Political Randomness

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Holman »

So the not-very-big news today is that Bill Kristol's surprise 3rd-party Trump-killer is conservative lawyer and National Review staff writer David French, whose political experience matches his name recognition.

Mr. Fed went to law school with him and respects him. As it happens, French went to college at Church-of-Christ-affiliated David Lipscomb University and graduated in 1991, which means he was a classmate of quite a few of my high-school friends (Church-of-Christ-affiliated Atlanta high school class of 1987). So far none of them have mentioned him on Facebook.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by tjg_marantz »

How long until he changes his name to David Freedom?

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Rip »

http://dailycaller.com/2016/06/03/obama ... rn-border/
President Barack Obama has slammed Donald Trump’s proposal to make Mexico pay for a border wall, but his own administration is spending $75 million for border security on Mexico’s southern border.

Since 2013, the Obama administration, through a partnership with the Mexican government known as the Mérida Initiative, has already spent at least $15 million helping Mexico secure its southern border, according to a nonpartisan Congressional Research Service report.

“With U.S. support, the Mexican government has been implementing a southern border security plan since 2013 that has involved the establishment of 12 advanced naval bases on the country’s rivers and three security cordons that stretch more than 100 miles north of the Mexico-Guatemala and Mexico-Belize borders,” Congressional Research Service wrote in a February 2016 report.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

How is that even remotely a bad thing? :?
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Holman »

$75 million is 0.3% of the cost of Trump's wall.

We already spend $12 billion on our border security.

Mexico is an ally.

But nice try, DailyCaller. (Except not really.)
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

Also, that border security is there on the south of Mexico to help with the fight against even worse groups coming in. If you think Mexico is the biggest problem in the war on the cartels, you should read the news more.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by GreenGoo »

You don't get it. If you don't support Trump's wall, you clearly want an open, uncontested border. This new evidence of border security spending shows the administration for the hypocrites they are.

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by tjg_marantz »

hepcat wrote:How is that even remotely a bad thing? :?
It's not. His trolling isn't even fun anymore.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Max Peck »

Political decency is going to hell
Liberal democratic rule is under its greatest pressure since the end of the Cold War.

Let us consider the Republican presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump, who joyfully makes a bonfire of the decencies in order to ride high in the media. “Trump plans to insult his way to victory over Clinton,” the Financial Times recently described it. To back up its argument, the newspaper cited Trump’s nicknames for the leading Democratic candidate (“Crooked Hillary”) and for widely admired Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (“Pocahontas”). Pocahontas was the daughter of a Native-American chief who married an English settler in the early 17th century; Trump chose the name because Warren foolishly claimed Native-American heritage on the grounds that family legend pointed to her having “one 32nd” Cherokee ancestry. More seriously, Clinton has admitted that it was a mistake that she used her private server to conduct State Department business when she was secretary of state during President Barack Obama’s first term. It’s likely that “Crooked Hilary and “Pocahontas” are just a taste of what’s to come. Let’s hope not. Decencies matter: they are essential for societies “civil” in both senses of the world. But Trump is not alone in disdaining them.

Beyond the confines of the two nations bounded by a shining sea, this heralds a deepening descent into a season of political hell, which has many national variants but one large and malign feature in common: Political rhetoric is increasingly un-anchored -- not just from courtesy but from rational debate. In a tweet last week Martin Selmayr, chief of staff of the European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker wrote – “#G7 2017 with Trump, Le Pen, Boris Johnson, Beppe Grillo? A horror scenario that shows well why it is worth fighting populism.” Apart from Trump, the official was imagining a France led by the far-right Marine Le Pen, head of the Front National, who consistently tops popularity polls; a Britain led by the Conservative member of Parliament and former mayor of London, Boris Johnson, the most popular choice by his fellow parliamentarians to replace Prime Minister David Cameron if Britain votes for Brexit in on June 23; and the mercurial Italian showman Beppe Grillo, founder and leader of the Movimento Cinque Stelle. Grillo is now neck and neck in the polls with the governing Partito Democratico. In one May poll, he was even ahead. All these European figures have used either hate speech, or grossly exaggerated warnings of fascism, to bolster their positions and gain attention. Le Pen has compared Muslims praying in the street to the Nazi wartime occupation of France. Not to be outdone in the use of Nazism, Johnson has said that the European Union is, like Hitler, trying to put all of Europe under one “authority.” Grillo has insulted most public figures, including Matteo Renzi, whom he calls “the moronic prime minister”, as well as London’s newly-elected Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, by joking that he might blow up the British Parliament.

