Chaz wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:20 pm
The best part about these quotes is that he gave them while speaking at a tax reform roundtable.
I guess tax reform is the new infrastructure week.
When he's talking, do you think he has a full notion of where he is and what he is supposed to be talking about?
He literally said that talking about taxes was boring and tossed his prepared notes away before veering off on the immigration and voting fraud tangents.
Smoove_B wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:19 pm
I'm even more confused. Is he talking about all women? Women in Mexico? Women participating in this caravan? Is this a rape caravan now?
He's saying if we build a wall rape caravans can't cross in to the US and therefore rape will go down in Mexico because they can't send their rapist caravans to us and rape will return to levels people have seen before. Jesus, it's like you don't even understand how the Post Office works in the US. If we just slapped up Amazon with an Antitrust lawsuit, we wouldn't have to subsidize them through the postal service with the taxes small businesses and American people to build that wall.
“They're not putting their good ones,” Trump said. “And remember my opening remarks at Trump Tower when I opened. Everybody said, 'Oh, he was so tough.' And I used the word 'rape.' And yesterday it came out where, this journey coming up, women are raped at levels that nobody has ever seen before. They don't want to mention that.”
As with Trump's claim in June 2015, there is almost no actual evidence on which to base this claim. It's not clear what Trump means by “yesterday it came out,” given there don't appear to be any mainstream news reports of a rape epidemic taking place in the caravan. The only mentions of rape with regard to the caravan in recent days, in fact, refer to criminal behavior that the migrants have been trying to escape in their home countries or along the route.
He's just doing his Greatest Hits at this point.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:01 pm
by Enough
The last time I saw so much angst over caravans was when I lived in Hungary where gypsies are usually described in similar terms that Trump likes to use for folks south of the border.
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Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:06 pm
by Zaxxon
Halt, folks! Time to move onto the next disaster. Rape caravans are so two hours ago. Just as markets were recovering, now Trump wants $100B in additional tariffs vs China.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:15 pm
by LordMortis
Zaxxon wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:06 pm
Halt, folks! Time to move onto the next disaster. Rape caravans are so two hours ago. Just as markets were recovering, now Trump wants $100B in additional tariffs vs China.
We gotta make Mexico pay for the wall and the National Guard to march along it somehow and this will create jobs in small America that we need to protect from Bezos and his fake caravans, excuse me, rape news of Washington Post Office. We love women. No one loves women more than we do. We need to protect the money we generate and keep more money in the US, in the tax payer pockets so we can grab 'em by the pussy. MAGA!
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:26 pm
by geezer
Zaxxon wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:06 pm
Halt, folks! Time to move onto the next disaster. Rape caravans are so two hours ago. Just as markets were recovering, now Trump wants $100B in additional tariffs vs China.
Because they "retaliated unfairly"
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:59 pm
by hepcat
Zaxxon wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:06 pm
Halt, folks! Time to move onto the next disaster. Rape caravans are so two hours ago. Just as markets were recovering, now Trump wants $100B in additional tariffs vs China.
I know he thinks he’s setting up negotiation leverage for future talks, but if this results in an extended tariff on American goods going into China, he’s going to find out just how fast his base will turn on him.
Zaxxon wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:06 pm
Halt, folks! Time to move onto the next disaster. Rape caravans are so two hours ago. Just as markets were recovering, now Trump wants $100B in additional tariffs vs China.
I know he thinks he’s setting up negotiation leverage for future talks, but if this results in an extended tariff on American goods going into China, he’s going to find out just how fast his base will turn on him.
I don't know about that. A lot of them will put up with plenty of hardship to get to keep hating The Browns out loud.
Texas Agricultural Commissioner Sid Miller on Thursday asked the Trump administration to open the H-2B visa petition program to allow more temporary foreign laborers to work in the Texas shrimp industry and other agricultural fields.
The letter, addressed to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta, said many of the state’s agricultural entities are making final decisions on the season’s production efforts, and action on the H-2B program may “determine the economic success of many of these businesses and the jobs they create.”
