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Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 2:49 pm
by Blackhawk
Well, I have the Rise of the Runelords set (the first one), The Mummy's Mask (Egyptian theme), Wrath of the Righteous (crusaders vs demons theme), and Skull & Shackles (pirate theme), plus the character deck and all of the story decks for all of them. Oh, and they got me the Broken Token wooden organizers for all of them as well. There are probably hundreds of hours of game there.

After I finish the first one, though, I'll likely switch and play some Sword & Sorcery. I've had it on my shelf since GenCon, and really want to play it. I love dungeon crawls.

I've also got Mage Knight sitting there, waiting for me, but it intimidates me. I'll get there eventually.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 3:14 pm
by Skinypupy
Blackhawk wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2019 2:28 pm Now that I've worked out long-term gaming space, and now that I've got my new glasses and can actually see the whole table, I'm planning to really dig in to some of the games I've got set aside for solo play. First up will be the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. Since a friend gave me the whole series, including all expansions, for Christmas, I'm really looking forward to spending some quality time with it.
I played (and mostly enjoyed, RNG aside) the iPad version, but imagine that manually shuffling all the cards around for the physical game would get incredibly tedious.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 1:13 pm
by hepcat
Smoove_B wrote: Sat Mar 30, 2019 2:02 pm Descent (IMHO) is a very different animal. Yes, it looks a lot like a dungeon crawler, but what I've always hated about it is the timer element. You're never really taking your own time and moving through the dungeon, it's always happening at a very specific pace. You need to [Do X] before a certain number of turns or you lose. I never enjoyed that - I always felt like I was rushing. The app is cool, but it doesn't change the feel of the game for me.

Solo dungeon crawl games are quite varied. I'd likely urge you to ask for recommendations, otherwise, yes, it can get expensive to learn what you like and don't like. That, unfortunately, was my problem. :D
Mansions of Madness has a built in timer as well. The app will, in some cases, literally disassemble your world around you if you don't finish in the time it expects. But I still love MoM 2nd edition beyond all reason. So I guess I just don't have an issue with a timer when it makes sense thematically to me.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:21 pm
by AWS260
Victory in Darkest Night! And pretty handily, too -- the darkness track was only at 21 when I completed the holy ritual.

The Wind Dancer, Tamer, Druid, Exorcist combo was effective. They don't have great combos, but each is individually pretty powerful.

There were two particularly crucial turns. In one, the Wind Dancer managed to complete a quest that eliminated four blights at once. In the other, the Druid got incredibly lucky in the "trials" mystery, collecting 7 clues at once.

I think this game may have been easier than average because I used the "classic" map deck, which uses only blights from the first edition base game. Nonetheless, I'll happily take the win.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 8:29 am
by Smoove_B
Opened, sorted and set up a game of Brook City last night.

Enlarge Image

A few observations - it's much larger and seemingly has more moving parts than Street Masters. Setup wasn't difficult, but I think because of the scope of this game (an entire city vs a single area), there are a few more elements to consider. I picked this up primarily for solo play, but based on how it's setup, I'm now nervous I won't want to sit and play a round because the board is so big I'd need to stand. Sounds like minor quibble, but I also know me and the super tiny board for Street Masters is a huge draw as the entire game has such a small footprint.

The other quibble is that similar to Street Masters, there's no indication as to where to start. I have no idea if the character, plot and bad guys I selected are easy, medium or the most difficult. I know they're going to correct this with Aftershock (by providing supplemental information) but even a basic first game recommendation would have been helpful.

Regardless, I'm all set up now and I can hopefully play a round today or tomorrow. I just need to do a quick read of the rules and maybe watch a video. The good news is that the mechanics are so similar to Street Masters that all I need to do is modify what I already know.

OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:40 am
by Zarathud
I think I'm starting 7th Continent solo this weekend while my daughter is at a birthday party.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:42 am
by Smoove_B
I've had that ready to go for a while but I'm waiting for the second wave to ship with the updated/fixed cards that were reprinted. Mine sort of have coloration issues that make it easier to tell if you're potentially going to draw a bad card, but I figured I should just wait. It's a shame as it's been sitting untouched since the first delivery last year. I'm half expecting them to release another update about delays...

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:15 am
by hepcat
Ditto. I hadn't really noticed the issue with coloration and what not, but I'd hate to be in the middle of a game and get all the card replacements they're apparently sending.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:45 pm
by Moat_Man

I did set it up when the 1st wave arrived and played a bit of the print and play tutorial curse scenario with my kids (the 2nd wave will have the actual cards for this curse). I don't think they loved it as a co-op but I liked it and will solo it sometime in the future after the 2nd wave arrives.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:07 pm
by YellowKing
My copy of JOURNEYS IN MIDDLE EARTH arrived today. Now to see whether I have the patience to finish painting the minis before diving in (spoiler alert: no).

I'm planning on running a party of 3, table space permitting. Many people say they enjoy that number of players, and my chances of getting this to my group's table anytime soon are virtually nil. I don't really mind the upkeep for three - I'm in no rush to blow through the campaign, and plan to take it at a leisurely pace.

When I do get around to painting it, I ordered some of those super cool GamersGrass shrubs as seen in Sorastro's painting guide videos for the game. I don't often do elaborate basing, but those seemed perfect for these minis.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:42 pm
by Smoove_B
There was a legit eBay vendor selling copies of the Mansions of Middle Earth game for $80 shipped, so yeah. I'm packing up games, selling off my collection and still ordering more stuff. I need help. I'm not even a real fan of Lord of the Rings either - but I am intrigued by the scope of game play in this one and the use of the app, especially for solo fun.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:09 pm
by Daveman
Nice thing is the app keeps track of your items, cards and everything. I've just put each players stuff in a small ziplock between scenarios to speed things up but if you have multiple games going on you could easily keep things consolidated and just check in the app who gets what.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:15 pm
by Skinypupy
YellowKing wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2019 3:07 pm My copy of JOURNEYS IN MIDDLE EARTH arrived today. Now to see whether I have the patience to finish painting the minis before diving in (spoiler alert: no).

I'm planning on running a party of 3, table space permitting. Many people say they enjoy that number of players, and my chances of getting this to my group's table anytime soon are virtually nil. I don't really mind the upkeep for three - I'm in no rush to blow through the campaign, and plan to take it at a leisurely pace.

When I do get around to painting it, I ordered some of those super cool GamersGrass shrubs as seen in Sorastro's painting guide videos for the game. I don't often do elaborate basing, but those seemed perfect for these minis.
I've told myself I need to get most of the way through SW Imperial Assault before picking up Journeys in Middle Earth.

We'll see how long that willpower lasts...

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 7:49 pm
by hepcat
I've been sick of Lord of the Rings for years now, but I do love me some app driven Descent and especially MoM.]

Fired up Heroes of Terrinoth after work today...mostly so I could test out my new Black and Tan layering tool. But it's a great little game. I'd forgotten how fun it could be. I needed a palate cleanser after two weeks of trying to beat City of Kings.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 12:06 am
by YellowKing
Well I wish I could say I was here to talk you guys out of LOTR: Journeys in Middle Earth, but I had a blast with it. :D

Quick pros and cons:


- Simple to learn, particularly if you have Mansions of Madness experience. Well-organized rulebooks.

- No dice. I was sooo surprised at how much I enjoyed the card flipping mechanic of the skill test, as I thought it sounded dumb when I first read about it. There's just a lot of hidden depth there between the way you scout your cards each round and choose what to ready, what to put on top, what to put on bottom, etc.

- Inspiration tokens. These are essentially just clues from MoM in that they turn misses into successes, but I love the way they're implemented. You can get them from exploration, searching, or other game effects, but they never feel too plentiful or too scarce. They also feel more powerful. There are times when you can choose to keep a token or give it to a nearby hero, and I loved how you're constantly trying to balance tokens among your party to give them the best chance of success. It's hard to describe, but they just feel more integral to the game than the clues in MoM.

