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Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 11:49 am
by Isgrimnur
FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection
The FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection stops unfair, deceptive and fraudulent business practices by collecting complaints and conducting investigations, suing companies and people that break the law, developing rules to maintain a fair marketplace, and educating consumers and businesses about their rights and responsibilities.
Consumer Finance Protection Bureau

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:16 pm
by Defiant

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:27 pm
by Isgrimnur
Hardware store?

Public accommodations
Examples include retail stores...
Warm up the lawyers.

There is no legal prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity for both public and private employees on a statewide level.
So he can fire all the gays he wants, but he can't legally refuse to serve them.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:34 pm
by Jaymann
If you're gay and living in East Tennessee, you may have bigger problems than which hardware store you can frequent. Besides, how exactly do they plan on identifying gays as they walk in?

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:49 pm
by Defiant
Isgrimnur wrote:
Hardware store?

Public accommodations
Examples include retail stores...
Warm up the lawyers.
Send them to an ambulance instead. Sexual Orientation isn't a protected class at the federal level, and while some states have laws that include it, Tennessee is not one of them.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:52 pm
by Isgrimnur
Commerce clause! Ex parte!

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:27 pm
by Rip
In it, Abedin urges Clinton to "hang up the fax line" so someone can send a fax.

"I thought it was supposed to be off hook to work?" Clinton writes back.

Abedin asks her to hang up "one more time." Clinton says she did.

"Just pick up phone and hang it up. And leave it hung up," Abedin tells her.
Again messaging Abedin and one other aide in June 2009, Clinton wrote: "I heard on the radio that there is a Cabinet mtg this am. Can I go? If not, who are we sending?"

Reportedly, there was no full Cabinet meeting that day; it was only for lower-level officials. But then a few days later, Clinton fired off another email to staff saying she arrived for a morning White House meeting "and was told there was no mtg."

"This is the second time this has happened. What's up???" Clinton wrote.

This touched off a set of exchanges where staffers essentially took the blame for the mix-up.

A key issue in Clinton's emails is who was aware she was using a private account and server. In fact, the emails indicate top White House officials were aware of the address, if not the server.

But those same emails also indicate she was at a distance from the president's inner circle, who had to reach out to Clinton aides to even find out how to contact her.

On June 8, 2009, Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills wrote to Clinton saying of Obama adviser David Axelrod, "axelrod wants your email - remind me to discuss with you if i forget."

Clinton wrote back: "Can you send to him or do you want me to? Does he know I can't look at it all day so he needs to contact me thru you or Huma or Lauren during work hours."

Mills responded: "I'll take care of it." ... mail-dump/


Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:33 pm
by Fireball
That's hardly shocking. In my office, none of the senior staff know how to forward a call from one line to another. We have the interns do it.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:45 pm
by Rip
Fireball wrote:That's hardly shocking. In my office, none of the senior staff know how to forward a call from one line to another. We have the interns do it.

Shockingly, It doesn't surprise me that you can't forward a phone call.

Not sure what that has to do with knowing that you don't need to lift the receiver on the fax machine for it to receive a fax, but.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:06 pm
by LordMortis
Rip wrote:
Fireball wrote:That's hardly shocking. In my office, none of the senior staff know how to forward a call from one line to another. We have the interns do it.

Shockingly, It doesn't surprise me that you can't forward a phone call.

Not sure what that has to do with knowing that you don't need to lift the receiver on the fax machine for it to receive a fax, but.
Who had fax lines that weren't dedicated in 2009?

With the way phone systems keep changing and the growing need to get a new phone system several times a decade, I don't blame anyone for not knowing how to use their phones... even if people are perpetually lazy and you can take a few weeks to study and summarize a 400 page "how to use this phone publication" into 5 graphic pages with circles and arrows and they won't even take the time to read that... Oh, I can blame them for that.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:24 pm
by LordMortis
Does this belong in the 2nd amendment thread or the Marijuana thread? ... ZQgdka7r1g

I suppose this won't be Obama's fault either because he has weighed in as not trying to take guns away and not pursuing federal marijuana cases where states have made marijuana legal for one purpose or another or so they keep telling me. Does he have any relationship with his DoJ at all?

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:27 pm
by Rip
LordMortis wrote:
Rip wrote:
Fireball wrote:That's hardly shocking. In my office, none of the senior staff know how to forward a call from one line to another. We have the interns do it.

Shockingly, It doesn't surprise me that you can't forward a phone call.

Not sure what that has to do with knowing that you don't need to lift the receiver on the fax machine for it to receive a fax, but.
Who had fax lines that weren't dedicated in 2009?