Miller’s office said the Texas shrimp industry is particularly dependent upon the program, and could be hit hard if it is not fully implemented.
“As I’ve always said, Texas agriculture is on the forefront of the legal immigration issue,” Miller said. “Ag producers want a strong and clear legal immigration system where non-immigrant workers can help American industries survive, especially seasonal ones like shrimping, then leave the U.S. and return home. Stronger border security and cracking down on illegal immigration both serve to strengthen legal immigration, which in turn, helps our economy.”
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:33 am
by GreenGoo
Is he suggesting that less illegal immigration means more legal immigration?
How does that work?
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:05 am
by malchior
This is a barn burner of an op ed. Very much worth a read and a great distillation of the horror show that the Trump administration is.
Holman wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 9:17 pm
A lot of them will put up with plenty of other people's hardships to get to keep hating The Browns out loud.
That farmer's in Iowa quote nails it. It sucks for us. A lot of my fellow farmers are going to go out of business but we know why he's doing it...
But more importantly, if it weren't so depressing, this Left defending economic growth by keeping taxes down while right talks about building the economy through protectionist anti competitive taxation would be extremely entertaining.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:28 am
by pr0ner
Zaxxon wrote: Thu Apr 05, 2018 8:06 pm
Halt, folks! Time to move onto the next disaster. Rape caravans are so two hours ago. Just as markets were recovering, now Trump wants $100B in additional tariffs vs China.
A really rambling interview that Trump gave yesterday aired Friday morning. Some key quotes from a summary:
On the trade war:
"Well, fellas, we've already lost the trade war," the president said. "We don't have a trade war. We've lost the trade war because for many years, whether it's Clinton or the Bushes, Obama, all of our presidents before, for some reason it just got worse and worse. And now it's $500 billion in deficits and a theft of $300 billion in intellectual property. So you can't have this."
On the stock market:
"Now we could—the easiest thing for me to do would be just to close my eyes and forget it," Mr. Trump said. "If I did that, then I'm not doing my job. I'm not saying there won't be a little pain but the market's gone up 40 percent, 42 percent—so we might lose a little bit of it—but we're going to have a much stronger country when we're finished. And that's what I'm all about. We have to do things that other people wouldn't do."
On the press:
"I sort of feel that the press is so bad," Mr. Trump said. "It's so fake, it's so made up. I mean, 'sources say' and they have no sources. They're like novelists. I call them novelists."
Mr. Trump conceded that sometimes there are sources, but "in many cases they literally make up sources." Mr. Trump's own White House communications staff and senior staff on conference calls often decline to give reporters comments on the record, instead asking to be named as simply unnamed White House officials.
And, of course, he'll be skipping the White House Correspondents Dinner again.
Trump came to office promising to give the Pentagon a free hand to unleash the full force of U.S. firepower. His impatience was evident on his first full day in office when he visited the CIA and was ushered up to the agency’s drone operations floor.
Later, when the agency’s head of drone operations explained that the CIA had developed special munitions to limit civilian casualties, the president seemed unimpressed. Watching a previously recorded strike in which the agency held off on firing until the target had wandered away from a house with his family inside, Trump asked, “Why did you wait?” one participant in the meeting recalled.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 11:19 am
by El Guapo
Is it possible to just vote for the Deep State in 2020?
Then I realize this clown is president and around 40% of the country still supports him.
Yeah that was good. Not from the President of course....
And wow he goes to West Virginia a lot.
Well he does like the biggest and WV claim to fame for the last few years is having the biggest Opioid epidemic, isn't it? I mean they are so good at the opioid that no can even come close to their to their overdose fatality rate.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:40 pm
by Rip
While Title 32 does not give the president full command of Guard troops, it allows for more flexibility in the type of work that the forces may do. “The benefit of the Title 32 status from the perspective of the feds is those soldiers are not constrained by the Posse Comitatus Act,” William Banks, a law professor at Syracuse University and retired director of the college’s Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
The Posse Comitatus Act prohibits military participation in civilian law enforcement activities. Title 32 provides an exception to that rule, but Title 10 does not.
