El Guapo wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:31 am
It seems like one of the core challenges with public health communication (speaking as a budding public health communication expert) is how much do you just tell people what they should do as best you understand it at the time, vs. how much do you factor in how idiots are going to misinterpret what you are saying? Seems like the challenge with the former is that idiots are inevitably going to misinterpret, and the problem with the latter is that if you constantly pitch the message to the idiots, then the non-idiots can't rely on you totally for understanding what's actually safe and what's not.
Yes, this goes back to the link AB posted elsewhere regarding the "white lies" public health professionals tell.
The core message I was taught is that we need to present the public with the same information we've been provided in the hopes that they reach the same conclusions we have.
That's the theory; in practice I can't say it typically works out that way. Part of the reason isn't just understanding the information, but what individuals and communities
value. This is a whole separate topic, but in short, communities don't value public health (that's my theory and I'm sticking to it).
Regardless, health communication is without question a skill and we're failing at it (and have been, arguably for the last 30+ years). Classic public health is the no-it-alls communicating high from the mountain - do this, don't do that. More modern public health (1980/1990) starts with trying to educate and inform communities as to why they should conclude, don't do that, do this instead - making them partners.
Unrelated, but here's a scene from after a school board meeting in TN:
https://twitter.com/natalie_allison/sta ... 8202548224
The parking lot after a school board meeting last night in Franklin, the wealthiest place in Tennessee. Parents harassed medical professionals who had spoken in favor of masks in schools. “We know who you are. You can leave freely, but we will find you.”
We're not going to fix this easily and I'm afraid it's going to likely take a generation of people that suffered death and loss from COVID-19 to reset priorities. I am more and more feeling like we're not going to change much of anything anymore; the die has been cast.