I strongly think the remaining wolf is going to do anything he can to avoid putting the final vote on anyone. RMC's action on Unagi stood out to me - he sat and watched when Unagi was at three votes (of four), but as soon as RMC found himself in the spotlight he put a vote on Unagi (after I'd removed my vote).Lassr wrote:The Unagi train has died and as I have said a good Unagi is a benefit to the village. I'm willing to test Unagi's theory but I pause because above vorret could have added another vote to Unagi or LM (both had 3 votes I believe) but chose me instead.Unagi wrote:Theohalll, I'll write more when I get to work regarding Vorret.
One thing I just want to say is that one of your main WW weaknesses is that you automatically think anyone that doesn't think like you is a wolf.
Regarding Remus and Vorret, do you think Remus expected us to Lynch his 'target', or get counter claimed; and hence we would all say "whew.... Good thing we didn't follow his advise and kill Vorret. Nice try!" And then we would all pretty much 'clear' Vorret.
Remus MUST have expected to be counter claimed. I conclude that his angling on Vorret was designed to make Votret look like he narrowly avoided being lynched via Remus' insistence.
I think you are looking at Remus as if he thought he was going to go uncontested for some stretch of time, there is no way they would have banked on that.
Of course, your post stands out also - you make it clear that it's Unagi's fault if a vote on Vorret is an incorrect vote, and somehow think that the wolf would be willing to put the last vote on anyone today. If I were a wolf I'd really be doing my best to avoid such.
Vorret still stands out a bit to me.
Pr0ner is still an unknown (sorry, Pr0ner, I don't know why your posts aren't sticking in my brain - good for you if you are evil, bad for us if you are good).
Scoop... seems good.
LordMortis - leaning good.
Still, either I or Theo will die tonight and I don't expect there is much to be learned at this point by which one of us goes. We've both been wildcards in terms of accuse/vote this game.