Chuck Schumer is urging bipartisan bill to protect Mueller. Can't wait to see what Mitch McConnnell has to say...
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is urging GOP leadership to take up a new bill aimed at limiting President Trump's ability to fire special counsel Robert Mueller.
"Why don't we head it off at the pass and move bipartisan legislation that's been introduced this morning through the Judiciary Committee, which I'm told Senator Grassley is seriously considering, and on to the floor of the Senate," Schumer said.
Smoove_B wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:47 pm
Chuck Schumer advancing bill to protect Mueller. Can't wait to see what Mitch McConnnell has to say...
Let me guess - "this is premature..." ... "no evidence the President will interfere..." ... "my turtle head fits nicely in this turtle shell, i live here now"
"I haven't seen a clear indication yet that we needed to pass something to keep him from being removed because I don't think that's going to happen, and that remains my view,"
I don't think I'm going to get in a car accident on the way home either but I still wear a fucking seatbelt. God I hate that turtle-faced son of a bitch.
YellowKing wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:28 pm
I don't think I'm going to get in a car accident on the way home either but I still wear a fucking seatbelt. God I hate that turtle-faced son of a bitch.
But he's not the guy in your car crash. He's your Life insurance beneficiary.
On Wednesday morning, a commercial bolstering Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s credentials and advocating that he complete his Russia investigation aired during Fox and Friends in the Washington D.C. market.
According to the Washington Post, the ad came from a group called Republicans for the Rule of Law led by Bill Kristol, editor at large at the Weekly Standard. The group’s website displays quotes from many Republican lawmakers supporting Mueller and his work.
Black Lives definitely Matter Lorini!
Also: There are three ways to not tell the truth: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
On Wednesday morning, a commercial bolstering Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s credentials and advocating that he complete his Russia investigation aired during Fox and Friends in the Washington D.C. market.
According to the Washington Post, the ad came from a group called Republicans for the Rule of Law led by Bill Kristol, editor at large at the Weekly Standard. The group’s website displays quotes from many Republican lawmakers supporting Mueller and his work.
That's also been John Oliver's working theory for a while...
Rand Paul wrote:BREAKING: FBI admits that @realDonaldTrump haters still have Top Secret security clearances which allows them to access sensitive private information!
A reminder that the anti-Trump "vendetta" Paul describes here was never anything but a conspiracy fever dream.
Apparently Paul thinks they should be fired for their opinions of candidate Trump. Liberty!!
Rand and Sessions...actually fit the southern stupidity stereotype.
I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake.
"Has high IQ. Refuses to apply it"
When in doubt, skewer it out...I don't know.
The WSJ did an extensive review of those FBI emails and concluded there was no bias. They noted that the two agents complained about everybody, Trump, Clinton, Republicans, Democrats, and many others. I wish people would point to this analysis when allegations of bias are brought up.
Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions. – G.K. Chesterton
Grifman wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:11 pm
The WSJ did an extensive review of those FBI emails and concluded there was no bias. They noted that the two agents complained about everybody, Trump, Clinton, Republicans, Democrats, and many others. I wish people would point to this analysis when allegations of bias are brought up.
And in calling out a "vendetta," Paul is going much further than accusations of bias. He's recalling the (completely debunked) conspiracy theory about an FBI "secret society" dedicated to undermining Trump.
This is what all the "Deep State" rhetoric comes to: government professionals having independent political opinions are anathema to the administration, and loyalty to the administration and its leader is far more important than loyalty to the country and the Constitution.
I never want to hear Rand Paul described as a libertarian again. In recent weeks he has done everything he can to signal his support for Trump's authoritarianism.
I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake.
"Has high IQ. Refuses to apply it"
When in doubt, skewer it out...I don't know.
Asked if he was worried, Cohen said: "I would be lying to you if I told that I am not. Do I need this in my life? No. Do I want to be involved in this? No." The raid was "upsetting to say the least," he added.
This would seem to indicate that Cohen has sized up matters and decided that his best move is to flip on the president*. Back in ‘73, you wouldn’t have seen Gordon Liddy complimenting the FBI on his arrest, I’ll tell you that. They don’t make thuggish apparatchiks like they used to.