- Great minis. I can't wait to paint these things.


- She's a table hog! The maps get really long, so you're going to need plenty of room.

- No way to just replay a single scenario from what I can tell. Once you're in the campaign, you're in it for the long haul win or lose. I know the adventure is designed to ebb and flow based on your wins and losses, but it would be kind of nice to be able to jump to a particular scenario to try out different class combos, etc.

- As with many FF games (particularly the Arkham based ones), there can be a LOT of ongoing effects/skills going on. Between items, readied abilities, damage effects, fear effects, I found myself spending a lot of time each turn just making sure I covered everything. It's actually made me second-guess going with a 3-man party. I think I may scale back to 2 next go-round.

- FF's ubiquitous tiny cards. I don't like the half sized cards, never have, never will. Not a game breaker, but you have to shuffle your skill deck a lot. I never feel like I get a thorough shuffle with the little ones.

Anyway, great game and if they continue to pump out expansions for it I'll be a happy camper.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:06 am
by MonkeyFinger
Smoove_B wrote: Tue Jul 17, 2018 6:47 pm I'm going back to the stuff I know I can play in one sitting. Case point - Rifles in the Ardennes by Gottardo Zancani, via Tiny Battle Publishing.
And now Rifles in the Pacific is available for pre-order... "will ship in April". :wink:

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:38 pm
by Skinypupy
I broke down and picked up Journeys in Middle Earth today. Just finished the first scenario, which I...lost? I ran out of time before completing the final objective, which means that I go into the next scenario at a disadvantage, I guess.

A couple quick observations:

1. I agree with most of YK's observations, especially about it being a table hog. It's not particularly easy to move either, so make sure you set it up with plenty of space.
2. I actually thought the miniatures were kinda 'meh', at least compared to the last few games I've purchased. There’s no real big bad. "Legend of Drizzt" had a way better Balrog. :)
3. Good lord, so many different card decks to keep track of.
4. I really like the way the skill test mechanic works, with one major caveat. I HATE the blind skill checks. Not being able to see what number I need to hit for success seems to completely fly in the face of a game that is built around being able to adjust the number of successes by using equipped skills or inspiration tokens. If I have no idea what number I have to hit, then how do I know whether or not to use those skills/tokens? Turns it into a complete guessing game, which I didn't like at all.
5. App was a bit of a battery killer. One LotR scenario took my iPad from 100% charge to 30%. (For comparison, one scenario from Imperial Assault last night took about twice as long, and drained about half as much batter.)

Going to go through a couple more scenarios today and tomorrow...more impressions to come.

EDIT: Anyone else finding this game insanely difficult, even at normal difficulty? I'm playing with Aragorn & Legolas and just tried the second scenario. I know some of this just boils down to bad RNG luck, but Legolas was dead within one turn, and Aragorn had lost half his HP (both damage and fear), was stuck with two permanent (as far as I could tell) negative status effects, and had two extra "weakness" cards added to his deck by the end of Round 2.

The way the damage and status effects just snowball on enemy attacks is insane. If a single basic mob hits and you are unlucky enough not to block it, it can easily wipe you immediately.

I can't help but think I'm doing something wrong here, as I'm struggling to imagine that's actually the way it was designed.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:11 pm
by YellowKing
Skinypupy wrote:If I have no idea what number I have to hit, then how do I know whether or not to use those skills/tokens? Turns it into a complete guessing game, which I didn't like at all.
That's directly from Mansions of Madness, which has a lot of those. After awhile, you'll start to get a general feel for it. In general, 3+ is almost always a sure thing. 1-2 could either be just enough or just too little, depending on the check. And the point is - you don't know whether or not to use those skills or tokens. It's a gambling mechanism which could yield high rewards or be a complete waste of time.

