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Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 8:54 pm
by Daehawk
There was a lady in Thieves Landing spouting her gospel about. I shoved her down and she yells "JESUS CHRIST"...pretty fitting lol. I have too much fun knocking people down in towns. I just wish they'd get mad and jump up with their fists going. Game needs female bandits too.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 8:34 am
by MythicalMino
I know that once a woman stole my horse...shouted at me that I was "green". So I shot the back, as she rode off on my horse. Perhaps I killed the only female bad-guy....

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:00 am
by YellowKing
That reminds me of an old Willie Nelson tune:

The yellow-haired lady came down to the tavern,
An' looked up the stranger there.
He bought her a drink, an' he gave her some money,
He just didn't seem to care.
She followed him out as he saddled his stallion,
An' laughed as she grabbed at the bay.
He shot her so quick, they had no time to warn her,
She never heard anyone say:

Don't cross him, don't boss him.
He's wild in his sorrow:
He's ridin' an' hidin his pain.
Don't fight him, don't spite him;
Just wait till tomorrow,
Maybe he'll ride on again.

The yellow-haired lady was buried at sunset;
The stranger went free, of course.
For you can't hang a man for killin' a woman,
Who's tryin' to steal your horse.
Tthis is the tale of the red headed stranger,
And if he should pass your way,
Stay out of the path of the ragin' black stallion,
And don't lay a hand on the bay.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 9:43 am
by LawBeefaroni
MythicalMino wrote:I know that once a woman stole my horse...shouted at me that I was "green". So I shot the back, as she rode off on my horse. Perhaps I killed the only female bad-guy....
Happened to me too. I used dead eye (damned lvl 2) and ended up killing my poor horse. As the thief was getting up from the fall, I shot her in the back. Unfortunately my wife was watching. She asked, "You shot your fucking horse??!" and stormed out of the room. Not my finest hour. All because I stopped to help this woman screaming for help by the side of a trail.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 10:59 am
by Smoove_B
LawBeefaroni wrote: "You shot your fucking horse??!" and stormed out of the room.
Yeah, but it's not like you skinned it. :D

I have been seeing some weird things going on now that I'm moving out of the starting area. I'll get weird notifications about missions ("That must be the man you're looking for over there - go talk to him") that seem like they should be triggering elsewhere or I'll completely miss notifications that I completed a mission. I also had a situation where I arrived at a enemy camp and was notified that a sheriff was in trouble. Of course I made camp as there was no way I was going in without saving first and was then notified that the sheriff was dead. Oh well. I go to leave and I'm notified that a sheriff is in trouble...again. It's like the whole mission reset.

I still don't understand what happens when you die. It seems like some progress is saved but you lose progress on other things.

And I can't make heads or tails out of the duels. I was able to do the first two or so without a problem. But now (after doing the same thing) it's not working anymore and I really have no idea why. I draw, paint my target (waiting until the reticule is tight) multiple times in kill zones and 90% of the time I'm shot dead first.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 11:25 am
by LawBeefaroni
I'm finally finding the duels to be quite easy.

First, don't draw until it says draw. Then the idea is to paint high-yield target areas. You get more yield when the reticule is white and more for things like headshots. Each time you paint, your meter goes up. You need to fill yours before he fills his. Or in very rare instances, have the most full bar when time runs out (I think the first few duels can end this way).

But if you can successfully paint the your opponent's hand/gun, you win instantly with a disarm and you get an honor (or is it fame?) bonus.

I don't like to save right before a mission (like the sheriff in Tumbleweed one). I'm always afraid that with the 6 hour time lapse something will mess up the mission. FWIW, he died on me anyway.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 1:01 pm
by YellowKing
I got in trouble for shooting and skinning coyotes with my 9-month old daughter on my knee. My daughter thought it was awesome; my wife....not so much. I guess it didn't help that I'm so used to narrating everything I do around the baby that I was narrating the action as well. "Ok, let's go shoot this coyote. Ok daddy shot him, now let's ride over here to his body and start skinning him."

