Page 7 of 44

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 9:43 am
by lokiju
Crap crap crap crap crap, I missed Max Payne 2!? Grrrrr....will I ever find a game I want? :D

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:27 am
by Hrnac

I received your Hearts of Iron in the mail yesterday. Thanks!


Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 11:31 am
by Hrnac

I will send out Europa 1400 Gold as soon as I get your address.


Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:32 pm
by Kelric
A bit delayed, but if those who claimed

Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption

Diablo: Hellfire
Dungeon Keeper 1

Rage Of Mages 2 - Claimed
America - Claimed
America: Expansion Pack - Claimed

still want them, then let me know.

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:00 pm
by Hrnac

I am mailing your Europa 1400 Gold today.


Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 2:50 pm
by Kasey Chang
Update: I've claimed Diablo Hellfire from kelric.

I'll also put up, hmmm... Worms Armageddon (never did get that to work, weird screen refresh problem)

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2005 5:01 pm
by setaside
Kasey Chang wrote:I'll also put up, hmmm... Worms Armageddon
I am NOT claiming this but DAMN ... somebody better! What a great game. Good show, Kasey. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2005 7:18 pm
by Exodor
Kasey Chang wrote:Worms Armageddon (never did get that to work, weird screen refresh problem)



I think that makes my karma +2

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 12:50 am
by Default
Exodor wrote:
Kasey Chang wrote:Worms Armageddon (never did get that to work, weird screen refresh problem)



I think that makes my karma +2
Patch here

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 1:41 am
by Kasey Chang
Tried the patch, didn't help. I have a weird screen refresh problem that prevents me from seeing the screen. Half the screen is fine, the other half is invisible or corrupted. It's really weird. Any way, Exodor's got it. Will try to mail it out Friday or Monday.

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2005 2:26 pm
by crumsteel
A new game to add.

Secret Service: Security Breach -got with a gogamer order, still in the box unopened.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:56 pm
by darrvid
If these games are still up for grabs I'd like to snag them...

divine divinity- setaside
Blade of Darkness- Boudreaux

I'll offer up American McGees Alice and Vampire-The Masquerade Redemption.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 5:17 pm
by brettmcd
darrvid wrote:If these games are still up for grabs I'd like to snag them...

divine divinity- setaside
Blade of Darkness- Boudreaux

I'll offer up American McGees Alice and Vampire-The Masquerade Redemption.
Ill take vampire and put up jetfighter IV to stay karma neutral.

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:19 pm
by setaside
darrvid wrote:If these games are still up for grabs I'd like to snag them...

divine divinity- setaside
PM me your address and I'll get it out when I can. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:52 pm
by darrvid
brettmcd, just pm your address

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:08 am
by Grundbegriff
crumsteel, may I have Age of Wonders & Age of Wonders 2 Masters Collection?

Pointer, may I take Horse Racing Manager off your hands?

karmamia = +5

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2005 5:30 pm
by crumsteel
Grundbegriff wrote:crumsteel, may I have Age of Wonders & Age of Wonders 2 Masters Collection?

Pointer, may I take Horse Racing Manager off your hands?

karmamia = +5
I will dig it out when I get home. pm me your info.

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2005 9:36 pm
by hitbyambulance
Return to Zork and Perfect General 2 have been claimed.

new additions:

Sudden Strike (Strategy First)
Navy SEALS (ValuSoft)

EDIT: reclaiming two karma points for Neverwinter Nights and Wizardry 8 - never received. Karma now at +11.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:22 pm
by Ragnarok
Since its been since January I'm reinstating a karma point for Vice City I never received. :(


Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:34 pm
by setaside
setaside wrote:
darrvid wrote:If these games are still up for grabs I'd like to snag them...

divine divinity- setaside
PM me your address and I'll get it out when I can. :)
Oops. Forgot about this one. I'll get it out asap. Probably Thursday since I'm off. Sorry. :oops:

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 1:47 pm
by Kasey Chang
Exodor: your Worms Armageddom will be shipped out on Monday. I had a hard time locating it. :P

For a bit more Karma, I'll put up

-- X2: Steel Soldiers (probably CD only, manual is here somewhere but not together)
-- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (CD only)
-- Seven Kingdom's II: The Frythan Wars (CD only)

I have no idea what's my Karma up to now. :D It should be a low number though.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:06 pm
by Lassr
Kasey Chang wrote:Exodor: your Worms Armageddom will be shipped out on Monday. I had a hard time locating it. :P

For a bit more Karma, I'll put up

-- X2: Steel Soldiers (probably CD only, manual is here somewhere but not together)
-- Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (CD only)
-- Seven Kingdom's II: The Frythan Wars (CD only)

I have no idea what's my Karma up to now. :D It should be a low number though.
I'll take Alpha Centauri since I lost mine sometimes last year when I rearranged everything. I'll PM my info.

