Re: Shootings
Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:55 pm
Well now the Kentucky governor has had two close friends killed today in the bank at Louisville will that change anything?
That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons bring us some web forums whereupon we can gather
Years ago some had called for and tried “Thou Shalt Not Murder” Easter Sunday which unsurprisingly didn’t work out as planned. These days with the apparent plan going forward to get even softer on crime, we’re expecting for more shall than shalt.
Final Hol(e)y Tally: 5 killed, 18 wounded
2022 weekend tally: 6 killed, 24 wounded
2021 weekend tally: 4 killed, 29 wounded
2020 weekend tally: 4 killed, 19 wounded
2019 weekend tally: 5 killed, 18 wounded
2018 weekend tally: 2 killed, 10 wounded
2017 weekend tally: 2 killed, 44 wounded
2016 weekend tally: 3 killed, 33 wounded
2015 weekend tally: 6 killed, 31 wounded
2014 weekend tally: 10 killed, 36 wounded
Average tally: 5 killed, 27 wounded
Good Friday
12:25p 4400 W West End, Garfield Park, M/25
12:25p 4400 W West End, Garfield Park, M/28
7:00p 6700 W Belmont, Montclare, M/17
7:05p 6300 S Ashland, Englewood, M/31
Hol(e)y Saturday
1:30a 8000 S Anthony, Avalon Park, M/35
1:30a 8000 S Anthony, Avalon Park, M/36
1:30a 8000 S Anthony, Avalon Park, M/30
3:00a 2300 S Michigan, Near South Side, M/33
5:25p 7000 S Lafayette, Grand Crossing, M/30
5:25p 7000 S Lafayette, Grand Crossing, M/24
6:10p 9000 S Vincennes, Washington Heights, M/22
Easter Sunday
12:25a 4300 S Hermitage, New City, M/31
12:50a 10600 S Sangamon, Wa. Heights, F/15
1:00a 100 N Laramie, Austin, M/20
2:30a 2700 W 68th, Chicago Lawn, F/23
3:30a 800 N St Louis, Humboldt Park, F/23
3:40p 5800 S Racine, Englewood, M/27
4:00p 1300 S Homan, North Lawndale, M/28
7:15p 7600 S Jeffery, South Shore, M/20
7:25p 1400 W 114th, Morgan Park, M/32
8:20p 200 E 132nd, Riverdale, M/44
Businessman shoots burglar
at Lincoln Square tobacco shop
11:45p 2600 W Lawrence, Lincoln Square, M/18
No Accountability Monday
1:40a 3300 N Keating, Portage Park, M/25
Weekend. It's just another weekend. Week after week.UsulofDoom wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:57 pm This is just 3 days every year. No national reporting, just another year for them. Year after year.
SCOTUS created this mess (by creating an individual right to bear arms) and is making it worse (by curtailing regulations on that ginned-up right). Real change will require a societal reset, but remember that a large majority of Americans already want better gun control. A friendly SCOTUS that's willing to overturn these bad precedents and enforce the "well-regulated" part of the 2A could change the very bad direction that we're going in now.Blackhawk wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:07 pm the current Supreme Court might make this a bad time to push the envelope - bad laws are easier to fix later than bad SC decisions.)
Somehow we've got to end the fetishization of guns.dbt1949 wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:54 pm I cannot think of any way to solve this. I'm not even against banning guns if it comes to that.
Thus, time. Changing a society's views isn't as simple as creating a law. We need the laws (and should continue to push), but they're going to be a barely-effective solution until we change society, and that takes generations (sometimes literally, as you have to wait for the generation that started it to die off.)
IIRC, after a particularly bad weekend, Lightfoot said there would be "Accountability Mondays" where she would meet with police brass to tackle the violence problem. Nothing happened. I think Superintendent Brown famously skipped a meeting, too.
Thank you.LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:08 pmIIRC, after a particularly bad weekend, Lightfoot said there would be "Accountability Mondays" where she would meet with police brass to tackle the violence problem. Nothing happened. I think Superintendent Brown famously skipped a meeting, too.
