LordMortis wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:39 pm
Milestone: Ate lunch outdoors at a restaurant.
That's becoming routine again now that the weather is nice. In fact, we're going out tonight to a beer bar where I will have my first quality draft since last fall.
Haven't braved indoor dining yet. I want to see where our virus numbers are in a couple of weeks (the great unmasking just began last Saturday). They're encouraging so far -- >50% of adults fully vaxxed, and new daily cases are hovering around 100 statewide.
LordMortis wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:39 pm
Milestone: Ate lunch outdoors at a restaurant.
We ate out at a place we hadn't be to in nearly a year and half last night. Damn that was nice. Nothing fancy, just good food in a loud setting with other people. Even the wife is starting to get comfortable with it. Then we hit a local brewery for a beer before going home.
Indoors around strangers without a mask is a little more on the numbers trending down locally for me than where we're at now. Indoors without a mask around strangers with alcohol will be around ???? I imagine it will happen sometime over summer... sometime... I know not when. Alcohol = loud and close talkers = disregard for my personal space while I am much more sensitive to those boundaries than I was even in the before times, when social hygiene and the pulmonary discharge of debilitation wasn't a thing.
LordMortis wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:50 pm
I am much more sensitive to those boundaries than I was even in the before times, when social hygiene and the pulmonary discharge of debilitation wasn't a thing.
The forces of money and power would certainly like us to forget all about this year and go back to exactly the way things were, like a teacher intoning, “All right, class, back to your desks,” while the first flurries are falling outside. Maybe we will; insights are evanescent, and habit has a leaden inertia. But a lot of people went very far away over the course of this past year, deep into themselves, and not all of us are going to come all the way back.
Word through my in-laws is that my wife's half brother has to date been declining to get vaccinated, since apparently his girlfriend is saying that he should just take vitamin supplements instead. Not the sharpest one so I'm not totally shocked, but at least the family is apparently pressing him to get vaccinated.
The US vaccinations have slowed to a crawl, ~500,000 the past 2 days, worst since the early days of the campaign. Yesterday was not a holiday. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations
The next challenge—B.1.617.2 (gamma)—is just getting started here. Our best shot to get shots way up.
When I think back to my meeting last week with a local elected official that said, "Now that things are getting back to normal..." I want to continue to scream inside my heart.
Rumpy wrote: Tue Jun 01, 2021 7:57 pm
My next one will be in late September.
Possibly sooner, if you wish. Starting this week, the Ontario government is phasing in accelerated scheduling for second doses.
Yeah, possibly, though they didn't give me the option, which I thought would be a possibility given I was close to the acceleration. My receipt says my second dose is in September. Would be nice if they would email if and when second doses are available. They have that information on file anyway, might as well use it.
Rumpy wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 5:53 pm
Yeah, possibly, though they didn't give me the option, which I thought would be a possibility given I was close to the acceleration. My receipt says my second dose is in September. Would be nice if they would email if and when second doses are available. They have that information on file anyway, might as well use it.
They're phasing it in in the same order that they rolled out the first dose eligibility, so by design the people that are getting the first dose now will be waiting until August before they get a chance to rebook an accelerated second dose. Once you're eligible to rebook, it should just be a matter of logging into the provincial portal and finding an open appointment slot. If there are none, then rinse and repeat later until you either get one or throw your hands up in the air and wait for your already scheduled appointment to roll around.
I'll be eligible to rebook mine on 19 July, so I'll let you know how painless (or not) the process turns out.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
I guess I just figured the acceleration would be taking effect sooner and that they'd know when the new dates would be and give the option for the earlier date then given that all the info is on file. And as far as reminders go, last night they were asking if I was Ok to receive emails and update, and if they have the second dose appointment on file, wouldn't it be so hard to to give a friendly reminder when the new moved up available dates are available to register for? I mean, I kind of feel like it's a bit of a inconvenience that they would have you re-register if you're already in the system.