Unfortunately I can't answer your question as to the difficulty as I've only played the one scenario. I know in that one I only had two characters "die" (though they passed their last stand).

I know a very commonly misplayed rule in MoM and in this game is that if a monster cannot reach its target on its initial attack activate it does not move. You just choose "No Target" which usually causes a monster movement (but no attack). We played the entire core game of MoM wrong with monster activations when we first started, because we were having monsters move much farther per turn than they should have. This makes the game decidedly more difficult because you're potentially getting ambushed by monsters that you would have otherwise been able to outrun.

Also I remember reading in the rules that you can "ready" a Weakness card to get it out of your deck. It doesn't do anything and is taking up a slot, but it may be better than failing skill checks by drawing it all the time.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 3:46 pm
by Skinypupy
I ran through the first scenario with a different party this morning. Hate to say it, but I'm disliking LotR the more I play it. While I survived better this time, it still feels like there's a couple of fairly glaring issues with the game, imho:

1. The threat counter feels WAY too aggressive. I was making a beeline to explore every possible area, interact with every token, and beat every enemy as quickly as possible, and still didn't even get close to the main objective before time ran out.

2. The way the map was created, it was literally impossible to get from one side (where you discover the objective) to the other side (where you have a chance to accomplish the objective) before the threat timer runs out. Even if I were to do nothing but move twice each turn, it still would have taken me 5 turns to get from Point A to Point B and finish. For comparison, the entire scenario only took 10 turns before the timer ran out, and it took 5 turns just to reach the point where you can learn what the objective is. From a strategy perspective, I could have split up the party (i.e. one searches for the objective while the other stays behind to try and get to it more quickly. I tried that the first time, and splitting the characters up meant I very quickly got buried under enemies and was killed...and I still ran out of time.

3. Out of sheer curiosity, I cheated and moved Legolas over to the final objective marker to see if I could beat it. The check on the final objective for Scenario 1 requires at least a Wit check of 5 (I failed on both 3 and 4), which means that unless you came into the scenario with a very specific character and then had a hell of a lot of luck, there's no way to beat it.

4. The app crashed on me twice as I was trying to check the log to see what happened. I had to go back and replay entire turns, which was hugely frustrating.

My general consensus is that everything in this game feels twice as difficult as it should be. The threat counter, the move distance, the enemy damage, the number of mobs, the skill checks...everything. I'm actually very curious to see if larger parties have the same issues, and maybe it's just not balanced very well for single player.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2019 11:13 pm
by YellowKing
Hmm, I'll keep you posted as I get some more plays under my belt. I'm in the middle of painting the minis right now and I'm on a roll.

I follow the game in one of my FB solo forums, and I haven't heard anyone complaining about the difficulty. Not saying you're incorrect, I just want to get to the bottom of it.

I've read that threat is based on three factors: player count (2 per player), unexplored areas (1 per navigation token), and threat tokens (1 per threat token). You may be able to use that as a guide on what to prioritize.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:15 am
by Skinypupy
Yeah, I suspect there’s some sort of game mechanic that I’m either not understanding or missing entirely. I think I’m playing correctly, but can’t imagine that it would be so difficult that in 4 tries with two different parties, I don’t even succeed once.

Or maybe I just really suck at it. That’s always a distinct possibility. :)

EDIT: Watched a play through and I was indeed wrong on two major mechanics:

1. I thought you could only move one space on a travel action. You can actually move two spaces, and that movement can be interrupted by either a fight or interact action. That makes a HUGE difference.
2. I thought you always had to discard a prepared card when you used it’s ability. Turns out, you only have to discard when it specifically says to discard it, which means that abilities can actually be used multiple times as long as the card is prepared. Again, that’s a big difference.

Now I’m eager to give this another try tomorrow.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:20 am
by YellowKing
Skinypupy wrote:2. I thought you always had to discard a prepared card when you used it’s ability. Turns out, you only have to discard when it specifically says to discard it, which means that abilities can actually be used multiple times as long as the card is prepared. Again, that’s a big difference.
Yikes, I totally missed that one as well. Thanks for the heads up.