I'll put up Celtic Kings, manual is on the CD.

Edit: Dirt still owes me Strategic Command from back in February, so my karma will be a +1 until it's received.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 4:28 pm
by Kelric
Lassr wrote:
I'll put up Celtic Kings, manual is on the CD.
I'll take Celtic Kings as I've never even considered buying it. My address will be PMed shortly.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:28 am
by Dogstar
Adding to the list:

Knights of the Old Republic (PC)

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:36 pm
by Kaigen
Can I get KOTOR? I'll put up something later tonight.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:44 pm
by crumsteel
Up for grabs – Morrowind GOTY + Strategy Guide

Somebody take this game and get it out of my house.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:00 pm
by Kelric
crumsteel wrote:Up for grabs – Morrowind GOTY + Strategy Guide

Somebody take this game and get it out of my house.
I'll take it so I can give it to a friend and get him addicted. I'll PM my address later.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:36 pm
by Dogstar
KOTOR now taken.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:57 am
by Kaigen
I'll put up Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. But I'll give a warning to whoever claims it that I may be a little slow shipping it out.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:59 am
by Ragnarok
Kaigen wrote:I'll put up Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. But I'll give a warning to whoever claims it that I may be a little slow shipping it out.
I claim! Take your time. :D

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 11:02 am
by Grundbegriff
"Come get your sacred objects! Come get your sacred objects!"

Octopiffage sorted by title:

