As a public servant, I get to hear about what a waste of space we are from pretty much every direction. That makes one sensitive enough over time. Most people would understand how rude it would be to say it to someone directly.
This topic is also addressed when people (other people) complain that some threads are not safe for work, and then other other people suggest that they shouldn't be on the forums during work hours anyway.
I'm not the only one who's a little touchy about the subject of using the board during the day, but I've never had someone pull the "I pay your salary" on me directly before. Cops don't find it a good laugh when you say it to their faces either.
For the record, regarding the nsfw stuff I mentioned above, I'm of the opinion that I'm at work, it's my responsibility to make sure the content I look at is safe for work. I can't and shouldn't rely on everyone else to curb their behaviour so I can feel comfortable clicking on stuff without paying attention.
The other side of the argument is that OO is pretty much only active during the work day. Participation tapers off into the evening, and only a small handful of members actively post on the weekend. The community is already below critical mass (imo). Having people (including me, as one of the more active posters) stop writing during the day would end OO as a viable general discussion forum. So I'm sensitive to the "don't post from work" argument for other reasons besides my own business. I like OO. I live here when I'm online.
I tend to smooth things over in personal conflicts, and was going to soften my approach, but you're right, I am genuinely upset about it. But I've said my piece so there isn't anything else to it. I know you think it was harmless, and it is. No harm was caused. It's still crappy though.
I don't know what your working relationship is to the government, DND or anything else. If my co-worker said something (and they do, just as I give them shit about fiddling with their phones and shit) that's one thing, when a stranger says it to me during a disagreement we're having, well hopefully I can be forgiven for not understanding it was all in jest.