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:15 pm
by Octavious
Now I'm not feeling so bad about shooting the dog. At least I didn't skin him. :shock: :lol:

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:15 pm
by hepcat
I'm torn on the dead eye mechanic. While I like it because, let's face it, it looks friggin' cool, i do find it making the game ridiculously easy at times. just click dead eye on, paint a large swath and enjoy a peppermint patty while everyone who looked at you funny dies from head shots. hopefully it gets tougher later on.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:36 pm
by Cylus Maxii
I've now lost two very good horses to cougar attacks.

The first horse I lost was one I got from a mission - the stallion:

I was trying to help fend off a pack of coyotes from some poor sap. After I shot the last coyote and while he the dude was thanking me, a cougar jumped him and killed him. I shot the beast while it was still chewing him. I had only seen one other cougar before, at a distance. So, of course I proceeded to skin the beast for a trophy. Seeing all the coyotes lying around, I figured I may as well skin them too.

Just a minute or two later, another feller was riding by as I did that. He tipped his hat and said "howdy", all friendly like - and his horse got jumped by another cougar. I also heard more barking and yips a coming - so I jumped on my horse and drew my Winchester repeater. I shot the second cougar as he jumped one of the coyotes and then rode off a bit to try shootin' the second pack of coyotes as they followed.

About that time, a third cougar jumped my horse from the ledge I had stopped by. It flat out killed him in one bite. So I found myself on foot and fending off that cougar and the remaining coyotes. I had to switch to my sawed off shotgun in the process - but forgot about its 2 shot limit. I damn near got killed while trying to reload. So I switched back to revolver - there was no damn way I was going to fight a cougar with a knife! Anyway - I kept a movin' and a shootin' until they was all dead. I couldn't just leave all those pelts lying around - so I started skinnin' again and kept my ears open for more coyotes or cougars

Once I was finished - I paused for a moment of silence over my fallen mount and decided if I should skin him or leave him be. I hadn't skinned a horse before. The friendly man's horse was lying there, so I decided to start with it. I should have heard 'em coming... The fourth cougar jumped me - but I shot him 3 times with my revolver and he went down. The fifth and sixth cougars followed close behind and I took them out with my Winchester. They must have been attracted by the slaughter.

It was quiet after that. A couple of horses and a wagon went by as I was skinning my horse and the other cougars. They all said "howdy" but nobody asked about the mess - I think they was scared of me.

I fought off a couple more packs of coyotes before I got clear of the area - but I stayed away from the bluffs where the cougars was pouncing. In the end, I sold the pelts from 27 coyotes and 6 cougars at the general store.

The second horse I lost to a cougar attack was about a week later. It pounced while I was skinning a buck. I took a good look around and then skinned the cougar quick and got the heck out of there.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:46 pm
by Daehawk
I lost my stallion somehow too. I don't know where or when I lost it but when I whistle I get a different horse now. :(

Can you not skin cows? I found 2 of them dead at a wagon and could not skin them.

I found 2 cool horses but could not break either. I'd lasso them but get dragged down. If I did get close to them it never let me get on one to even try breaking it. Either thats a bug or it goes by lvl of the horse and they were too high or something.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 2:49 pm
by LawBeefaroni
hepcat wrote:I'm torn on the dead eye mechanic. While I like it because, let's face it, it looks friggin' cool, i do find it making the game ridiculously easy at times. just click dead eye on, paint a large swath and enjoy a peppermint patty while everyone who looked at you funny dies from head shots. hopefully it gets tougher later on.
It's overpowered on some of the "clear the bad guys out" missions but it's critical on the "drive this wagon while trying to shoot backwards to take out waves of attacking mounted riders." Waiting to see what level 3 deadeye is like.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:11 pm
by tgb
I'm not reading the whole thread, because I just stopped in here to post the funniest bug ever.

I hope no one beat me to it.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:15 pm
by LawBeefaroni
Donkeywoman is funny, cougarman is funny...and terrifying.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:18 pm
by Scoop20906
Ok, horses are like cars in GTA. See one you like, grab it. They are all pretty much the same with different colors.