Yeah with 1 movement space, no wonder you were getting overrun. :D

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:18 am
by wonderpug
Skinypupy wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 12:15 am EDIT: Watched a play through and I was indeed wrong on two major mechanics:

1. I thought you could only move one space on a travel action. You can actually move two spaces, and that movement can be interrupted by either a fight or interact action. That makes a HUGE difference.
Even with the two spaces for a move, movement is still one of your most precious commodities. I've had three 5-player sessions so far and each time there was at least one where a simple "move everyone near you one space" ability was enough of a movement bonus for the rest of the party to be able to accomplish something they wouldn't otherwise have been able to.
2. I thought you always had to discard a prepared card when you used it’s ability. Turns out, you only have to discard when it specifically says to discard it, which means that abilities can actually be used multiple times as long as the card is prepared. Again, that’s a big difference.
One caution there -- some starter deck cards have extra helper text that isn't displayed on other cards. For instance, Bilbo's "Tookish Part" starter card says:

Hide (After you test, discard to become hidden.)

But later burglar cards just say


That doesn't mean those later cards don't need to be discarded, nor that they don't need a test to happen before they can trigger. The ability works the same -- they're just not bothering to write the helper text any more.

As for other rules you might be missing, are you confident you're using weapons properly? The way you apply hits is a bit weird at first. If I have a Tentacle Flail that says

1 success - slap the face
2 success - slap the groin

If I draw cards and get 4 successes, I can slap the groin and slap the face. I cannot slap the groin twice.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:41 pm
by Skinypupy
Replayed the first scenario (again) using the correct rules. i finished the main objective with about 1/3 of the threat timer yeah, I'd say the right movement rules definitely make a difference. :)

I do still think some enemies are really overpowered though. The first threat counter mob that spawned was three Goblin Bandits who each had 6 HP + 2 armor and did 4 Damage/2 Fear with each attack (both their attack and counterattack). If you get even slightly unlucky on your draw, that's a pretty quick death for a low HP character like Legolas.
wonderpug wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 9:18 am As for other rules you might be missing, are you confident you're using weapons properly? The way you apply hits is a bit weird at first. If I have a Tentacle Flail that says

1 success - slap the face
2 success - slap the groin

If I draw cards and get 4 successes, I can slap the groin and slap the face. I cannot slap the groin twice.
Very helpful info, thanks. I thought you could do two groin slaps if you drew 4 successes.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:33 pm
by wonderpug
Skinypupy wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:41 pm I do still think some enemies are really overpowered though. The first threat counter mob that spawned was three Goblin Bandits who each had 6 HP + 2 armor and did 4 Damage/2 Fear with each attack (both their attack and counterattack). If you get even slightly unlucky on your draw, that's a pretty quick death for a low HP character like Legolas.
Continuing on the 'just making sure you've got the rules right' train, you know that melee monsters can't counterattack Legolas if he's shooting them at range?

I am surprised though about that 3 goblin bandit group you encountered ... that was on the first scenario? I've only played it 5-player, but I don't remember us having any 3-figure enemy groups, or at least not very many of them.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:56 pm
by Daveman
Also, hitting your damage/fear limit isn't instant death. You perform a Last Stand test and if you succeed you're still in the game and get to discard facedown damage/fear cards.

