Grifman wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2017 12:05 pm
And while I find Trump to be disgusting, an imbecile and totally unqualified to be president both intellectually and emotionally, I don't think he's done anything that qualifies for impeachment. I think a far better strategy would be to "Benghazi" him - hold hearings in the House in every aspect of his administration. Investigate his conflicts of interest, investigate the gutting of the State Department, investigate the gutting of the EPA, investigate the links between industry and the EPA head, the dismissiveness towards real science, etc. There's plenty of fodder there to expose to the American people the total ineptitude of this administration. I just don't think an impeachment that you can't win will do the Democrats any more good than the Republicans impeachment of Bill Clinton (which I think backfired on them in the end).
You don't think admitting on national TV that he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation is obstruction of justice? Also setting aside his violations of the emoluments clause, which is admittedly less of a slam dunk than obstruction of justice, but I think to any rational observer, Drumpf has clearly tried to obstruct justice a number of times now.
I do agree that unless the Democrats have the votes in the Senate they would need to impeach Drumpf (assuming they take the house in 2018), they should instead focus on using the committee chairs to investigate everything possible, but Drumpf has, IMO, committed multiple impeachable offenses at this point.
I also think talking about impeachment and helping set the stage isn't a bad idea for Democrats. Yes, that might fire up some of Drumpf's base a little more, but Fox news and the right wing hate machine are going to find ways to do that anyway, and the counter to a fired up right wing base isn't to try and suppress their turnout... it's to get the millions of people who sat out the last election, but are horrified of Drumpf, to get out and vote. Better to use the possibility of impeachment after 2018 to fire up the Democratic base and ensure the oncoming wave is as large as possible.