Went to outdoor dinner at the bar tonight, as planned. Nobody was masked, not even staff, but we were on the patio so that's fine. At the end of the evening, though, I decided to get a growler to go. We walked into the bar unmasked and waited there for 15 minutes while they tried to find a cap that would fit, failed, filled the growler anyway, and provided a loose cap. Since I'm not drinking it tonight a loose cap would not do; $24 worth of draft would've gone flat. So they redoubled the search and finally succeeded.
It wasn't crowded, but that's the first time I've been indoors among strangers with no masks in sight since March '20. It was a big step for me. It's literally the first time I've put my trust in the vaccine.
Everybody is relaxing mask restrictions for those with their shots completed. Only problem is those without shots say screw everyone and don't wear masks either.
We need some kind of device that can point these people out and put a sign of SHAME on them somehow. Maybe like the balloon dialog above their heads like in comic books.
dbt1949 wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:47 pm
We need some kind of device that can point these people out and put a sign of SHAME on them somehow. Maybe like the balloon dialog above their heads like in comic books.
This has been the problem the whole time. Whatever sign you put on them they'd see as PRIDE, not shame. They aren't sneaking in hoping not to be caught, they're parading in with their noses in the air.
Rumpy wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:56 pm
And as far as reminders go, last night they were asking if I was Ok to receive emails and update, and if they have the second dose appointment on file, wouldn't it be so hard to to give a friendly reminder when the new moved up available dates are available to register for? I mean, I kind of feel like it's a bit of a inconvenience that they would have you re-register if you're already in the system.
It would definitely be nice, but I don't think things are nearly that organized. I think it will continue to be necessary to keep our ears peeled... usually regional news reports will at least drop hints as to what we should be doing. Maybe check the portal you initially booked through once a week for any updates. At least that's what I plan to do. I usually find the breadcrumbs I need when I check cp24.com at least once a day.
Yeah, we've been checking the local health unit site since the beginning, and while initially we weren't connected to the provincial vaccination system, there was so much confusion about what was what when the province would announce something claiming province-wide when it didn't apply to us. We're now connected to it, but we're usually a little lagged by a few weeks before something eventually applies to us. Everything seems to happen quicker down south. I'll be able to breathe a little easier once my parents get their second doses. It's been such a long road, but I also feel Canada's been quite patient overall.
Kraken wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:05 pm
Went to outdoor dinner at the bar tonight, as planned. Nobody was masked, not even staff, but we were on the patio so that's fine. At the end of the evening, though, I decided to get a growler to go. We walked into the bar unmasked and waited there for 15 minutes while they tried to find a cap that would fit, failed, filled the growler anyway, and provided a loose cap. Since I'm not drinking it tonight a loose cap would not do; $24 worth of draft would've gone flat. So they redoubled the search and finally succeeded.
It wasn't crowded, but that's the first time I've been indoors among strangers with no masks in sight since March '20. It was a big step for me. It's literally the first time I've put my trust in the vaccine.
I have put my faith in the vaccine from early on. My wife hasn't, and to be honest I have felt uncomfortable in crowded situations. But I haven't run into any situation where people didn't at least try to put distance between others, and I have until last night never seen staff not mask up.
Kraken wrote: Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:05 pm
Went to outdoor dinner at the bar tonight, as planned. Nobody was masked, not even staff, but we were on the patio so that's fine. At the end of the evening, though, I decided to get a growler to go. We walked into the bar unmasked and waited there for 15 minutes while they tried to find a cap that would fit, failed, filled the growler anyway, and provided a loose cap. Since I'm not drinking it tonight a loose cap would not do; $24 worth of draft would've gone flat. So they redoubled the search and finally succeeded.
It wasn't crowded, but that's the first time I've been indoors among strangers with no masks in sight since March '20. It was a big step for me. It's literally the first time I've put my trust in the vaccine.
