Holman wrote:You were serious? I thought you were being juvenile.
I support Clinton and despise Trump for reasons I've stated many times.
You should answer my question, though. It will give you a chance to show whether you have a position or you're just masturbating here.
All I have seen are arguments on hyperbole similar to what Smoove outlined. "Nobody really likes Hillary but we are voting for her anyway because of Trump."
Fine, I'll dance.
Despite his not immediately answering a question about Aleppo, I'm voting for Gary Johnson (as I have stated elsewhere on this forum). I read a lot of Ayn Rand growing up and appreciated the rugged individualism of the Objectivist philosophy. Her collection of essays in
Philosophy: Who Needs It? were masterful in describing the evils of Collectivism and the benefits of Capitalism. 30 years removed from my initial readings of her essays, I do not support her extreme position of zero regulation. I believe that monopolies are detrimental to society and that businesses and corporations have the moral compass of those that lead them -- which mean they can be led by evil men who can take advantage of others (note, I'm not saying that men running corporations have a tendency to be evil, but we have all seen examples of such). I do, however, still believe strongly in personal responsibility in all things. So, if you were to try to define me it would be a conservative with libertarian leanings or a libertarian with conservative leanings.
I believe in a limited Federal government. I support States' rights on several issues and believe it to be a strength that States can have different laws which reflect the differences of people in different regions. It provides choice for those who can move elsewhere on political grounds. There is no need for a Federal entity to force everyone to abide by the same law when there can be honest disagreement.
I believe in having a strong defense but less global intervention. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were embarrassments. Note that I had family members fighting in these wars. I'm proud of their service, but disappointed in our leadership that sent them there. I also believe that the instability American created in world led to the rise of ISIS and other extremists. We need a strong military, but not to solve the world's problems. "No nation building. No policing the world. More security at home."
Much like the possibility of monopolies being bad actors for society, I believe that government needs to be involved in monitoring corporations to thwart unethical behavior to protect our environment. Protecting our air and water is one thing, but having politicians acting on behalf of lobbyists to determine the future of clean energy innovation is another.
I support the FairTax (Neal Boortz) and believe that it helps those living in poverty, closes a loop hole for undocumented and black market workers, and taxes 'fairly' by employing a consumption tax. The rich will pay more because they spend more. Better yet, it abolishes the waste of resources known as the IRS and tax lawyers. The tax rate is also truly transparent. Gary Johnson supports the FairTax.
Gary Johnson is not hung up on if you are black, white, yellow, purple, gay, straight, male, female, or hermaphrodite. He is an inclusive candidate. He believes in personal freedoms which don't infringe on others' rights. Legalize marijuana. Treat drug use as a health issue, not a criminal one. Drug rehabilitation and harm-reduction programs are more productive for society than arrests. Johnson stumbled when answering a question about legalizing prostitution, but ultimzately he supports it as a States' right to choose. I think legalizing prostitution would positively impact sex trafficking and reduce the risk that sex workers currently live under current law.
Gary Johnson believes in a balanced budget. Bringing spending in line with revenues and dealing with the national debt is arguably the greatest threat to our national security. The sacred cows of both Republicans (military spending) and Democrats (entitlements) would be impacted.
Johnson supports term limits. If a politician's first priority is getting re-elected then they are less likely to compromise or vote their conscience.
Okay, my hands are getting tired so I'll stop here. I'm voting for Gary Johnson.