These politicians may not come to power. While Le Pen almost certainly will reach the deciding second round of the French presidential election next spring, she will probably struggle to win outright against the votes of the left and the center-right. Grillo’s party, already embroiled in local scandals, is still distrusted by many Italians as lacking experience. Still, if France suffers further militant attacks or Italy’s Renzi can’t achieve real growth, both Le Pen and Grillo’s party just might succeed. Johnson, for his part, is likely to replace Cameron as Britain’s next prime minister if the public votes to leave the EU. What do these politicians do if they take power? How do they govern diverse, largely free societies, and interact with those who do not share their views --and whom they have grossly insulted? How do they call convincingly for civic peace when they have spent years encouraging their followers to revolt against elected authority (a problem which will face the far-left leader of the British Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, if he ever wins an election.) One tactic is to turn on a dime. Cameron, who supported a grubby campaign when Khan was running for the London mayoralty against a weak Conservative candidate, appeared on a platform with Khan earlier this week arguing for Britain to remain in the European Union. Cameron called the new mayor a "proud Muslim and proud Brit" and said that “we (he and Khan) love our country, we want our country to be the best we possibly can, to be the strongest, to be the greatest” – weeks after linking him to Islamic extremism. A small, even insignificant instance. Yet what does Cameron believe – that Khan is a national danger (early May) – or a national asset (late May)? At the base of this must be a calculation that the public either does not know, or does not remember, the earlier insults. Or if they do remember, they don’t care. Such uncaring is an acid at the base of democratic belief. Trump remains the master of exploiting this. His categorical pledge last December to ban Muslims from entering the United States was changed in May this year to “just an idea.” If substantial, even majority, groups in democracies now find these turns not just bearable but admirable, we’re in dangerous territory. We’ve entered a space where social media, public relations and the massive TV coverage given to dramatic bluster sweep all before them. Honest politics and politicians suffer. So do those who seek decency in governance.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Max Peck »

I was wondering why NPR even had photojournalists, which led me to their website (Doh, photographs!), which led me in turn to this short but interesting article about John Oliver and Last Week Tonight.
When Last Week Tonight started, there was a lot of speculation about how it could compete with shows like The Daily Show that were ... well, daily, and how it could seem current when it had to wait until Sunday to air. That's, in fact, the joke of its title.

But as it turns out, they had a plan. Last Week Tonight usually starts with a shorter segment about things from the week's news, then dives into a long report about something specifically distinguished by the fact that it's not in the headlines, meaning they've had time to do the reporting and the research. They've figured out that they can't compete on hot topics alone — but they can dominate not-really-hot topics, with specific emphasis on the exploitation of vulnerable people and regulatory dysfunction. The segments on debt-buying and televangelism, but also on credit scores, 911 funding, and public defenders, aren't necessarily in the news that week; they're the kind of chronic issue that can be the hardest to get people to pay attention to.

For crying out loud, they did a segment on special districts (like fire districts or mosquito control districts), which might be the unsexiest segment I've seen on television this year or any year.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

Obama is expected to announce who he's supporting for the presidential campaign. It would be fantastic if he placed that support behind Trump and we all got to watch Trump's voter base dwindle to nothing overnight.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by El Guapo »

hepcat wrote:Obama is expected to announce who he's supporting for the presidential campaign. It would be fantastic if he placed that support behind Trump and we all got to watch his voter base dwindle to nothing overnight.
I wonder how long he could maintain a straight face if he said that he's supporting Trump.

But seriously, is there any doubt about who he's going to support? Like he would pick now to throw his weight behind Sanders?
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Zarathud »

Obama will be arm twisting Bernie for party unity.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by El Guapo »

Zarathud wrote:Obama will be arm twisting Bernie for party unity.
I think he can do some real good in that department, insofar as I think Sanders supporters generally like Obama, so he's a good messenger for the "no the primary wasn't rigged, and yes Hillary is in fact liberal" messages that will be needed.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Kraken »

El Guapo wrote:
hepcat wrote:Obama is expected to announce who he's supporting for the presidential campaign. It would be fantastic if he placed that support behind Trump and we all got to watch his voter base dwindle to nothing overnight.
I wonder how long he could maintain a straight face if he said that he's supporting Trump.

But seriously, is there any doubt about who he's going to support? Like he would pick now to throw his weight behind Sanders?
He could give the Biden-to-the-rescue convention fantasy a shot in the arm. :wink:
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by El Guapo »

Kraken wrote:
El Guapo wrote:
hepcat wrote:Obama is expected to announce who he's supporting for the presidential campaign. It would be fantastic if he placed that support behind Trump and we all got to watch his voter base dwindle to nothing overnight.
I wonder how long he could maintain a straight face if he said that he's supporting Trump.