I'm not there yet but people in my office are getting more and more lax with mask wearing and I'm getting long. That is my trust in the vaccine. I still won't spend time inside around my mother because of it though. My trust isn't that great at this point. I still watch worldometers and am using that as my barometer for gaining trust.
I assume the Vaccine worked with me, May 21st I was exposed to the virus when my co-worker was 3 feet from me talking directly to me without a mask for 2 hours. She had COVID at the time and didn't know it, her symptoms developed 3 days later. I've had zero symptoms and it's been 2 weeks. She was released from the hospital Monday but still is very weak.
Infectious Disease Doctor thinks she contracted it sometimes between her 1st and 2nd doses.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
My wife and I ate indoors at a restaurant for the first time in probably 16 months. We had planned to eat on their patio but it was pouring and we're both vaccinated so we elected for indoor dining. The place was almost empty anyways so that helped as well.
In other news, the local Whole Foods that we shopped at dropped its mask mandate as of May 29th per Massachusetts dropping its statewide mandate as of that day. Went there this morning and essentially everyone (including myself) was still masked, except for one Whole Foods employee who was bagging.
They dropped the mask mandate at my gym if you're vaccinated. I tried working out without a mask, but it just felt weird when there were so many others wearing masks. I ended up putting mine back on, even though I'm vaccinated. I suspect most of the other folks there succumbed to the same feeling.
hepcat wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:20 am
They dropped the mask mandate at my gym if you're vaccinated. I tried working out without a mask, but it just felt weird when there were so many others wearing masks. I ended up putting mine back on, even though I'm vaccinated. I suspect most of the other folks there succumbed to the same feeling.
Yeah, I assume substantially everyone there was vaccinated by this point, so I figure it's a mix of general COVID anxiety, peer pressure, and not wanting to look like a Republican.
hepcat wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:32 am
Also, the mask has really upped my ventriloquist game. I'm not sure I'm ready to give that up yet. Senor Sassy is a big hit!
That's funny... and then it made me think: I never once thought of how ventriloquists were affected by the last year...
hepcat wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:20 am
They dropped the mask mandate at my gym if you're vaccinated. I tried working out without a mask, but it just felt weird when there were so many others wearing masks. I ended up putting mine back on, even though I'm vaccinated. I suspect most of the other folks there succumbed to the same feeling.
Mine has a cardiac/phys rehab center on the upper floor so it's technically a healthcare facility. Masks still required and probably will be for some time. So we'll keep doing the simulated high altitude/water boarding training that is masked cardio.
Except for the pools. No masks there.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns early...to go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
El Guapo wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 10:18 am
My wife and I ate indoors at a restaurant for the first time in probably 16 months. We had planned to eat on their patio but it was pouring and we're both vaccinated so we elected for indoor dining. The place was almost empty anyways so that helped as well.
In other news, the local Whole Foods that we shopped at dropped its mask mandate as of May 29th per Massachusetts dropping its statewide mandate as of that day. Went there this morning and essentially everyone (including myself) was still masked, except for one Whole Foods employee who was bagging.
This afternoon will be my first Stop'n'Shop trip since the great unmasking. I plan to wear one. I don't expect many others to. I chose Thursday afternoons as grocery day because the store's never busy then, yet it's being well-stocked for the weekend.
It just feels rude to be around people you don't know without a mask. At least it does to me. I wonder how long that will last because clearly many people are choosing to keep their masks on. Of course the crazies who scream at people with masks on just makes you want to keep your mask on so you can hit them with a nerf bat.
Lorini wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 11:51 am
It just feels rude to be around people you don't know without a mask. At least it does to me. I wonder how long that will last because clearly many people are choosing to keep their masks on. Of course the crazies who scream at people with masks on just makes you want to keep your mask on so you can hit them with a nerf bat.
there is a part of me that is silently daring some 'don't tell me what to do' know-nothing to attempt to tell me what to do
I've decided I'm not going to feel guilty about not wearing a mask if CDC guidance says that as a vaccinated person I don't have to wear a mask. As a rule-abiding person, I don't feel the need to change my behavior to avoid looking like someone who doesn't follow the rules.
