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Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:28 am
by El Guapo
Defiant wrote:Still more concerned as to the confusing "rules" not being followed for the middle kids.
The diving kid is uncool because (in addition to having nonwhite skin) he's diving in headfirst. That's been against the rules at literally every public pool I have ever been at (which doesn't mean that 'uncool' kids don't do it).
I'm still confused by the other middle kid though. He doesn't have any friends around him - maybe that's it. The other kids are uncool because they're breaking the rules, but he's just a loser.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:30 am
by stessier
I think the middle kid is feigning being in distress.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 8:38 am
by El Guapo
YellowKing wrote:I can't stand shit like this. It's a bunch of holier-than-thou internet race warriors scrutizinizing every advertisement, interview, and news article so that they can point their judgmental finger and blow the whistle for the lynch mob.
Is there legitimate racist stuff out there? Sure. There's also a lot of non-racist stuff that you can skew racist if you spin it hard enough.
One asks the question - if you're so obsessed about skin color that you have to pore over every image on the internet looking for racism, who's the REAL racist?'s still the racists. I don't deny that one can be overzealous in seeing racism, but that can make you wrong, but it doesn't transmogrify you into a racist yourself.
Regardless, people just need a little perspective. I get the issue - it's not a great look for the poster to have all the white kids be following the rules and the minority kids be rulebreakers. I don't see any reason to think it was intentional or anything. Might as well change the poster, but I don't think anyone should lose their shit over it.
Now that I've said, everyone will be calm and rational over this.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:35 am
by hepcat
Look at it this way: there are many alive today who still recall a time when blacks were treated like they were less than human...and it was sanctioned by the government and accepted as the way of life by the majority. If there is an overreaction on the opposite side of the spectrum now, just realize how easily it can swing back if folks aren't vigilant. I'd rather we get some feelings hurt along the way instead of the alternative that could occur if good folks just didn't care.
That's why I think this current damnation of "Political correctness!" is so insidious. It's gone from a sentiment expressed whenever someone protested a dead baby joke, to a cry used whenever someone tries to spout openly racist sentiment and is called on it. It's been co opted by racists and it has become a rallying cry for them.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:55 am
by msteelers
this is happening.
Algae is everywhere in the southern part of the Treasure Coast, and it's spreading.
Last weekend, all public beaches in Martin County, and many in St. Lucie County, were closed as a result of blooms spreading north and south from the St. Lucie Inlet. Ocean waters turned emerald green. In some canals and private marinas, algae has begun turning blue as it dies. If that algae is consumed by bacteria, oxygen levels in the water could drop.
In other words, next up: Fish kills.
This is insane.
Gov. Rick Scott has been virtually no help. The sugar industry's obstinacy has held up what could be the most promising long-term solution, the acquisition of land south of Lake Okeechobee for water storage.
The nation as a whole needs to hear more about this. A national spotlight needs to be shined on the likes of Scott and the sugar industry, with the clear message: in the wake of our own Love Canal, our own Three Mile Island, these people chose the status quo. And as a result, a beautiful coastal region that ought to be a national treasure has been turned into a toilet.
Video in
this news story really shows just how awful the problem is.
Most of the problem can be linked back to discharges from Lake Okeechobee into the St Lucie River. Rick Scott and the South Florida Water Management District have been patting themselves on the back for finding ways to store 2.7 million gallons of water, preventing it from getting into the river. Which sounds like a lot... except the Army Corp of Engineers are releasing 1 billion gallons of water EACH DAY. Nearly 200 billion gallons of water have been released just this year, with no end in sight.
Needless to say, people here are pissed. And businesses are closing because of this, but our "jobs" governor won't even tour the area. President Obama wasn't much better. He golfed on the river a few weeks ago. When asked for help he basically shrugged his shoulders and said it wasn't that bad yet.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:10 am
by LordMortis
I thought there was already a national spotlight on this. As a nation, we've just ignored it as "Not my problem." We put on our sunglasses, just like we do for so many other things.
Dude should have been bitching at least since 2014 when the spotlight was first shone on the national stage. And not just for "a beautiful coastal region" but for an entire ecosystem supporting a half million people. ... ater-ohio/
Which is not minimize the problem, it just a demonstration of why it's a problem. Gov Scott didn't give a damned until the problem was demonstrated as affecting his tourism. To him, it's a now a national scandal, when it was under his radar in the past.
This algae blooms from nitrogen fertilizer run off has been a growing problem for a long time. ... pollution/
Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:41 am
by msteelers
LordMortis wrote:Dude should have been bitching at least since 2014 when the spotlight was first shone on the national stage. And not just for "a beautiful coastal region" but for an entire ecosystem supporting a half million people.
I know they've been fighting it since I moved here 6 years ago, and it's been nonstop since 2013 when we had another bad outbreak. And some people have told me that they have been fighting it for 20 years.
This algae blooms from nitrogen fertilizer run off has been a growing problem for a long time.
Our local governments have laws passed to try and prevent this kind of thing. You can't fertilize your lawn during the rainy months, you can't replace your septic tank if it dies... things like that. But the water in Lake Okeechobee is completely polluted thanks to the agriculture industry out there, plus the water that comes south from central Florida accounts for a large part of the pollution.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 11:03 am
by LordMortis
msteelers wrote:I know they've been fighting it since I moved here 6 years ago, and it's been nonstop since 2013 when we had another bad outbreak. And some people have told me that they have been fighting it for 20 years.
I can't remember when I first heard people complaining about it. I remember thinking upon first hearing it "Isn't that a good thing? Isn't a growing a algae population a way of dealing with and filtering environmental pollution, a la
Sid Meier's Alpha Centuri? But it wasn't until 2104 when I was reading about Toledo problem in USA Today and then started seeing it on the news that I saw it was a real problem being swept under the table because any complaint against BIG AGRICULTURE is conflated as a lunatics complaints who doesn't really understand what GMOs really are or that this is better living through science so you don't get to question.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:17 pm
by Isgrimnur
Isgrimnur wrote:
Commander fired
The Navy has fired the commander of the 10 American sailors who wandered into Iranian territorial waters in the Persian Gulf and were captured and held by Iran for about 15 hours.
New report
devastating new report by military investigators released Thursday found that the 10 sailors captured by Iranians in January suffered from "failed leadership" at all levels on a mission that was plagued by mistakes from beginning to end.
The report found the crews were poorly prepared, their boats not properly maintained, communication almost entirely lacking, and their conduct after being captured by the Iranians wasn't up to military standards.
In a stunning finding, the report said the sailors veered off course almost immediately after heading out to sea and had no idea where they were when a mechanical failure struck one of the boats.
The report details a lax culture for U.S. Navy sailors who routinely patrol the Persian Gulf which ultimately led to a highly embarrassing incident for the U.S. military just as crippling economic sanctions were set to be lifted as part of the Iranian nuclear deal.
"The culture ... (was) characterized by informality. They conducted no patrol briefings, and missions were supported by no formal mission analysis, standard planning factors, risk assessment, or overwatch," investigators wrote.
One of the only bright spots noted in the report was a sailor who "showed presence of mind and fighting spirit when she attempted to activate" at tracking beacon at some point during the incident.
And after the U.S. crew members were captured, more mistakes were made. The report found that during the 24 hours they were held some crew provided more information to their Iranian captors than they should have, and that they ate food while being filmed -- something they should not have done because it can be and was used as propaganda. One crew member disobeyed a direct order, the report said.
Asked by their captors how it was possible a boat like theirs could have traveled such a distance, one sailor replied, "Yeah, I wish you could tell my people that because we told them these boats don't do that" -- a statement investigators said was inappropriate.
The report concluded, however, that the Americans didn't violate international law, while the Iranians did.
"The investigation concluded that Iran violated international law by impeding the boats' innocent passage transit, and they violated our sovereign immunity by boarding, searching, and seizing the boats, and by photographing and video recording the crew," Richardson said at the news conference.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:08 pm
by $iljanus
Max Peck wrote:Question 42: Racist or not racist? Show your work.