So, why are they selling deeds to horses in the general store? If I buy a deed, what does that mean?

Also, I have been breaking wild horses I see roaming and every time I do I get a notification there are more items for sale in the general store. I assume I unlocked that horse I just broke. Did I? I go to the store and I see no new deeds that I can see.

This is very poorly explained in the game. Anyone understand this mechanic?

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:19 pm
by Isgrimnur
There are three levels of horse: zombie, decent, thoroughbred. The better horses are faster.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:35 pm
by Booner
Scoop20906 wrote:Ok, horses are like cars in GTA. See one you like, grab it. They are all pretty much the same with different colors.

So, why are they selling deeds to horses in the general store? If I buy a deed, what does that mean?

Also, I have been breaking wild horses I see roaming and every time I do I get a notification there are more items for sale in the general store. I assume I unlocked that horse I just broke. Did I? I go to the store and I see no new deeds that I can see.
You got it...breaking a horse unlocks the access to it's deed. The deed just allows you to call up/bind that specific horse until it dies or you hitch another type.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 3:46 pm
by LawBeefaroni
Scoop20906 wrote: Ok, horses are like cars in GTA. See one you like, grab it. They are all pretty much the same with different colors.
There are 3 start levels, 1-3 stars. 3 stars are fastest. There are varying levels of stamina and health amongst horses of the same star level.
Scoop20906 wrote:
So, why are they selling deeds to horses in the general store? If I buy a deed, what does that mean?
You can then use the deed every time you want to use that particular horse.
Scoop20906 wrote:
Also, I have been breaking wild horses I see roaming and every time I do I get a notification there are more items for sale in the general store. I assume I unlocked that horse I just broke. Did I? I go to the store and I see no new deeds that I can see.
Yes, this is correct. Breaking a new horse makes that horse's deed available at the store.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:03 pm
by Cylus Maxii
Only the three-star horses require you to break them to access the deeds. There are three 3-star horses. The first is in act I on a mission. The other 2 are in Mexico. I have found and broken the white one with the black face and unlocked it in Mexico now. Now, I'm looking for the all-black one.

Also - horse deeds allow you to switch to that horse - but I think if the horse dies that you lose that horse and have to repurchase.

On a side note - I think they should have included a mechanism for capturing, breaking and selling wild horses. It makes more sense than plucking the feathers off off a crow or selling the entrails of an armadillo. They could have had training levels and given more money for a better-trained mount.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:06 pm
by Cylus Maxii
tgb wrote:I'm not reading the whole thread, because I just stopped in here to post the funniest bug ever.

I hope no one beat me to it.
LawBeefaroni wrote:Donkeywoman is funny, cougarman is funny...and terrifying.
Awesome! I haven't seen these - but the guys doing the demos had like 50k in cash - so I wonder if game gets glitchy towards the end.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:07 pm
by hepcat
LawBeefaroni wrote:Donkeywoman is funny, cougarman is funny...and terrifying.

good lord, that's unsettling.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:17 pm
by LawBeefaroni
Cylus Maxii wrote: Also - horse deeds allow you to switch to that horse - but I think if the horse dies that you lose that horse and have to repurchase.
You can reuse the deed to spawn a new horse of the same type. You don't need to buy it again.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:24 pm
by Cylus Maxii
LawBeefaroni wrote:
Cylus Maxii wrote: Also - horse deeds allow you to switch to that horse - but I think if the horse dies that you lose that horse and have to repurchase.
You can reuse the deed to spawn a new horse of the same type. You don't need to buy it again.
Good to know - but will have to test this. I seem to remember loosing a purchased horse and not having the deed in my inventory. Maybe you have to whistle up the default horse first or something.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:19 am
by hepcat
I don't know if it's the setting, the stories or what, but I'm actually enjoying this more than GTAIV...which is saying a lot since GTAIV was the first GTA game I ever finished (well, at least the main story...i do need to go back and finish the two DLC packs someday).