The app will give you a stat to test against and for your first Last Stand you only need 1 success. The number of successes needed goes up by 1 every test from there on. Guardians can get a few cards that help assist with Last Stands.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 10:28 am
by Skinypupy
wonderpug wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 7:33 pm
Skinypupy wrote: Mon Apr 29, 2019 4:41 pm I do still think some enemies are really overpowered though. The first threat counter mob that spawned was three Goblin Bandits who each had 6 HP + 2 armor and did 4 Damage/2 Fear with each attack (both their attack and counterattack). If you get even slightly unlucky on your draw, that's a pretty quick death for a low HP character like Legolas.
Continuing on the 'just making sure you've got the rules right' train, you know that melee monsters can't counterattack Legolas if he's shooting them at range?
They spawned in my space, so I figured I should just attack them twice, since moving away to fire at range would trigger their counterattack anyways.
I am surprised though about that 3 goblin bandit group you encountered ... that was on the first scenario? I've only played it 5-player, but I don't remember us having any 3-figure enemy groups, or at least not very many of them.
Yup, first scenario, first threat counter spawn. I've played through the first scenario three times now and have seen 3-figure groups each time, so I just figured it was common. This particular one might have just been bad RNG luck though, as they had some sort of modifier that had them doing extra damage ("bloodthirsty", maybe?).

Got through the third scenario last night. Sticking with my general feeling of "damn this game is hard", darkness is an absolute bitch and will destroy you quickly. The third scenario requires you to trudge through lots of darkness areas to find the items you need to complete it, and doing so hits you with 2 fear/turn.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:50 pm
by Smoove_B
MonkeyFinger wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:06 am
Smoove_B wrote: Tue Jul 17, 2018 6:47 pm I'm going back to the stuff I know I can play in one sitting. Case point - Rifles in the Ardennes by Gottardo Zancani, via Tiny Battle Publishing.
And now Rifles in the Pacific is available for pre-order... "will ship in April". :wink:
I'm becoming less of a fan of the Tiny Battle / Mark Walker team as there's been no official update or change in status for this project. I pre ordered the first week of March and other than my receipt, haven't heard a thing. I should have guessed it was going to be this way as I backed a project he's managing on KS and it's now 2+ months late and there's no actual indication as to when it will be produced or shipped. Rifles in the Ardennes is great; I'm expecting the same for this game when it shows up, but this low-information approach to delivery is wearing thin.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 7:45 am
by MonkeyFinger
Smoove_B wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2019 12:50 pm
MonkeyFinger wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:06 am
Smoove_B wrote: Tue Jul 17, 2018 6:47 pm I'm going back to the stuff I know I can play in one sitting. Case point - Rifles in the Ardennes by Gottardo Zancani, via Tiny Battle Publishing.
And now Rifles in the Pacific is available for pre-order... "will ship in April". :wink:
I'm becoming less of a fan of the Tiny Battle / Mark Walker team as there's been no official update or change in status for this project. I pre ordered the first week of March and other than my receipt, haven't heard a thing. I should have guessed it was going to be this way as I backed a project he's managing on KS and it's now 2+ months late and there's no actual indication as to when it will be produced or shipped. Rifles in the Ardennes is great; I'm expecting the same for this game when it shows up, but this low-information approach to delivery is wearing thin.
Hasn't seem much, that's true. Did get an email yesterday about "Tango Down!" that at the bottom said the new Rifles "is running just a bit late, but should begin shipping very soon". Okay.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 10:27 am
by Smoove_B
Interesting. I also received the email - at 3:30 this morning. What's extra strange is that of yesterday morning they were still advertising it on their FB page as "shipping in April" - taking preorders now, when clearly that wasn't the case. The whole thing rubs me wrong, particularly the KS project I'm mired in with them now. I'll forgo future preorders and KS projects - it's been a lesson I've been learning over the last few years.

In unrelated news, I've been notified that my Zeds 3rd edition expansions and upgrades our now out for delivery. Been a long time since I've had that game to the table, so that's some good news.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 10:38 am
by Isgrimnur
Smoove_B wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 10:27 am Zeds
Zombie running shoes?