1602 A.D., Kelric
Age of Empires, aussie77
Age of Empires Gold Edition (CD only), lokiju
Age of Wonders, Kelric
Aliens vs. Predator - Gold Edition, Kelric
Amazons And Aliens, Kelric
American McGee's Alice, darrvid
Apache: The Combat Helicopter Simulation (CD), hitbyambulance
B&W, Alefroth
Backyard Baseball, Kelric
Battlezone 2: Combat Commander, Kelric
Battlezone, Kelric
Black and White (CD only), lokiju
Bot Soccer (CD), hitbyambulance
Braveheart, Kelric
Bridge Commander, Eel Snave
Caesar 2, Eduardo X
Caesar 2, setaside
Capitalism 2, brettmc
CEO, brettmc
Chessmaster 4000 (CD), hitbyambulance
Chessmaster 6000, aussie77
Civilization 2 (CD only), The Meal
Clue, setaside
Command and Conquer, Kelric
Command and Conquer: Red Alert - Aftermath, Kelric
Command and Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike, Kelric
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 (CDs only), Blackhawk
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 (CD/manual), goldenember
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2, Kelric
Command and Conquer: Red Alert, Kelric
Command and Conquer: The Covert Operations, Kelric
Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun, Kelric
Commandos, setaside
Commandos Behind enemy Line, brettmc
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines, Kelric
Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty, Kelric
Conquest Of The New World, Kelric
Crimson Skies (CDs), Eel Snave
Cultures, Kelric
Cyberstorm 2, Kelric
Dark Reign: The Future of War, brettmc
Dark Reign, Kelric
Dark Reign 2, Kelric
Delta Force, Kelric
Deus Ex, crumsteel
Diablo, setaside
Diablo, Kelric
Disciples: Sacred Lands, Kelric
Driver, setaside
eJay: Hip Hop, setaside
Europa 1400: The Guild (CD only), Grundbegriff
Europa Universalis (CD), hitbyambulance
Europa Universalis, Kelric
Europa Universalis (documentation, no box, no jc), The Meal
European Air War, Brettmcd
F-22 Lightning, aussie77
Firestarter, Alefroth
Galaxy of Mahjongg, setaside
Gangsters, Eduardo X
Ghost Recon (CD only), Grundbegriff
Green Berets (requires Myth II), Blackhawk
Ground Control, Kelric
Half-Life: GOTY Edition (CDs only), RunningMn9
Half-Life: Opposing Force, Kelric
Hearts of Iron, Andy M
Hero X (JC), Kasey Chang
High Heat 2002, Kelric
High Heat Baseball 2001, Kelric
Horse Racing Manager, Pointer
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising, Brettmcd
Imperium Galactica, Eduardo X
Incoming (CD), hitbyambulance
Jetfighter IV, Brettmcd
Journeyman Project 3: Legacy Of Time, Kelric
KISS:Psycho Circus (CD), hitbyambulance
Law and Order Dead on the Money (JC; manual), lokiju
Lighthouse, Kaigen
Links Championship Edition, ArmyOfOne
Lords of Magic: Special Edition, setaside
Lords of Magic: Special Edition, Kelric
Madden 2001, Kelric
Madden 2002, Kelric
Madden 2003, aussie77
Madden 2004, crumsteel
Majesty: Northern Expansion, Mithridates
Mechwarrior 2, Kelric
Mechwarrior 4, wankerjr
Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault, Kelric
Metal Marines (CD), hitbyambulance
Mob Rule (JC), godhugh
Monopoly Tycoon, setaside
Morrowind (CDs; manual), Kelric
Moto Racer, crumsteel
Myst, setaside
Myst, Zaxxon
Myth 2: Soulblighter (CD), hitbyambulance
Myth 2: Worlds (CDs), Eel Snave
Navy SEALs (JC), Kasey Chang
Navy SEALS (ValuSoft), hitbyambulance
Navy SEALs 2: WMD (JC), Kasey Chang
NBA Live 2001, Kelric
Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit, aussie77
NHL 2001, setaside
NHL 2001, Kelric
NHL2002 (CIBU), The Meal
NHL 2003, Kelric
No One Lives Forever - CD only, dobberhd
Paradise Cracked, Alefroth
Panzer Elite SE, Kestrel
Populous: The Beginning, Kelric
Project Eden, Alefroth
Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (CDs only), Grundbegriff
Real War Rogue States, brettmc
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (CD only), Grundbegriff
Return To Krondor, Kelric
Risk (sleeve/manual), lokiju
Risk, Kelric
Riven, Kelric
Rollercoaster Tycoon, Kelric
Rune (CD only), Grundbegriff
Rune, Kelric
Sacrifice (CD Only), dobberhd
Secret Service: Security Breach, crumsteel
Serious Sam, Kelric
Seven Kingdoms 2: The Fryhtan Wars (CD only), Kasey Chang
Sheep (CIBU), The Meal
Shogun Total War: Warlord Edition (CD only), Kestrel
Shogun Total War: Warlord Edition, Brettmcd
Sim City 3000 Unlimited (CD only), lokiju
Simcity 3000 Unlimited, Kelric
SimMania, Zaxxon
Sims (CD and manual), lokiju
Sims House Party (CD only), lokiju
Sims Livin' Large (CD only), lokiju
Singles, Alefroth
Soldier Of Fortune, Kelric
Star Trek: Away Team (w/ Manual), Kasey Chang
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen, Kaigen
Star Trek: New Worlds, setaside
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, Kelric
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (CD Only), Exodor
Star Wars: Racer - CD only, dobberhd
Star Wars: Rebel Assault II, setaside
Starcraft: Insurrection, Kelric
Starcraft: Retribution, Kelric
StarLancer (CDs), Eel Snave
Starlancer, Eduardo X
Streets of Sim City (documentation, no box, no jc), The Meal
Sudden Strike (Strategy First), hitbyambulance
Sum of All Fears, brettmc
Swat 3: Close Quarters Battle (elite edition; no serial), Grundbegriff
Tenchu 2 (PS disc only), crumsteel
The Amazing Virtual Seamonkeys (PS1) (complete), hitbyambulance
The Civil War (CD), hitbyambulance
The Nations, Kelric
Theme Park, Blackhawk
Thief Gold (rerelease; NIBU), Grundbegriff
Thief, Kelric
Tiger Woods '99, Blackhawk
Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness (CDs only), lokiju
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 (CD), hitbyambulance
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, Kelric
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, aussie77
Tropico (DVD case, documentation), The Meal
Tzar: Burden of the Crown, Blackhawk
Tzar: Burden of the Crown, Kelric
Universal Combat, setaside
Warcraft 2, Kelric
Warhammer Dark Omen, brettmc
Warlords 3: Darklords Rising, lokiju
Warlords 3: Reign of Heroes, lokiju
Wheel of Time, Kaigen
Wheel Of Time, Kelric
X2: Steel Soldiers (CD only), Kasey Chang
You Don't Know Jack (CD only), lokiju

Octopiffage sorted by donor:

