Re: The Trump Presidency Thread
Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:17 pm
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons bring us some web forums whereupon we can gather
There's a sucker born every minute - PT BarnumAndrew Wonser wrote:Read a fair amount of the transcript and I'm left wondering if there is an equivalent to throwing up a little but for your brain. Because I just did that, only more than a little. Dammit we're screwed. Everyone that voted for this joke is an idiot.
I'll give you that actually. I've always been curious if the military has a "madman" failsafe scenario? Then again having such a thing publicly known would weaken the psychological component of a nuclear deterrence policy.Rip wrote:a tad.
Team by team reporters baffled, TRUMPED, tethered, cropped.
Look at that low playing! Fine, then.
Uh oh, overflow, population, common group
But it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself.
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed,
Dummy, with the rapture and the rev-'rent and the right, right.
You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light
Feeling pretty psyched.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It seems U2 is doing that with their entire new album. Ready for release, the band is reportedly withholding it while they ponder the content of the songs in light of the Drumpf ascendency.Captain Caveman wrote:Holy shit. I'm just sitting here working and listening to REM, and these lyrics just took on a whole new resonance:
I have to believe there are lots and lots of people in Washington today having closed-door meetings after this first press conference, trying to come to terms with just how fuct we all are. And I'm not just talking about the Democrats here either. I can't imagine anyone with half a brain thought it went well by any measure. Between the rambling, the braggadocio and the veiled threats to the media it was a complete circus.$iljanus wrote:I'll give you that actually.
Republican leaders in Washington have been saying this behind closed doors and off the record for months now. But they hitched their wagon to this a** and now they are stuck with him. The SC was more important than their country.Smoove_B wrote:I have to believe there are lots and lots of people in Washington today having closed-door meetings after this first press conference, trying to come to terms with just how fuct we all are. And I'm not just talking about the Democrats here either. I can't imagine anyone with half a brain thought it went well by any measure. Between the rambling, the braggadocio and the veiled threats to the media it was a complete circus.$iljanus wrote:I'll give you that actually.
Gaslighting. He scares me more and more ever day.YellowKing wrote:He's definitely taking a play from Putin's playbook. Sow the seeds of distrust in mainstream media. Refuse to cooperate with media outlets unsympathetic to his cause. Reward media outlets who portray him positively. Control the narrative.
It's bizarro world. We're being told that the fake news generated by Trump is reality, and real news generated by reality is fake. Scary scary times. I hope the press fights back with everything they have. We're quickly entering dictator country.
This is a normal thing for a news agency to say to the President Elect, everything's fine.We are fully confident in our reporting. It represents the core of what the First Amendment protects, informing the people of the inner workings of their government; in this case, briefing materials prepared for President Obama and President-elect Trump last week.
We made it clear that we were not publishing any of the details of the 35-page document because we have not corroborated the report's allegations. Given that members of the Trump transition team have so vocally criticized our reporting, we encourage them to identify, specifically, what they believe to be inaccurate.
Meh, they are not even that principled. Power is more important than their country.Grifman wrote:Republican leaders in Washington have been saying this behind closed doors and off the record for months now. But they hitched their wagon to this a** and now they are stuck with him. The SC was more important than their country.Smoove_B wrote:I have to believe there are lots and lots of people in Washington today having closed-door meetings after this first press conference, trying to come to terms with just how fuct we all are. And I'm not just talking about the Democrats here either. I can't imagine anyone with half a brain thought it went well by any measure. Between the rambling, the braggadocio and the veiled threats to the media it was a complete circus.$iljanus wrote:I'll give you that actually.
That's what I originally believed. To be clear, they're still thinking power is more important than anything but I'm guessing today around 11:30am is when they started to come to grips with what was happening - and that Trump (by any measure) is off the goddamn rails.Enough wrote:Meh, they are not even that principled. Power is more important than their country.
I think I voiced my hopefully unfounded fear about Trump and nuclear weapons because the guy's behavior is just utterly batshit insane. Might be valuable in a private businessman but not what I look for in my President regardless of party.Smoove_B wrote:I have to believe there are lots and lots of people in Washington today having closed-door meetings after this first press conference, trying to come to terms with just how fuct we all are. And I'm not just talking about the Democrats here either. I can't imagine anyone with half a brain thought it went well by any measure. Between the rambling, the braggadocio and the veiled threats to the media it was a complete circus.$iljanus wrote:I'll give you that actually.