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 10:42 am
by Smoove_B
Running is involved, yes. Dawn of the Zeds, 3rd edition. Great, great solo game.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:04 pm
by hepcat
I got mine yesterday. When you get yours, compare the cards with the base game and let me know if you notice any differences. I could swear they're just a teensy bit shorter, and the finish doesn't feel like the linen style of the base game. Nothing too bad, but I'm curious if I'm wrong.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:11 pm
by $iljanus
Smoove_B wrote:Running is involved, yes. Dawn of the Zeds, 3rd edition. Great, great solo game.
I have the second edition but backed this to get more expansions. Unfortunately my copy isn't due to arrive till Monday so I'm reading the 3rd edition rulebook to get prepped for my triumphant return to Farmingdale!

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:28 pm
by Smoove_B
hepcat wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 1:04 pm I got mine yesterday. When you get yours, compare the cards with the base game and let me know if you notice any differences. I could swear they're just a teensy bit shorter, and the finish doesn't feel like the linen style of the base game. Nothing too bad, but I'm curious if I'm wrong.
Ugh, I'll definitely check. Won't surprise me if they're different. That does seem to be one of the bigger issues with many of these types of projects - maintaining color/size consistency between printings.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:29 pm
by hepcat
Be aware that they split the rules up in such a way that it's almost infuriating at times to play anything beyond the tutorial mission. Eventually you'll not need it, but those first few games beyond the tutorial will result in you banging your head against the wall as you try to figure out what version of the game introduced a rule you're looking for, then finding its associated page in the manual.
Smoove_B wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 1:28 pm
hepcat wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 1:04 pm I got mine yesterday. When you get yours, compare the cards with the base game and let me know if you notice any differences. I could swear they're just a teensy bit shorter, and the finish doesn't feel like the linen style of the base game. Nothing too bad, but I'm curious if I'm wrong.
Ugh, I'll definitely check. Won't surprise me if they're different. That does seem to be one of the bigger issues with many of these types of projects - maintaining color/size consistency between printings.
It's not that bad, so I wouldn't get discouraged. I can barely notice it...and it may just be that I'm overly critical on this and it's all in my head.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:37 pm
by Smoove_B
I can't remember what game(s) it was, but at some point sleeving was mandatory because it was too easy to discern the added/updated cards based on their size or slight color changes. Not 7th Continent, but something else. Maybe it was one of the Pathfinder adventure decks? It's all blur now.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:38 pm
by hepcat
Mage Knight was notorious for it. Every expansion introduced even more annoyances in the form of differently sized cards and tokens, and/or completely different card stock for cards, as well as different colored card backs.

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 1:38 pm
by $iljanus

hepcat wrote:Be aware that they split the rules up in such a way that it's almost infuriating at times to play anything beyond the tutorial mission. Eventually you'll not need it, but those first few games beyond the tutorial will result in you banging your head against the wall as you try to figure out what version of the game introduced a rule you're looking for, then finding its associated page in the manual.
Yeah there's quite the variety of books, some are rules some dealing with set up. I think 6 altogether. I'm reading the "A-Z" comprehensive book for now. Surprisingly I remember some of the rules so hopefully I be able to start a game with only a few hiccups.

How the heck did you get the game before me, Hepcat? It was shipping from NH which is next to MA but according to the shipping info it was more efficient to skip over MA and go to CT. Should have driven up there to pick it up...

Re: OO Solo Board Gamers Guild

Posted: Wed May 01, 2019 2:47 pm
by Smoove_B
hepcat wrote: Wed May 01, 2019 1:38 pm Mage Knight was notorious for it. Every expansion introduced even more annoyances in the form of differently sized cards and tokens, and/or completely different card stock for cards, as well as different colored card backs.
Maybe that was it. I just too a quick look and yes, the expansion pack cards are a hair shorter and the linen finish isn't as aggressive as the original cards. They also have a funky odor to them, which I'm going to assume is cancerous.

I'm looking at the included storage tray for the new box and trying to figure out how I imagined using it. All my tokens are in a wargaming chit tray and I'm having a hard time seeing how I'd improve upon that in this new tray. But the card storage looks goo. I'll have to try and find some photos to see what they're suggesting we do with this tray because I'm not seeing it.