Alefroth, B&W
Alefroth, Firestarter
Alefroth, Paradise Cracked
Alefroth, Project Eden
Alefroth, Singles
Andy M, Hearts of Iron
ArmyOfOne, Links Championship Edition
aussie77, Age of Empires
aussie77, Chessmaster 6000
aussie77, F-22 Lightning
aussie77, Madden 2003
aussie77, Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit
aussie77, Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
Blackhawk, Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 (CDs only)
Blackhawk, Green Berets (requires Myth II)
Blackhawk, Theme Park
Blackhawk, Tiger Woods '99
Blackhawk, Tzar: Burden of the Crown
Brettmcd, Capitalism 2
Brettmcd, CEO
Brettmcd, Commandos Behind enemy Line
Brettmcd, Dark Reign: The Future of War
Brettmcd, European Air War
Brettmcd, Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Brettmcd, Jetfighter IV
Brettmcd, Real War Rogue States
Brettmcd, Shogun Total War: Warlord Edition
Brettmcd, Sum of all fears
Brettmcd, Warhammer Dark Omen
crumsteel, Deus Ex
crumsteel, Madden 2004
crumsteel, Moto Racer
crumsteel, Secret Service: Security Breach
crumsteel, Tenchu 2 (PS, disc only)
darrvid, American McGee's Alice
dobberhd, No One Lives Forever - CD only
dobberhd, Sacrifice (CD Only)
dobberhd, Star Wars: Racer - CD only
Eduardo X, Caesar 2
Eduardo X, Gangsters
Eduardo X, Imperium Galactica
Eduardo X, Starlancer
Eel Snave, Bridge Commander
Eel Snave, Crimson Skies (CDs)
Eel Snave, Myth 2: Worlds (CDs)
Eel Snave, StarLancer (CDs)
Exodor, Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force (CD Only)
godhugh, Mob Rule (JC)
goldenember, Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2 (CD/manual)
Grundbegriff, Europa 1400: The Guild (CD only)
Grundbegriff, Ghost Recon (CD only)
Grundbegriff, Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (CDs only)
Grundbegriff, Return to Castle Wolfenstein (CD only)
Grundbegriff, Rune (CD only)
Grundbegriff, Swat 3: Close Quarters Battle, Elite Edition (CD only, no serial)
Grundbegriff, Thief Gold (rerelease; new in box, unopened)
hitbyambulance, Apache: The Combat Helicopter Simulation (CD)
hitbyambulance, Bot Soccer (CD)
hitbyambulance, Chessmaster 4000 (CD)
hitbyambulance, Europa Universalis (CD)
hitbyambulance, Incoming (CD)
hitbyambulance, KISS:Psycho Circus (CD)
hitbyambulance, Metal Marines (CD)
hitbyambulance, Myth 2: Soulblighter (CD)
hitbyambulance, Navy SEALS (ValuSoft)
hitbyambulance, Sudden Strike (Strategy First)
hitbyambulance, The Amazing Virtual Seamonkeys (PS1) (complete)
hitbyambulance, The Civil War (CD)
hitbyambulance, Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 (CD)
Kaigen, Lighthouse
Kaigen, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen
Kaigen, Wheel of Time
Kasey Chang, Hero X (JC)
Kasey Chang, Navy SEALs (JC)
Kasey Chang, Navy SEALs 2: WMD (JC)
Kasey Chang, Seven Kingdoms 2: The Fryhtan Wars (CD only)
Kasey Chang, Star Trek: Away Team (w/ Manual)
Kasey Chang, X2: Steel Soldiers (CD only)
Kelric, 1602 A.D.
Kelric, Age of Wonders
Kelric, Aliens vs. Predator - Gold Edition
Kelric, Amazons And Aliens
Kelric, Backyard Baseball
Kelric, Battlezone
Kelric, Battlezone 2: Combat Commander
Kelric, Braveheart
Kelric, Command and Conquer
Kelric, Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Kelric, Command and Conquer: Red Alert - Aftermath
Kelric, Command and Conquer: Red Alert - Counterstrike
Kelric, Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2
Kelric, Command and Conquer: The Covert Operations
Kelric, Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Kelric, Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
Kelric, Commandos: Beyond The Call Of Duty
Kelric, Conquest Of The New World
Kelric, Cultures
Kelric, Cyberstorm 2
Kelric, Dark Reign
Kelric, Dark Reign 2
Kelric, Delta Force
Kelric, Diablo
Kelric, Disciples: Sacred Lands
Kelric, Europa Universalis
Kelric, Ground Control
Kelric, Half-Life: Opposing Force
Kelric, High Heat 2002
Kelric, High Heat Baseball 2001
Kelric, Journeyman Project 3: Legacy Of Time
Kelric, Lords of Magic: Special Edition
Kelric, Madden 2001
Kelric, Madden 2002
Kelric, Mechwarrior 2
Kelric, Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault
Kelric, Morrowind (CDs, manual)
Kelric, NBA Live 2001
Kelric, NHL 2001
Kelric, NHL 2003
Kelric, Populous: The Beginning
Kelric, Return To Krondor
Kelric, Risk
Kelric, Riven
Kelric, Rollercoaster Tycoon
Kelric, Rune
Kelric, Serious Sam
Kelric, Simcity 3000 Unlimited
Kelric, Soldier Of Fortune
Kelric, Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
Kelric, Starcraft: Insurrection
Kelric, Starcraft: Retribution
Kelric, The Nations
Kelric, Thief
Kelric, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Kelric, Tzar: Burden of the Crown
Kelric, Warcraft 2
Kelric, Wheel Of Time
Kestrel, Panzer Elite SE
Kestrel, Shogun Total War: Warlord Edition (CD only)
lokiju, Age of Empires Gold Edition (CD only)
lokiju, Black and White (CD only)
lokiju, Law and Order Dead on the Money (JC, manual)
lokiju, Risk (sleeve/manual)
lokiju, Sim City 3000 Unlimited (CD only)
lokiju, Sims (CD and manual)
lokiju, Sims House Party (CD only)
lokiju, Sims Livin' Large (CD only)
lokiju, Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness (CDs only)
lokiju, Warlords 3: Darklords Rising
lokiju, Warlords 3: Reign of Heroes
lokiju, You Don't Know Jack (CD only)
Mithridates, Majesty: Northern Expansion
Pointer, Horse Racing Manager
RunningMn9, Half-Life: GOTY Edition (CDs only)
setaside, Caesar 2
setaside, Clue
setaside, Commandos
setaside, Diablo
setaside, Driver
setaside, eJay: Hip Hop
setaside, Galaxy of Mahjongg
setaside, Lords of Magic: Special Edition
setaside, Monopoly Tycoon
setaside, Myst
setaside, NHL 2001
setaside, Star Trek: New Worlds
setaside, Star Wars: Rebel Assault II
setaside, Universal Combat
The Meal, Civilization 2 (CD only)
The Meal, Europa Universalis (documentation, no box, no jc)
The Meal, NHL2002 (CIBU)
The Meal, Sheep (CIBU)
The Meal, Streets of Sim City (documentation, no box, no jc)
The Meal, Tropico (DVD case, documentation)
wankerjr, Mechwarrior 4
Zaxxon, Myst
Zaxxon, SimMania