With the way phone systems keep changing and the growing need to get a new phone system several times a decade, I don't blame anyone for not knowing how to use their phones... even if people are perpetually lazy and you can take a few weeks to study and summarize a 400 page "how to use this phone publication" into 5 graphic pages with circles and arrows and they won't even take the time to read that... Oh, I can blame them for that.
It seems kind of obvious that it was a dedicated fax line. It still rings (although most people turn the ringer volume down where you can't hear it), typically it will pick up and begin negotiating after the second ring. Unless of course some moron hears it and picks up the receiver and begins talking to the screeching tones.

Back in the eighties I used to see people do this but haven't seen someone so unaware do it in a couple decades. Despite working for a number of elderly and very wealthy people. They still struggle with e-mail, phones, tablets, etc. But it has been ages since I ran into someone so clueless as to try and answer the fax machine.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:40 pm
by LordMortis
Rip wrote:It seems kind of obvious that it was a dedicated fax line. It still rings (although most people turn the ringer volume down where you can't hear it), typically it will pick up and begin negotiating after the second ring. Unless of course some moron hears it and picks up the receiver and begins talking to the screeching tones.
How old of a fax machine are you using to have a receiver in 2009? That's what I mean by dedicated. Attaching a receiver to a fax makes it inherently not dedicated. To me that's what is odd. We had faxes with hand sets in my office in 1998 and they felt antiquated then. They all long were gone by 2001. Don't get me wrong. Faxes are still more secure than email. We still have two POTS fax lines in 2015 but we haven't had a fax machine with a handset for a very very long time. Nowadays, ISO would consider that an IS problem.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:41 pm
by Moliere
Rip wrote:It seems kind of obvious that...
Never a good way to start a conversation about technology. Not everyone has the same level of expertise of experience using some particular technology.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:49 pm
by msteelers
BREAKING: Old Person Confused By Technology

Seriously? They go through the emails and that's the headline? And it's not even cool technology. It's a fax machine. Fax machines were never intuitive. Thank god that's a dying tech.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:09 pm
by Rip
What is more politically interesting from the e-mails they haven't classified to hide is that all those people who said they didn't know she was using her private e-mail were lying. The fact they had to contact her staff and get her e-mail because it wasn't in the directory is telling.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:23 pm
by hepcat
You should add more emphasis to that post by including a random picture of Hillary Clinton looking at a stop sign or something.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:34 pm
by Moliere
hepcat wrote:You should add more emphasis to that post by including a random picture of Hillary Clinton looking at a stop sign or something.
Here's a good one.

Enlarge Image

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:03 pm
by Rip

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:40 pm
by hepcat
You wanna toss in a photo of Hillary talking to someone? You're dropping the ball here. Come on, man.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:24 am
by AWS260
Mozambique decriminalizes homosexuality. A notable development, given the surfeit of anti-gay laws in many other parts of Africa.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:58 pm
by hepcat
Trump is doubling down on his claim that illegal immigrants are primarily rapists.

I also like his not so subtle dig at Jeb Bush's wife with
"I don't get it. He's in favor of Common Core, extremely weak on immigration. He thinks people come over for love. I don't understand why he's in first place,"
What a piece of work that man is.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:00 pm
by El Guapo
hepcat wrote:Trump is doubling down on his claim that illegal immigrants are primarily rapists.

I also like his not so subtle dig at Jeb Bush's wife with
"I don't get it. He's in favor of Common Core, extremely weak on immigration. He thinks people come over for love. I don't understand why he's in first place,"
What a piece of work that man is.
That's not a dig at Bush's wife, it's a dig at Bush saying that illegal immigration is often an "act of love".

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:03 pm
by hepcat
Ah, I thought he was trying to insinuate that Bush's wife was here illegally as a nasty joke or something. I hadn't heard that speech from Jeb before.

But the fact that I immediately assumed that it was such speaks volumes on what I think of the man. :D

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:44 pm
by GreenGoo
Fireball wrote:That's hardly shocking. In my office, none of the senior staff know how to forward a call from one line to another. We have the interns do it.
I also don't know how to forward a call, and I need to read the instructions on the fax machine every time I use it, which is about once a year.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:57 pm
by Jaymann
I know exactly how to forward a call. Unfortunately for the caller it always cuts them off.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:30 pm
by Skinypupy
Someone needs to secretly film a gay person walking in, buying a whole bunch of stuff at this store, then turning around on their way out and saying "by the way...flaming".

It'd be worth it just to see this asshat's head explode.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:50 pm
by Rip
GreenGoo wrote:
Fireball wrote:That's hardly shocking. In my office, none of the senior staff know how to forward a call from one line to another. We have the interns do it.
I also don't know how to forward a call, and I need to read the instructions on the fax machine every time I use it, which is about once a year.
So if I want to send you a fax, I will need to wait on you to read the manual again?

I can understand a little confusion on sending a fax. Receiving one can easily be done by a monkey.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:28 pm
by Jaymann
Skinypupy wrote:
Someone needs to secretly film a gay person walking in, buying a whole bunch of stuff at this store, then turning around on their way out and saying "by the way...flaming".