Then maybe you need an anti-gun extremist group that use guns to attack specific people to change thing but that'll be illegal and count as terrorism.Kurth wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 7:29 pmSure, in theory. But that's not going to happen. Your chances of dying in a mass shooting are incredibly small. And those not killed in a mass shooting? The ones that make up the vast majority of lives ending in gunfire? No one really gives a shit. Barely newsworthy.Unagi wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:36 pmThere just has to be a tipping point (and it may indeed be a loooong way off) where enough people are truly impacted by an event in their immediate family that it finally becomes politically impossible to protect the current read of the 2A. Perhaps that's what LB was saying and I'm just parroting it.Kurth wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:12 pmNo f’ing way. After Sandy Hook, I think just not realistic to think we’ll ever get that crowd to that point. Not ever going to happen.LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:05 pm Eventually we'll get to the point of "this is why we can't have nice things" with the majority of the 2A crowd but I shudder to think what the body count will have to be to get there.
There is no tipping point.
When I was a kid we always played “Army”, same game.dbt1949 wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 8:53 am As a kid in my neighborhood our favorite game was to "play gun" as we all had a toy gun or some sort. We even used dry squirt guns for this too. We'd just divide in two and go to it. "Can't hit a running target!" was how we denied being shot.
Timely:LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:30 pmIt may take every one of them losing a family member or friend to realize it but there is a point where it tips. I hope we don't have to get to that point before there are changes but there is a number.Kurth wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:12 pmNo f’ing way. After Sandy Hook, I think just not realistic to think we’ll ever get that crowd to that point. Not ever going to happen.LawBeefaroni wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 5:05 pm Eventually we'll get to the point of "this is why we can't have nice things" with the majority of the 2A crowd but I shudder to think what the body count will have to be to get there.
We are at about 15/100,000 right now with around 48K gun deaths annually. 200,000 annual gun deaths would be about 63/100,000. So what would it take? Well, cancer is around 610K per year and seems to hit close to home for just about everyone. So maybe a 12X increase before we see changes? 200/100K? That's 10x Chicago's shooting fatalities. Oh, and that's just deaths. You'd have a million or more shot.
It's sickening to think about it that way but that's where we.are.
So 20% of the way there? 200K may be the magic number.Nearly 1 in 5 adults has had a family member killed by a gun, including in homicide and suicide. About as many adults have been personally threatened with a gun, and about 1 in 6 adults has witnessed an injury from a shooting, the survey found.
There are vast disparities in who’s dying from guns, too. A recent study found that the homicide rate among young Black men was nearly 10 times higher than the overall firearm death rate in the US in 2021.
According to the new KFF survey, Black adults are more than twice as likely as White adults to have lost a loved one to gun violence and to have personally witnessed someone being shot.
The only thing on that list that is even a thing that anyone could 'remove' is Guns. Mental state and opportunity are going to be around for quite some time. And culture, well yes - clearly some cultures are handling their guns much better than we do.LawBeefaroni wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:03 pm We're also a culture of righteous rage. The same entertainment that tells us that guns are talismans of power also tell us that if we're wronged, we must respond with escalated violence. Someone insults you? Beat them up. Someone is breaking into your car? Double tap. They killed your partner/spouse/dog? It's fine to rampage through the city leaving a trail of bodies. When that is the baseline, it can easily mutate in someone's mind. Go on a shooting spree because you got fired or murder a bunch of children because someone bullied you. You want to kill yourself? Why not shoot a bunch of NPCs before you go?
Guns give the means, culture and mental state provide the motive, all that's left is opportunity. If your can't eliminate one of those three 100%, and we can't, you need to work on all three. As a society, we only ever focus on the last one. At least as far as any action goes.
Yeah, it's infuriating. Especially when I hear terms like 'anti-gun.' As though even the strictest realistic proposals in the US are anything but 'pro-gun.' Like, enjoy your guns! Own a bunch of them! Go hog-wild! God forbid you need to be licensed to do so, that they be registered, and that there be some education / liability attached to the privilege right.YellowKing wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:30 pm You don't even have to remove the guns to *significantly* reduce the problem. You just put in reasonable laws. Laws that would allow hunters and recreational gun owners to enjoy their hobby without much more hassle than what you go through to be able to legally drive a car.