Well, they're no National Enquirer, that's for sure.malchior wrote:
What do you do when it's the president (elect) pissing orange on the First Amendment and the law does not stand up for it?malchior wrote:Acosta (from CNN) actually later said he shut up because he was told he'd be tossed out. Totally normal behavior. We are fuct.
The POTUS is a private enterprise and can censor speech as he sees fit. Don't like it? Get your own POTUS.LordMortis wrote:What do you do when it's the president (elect) pissing orange on the First Amendment and the law does not stand up for it?malchior wrote:Acosta (from CNN) actually later said he shut up because he was told he'd be tossed out. Totally normal behavior. We are fuct.
I seriously wonder if that is going to be the line. "Congress is passing no laws. The president is not preventing CNN from publishing. He is merely refusing to acknowledge them and threatening them with evictions." Technically that's not against the First Amendment.Enough wrote:The POTUS is a private enterprise and can censor speech as he sees fit. Don't like it? Get your own POTUS.LordMortis wrote:What do you do when it's the president (elect) pissing orange on the First Amendment and the law does not stand up for it?malchior wrote:Acosta (from CNN) actually later said he shut up because he was told he'd be tossed out. Totally normal behavior. We are fuct.
However:"I'm also very much of a germaphobe, by the way — believe me," he told reporters at the presser on Wednesday in what could've been an oblique reference to the widely circulated document published by BuzzFeed.
If only that was the single craziest thing he said today.During an August 2015 conversation with The Hollywood Reporter's chief creative officer, Janice Min, he said the opposite.
"I'm not germophobic. I do it. I want to make the country great. I'm going to win. I think I have a very good chance of winning," Trump said at the time. "You probably are starting to feel that too. I go through and shake hands and do what I have to do, and people like me, and I like them. In Iowa, I must have shaken 2,000 hands — and those were only the ones that were next to me."
It's my understanding that POTUS has the sole authority to order a nuclear strike. Presumably the process of becoming POTUS should be the failsafe. That said, IDK how the actual chain of command works or if there is room for a person of conscience to refuse the order -- i.e., does the order go through the Pentagon or directly from White House to bunker?$iljanus wrote:I'll give you that actually. I've always been curious if the military has a "madman" failsafe scenario? Then again having such a thing publicly known would weaken the psychological component of a nuclear deterrence policy.Rip wrote:a tad.
I've heard (don't have time to look anything up) that the Pentagon temporarily instituted double confirmation for nuclear release under Nixon: a nuke order from the White House would have to be approved by the Secretary of Defense. This was during the period when Nixon's intentional strategy was to scare the communists into believing that he was Crazy Enough To Do It, but some people in the know believed he really was.Kraken wrote:It's my understanding that POTUS has the sole authority to order a nuclear strike. Presumably the process of becoming POTUS should be the failsafe. That said, IDK how the actual chain of command works or if there is room for a person of conscience to refuse the order -- i.e., does the order go through the Pentagon or directly from White House to bunker?$iljanus wrote:I'll give you that actually. I've always been curious if the military has a "madman" failsafe scenario? Then again having such a thing publicly known would weaken the psychological component of a nuclear deterrence policy.Rip wrote:a tad.
Hopefully this question is purely academic.
TX has to be one of the most strategic pieces of ground to pave to glass if we end up there: oil and gas, military assets out the ass and major population centers. Just a cursory look would not comfort me if I were you. I am in no better shape, the entire Front Range of CO is basically a prime target.Captain Caveman wrote:I saw someone on twitter post a terrifying scenario. What if someone hacks Trump's twitter account and writes something like, "To protect the U.S. I've just launched nukes aimed at X" to try to incite a retaliatory strike against us. I hope Trump at least has two-step verification on his account...
Maybe I should feel reassured that I'm probably safe here in Texas because the nukes would much more likely rain down on the east or west coast?