Title 32 also limits the deployment to 180 days, with a possibile 90-day extension.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:55 pm
by Rip
Isgrimnur wrote: Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:50 pm
Title 32 also limits the deployment to 180 days, with a possibile 90-day extension.
Not sure. I read that as limiting individual guard members to that. Nothing says you can't swap them out for new ones every six months. It has more to do with NG units being limited in how long they can be called active than limiting the federal use of them.
The period for which a member of the National Guard performs duty under this chapter shall be limited to 180 days. The Governor of the State may, with the concurrence of the Secretary of Defense, extend the period one time for an additional 90 days to meet extraordinary circumstances.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 4:58 pm
by GreenGoo
Who cares? If so called libertarian Rip is ok with military operating within the country's borders, who am I to judge?
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:22 pm
by Rip
I'm ok with them operating AT our borders. Helping make them actual controlled borders.
I'll (actually) give him credit for calling out China (though previous Presidents have done the same), I'm just very concerned that the Trump approach will turn out to be idiotic, as usual. Doing it unilaterally vs. with a coalition (ala the TPP), and also hitting our closest allies is just dumb, dumb, dumb, IMHO. Less leverage, and hurting those who would be inclined to help us otherwise.
Diplomacy and Negotiations are definitely NOT his strong suit. Who knows, maybe Putin will help him... though I think Putin is extremely happy with a US/China trade war.
Yet the current relationship between China and the U.S. needs to be disrupted. Chinese theft of intellectual property is sapping American innovation and therefore America’s economy. The IP Commission, in a 2017 update (PDF) to its landmark 2013 report, estimates the U.S. each year loses somewhere between $225 billion to $600 billion in intellectual property through predatory means. It almost goes without saying that most of that loss is, directly or indirectly, to China.
Some say the annual loss is far less than the Commission thinks, but the theft, even according to low estimates, is grievous for a country that has developed an innovation-based society...
...President Trump, whether he ends up in a trade war or not, has zeroed in on the core of the competition between China and the U.S. Lighthizer’s proposed tariff list Tuesday includes duties on some mundane items but especially goes after the Chinese aerospace, information and communications tech, and robotics sectors. As Zhou Hao of Commerzbank in Singapore told Bloomberg, “The U.S. list suggests that the government is targeting the ‘Made in China 2025’ initiative.”
That initiative, announced in 2015 by China’s State Council, seeks to make that country nearly self-sufficient in 10 crucial industries, including aircraft, robots, electric cars, and computer chips. Beijing has set out specific goals for market shares by industry.
The plan aims for near self-sufficiency in components by 2020 and materials five years later. Moreover, Beijing, stepping into trade-violation territory, wants Chinese industries to possess 80 percent of their home market in the listed sectors.
CM2025, as the initiative is known in China, calls for jumbo-sized, low-interest loans from state investment funds and development banks, aid for the purchase of foreign competitors, and research subsidies.
There is good money to be made on these market swings if one knows when the panic triggers are coming.
That's a dangerous game to play, especially with the scrutiny they must all now be under.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 7:53 pm
by GreenGoo
Psst, it's not a crime when the president does it.
...or his friends apparently.
I.e. it's already happening.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:09 am
by Rip
The Trump administration has approved the marketing license required for American manufacturers to sell technology to Taiwan that would allow for building domestic submarines, Taiwan’s Central News Agency reported on Saturday.
Can we export Trump? I wouldn't even ask for a tariff on him.
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2018 11:22 am
by Isgrimnur
Intellectual property theft is a threat to us being able to sell sensitive technologies. Won’t someone think of the profits?
Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:08 pm
by LordMortis
It's a nice country you got here. It's a shame if something should happen to it. I thought he he was divisted, which by the way he didn't have to do, but he did.
The letter goes on to say that the eviction violates the Bilateral Investment Treaty. “We appreciate your influence in order to avoid that these damages are attributed not to the other party, but to the Panamanian government,” the letter said, suggesting that the government, not the new management team, could be blamed for wrongdoing.
The letter was copied to Panamanian cabinet officials, as well as presidents of the Supreme Court and National Assembly, among others.