Re: SCOTUS Watch
Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 4:49 pm
Per the NYT, the FBI is only allowed to interview four people. Not included in that list: Ford and Kavanaugh. What a sham.
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons bring us some web forums whereupon we can gather
As the FBI starts interviewing people who could have witnessed the alleged sexual misconduct by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, Senate Republicans are calling for an investigation to hold Democrats accountable for what they say has become a divisive and unnecessary public debate over sexual misconduct allegations leveled against Kavanaugh.
Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican on the Judiciary Committee who has become the voice of GOP outrage over Kavanaugh’s treatment, called for a probe of who leaked a letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the committee’s ranking Democrat, from California psychologist Christine Blasey Ford. Ford alleged in the letter that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her when they were in high school but asked that her complaint be kept confidential.
Ford stated again during her gripping testimony Thursday before the committee that she had not wanted to go public with her account, adding that she only went on the record after reporters from numerous news organizatons, tipped off to her letter, had visited her home and workplace.
“Somebody betrayed her trust for a political purpose,” Graham said Sunday morning on ABC’s This Week. “We’re going to do a wholesale, full-scale investigation of what I think was a despicable process to deter it from happening again.”
When it comes to Trump, the correct answer is always bullshitting.Defiant wrote: Sun Sep 30, 2018 5:13 pm I've read conflicting reports about the FBI investigation, so it's not clear to me if Trump backtracked on limiting it (and how much he backtracked) or if he's bullshitting the way he so frequently does.
Matt Damon? C'mon. Just imagine Ferrell saying "I still like beer" in his confused/defiant mode.ImLawBoy wrote: Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:41 am So, Will Ferrell pretty much has to play Kavanaugh on the SNL cold open this week, right?
Nah, I'm too busy imagining Dave Thomas playing Kavanaugh.
Oh man. Are we sure Kavanaugh isn't actually Dave Thomas in an extended bit? Watch out for a Rick Moranis looking character to emerge during the investigation.
Been frustrating to watch my conservatives acquaintances all claim that Kavanaugh was only emotional because he was "being attacked" by the big mean libruls, and that such behavior could never possibly carry over to how he conducts himself on the bench.Paingod wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:33 am I enjoyed that when I watched it earlier. I like the bit at the end, where even if you throw out everything about sexual assault, Kavanaugh demonstrated that he's completely partisan and is itching to slap some Liberal ass once he's on the Big Bench.
To be fair, conservatives also rationalized that Trump would become responsible and presidential once he took office. And that's exactly what happened.Skinypupy wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:26 pmBeen frustrating to watch my conservatives acquaintances all claim that Kavanaugh was only emotional because he was "being attacked" by the big mean libruls, and that such behavior could never possibly carry over to how he conducts himself on the bench.Paingod wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:33 am I enjoyed that when I watched it earlier. I like the bit at the end, where even if you throw out everything about sexual assault, Kavanaugh demonstrated that he's completely partisan and is itching to slap some Liberal ass once he's on the Big Bench.
Yeah, sure it won't.
Easy answer. The Federalist Society. That's their mission.Carpet_pissr wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:26 pm After seeing sickening video after video of Kav's testimony, I'm left wondering how this sniveling, entitled prick got to even be a federal judge, much less to be in line for a SCOTUS seat.
Their own website:The organization plays a central role in networking and mentoring young conservative lawyers. According to Amanda Hollis-Brusky, the author of Ideas with Consequences: The Federalist Society and the Conservative Counterrevolution, the Federalist Society "has evolved into the de facto gatekeeper for right-of-center lawyers aspiring to government jobs and federal judgeships under Republican presidents."
Founded in 1982, the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a group of conservatives and libertarians dedicated to reforming the current legal order.
To be fair, without the FBI investigation, the GOP might well be voting to confirm Kavanaugh tomorrow, and pressuring him on why he wouldn't want an FBI investigation to clear that up is part of why it's happening (or at least, why Flake has made it happen). Also, trying to pin him down on specific issues from his high school time, prompting him to lie, has created another mine field for him. It's basically impossible at this point to prove that he assaulted Dr. Ford. But it's possible to show that certain things that bolster her account are true (his drinking habits, his behavior while drunk, etc.) are true or false, and that he lies when being asked about those things is about as good evidence as one can hope for at this point.Chaz wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:17 pm Just slid by, which was frustrating. Most of the Democrats spent their five minutes either trying to nail him down on the FBI investigation thing (more than one going down this route was especially frustrating), or trying to get him to give concrete answers on his high school character. To those second types of questions, his responses were to either lie outright, or come back with "HOW DARE YOU" or "I don't know, have you?"
I get that five minutes isn't very much time, and makes it much easier for him to filibuster, but I really wish anyone had asked him about the blatant partisanship in the opening. Of course, he would've pivoted back to "well, look at my record." That would've revealed a solid far right record, but proving that would've taken longer than the five minutes allowed, so I guess I understand why they didn't. Maybe.
