Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:45 pm

That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons bring us some web forums whereupon we can gather
That was the first time that anyone got booed at the Al Smith dinner (hint: it wasn't Hillary).Max Peck wrote:Tonight was the Alfred E. Smith dinner. Trump's speech. Clinton's speech.
Wow, the last five minute's of Trump's speech was really, really awkward. But apart from that they both had some good jokes.Max Peck wrote:Tonight was the Alfred E. Smith dinner. Trump's speech. Clinton's speech.
The internets tell me that Carter was booed in 1980, as his reward for upholding Roe vs Wade in spite of his personal pro-life beliefs. I guess the difference would be that Carter was pretty much booed for showing up while Trump was booed for what came out of his pie-hole.gilraen wrote:That was the first time that anyone got booed at the Al Smith dinner (hint: it wasn't Hillary).Max Peck wrote:Tonight was the Alfred E. Smith dinner. Trump's speech. Clinton's speech.
On top of the obnoxious content, Trump's delivery is *terrible.* It's painfully obvious that he's up there seeing that speech for the first time, and he screws up even that. It's like he doesn't even get the jokes he's mouthing. (Start at 10 minutes in.)gilraen wrote:That was the first time that anyone got booed at the Al Smith dinner (hint: it wasn't Hillary).Max Peck wrote:Tonight was the Alfred E. Smith dinner. Trump's speech. Clinton's speech.
That lead me to Bad Lip Reading of the Debate. Actually made it watchable.KKBlue wrote:My friend sent me this. Have not been following on R&P here so not sure if it's a repeat.
Henson's song performed by Trump. Mahna Mahna
His pardon joke also went well.hepcat wrote:I did like his line about Melanoma Melania giving the same speech as Michelle Obama.
Well then this is a good opening to drop this link: How elections are really rigged.malchior wrote:A cynical person (ahem) might start to think the GOP is seeking single party rule.
Speaking of which...Max Peck wrote:Tonight was the Alfred E. Smith dinner. Trump's speech. Clinton's speech.
The Republican who has threatened to jail his political opponent and the Democrat who has maintained that her rival is temperamentally unfit for office had surprisingly nice things to say offstage at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner, according to its host.
linkDolan said the three of them prayed together. “And after the little prayer, Mr. Trump turned to Secretary Clinton and said, ‘You know, you are one tough and talented woman,’” he recalled. “And he said, ‘This has been a good experience in this whole campaign, as tough as it’s been,’ and she said to him, ‘And Donald, whatever happens, we need to work together afterwards.’ Now I thought: This is the evening at its best.”
To be fair, NC voting has always been a slower process than I would like - never enough people devoted to processing. In the primaries, it was even worse - I waited 3 hours in line to vote. Thankfully, they killed the photo ID requirement that was making things worse. The Republican controlled Congress refused to spend money to get the equipment necessary to handle the new requirement properly.Enough wrote:Yay for Republican vote suppression efforts!
Edit, this is in Wake Co.
Yeah, I don't think your first point has much to do with his thinking.Jaymann wrote:I can see why a cartoonist would want 4 years of easy material.
Civilization be damned.
Not only does he lose me as soon as he implies that anti-Trumpers are either women or unmanly, but I find his arguments to be... unpersuasive. I'd hazard a guess that Adams endorsed Johnson with a nod and wink to avoid officially associating his own brand with a sinking ship, but his fanbois know that he will still vote for Trump.Scott Adams, [i]Jedi Master of Mind Tricks[/i] wrote:Regular readers of this blog know I’m a trained hypnotist. I’ve been studying the ways of persuasion – in all its forms – for decades.
My background in persuasion is the reason I recognized last summer that Trump would exceed most people’s expectations. He was pitch-perfect on persuasion technique. If you don’t study persuasion, Trump’s actions appear random and even dangerous. If you do know how persuasion works, you probably realize Trump is in a league of his own.
When you encounter a rabid anti-Trumper, ask her what are the biggest concerns of a potential Trump presidency.
If “Supreme Court nominee” is one of the top objections, discontinue your persuasion for ethical reasons. This person has put some thought into the decision and has a legitimate opinion that is at least partly based on reason. I don’t recommend changing that person’s mind.
But if a person’s main objections to Trump include any the following four reasons, I would consider it ethical to apply persuasion.
Objection 1: Trump is a loose cannon who might offend other countries and maybe even start a nuclear war.
Objection 2: Trump is terrible at business because he has several bankruptcies.
Objection 3: Trump is a racist.
Objection 4: Trump is anti-women and anti-LGBT
If any of those four objections are behind an anti-Trumper’s opinion, you have ethical license to persuade, so long as you are sticking to facts and adding context. I’ll show you how to do that with each objection.
I think they are referring to the mutual hostility between South Korea/Japan and North Korea, but yeah, the phrasing is awkward.Defiant wrote:South Korea and Japan are hostile powers?