I spent 90% of the money I made on women, booze, and drugs. The other 10% I just pissed away.
Kraken wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:49 pm
If Cohen really does sing, Trump is finished. Cohen knows where the bodies are buried. He helped bury them.
I guess this is where im still this a federal matter or state? Because if it’s federal doesnt cohen just have to keep his mouth shut until trump comes along and inevitably pardons him? I could see why trump might not pardon manafort et al but cohen seems like a sure bet. Doesnt cohen moreso than anyone else in this mess *know* that he has a get out of jail free card as long as he doesnt burn down the white house first?
cry in a corner that the world has come to a point where you have to pay for imaginary shit.
Maybe. Drumpf is in it for himself. While he has had allies throughout his life, he'd burn them to the ground in a second if it meant good press for himself (or no bad press). So I'm not sure what will happen. In any case, if Cohen knows drumpf, and he does, he knows that drumpf is a fickle, insane, petty, wild card. While I'm sure he hopes and expects a pardon, I doubt he is willing to risk it all on drumpf's loyalty.
I realize that a Cohen pardon protects drumpf, but I'm not sure drumpf hasn't convinced himself he is untouchable (especially with all the yes men he has surrounded himself reinforcing his own feelings of adequacy) , and if that's the case, all bets are off imo.
POTUS wrote:If I wanted to fire Robert Mueller in December, as reported by the Failing New York Times, I would have fired him. Just more Fake News from a biased newspaper!
On Wednesday morning, a commercial bolstering Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s credentials and advocating that he complete his Russia investigation aired during Fox and Friends in the Washington D.C. market.
According to the Washington Post, the ad came from a group called Republicans for the Rule of Law led by Bill Kristol, editor at large at the Weekly Standard. The group’s website displays quotes from many Republican lawmakers supporting Mueller and his work.
Hotel in DC had on Fox and Friends this morning, and I can confirm this is definitely a thing.
It ran right before the 15 minute segment about MS13, so expect some tweets about Mexican gang crimes shortly.
When darkness veils the world, four Warriors of Light shall come.
Kraken wrote: Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:49 pm
If Cohen really does sing, Trump is finished. Cohen knows where the bodies are buried. He helped bury them.
I guess this is where im still this a federal matter or state? Because if it’s federal doesnt cohen just have to keep his mouth shut until trump comes along and inevitably pardons him? I could see why trump might not pardon manafort et al but cohen seems like a sure bet. Doesnt cohen moreso than anyone else in this mess *know* that he has a get out of jail free card as long as he doesnt burn down the white house first?
Doesn't he have to be convicted for something before he can be pardoned?
Nevertheless, it might prevent the pardoned individual from refusing to testify on the grounds of self-incrimination. Accepting the pardon is essentially an admission of guilt, and the individual would not be in legal jeopardy related to the specifically pardoned crimes.
I don't think these are in the Tweets above (I still can't see them on this site):
BREAKING: Federal investigators have requested all communications between two top execs. at American Media Inc. -- which publishes the National Enquirer -- and Michael Cohen, multiple sources confirm to NBC News.
Smoove_B wrote: Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:49 pm
I don't think these are in the Tweets above (I still can't see them on this site):
BREAKING: Federal investigators have requested all communications between two top execs. at American Media Inc. -- which publishes the National Enquirer -- and Michael Cohen, multiple sources confirm to NBC News.
I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake.
"Has high IQ. Refuses to apply it"
When in doubt, skewer it out...I don't know.
If all this shit was stuffed into, say, a TV show about some crazy presidential politics, the audience would tear it to shreds (and the writers would probably get fired and told to go write for soap operas). The fact that it's all happening here in 2018 in real life makes it...surreal. Makes me wish I could change the channel.
I am Dyslexic of Borg, prepare to have your ass laminated.
I guess Ray Butts has ate his last pancake.
"Has high IQ. Refuses to apply it"
When in doubt, skewer it out...I don't know.