It occurs to me that this is the sort of thing you say when you know 1/2 the people interviewing you are irrelevant, and the relevant half have already decided to hire you before the interview process *and* you know the relevant people hate the irrelevant people.Ralph-Wiggum wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:17 pm He also said that the Democrat senators' questions at his previous hearing were an embarrassment. He didn't provide specifics when questioned. I think Kavanaugh gets all his news from Fox opinion pieces.
Which is, effectively, the last thing we need in a Supreme Court Justice.GreenGoo wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:29 pmIt occurs to me that this is the sort of thing you say when you know 1/2 the people interviewing you are irrelevant, and the relevant half have already decided to hire you before the interview process *and* you know the relevant people hate the irrelevant people.Ralph-Wiggum wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:17 pm He also said that the Democrat senators' questions at his previous hearing were an embarrassment. He didn't provide specifics when questioned. I think Kavanaugh gets all his news from Fox opinion pieces.
It also occurs to me that this is the sort of thing you say when you are unequivocally, unapologetically partisan without even the facade of neutrality.
Ralph-Wiggum wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:17 pm He also said that the Democrat senators' questions at his previous hearing were an embarrassment. He didn't provide specifics when questioned. I think Kavanaugh gets all his news from Fox opinion pieces.
That is a spiteful of not vengeful vow of an obsessed and self confessed villain. That hit me in even more the Clinton conspiracy rant.“You sowed the wind,” he said, and “the country will reap the whirlwind.”
To be fair, it is the age of stigginit. He's a man of the times.Pyperkub wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:32 pm Which is, effectively, the last thing we need in a Supreme Court Justice.
pwned? Or like Kanye says, owned?El Guapo wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:41 pm I wonder how he would rule in the pending case on whether or not the libs should be owned.
My mixed group of Irish and an American in Ireland were confused by this too. My conclusion was that they had talking points they wanted to hit for their own reasons. We were openly talking about how he was openly 'Republican' and seemed slightly unhinged and defiant. When Graham went on his tirade people were like 'how do you live with these people representing you?' Which my answer was he doesn't - my rep is the bald, black guy. And he didn't impress me very much either. As an aside, I've seen him speak in person on several occasions and he usually is impressive. I just don't think he found a good footing throughout this process.Chaz wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:17 pm Just slid by, which was frustrating. Most of the Democrats spent their five minutes either trying to nail him down on the FBI investigation thing (more than one going down this route was especially frustrating), or trying to get him to give concrete answers on his high school character. To those second types of questions, his responses were to either lie outright, or come back with "HOW DARE YOU" or "I don't know, have you?"
I get that five minutes isn't very much time, and makes it much easier for him to filibuster, but I really wish anyone had asked him about the blatant partisanship in the opening. Of course, he would've pivoted back to "well, look at my record." That would've revealed a solid far right record, but proving that would've taken longer than the five minutes allowed, so I guess I understand why they didn't. Maybe.
Exactly - but no one was really challenging him. I get that they really were trying to get him to slip on the high school stuff but he said some really crazy shit. It would have been nice to just push on that a bit more harshly.Chaz wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:16 pm Booker, I assume? Yeah, he's got a habit of falling into speechifying. Which is great in some settings, and less great when you're trying to get someone to answer questions within a tight time window. The people on the committee that generally did better were the ones that took a lawyerly approach.
Pending? I've been in liberal hell for two years.El Guapo wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:41 pm I wonder how he would rule in the pending case on whether or not the libs should be owned.
Trump has also been pretty off-brand on Kavanaugh's drinking.YellowKing wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:51 pm Now Trump is talking about all the "trauma" Kavanaugh has gone through. For a bunch of tough guys who think liberals are pussies, the GOP sure gets their feelings hurt a lot.
The president used his press conference for various freeform political observations. Trump’s main takeaway from Kavanaugh’s testimony, which was intended to establish that the judge drank in moderation, was that Kavanaugh was a borderline alcoholic. Trump noted, “I was surprised by how vocal he was about the fact that he likes beer.” And also, “I really do believe that he was very strong on the fact that he drank a lot.” And he drove home the very off-message conclusion, “He did have difficulty as a young man with drink.”
Trump is no fan of alcohol since his brother's death I gather.El Guapo wrote: Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:54 pm
Trump has also been pretty off-brand on Kavanaugh's drinking.
The issue is that Kavanaugh was testifying about how he was a moderate drinker at the time (and now), never got black out drunk, didn't drink to excess, etc. Which is part of saying "this couldn't have happened, because I never got blackout drunk". So Trump getting up and saying "boy, it sure sounds like he drank a lot when he was young!" isn't really helping out his boy.