in people at low risk of cardiovascular disease.”
I know my opinions aren't popular, but it feels like maybe we should be doing more to limit spread given we still aren't entire sure how this is going to play out. It's terrific that people aren't dying anymore at the same rate we saw initially, but death isn't the only outcome here.
I have a family member that just decided (after 2 years) he and his family are done with masks. They took a vacation (spring break) to a southern state and decided they had enough. It's not the decision I'd make, but I've learned I'm in the minority. Even my own parents engaged in insanely high risk behavior two weeks before Easter, attending a high school reunion at a hotel in the NY metro area. They hadn't even received their 4th shots yet and were unmaksed the entire time. Neither became ill, which quite frankly, amazed me.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:13 am
by stessier
What is the current thinking around the 4th shots? I got my booster in November (3rd dose of Moderna). Should I try to push through and wait for the fall booster that I'm hoping they are working on?
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:20 am
by LordMortis
I got mine, but then I'm immunosupressed and I wanted to be in good shape for the early spring spreader craze. I was pleasantly surprised spread wasn't happening... until this past week. It looks like it's starting to happen now, which is shy of a month after I figured it would. So, glad I got it.

Crossing my fingers hospitalizations don't got up. So far so good.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:33 am
by Smoove_B
I'm in a similar boat. I'm under 50 so no shot for me. I am not sure what I'd do right now if I was eligible. They haven't officially stated it yet, but I'm expecting them to green light <50 for a 4th shot and anyone that's had a 4th shot can get a 5th one in the Fall.
Regarding whether or not to get it if you're in your's
As the article points out, what are we trying to accomplish with the vaccine? Will it keep you out of the hospital if you're in your 50s? It will help, but so will having 3 prior shots. Are you better off masking in public and minimizing risk of exposure in general? Yes. Would I get a 4th shot and then just do whatever, where ever and when ever? No - I am still in the camp that believes there is value in not getting COVID-19 and so my chosen activities follow suit. It's all so muddy right now, I honestly don't know what the best advice is. I suppose if I had chronic health issues (which, I guess I technically do), I would benefit more than someone that's healthier (4th shot right now). I just don't know that there's enough data to say how much.
Regardless, if I'm going to get COVID-19 it's going to be because I was hanging out friends or family, not some rando that couldn't be bothered to vaccinate or mask and is standing next to me at Lowe's. Being vaccinated isn't changing my masking and social behaviors.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:51 am
by stessier
Thanks Smoove - I'm <50 as well and that is what I thought I'd been hearing, but always nice to have it summarized again.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:53 am
by Max Peck
Smoove_B wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:33 amRegarding whether or not to get it if you're in your's
Is it complicated because there's an actual downside (in terms of personal impact) to an additional booster dose, or is it because in the big picture those additional doses would have more impact elsewhere (i.e. a dose is better given to someone who isn't vaccinated than someone who is)?
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:58 am
by Unagi
Max Peck wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:53 am
Smoove_B wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:33 amRegarding whether or not to get it if you're in your's
Is it complicated because there's an actual downside (in terms of personal impact) to an additional booster dose, or is it because in the big picture those additional doses would have more impact elsewhere (i.e. a dose is better given to someone who isn't vaccinated than someone who is)?
I'm completely over the latter. In that, I don't think it means 'person in X' isn't going to get a shot. It's the same as me not eating a dinner roll that's on my table so that someone won't go hungry. It's just not how the logistics work.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:15 am
by malchior
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I read that CNBC article. They may be amplifying a very small pool dissent and certainly don't provide any sense of the scale. This reminds me in a way that could be very much like early climate change skepticism. Are they outliers? Are these critics mainstream amongst the experts? We have no idea but we are have to weigh out whether there is or isn't an agenda here. I find this very hard to suss out since we're so awash in politicization and disinformation. Meanwhile, we have been forced to do the pandemic 'our own way' but with very little good information. It's very frustrating.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:32 am
by Smoove_B
Max Peck wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 8:53 am
Is it complicated because there's an actual downside (in terms of personal impact) to an additional booster dose, or is it because in the big picture those additional doses would have more impact elsewhere (i.e. a dose is better given to someone who isn't vaccinated than someone who is)?
I was specifically referring to benefits to self, but in truth it is absolutely both. As Unagi has stated, if you're eligible and would benefit (or believe you'd benefit), then you should get the vaccine. But in terms of the scientific community being in full agreement on benefits - that's where it's complicated. I'm guessing it's a combination of your own personal derived benefit (based on age, underlying health status) and the overall risk calculation derived from where you live and/or where you frequent.
Kinda like the HepB bump we saw in the U.S. in the late 00s into the early 2010s - where they recommended shots for people of a certain age just based on prior risky behaviors. In some ways it feels like we're already trying to turn COVID-19 into the next pneumococcal pneumonia - where we want people of a certain age to get vaccinated but we're not really worried about younger folks. Which would be great if we knew for sure COVID-19 didn't lead to long term health impacts for a significant number of people - people that are younger and generally healthy. Or were.
Regardless, in the bigger picture we're creating an immunological playground for the virus as we continue to stratify the population (regionally, nationally, globally) in terms of vaccination status. Will it matter? Will it make variants more likely? Will it make variants more deadly? No one knows. But with minimal effort to slow spread, I guess we'll see.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:39 am
by LordMortis
I don't know if it's me, but I moved to CNBC when Nightly Business Reports went away. I started out very happy with them but in the last year it really feels (I don't have data so I can't tell if it's me or them) like their "how does the news affect business" approach to news has become increasingly editorialized to "how do we keep the business world happy in the political realm and the retail investor engaged in that business world happiness?" A year ago, they were the primary reason I wasn't cutting the cord. Now, I'm like "after I cut the cord, is getting a service for $2 a day worth it just to continue to get CNBC?"
I think my dis-satisfaction really coincided with their "we got shots", Gottleib says it's coming up roses (starting around July 2021), Let the spice flow approach that keeps on saying the pandemic is over in the US and then emphasizing the attack releasing so much cash into the system (under Biden, we never discuss spending prior to January 2021)
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:21 am
by LawBeefaroni
LordMortis wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 9:39 am
I don't know if it's me, but I moved to CNBC when Nightly Business Reports went away. I started out very happy with them but in the last year it really feels (I don't have data so I can't tell if it's me or them) like their "how does the news affect business" approach to news has become increasingly editorialized to "how do we keep the business world happy in the political realm and the retail investor engaged in that business world happiness?" A year ago, they were the primary reason I wasn't cutting the cord. Now, I'm like "after I cut the cord, is getting a service for $2 a day worth it just to continue to get CNBC?"
I think my dis-satisfaction really coincided with their "we got shots", Gottleib says it's coming up roses (starting around July 2021), Let the spice flow approach that keeps on saying the pandemic is over in the US and then emphasizing the attack releasing so much cash into the system (under Biden, we never discuss spending prior to January 2021)
They've given Joe too much leash. I guess they needed to fill the Kudlow vacuum.
I still watch Squawk and Opening Bell to get the temperature of the markets but switch to RTE Newstalk or music after the bell.
Definitely miss NBR.
Re: Corona Virus: It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint
Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2022 10:34 am
by Cognizant
I feel very tired but I continue living without mass events, travelling abroad, concerts, shows and cafes. Maybe I'm overreacting but... I prefer safety against entertainment. I entertain myself by gaming, reading books, designing new furniture I'm going to order, doing sports, walking alone or in small company in natural areas. But, ofc, I'm tired, very-very tired of this.