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:23 am
by Smoove_B
Oh yeah, I've put more time into this than GTA IV, without question. The story and setting aren't quite as tight as Bully, but overall the good outweighs the bad. I mean, last night I made a run from Thieves Landing to meet with Nigel Dickens. The way point system had me running through all kinds of side trails and switchbacks - and I couldn't do anything but marvel at the environment. So much more enjoyable than navigating city streets or toll booths.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 10:25 am
by LawBeefaroni
hepcat wrote:I don't know if it's the setting, the stories or what, but I'm actually enjoying this more than GTAIV...which is saying a lot since GTAIV was the first GTA game I ever finished (well, at least the main story...i do need to go back and finish the two DLC packs someday).
I didn't really like GTAIV. And that's what scared me about this one. But while it shares a lot of similarities I like RDR much better. Probably because of the settings and the less cramped/populated environment. And all the annoying stuff is gone (cell phone and virtual pet/dating crap).

Yesterday I was in Thieves Landing and a running gun battle erupted in the street. My horse got shot and killed in the cross fire. So I went over to the two battling parties (they were on either side of a building and couldn't hit each other) and hogtied each one and dropped them off the dock. You do NOT shoot my horse (that's my job).

Oh, I also had a weird one. Some guy started punching me in the saloon in Armadillo. So I got in a fight with him and accidentally hit someone else. So now I had two guys wailing on me. I ran out of town because I didn't want to kill either one. The original guy followed me so I hogtied him. As I'm trying to figure out what to do with him, two lawmen run at me shooting at someone they're chasing (common random encounter). So I lasso him and hogtie him to help them out. They walk up, thank me, and put a bullet in him. Frontier justice, etc. But THEN they walked over to the guy I had tied up and pop him in the head and say, "Glad we could help each other out" or something like that. :shock:

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 11:55 am
by hepcat

The game does bring out the GTA in me, though. Last night I couldn't resist positioning my horse on the train tracks and watching the ensuing slaughter as the 5:15 made it's run. I found this so amusing I then proceeded to hogtie anyone I could find and then chasing down the train and performing a Snidely Whiplash by laying them on the tracks.

The bounty was hefty...but worth it.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:00 pm
by Daehawk
Oh, I also had a weird one. Some guy started punching me in the saloon in Armadillo. So I got in a fight with him and accidentally hit someone else. So now I had two guys wailing on me. I ran out of town because I didn't want to kill either one. The original guy followed me so I hogtied him. As I'm trying to figure out what to do with him, two lawmen run at me shooting at someone they're chasing (common random encounter). So I lasso him and hogtie him to help them out. They walk up, thank me, and put a bullet in him. Frontier justice, etc. But THEN they walked over to the guy I had tied up and pop him in the head and say, "Glad we could help each other out" or something like that. :shock:
Wow that's just cool.
The game does bring out the GTA in me, though. Last night I couldn't resist positioning my horse on the train tracks and watching the ensuing slaughter as the 5:15 made it's run. I found this so amusing I then proceeded to hogtie anyone I could find and then chasing down the train and performing a Snidely Whiplash by laying them on the tracks.
I had some woman pull an ambush on me and when it was over I had a stagecoach to myself. I ended up parking it on the tracks and watching the chaos. In the end though it would not let me skin the horses :(

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:32 pm
by LawBeefaroni
hepcat wrote: The bounty was hefty...but worth it.
There's a trophy for it too, I think.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:40 pm
by Octavious
Saw another bug last night. A guy's donkey was stuck neck deep in a mountain. Pretty funny. :mrgreen: I continue to love the game despite the minor bugs here and there. Still working my way through Mexico though I think I'm nearing the end of that portion. I think I'm going to head back over to the US and see if there's any stranger missions that I missed and then finish off Mexico. I got the Bandito Outfit last night which is pretty funny looking. :mrgreen:

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:41 pm
by Terrified
Cylus Maxii wrote:
LawBeefaroni wrote:
Cylus Maxii wrote: Also - horse deeds allow you to switch to that horse - but I think if the horse dies that you lose that horse and have to repurchase.
You can reuse the deed to spawn a new horse of the same type. You don't need to buy it again.
Good to know - but will have to test this. I seem to remember loosing a purchased horse and not having the deed in my inventory. Maybe you have to whistle up the default horse first or something.
I had just purchased a new horse when I got a bounty. Deciding to take the bounty alive, I tied him up and put him on the back of my horse. So when the bounty's "buddies" showed up to spring him, I was vague amused that they shot him dead while trying to shoot me. I was less amused that they shot my horse dead while trying to shoot me. So after dispatching them, I tried to whistle up my dead horse. Nothing. So I went to my inventory and clicked on the deed. It gave me a message like "When your horse dies, you will be unable to use this for a period of time". So I stole a horse from the dead "buddies", rode to town with my now dead bounty and collected the money owed. I then clicked on my deed, and my horse showed up. (Well, I assume it's the horses brother or something...)

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:42 pm
by LawBeefaroni
I haven't left New Austin yet. When ever I get ready to move on a new bounty or stranger pops up.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 1:02 pm
by Octavious
I started skipping some of the stranger missions because I wanted to get to Mexico. Kind of regretting it now as I think some of them carry over into Mexico. A nun stopped me yesterday and gave me around 50 bucks because I'm so nice. I was tempted to hogtie her afterwards but thought better of it.

This game differs a lot from GTA for me because I actually try to be a good guy since it has the whole morality system going on. I know in the grand scheme of things it's pretty pointless but it bothers me when I see a -50 show up on the screen.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 1:40 pm
by $iljanus
Had a stranger mission where someone was lynching a guy's wife. (Sure are a lot of lynchings in the West). Unfortunately didn't get her down and the husband is all a blubbering. So I put him out of his misery. Then proceeded to shoot up the wife corpse and loot it. When he was looting it, my character said "I'm sorry ma'am but I'm a bad man." which had me laughing. I restarted from an earlier save because I'm going through the game as a noble outlaw but was wondering if there are any game perks for being an ornery sonofabitch?

Also shot a man in an alley who was trying to have his way with one of the saloon whores. She was mighty grateful but I then bumped into a lawman. Thought I'd have to pay a fine for my deed and my guy apologized for the trouble but the lawman just said, "It's just going to be one of those days..." and walked along with no repercussions. I'm liking this game alot! Nice change from "Terrorists have infiltrated X and your team has to blah, blah, blah."

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 3:09 pm
by Cylus Maxii
I ended up back in New Austin last night - a mission took me there briefly and I decided to stay a bit. I lost a couple more horses to mountain lions - they seem to be mush more prevalent now,but maybe its just where I've been hanging out.

I've been poking around a bit NW or the MacFarlane place, looking for boars for an ambient mission. There are only a few, and several mountain lions as well. I think I'll head back south, since the foldout map is indicating that boars are further north and all the rails and bridges are out at the moment.

Do any of you have locations to hunt boars in New Austin or Mexico?

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 3:18 pm
by Booner
Cylus Maxii wrote: Do any of you have locations to hunt boars in New Austin or Mexico?
I have encountered a few boars along the river NW of Thieves Landing....not often,but they're up there.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:03 pm
by ydejin
Octavious230 wrote:This game differs a lot from GTA for me because I actually try to be a good guy since it has the whole morality system going on. I know in the grand scheme of things it's pretty pointless but it bothers me when I see a -50 show up on the screen.
I agree. I've never played GTA because playing as a thug just doesn't appeal to me. Playing a Western lawman or at least playing as a good guy in a Western on the other hand is a lot of fun.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 5:05 pm
by ydejin
Cylus Maxii wrote:Do any of you have locations to hunt boars in New Austin or Mexico?
I enountered a boar in the swamps South East of MacFarlane's ranch, follow the train tracks South from the station at MacFarlane's station and you should end up in the swamps after a while. No idea how plentiful they are, but I plan to go down there to do my boar hunting.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:03 pm
by Cylus Maxii
Thanks for the hunting tips - I'm right in the area, so I'll check those out as soon as I get home.

Re: Red Dead Redemption

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 9:17 pm
by Doomboy
Can you not head back to the US side after heading into Mexico? Because that would be annoying.