It'd be worth it just to see this asshat's head explode.
Would be even funnier they bought some rubber hosing and a bunch of lubricant.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:30 pm
by GreenGoo
Rip wrote: So if I want to send you a fax, I will need to wait on you to read the manual again?

I can understand a little confusion on sending a fax. Receiving one can easily be done by a monkey.
If I bought one and needed to set it up, sure. If it was working, then no one needs to receive it. It's magic that way.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:31 pm
by hepcat
...or a laundry basket and a door knob.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:36 pm
by LawBeefaroni
hepcat wrote:Trump is doubling down on his claim that illegal immigrants are primarily rapists.

I also like his not so subtle dig at Jeb Bush's wife with
"I don't get it. He's in favor of Common Core, extremely weak on immigration. He thinks people come over for love. I don't understand why he's in first place,"
What a piece of work that man is.
Remember that beer I brought over that one time?

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:15 pm
by Jaymann
hepcat wrote:...or a laundry basket and a door knob.
That's a little too subtle for me (and probably the hardware rednecks). Can you give me a spoiler.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:22 pm
by hepcat
It's similar to buying a garage door opener and vacuum bags.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:56 pm
by hepcat
Dear Lord, Trump is proof that God is a Democrat. How else can you explain this gift he's sent them?
In a separate interview with NBC News, Trump blasted the conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer, who called Trump a "rodeo clown."

Krauthammer uses a wheelchair because of a spinal injury.

"And then I get called by a guy that can't buy a pair of pants, I get called names? Give me a break," he said.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:01 pm
by LawBeefaroni
hepcat wrote:Dear Lord, Trump is proof that God is a Democrat. How else can you explain this gift he's sent them?
In a separate interview with NBC News, Trump blasted the conservative commentator Charles Krauthammer, who called Trump a "rodeo clown."

Krauthammer uses a wheelchair because of a spinal injury.

"And then I get called by a guy that can't buy a pair of pants, I get called names? Give me a break," he said.
Krauthammer should buy a pair of rodeo clown pants and have them sent to Trump. Because he can actually buy pants.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:01 pm
by Smoove_B
LawBeefaroni wrote: Krauthammer uses a wheelchair because of a spinal injury.

"And then I get called by a guy that can't buy a pair of pants, I get called names? Give me a break," he said.
Enlarge Image

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:17 pm
by hepcat
I suspect that he believes being outrageous is his key to winning public favor. Fortunately, that kind of momentum isn't going to help propel him beyond the status of curious oddity. Sure, he's got some backers now, but so did Sarah Palin...and look how far she got in politics. And hell, she had some actual experience in that department.

As for what his end game is, I'm not quite sure any more. I initially expected it to be the same one as his last bid for office. Get into the public eye, drum up some interest, drop out and then announce your tv show's newest season. Boom, ratings.

But he's burning bridges left and right at this point. So it can't be that. And he would have to truly be an example of Narcissistic personality disorder if he entered this thing thinking he would actually win.

My best guess is that he entered it with the intention of drumming up ratings/interest for his show/business, lost control, and is so utterly convinced that he can do no wrong that he can't conceive of any strategy other than going full steam ahead. Thankfully, he's going to hit a wall doing a hundred very soon.

...which, I admit, will make me laugh.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 4:21 pm
by LawBeefaroni
hepcat wrote:
As for what his end game is, I'm not quite sure any more. I initially expected it to be the same one as his last bid for office. Get into the public eye, drum up some interest, drop out and then announce your tv show's newest season. Boom, ratings.

But he's burning bridges left and right at this point. So it can't be that.
WaPo wrote: July 8 at 2:08 PM
Jose Andres, the D.C.-based super-chef with a growing national brand, is backing out of a deal to open the flagship restaurant in Donald Trump’s forthcoming Washington hotel – the latest on a growing list of high-profile partners to sever ties with the presidential candidate over his anti-immigrant comments.


“Donald Trump’s recent statements disparaging immigrants make it impossible for my company and I to move forward with opening a successful Spanish restaurant in Trump International’s upcoming hotel in Washington, D.C.,” the statement reads. “More than half of my team is Hispanic, as are many of our guests. And, as a proud Spanish immigrant and recently naturalized American citizen myself, I believe that every human being deserves respect, regardless of immigration status.”

A spokesman for the restaurant group would not disclose the terms of the lease Andres had signed with Trump’s organization for the restaurant, which was to open next year in Trump’s $200 million redevelopment of the historic Old Post Office Pavilion. But Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr., e-mailed a response, indicating that the contract was for 10 years and that the Trumps could sue for unpaid rent and other damages — meaning a potential lawsuit could prove expensive.

Re: Political Randomness

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:44 pm
by Holman
$5,000,000,000 ego knows no limits.