I'm just at the point now that I either have to trust the science completely, or not at all. I can't live trusting some parts of the science and not trusting other parts based on....what? My gut feeling?
It doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to breathe in someone's face, but at some point I feel like I've got to stop playing a guessing game with all this stuff. I'm not qualified to guess at it. So in Fauci/CDC I trust, and let the chips fall where they may.
Last edited by YellowKing on Thu Jun 03, 2021 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wore a mask in Walmart today because its Walmart and crowded. But didn't wear my mask in two small stores where it was basically me and the employees. Felt weird.
I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake. http://steamcommunity.com/id/daehawk
"Has high IQ. Refuses to apply it"
When in doubt, skewer it out...I don't know.
YellowKing wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:26 pmI'm just at the point now that I either have to trust the science completely, or not at all. I can't live trusting some parts of the science and not trusting other parts based on....what? My gut feeling?
It doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to breath in someone's face, but at some point I feel like I've got to stop playing a guessing game with all this stuff. I'm not qualified to guess at it. So in Fauci/CDC I trust, and let the chips fall where they may.
I'm with you. And have struggled with this with some family members who are having trouble listening to the CDC now that the CDC is saying things for vaccinated people are safe* but the virus isn't gone.
I was out shopping and didn't have a mask on, everyone was staring and I felt so guilty and I panicked, then I woke up.
I had my first "forgot to wear my mask in public" dream last night. I actually woke up panicked like I do when I awake from the "forgot to study for the exam" dreams.
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
YellowKing wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:26 pm
I've decided I'm not going to feel guilty about not wearing a mask if CDC guidance says that as a vaccinated person I don't have to wear a mask. As a rule-abiding person, I don't feel the need to change my behavior to avoid looking like someone who doesn't follow the rules.
I'm just at the point now that I either have to trust the science completely, or not at all. I can't live trusting some parts of the science and not trusting other parts based on....what? My gut feeling?
It doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to breathe in someone's face, but at some point I feel like I've got to stop playing a guessing game with all this stuff. I'm not qualified to guess at it. So in Fauci/CDC I trust, and let the chips fall where they may.
I didn't mean to imply that you had to wear a mask, my post was not worded particularly well. I meant only as it applied to how I felt, not how people should feel.
No, I totally understand Lorini. I was kind of coming from the same personal angle. I'm not passing judgment on anyone that wants to be extra cautious or wants to just give others peace of mind.
It's a difficult time period and everybody's got their own histories, their own community social pressures, etc.
That line in the sand was something I had to draw for myself to keep things simple and lower my anxiety about it. But I think everyone here has the same ultimate goal and wants to do the right thing.
YellowKing wrote: Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:26 pmI'm just at the point now that I either have to trust the science completely, or not at all. I can't live trusting some parts of the science and not trusting other parts based on....what? My gut feeling?
It doesn't mean I'm going to go out of my way to breath in someone's face, but at some point I feel like I've got to stop playing a guessing game with all this stuff. I'm not qualified to guess at it. So in Fauci/CDC I trust, and let the chips fall where they may.
I'm with you. And have struggled with this with some family members who are having trouble listening to the CDC now that the CDC is saying things for vaccinated people are safe* but the virus isn't gone.
* - for a reasonable definition of safe.
My decision will be pretty simple: If cases don't spike two weeks after the mask mandate ended, I'll drop my mask in almost all circumstances. If the numbers start climbing again in the next 10 days, I'm staying masked.
Stop-n-Shop was about 50/50, even among employees (which surprised me). I couldn't see any pattern in masked vs. unmasked people -- old and young, male and female, rich and poor, white and nonwhite...there were no obvious distinctions. One old man was wearing his mask below-the-nose, which I found amusing. I did notice that they removed the one-way aisle markers, which never had very good compliance anyway.