This is a problem that doesn't need to be 100% solved to save countless numbers of lives. Yet the GOP is unwilling to do *anything* that would save one life. Not one single thing. And meanwhile does everything in their power to make it easier for more people to die. It's enraging.
Except that until we change the culture, the culture won't let us remove the guns. No matter how much we want to, no matter how much sense it makes, the option to remove the guns is an illusion until the culture that prevents doing so is addressed.Unagi wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:23 pmThe only thing on that list that is even a thing that anyone could 'remove' is Guns. Mental state and opportunity are going to be around for quite some time. And culture, well yes - clearly some cultures are handling their guns much better than we do.LawBeefaroni wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:03 pm We're also a culture of righteous rage. The same entertainment that tells us that guns are talismans of power also tell us that if we're wronged, we must respond with escalated violence. Someone insults you? Beat them up. Someone is breaking into your car? Double tap. They killed your partner/spouse/dog? It's fine to rampage through the city leaving a trail of bodies. When that is the baseline, it can easily mutate in someone's mind. Go on a shooting spree because you got fired or murder a bunch of children because someone bullied you. You want to kill yourself? Why not shoot a bunch of NPCs before you go?
Guns give the means, culture and mental state provide the motive, all that's left is opportunity. If your can't eliminate one of those three 100%, and we can't, you need to work on all three. As a society, we only ever focus on the last one. At least as far as any action goes.
Just unbelievable. How remarkably stupid and sad, and just so depressing to belong (not really) to this "culture". What Police Dept wouldn't just simply want this weapon destroyed? WTF?
Officers said they received reports of a shooting just before noon.
At the scene, officers forced entry into the home and found Ethal Steele, 40, dead from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot.
There were three children who were also dead from gunshot wounds.
Nine-year-old Sakendra Steele, 12-year-old Sakenya Steele and 14-year-old Sakenlo Steele, Jr. were identified as the children of Ethal.
It's because "self defence". You know my right to self defend my car parking spot outside my condo from people like "you". Or because you insult my mule (he ain't laughing!). Or because I'm a good misunderstood guy who is actually an international assassin who has killed lots of people but now I want to go on a vengeance spree because someone killed my dog and you work for the guy.YellowKing wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:30 pm You don't even have to remove the guns to *significantly* reduce the problem. You just put in reasonable laws. Laws that would allow hunters and recreational gun owners to enjoy their hobby without much more hassle than what you go through to be able to legally drive a car.
This is a problem that doesn't need to be 100% solved to save countless numbers of lives. Yet the GOP is unwilling to do *anything* that would save one life. Not one single thing. And meanwhile does everything in their power to make it easier for more people to die. It's enraging.
Note that the Swiss militia system is heavily based on the original Washingtonian militia system in use in the US revolutionary war. And the US system was originally based on that of the Roman Republic.
The Swiss army has long been a militia trained and structured to rapidly respond against foreign aggression. Swiss males grow up expecting to undergo basic military training, usually at age 20 in the recruit school, the basic-training camp, after which Swiss men remain part of the "militia" in reserve capacity usually until age 30 (age 34 for officers).
Prior to 2007, members of the Swiss Militia were supplied with 50 rounds of ammunition for their military weapon in a sealed ammo box that was regularly audited by the government (Pocket ammunition). This was so that, in the case of an emergency, the militia could respond quickly.
In December 2007, the Swiss Federal Council decided that the distribution of ammunition to soldiers would stop and that previously issued ammo would be returned. By March 2011, more than 99% of the ammo has been received. Only 2,000 specialist militia members (who protect airports and other sites of particular sensitivity) are permitted to keep their military-issued ammunition at home. The rest of the militia get their ammunition from their military armoury in the event of an emergency.
And Americans sometimes think they are alone on this planet. Or Unique, possibly.Unagi wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:23 pm The only thing on that list that is even a thing that anyone could 'remove' is Guns. Mental state and opportunity are going to be around for quite some time. And culture, well yes - clearly some cultures are handling their guns much better than we do.