Interesting. I always assumed D.C. or NYC would be the target, or maybe Hawaii if launched from the far east, but I guess there are other considerations about what would make a "good" target.Enough wrote:TX has to be one of the most strategic pieces of ground to pave to glass if we end up there: oil and gas, military assets out the ass and major population centers. Just a cursory look would not comfort me if I were you. I am in no better shape, the entire Front Range of CO is basically a prime target.Captain Caveman wrote:I saw someone on twitter post a terrifying scenario. What if someone hacks Trump's twitter account and writes something like, "To protect the U.S. I've just launched nukes aimed at X" to try to incite a retaliatory strike against us. I hope Trump at least has two-step verification on his account...
Maybe I should feel reassured that I'm probably safe here in Texas because the nukes would much more likely rain down on the east or west coast?
Plus, everyone hates the Cowboys.Enough wrote:TX has to be one of the most strategic pieces of ground to pave to glass if we end up there: oil and gas, military assets out the ass and major population centers. Just a cursory look would not comfort me if I were you. I am in no better shape, the entire Front Range of CO is basically a prime target.Captain Caveman wrote:I saw someone on twitter post a terrifying scenario. What if someone hacks Trump's twitter account and writes something like, "To protect the U.S. I've just launched nukes aimed at X" to try to incite a retaliatory strike against us. I hope Trump at least has two-step verification on his account...
Maybe I should feel reassured that I'm probably safe here in Texas because the nukes would much more likely rain down on the east or west coast?
My understanding is that would be no problem for the US or Russia who have lots of different ways to get nukes a long ways, ranging from bombers to land and sub-based ICBM missiles. Pretty sure the US nukes are a bit more precision-based where the Russians go for brute strength over accuracy. China, France and Israel also have the ability but not quite to the same extreme. And of course North Korea thinks they do and India is working on it.Captain Caveman wrote:Interesting. I always assumed D.C. or NYC would be the target, or maybe Hawaii if launched from the far east, but I guess there are other considerations about what would make a "good" target.Enough wrote:TX has to be one of the most strategic pieces of ground to pave to glass if we end up there: oil and gas, military assets out the ass and major population centers. Just a cursory look would not comfort me if I were you. I am in no better shape, the entire Front Range of CO is basically a prime target.Captain Caveman wrote:I saw someone on twitter post a terrifying scenario. What if someone hacks Trump's twitter account and writes something like, "To protect the U.S. I've just launched nukes aimed at X" to try to incite a retaliatory strike against us. I hope Trump at least has two-step verification on his account...
Maybe I should feel reassured that I'm probably safe here in Texas because the nukes would much more likely rain down on the east or west coast?
Logistically, sending an inter-continental missile to the middle of the country would have to be more logistically and technologically difficult, right?
I'd be more concerned about the the reverse scenario, someone spoofing a tweet about a missile launch against the U.S. I have more faith in other nuke capable countries not to react to a tweet than I do ours.Captain Caveman wrote:I saw someone on twitter post a terrifying scenario. What if someone hacks Trump's twitter account and writes something like, "To protect the U.S. I've just launched nukes aimed at X" to try to incite a retaliatory strike against us. I hope Trump at least has two-step verification on his account...
Maybe I should feel reassured that I'm probably safe here in Texas because the nukes would much more likely rain down on the east or west coast?
If fake news on social media leads to total nuclear Armageddon, maybe the human race just had it coming. Hoisted by our own petard (wow, I got to use that twice today here, lol).Alefroth wrote:I'd be more concerned about the the reverse scenario, someone spoofing a tweet about a missile launch against the U.S. I have more faith in other nuke capable countries not to react to a tweet than I do ours.Captain Caveman wrote:I saw someone on twitter post a terrifying scenario. What if someone hacks Trump's twitter account and writes something like, "To protect the U.S. I've just launched nukes aimed at X" to try to incite a retaliatory strike against us. I hope Trump at least has two-step verification on his account...
Maybe I should feel reassured that I'm probably safe here in Texas because the nukes would much more likely rain down on the east or west coast?
What's crazy is that you are not freaked the fuck out on any level apparently, but every single thing Obama did was a HUGE RED FLAG to you. But no, it would be impossible for you to be suffering some confirmation bias here like that ACA Trump voter.Rip wrote:Here I was thinking that Trump winning might cause the forum to devolve into crazy talk.........