No excuse. Sorry, maybe I am a jerk, but she was around a patient and one of the other clinicians came down with the disease, postpone your life plans and ensure that you are virus free before going out. Especially traveling by plane.Captain Caveman wrote:She was in Cleveland planning her wedding, which helps explain a bit why she wouldn't want to back out of the trip.
But still.
I hope that no more positives come out of this, the physician that was with the cameraman that was positive for Ebola violated the self imposed quarantine. However, I think as long as she was being monitored, she was fine in doing so because she was being monitored and was not showing any signs. CNN Linky
But the public is going to go into a panic if they are not given the correct information or one thing is said, IE - It will not spread we are trained, and then it spreads keeps happening.
If this nurse really knew she had a fever and traveled anyway, then she is to blame, because she knows when this virus is transmittable. I still hope that no more new cases spring up, and that we contain it now before anything else bad happens.