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 4:14 pm
by warning
Hey Grundy can I get Raven Shield from you?

I'll put up Disciples II: Rise of the Elves standalone expansion (which includes the original game as well). Manual and CD's are all there.

Posted: Fri Apr 22, 2005 6:26 pm
by Grundbegriff
warning wrote:Hey Grundy can I get Raven Shield from you?
All yours. Send me coordinates for the airstrike!

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:22 am
by brettmcd
Warning can i grab that diciples 2 rise of the elves?

puts me at +1 but ill look through some stuff and add a few things later.

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 12:42 am
by warning
Sure Brett. PM me with your address.

Posted: Wed May 04, 2005 11:37 pm
by Kasey Chang
Pardons to Exodor and Lassr...

Exodor: Your Worms Armagedon was shipped today. Should arrive in 3 business days or so.

Lassr: Your Alpha Centauri was shipped today, should arrive in 3 business days or so.

Posted: Thu May 05, 2005 10:35 am
by Lassr
Kasey Chang wrote:Pardons to Exodor and Lassr...

Exodor: Your Worms Armagedon was shipped today. Should arrive in 3 business days or so.

Lassr: Your Alpha Centauri was shipped today, should arrive in 3 business days or so.
Thanks, no big deal.

Now if I can just get Dirt to send Strategic Command.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:52 am
by ArmyOfOne
Lokiju, do you still have that copy of TR: Angel of Darkness available?

PM me if you do.


Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 2:54 pm
by lokiju
ArmyOfOne wrote:Lokiju, do you still have that copy of TR: Angel of Darkness available?

PM me if you do.

Yep, it's all yours. YGPM.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:46 pm
by D.A.Lewis
Kaigen, I'll take Lighthouse off your hands.

Tell me what I have to do.

OKay I read the rules and it seems I have to offer up one of my gaming childern. Well ,its time to put up or shut up, so the game I've been badmouthing for the bast year or so is my offering.

Beyond Divinity.

NOTE: Beyond Divinity comes with a free copy of Divine Divinity. I should go up two on the karma scale for this one.