Round 01
El Guapo: Settler (quarry); Newcastle (indigo); Chaosraven (sugar); LordMortis (corn); Qantaga (indigo)
Newcastle: Prospector (1)
Chaosraven: Builder(sm sugar); LordMortis (sm indigo); Qantaga (sm sugar); El Guapo (sm indigo); Newcastle (tobacco storage)
LordMortis: Mayor (2); Qantaga (1); El Guapo (1); Newcastle (1); Chaosraven (1)
Qantaga: Prospector (1)
Round 2
Newcastle: Settler (tobacco); Chaosraven (corn); LordMortis (indigo); Qantaga (sugar); El Guapo (tobacco)
Chaosraven: Mayor (3); LordMortis (1); Qantaga (1); El Guapo (1); Newcastle (1)
LordMortis: Craftsman (1 corn, 2 indigo); Qantaga (1 sugar); El Guapo (-); Newcastle (1 tobacco); Chaosraven (1 corn, 1 sugar)
Qantaga: Trader (1 sugar); El Guapo (-); Newcastle (1 tobacco); Chaosraven (-); LordMortis (1 indigo)
El Guapo: Builder (tobacco storage); Newcastle (sm warehouse); Chaosraven (sm warehouse); LordMortis (hospice); Qantaga (office)
Round 3
Chaosraven: Builder (sm indigo plant); LordMortis (-); Qantaga (sm market); El Guapo (sm market); Newcastle (-)
LordMortis: Captain (1 corn, 1 indigo); Qantaga (-); El Guapo (-); Newcastle (-); Chaosraven (1 corn, 1 sugar)
Qantaga: Settler (coffee); El Guapo (tobacco); Newcastle (corn); Chaosraven (sugar); LordMortis (indigo)
El Guapo: Mayor (2); Newcastle (2); Chaosraven (2); LordMortis (2); Qantaga (2)
Newcastle: Prospector(2)
Start of Round 04:
Victory Point Chips:
Colonists in supply:
Colonists on inbound ship:
Coffee crates in supply:
Tobacco crates in supply:
Sugar crates in supply:
Indigo crates in supply:
Corn crates in supply:
Trade House: (1) sugar (2) tobacco (3) indigo (4) ---
The number on the left is the price in doubloons. For worker capacity and VP value, see the BUILDINGS section above.
As these are acquired, I'll
put them under erasure and mark them with the initial of the owner
LM, or
Bank Board
Column 1
(1) [
small indigo plant LM] [
small indigo plant EG] [
small indigo plant C] [small indigo plant]
(2) [
small sugar mill C] [
small sugar mill Q] [small sugar mill] [small sugar mill]
(1) [
small market Q] [
small market EG]
(2) [hacienda] [hacienda]
(2) [construction hut] [construction hut]
(3) [
small warehouse N] [
small warehouse C]
Column 2
(3) [large indigo plant] [large indigo plant] [large indigo plant]
(4) [large sugar mill] [large sugar mill] [large sugar mill]
(4) [
hospice LM] [hospice]
(5) [
office Q] [office]
(5) [large market] [large market]
(6) [large warehouse] [large warehouse]
Column 3
(5) [
tobacco storage N] [
tobacco storage EG] [tobacco storage]
(6) [coffee roaster] [coffee roaster] [coffee roaster]
(7) [university] [university]
(8) [factory] [factory]
(8) [harbor] [harbor]
(9) [wharf] [wharf]
Column 4
(10) [guild hall]
(10) [residence]
(10) [fortress]
(10) [customs house]
(10) [city hall]
Plantations and Quarries Available
- coffee
- coffee
- indigo
- tobacco
- tobacco
- indigo
- Quarry EG
- Quarry
- Quarry
- Quarry
- Quarry
- Quarry
- Quarry
- Quarry
1: El Guapo
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 04
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[indigo______________1] [tobacco_____________1] [____________________] [quarry______________0]
[____________________] [tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
Buildings and workers:
[small indigo plant_____1] [tobacco storage_____1] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [small market_________0]
2: Newcastle
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 02
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 03
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[tobacco_____________1] [indigo______________0] [____________________] [corn_______________0]
[tobacco_____________0] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
Buildings and workers:
[tobacco storage______1] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [small warehouse______1]
3: Chaosraven
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 05
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[indigo______________1] [sugar_______________1] [corn_______________1] [____________________]
[____________________] [sugar_______________0] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
Buildings and workers:
[small indigo plant____1] [small sugar mill______1] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [small warehouse______0]
4: LordMortis
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 02
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 04
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[indigo______________1] [____________________] [____________________] [corn________________1]
[indigo______________0] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[indigo______________0] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
Buildings and workers:
[small indigo plant_____1] [____________________] [____________________] [___________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [hospice_____________1]
5: Qantaga
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 03
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00
Plantations and workers:
[sugar_______________1] [coffee______________0] [____________________][corn________________0]
[sugar_______________0] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
Buildings and workers:
[small sugar mill______1] [____________________] [____________________] [____________________]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [small market________0]
[____________________] [____________________] [____________________] [office______________1]
- Builder (+0)
- Captain (+0)
- Craftsman (+1)
- Mayor (+0)
- Prospector (+0)
- Prospector (+2)
- Settler (+0)
- Trader (+1)