But seriously, is there any doubt about who he's going to support? Like he would pick now to throw his weight behind Sanders?
He could give the Biden-to-the-rescue convention fantasy a shot in the arm. :wink:
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Isgrimnur »

21 states sue Delaware:
Texas and 20 other states will sue Delaware, arguing that the East Coast state has illegally kept about $150 million in unclaimed checks, state Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Thursday from the steps outside the U.S. Supreme Court building.

The lawsuit, to be filed directly to the Supreme Court because it involves a dispute between states, argues that unclaimed checks and money orders should be remitted to the states where the purchase originated because the money “rightfully belongs to our taxpayers,” Paxton said.

Delaware, however, directed banks and financial institutions incorporated there to remit the money to its coffers about four or five years ago, Paxton said.
Other states in the lawsuit, to be filed later Thursday, were Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Utah and West Virginia.
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Re: Political Randomness

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Moliere »

"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Enough »

Just another "constitutional sheriff" at work.
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Re: Political Randomness

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

I wonder why they're calling it terrorism and not a mass shooting. I haven't read any news that points to the agenda of the gunman yet.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by tjg_marantz »

Can we go to the incident specific thread before making it political?
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

tjg_marantz wrote:Can we go to the incident specific thread before making it political?
Are you complaining because it's being discussed in R&P? Considering that it's being mentioned as an act of terror in more than one report, I don't think it's off topic. In other words, unwad your panties.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by tjg_marantz »

Did I piss in your oatmeal?
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Re: Political Randomness

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Back on topic. It appears the FBI is saying that the shooter had ties to Islamic extremists. I can't wait for Trump to start crowing about this.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Malificent »

hepcat wrote:Back on topic. It appears the FBI is saying that the shooter had ties to Islamic extremists. I can't wait for Trump to start crowing about this.
He was a U.S. citizen, so clearly the answer is to ban all U.S. citizens from the country.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Defiant »

They're saying it's at least 53 dead now.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Default »

Funny how the gunman used an assault rifle and not something equally deadly, like a pocketknife or a '63 Oldsmobile. And the only "good guys with guns" to show up were the men and women we pay to carry them.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Rip »

Default wrote:Funny how the gunman used an assault rifle and not something equally deadly, like a pocketknife or a '63 Oldsmobile. And the only "good guys with guns" to show up were the men and women we pay to carry them.
How do you know it was an assault rifle?

Are we talking about an actual military assault rifle of just regular old semi-automatic rifle that looks like a military rifle?

In the end this.


Is just as effective at shooting people as is this.

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Enough »

Some people are absolute 100% scum. Texas get your shit together.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) tweeted a Bible verse Sunday after a mass shooting had taken place at a gay nightclub that read man "reaps what he sows."

The shooting left 50 people dead and dozens of others injured. The shooter, later identified as a man named Omar Mateen, was shot dead by SWAT members.

Patrick later deleted the tweet
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Max Peck »

Is it officially a political topic now?
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by hepcat »

It was to be expected. That vile orange creature will do anything to keep his name in the lights. He really should just focus on purchasing a new wife. The last one he bought is probably getting long in the tooth for him, I would imagine.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by AWS260 »

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Jaymann »

At least with Drumpf supporters there is no shortage of rabid animals.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by LordMortis »

AWS260 wrote:
I can't speak the to the charter schools sell out statement but everyone has failed Detroit schools. This does not start and end with Snyder and the failure of emergency managers and a horrible state legislature.

Detroit Public Schools is already one of the top funded districts per student in the state. They get a lot more in local, state, and federal funding then most of the wealthy districts. If posted links to total funding here several times over the last few years.

Detroit has failed its students with corruption and mismanagement for decades. The state stepped in and has failed to clean it up for nearly a decade. However, the solution right now is not more money as everyone is screaming for. I don't know what solution is. I do believe it starts with concentrating district resources. Bus kids further into larger campuses like suburbs do.

You know who needs more money for schools in Michigan? The UP and the outlying districts. They often get 50% of what Detroit and the wealthy districts get per student. That's insanity. Live in BFE and expect that $11,000 per student per year is enough while urban and suburban districts get upwards of $17,000 or more per student per year.
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Re: Political Randomness

Post by Defiant »

Un-fucking-believable. Some journalists appear to have difficulty acknowledging that the Orlando attack was a homophobic attack. The village idiot comes to that conclusion before these guys do. It also reminds me of Obama's stupid "randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli" remark.
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Re: Political Randomness

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And Republicans aren't much better.
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Re: Political Randomness

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Warning: If you are msduncan, you may want to sit down before clicking on the link

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Re: Political Randomness

Post by malchior »

Anecdotally I saw a lot of Facebook blather about it being a terrorist attack and not hate. As if it couldn't be both. Then again the person I saw who went to extreme lengths today to die on that hill works in the Trump campaign so a bit of a tool all around anyway. 8-)
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