Again, no Asians wilding which I find very racist. I guess they're not swimming because they're at math or science camp. The kid carrying the beer in the glasses might be one though.

Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 12:27 pm
by Isgrimnur
A Dallas appeals court that has already denied one attempt by Ken Paxton to do away with his three felony indictments again rejected on Thursday a request for the judges to reconsider.
The Fifth Court of Appeals in Dallas denied Paxton's motion for a rehearing on one issue related to his felony charges, which allege that the Republican attorney general misled friends and fellow officials to invest in a North Texas technology firm while profiting from the recommendation. The ruling, issued by Chief Justice Carolyn Wright, did not offer any explanation.
Almost exactly a month ago, the same Dallas court denied Paxton's appeals to have all three indictments vacated.
That judge must just hate
conservative Christians like Paxton.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 9:15 am
by hepcat
Indiana man enters 4th of July parade with a golf cart calling Obama "The Lying African".
Last I checked, Obama was actually American. But hey, racist gonna race. Of course, he blames the outrage people expressed over his stunt on "political correctness". It's the safe haven for every racist in America right now.
As long as you tack on "I'm just not politically correct" to the end of your proclamations, or cite it after your actions, you can get away with calling people whatever you want.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:22 am
by Blackhawk
You'd be amazed how many people around here still think he's a Kenyan Muslim.

Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:23 am
by Defiant
Given that it's July 6, shouldn't that be a 1 not 0?
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:47 am
by Moliere
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 12:04 pm
by Blackhawk
Defiant wrote:Given that it's July 6, shouldn't that be a 1 not 0?
We sent Cletus the change the sign yesterday. Dunno why he never showed up.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:21 pm
by Isgrimnur
Congratulations, comrades, on your graduation from FSB training. What will you do now that you are a member of the Russian security apparatus?
We're going to make a
YouTube video!
Being accepted into the ranks of your government’s secret service must be an equally exciting and frustrating time. As soon as training starts you can’t tell anyone what you’re really doing because you’re trying to be a secret agent. And when you graduate? Your entire career will be one of lying to those around you about what you really do at work.
Russia trains a lot of Secret Service employees. How do we know that? Because a recent round of graduates from the Russian Secret Service school decided to make a video to celebrate graduating.
Have you spotted the mistake they made? Notably, showing their faces in the professionally produced video, which also involves the Secret Service’s fleet of Mercedes Gelandewagens.
Rival intelligence agencies around the world will be busy dissecting this video, logging all the faces shown and creating a file for each. If any of these graduates are sent to other countries in the years to come and attempt to secure positions in sensitive areas they will be flagged and kicked out, or quietly fed all the wrong information just to mess with the Russians.
Ultimately, the graduates may have rendered themselves useless to their Secret Service, or at least doomed themselves to low ranking desk jobs for the rest of their careers. And that’s if they still have careers. The Russian Federal Secret Service (FSB) has launched an investigation, and retired FSB general-major Alexander Mikhailov has publicly said the act classes as both a betrayal and treason.
Let’s have a slow clap for the masterminds behind this video.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:25 pm
by Max Peck

Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:47 am
by gilraen
Max Peck wrote:Маскировка

Okay, this is pretty funny...I have some Russian sites loaded in Firefox tabs, and for a moment looking at the Russian text I had to remember which site I was reading.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:00 am
by Kraken
gilraen wrote:Max Peck wrote:Маскировка

Okay, this is pretty funny...I have some Russian sites loaded in Firefox tabs, and for a moment looking at the Russian text I had to remember which site I was reading.
Don't make me google it. What's macknpobka?
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:44 am
by gilraen
Kraken wrote:gilraen wrote:Max Peck wrote:Маскировка

Okay, this is pretty funny...I have some Russian sites loaded in Firefox tabs, and for a moment looking at the Russian text I had to remember which site I was reading.
Don't make me google it. What's macknpobka?
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:43 am
by raydude
I prefer the military deception meaning. Recognized it from Tom Clancy novels and books on WW2's Russian front. ... _deception
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:14 pm
by Enough
$iljanus wrote:Isgrimnur wrote:CNN
Drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has been captured, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto announced Friday via Twitter.
"Mission Accomplished," the President wrote. "We have him."
Let the tunneling begin!
Rumors are now circulating that the tunneling is complete and Chapo has a three-peat. It sort of seems kind of hoaxy, so I would wait for confirmation.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:04 pm
by hepcat
Hmmm...I wonder why Rep. Joe Walsh quickly deleted his tweet earlier?
Dumbass seems to forget the overwhelmingly peaceful response from the black community after the Charleston church shooting. They understood that extremists like that are not representative of the greater whole. Perhaps someday he'll realize he's more akin to the shooter than he is to the victims.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:09 pm
by Max Peck
Enough wrote:Rumors are now circulating that the tunneling is complete and Chapo has a three-peat. It sort of seems kind of hoaxy, so I would wait for confirmation.
No, El Chapo has not escaped from prison a third time
It would have been a great story, except that it wasn't true. Another escape for El Chapo, Mexico's most famous drug lord, would have made it a hat trick. He has already given two maximum security prisons the slip. And on Friday his name trended worldwide, with hundreds of thousands of people sharing gifs, memes and jokes about his tricksy ways and supposed third escape. But no reputable media organisation was reporting that he had got out. The story wasn't on the front pages of any of Mexico's main newspapers and none of the news agencies were reporting it. El Chapo is still behind bars in Mexico, his extradition to the US halted for now. So why has his name been trending? Spoof stories is why. Several different websites published stories saying El Chapo had escaped again. One of the websites has since apologised, but others have not. And people just kept sharing and sharing and sharing. Sometimes people don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 8:33 pm
by Enough
Thanks, figured.

Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:06 pm
by Isgrimnur
Stay classy, Lt. Gov. Patrick
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick called protesters who ran away from the hail of bullets that rained down on Downtown Dallas on Thursday night "hypocrites" during an interview Friday on Fox News.
"All those protesters last night, they turned around and ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to protect them. What hypocrites!" an audibly emotional Patrick said.
As Gov. Greg Abbott issued on open letter calling on Texans to calmly unite and come together, Patrick took a more combative tone. He blamed Black Lives Matter protesters for the violence against police and said people "with big mouths are creating situations like we saw last night."
Later Friday, during a CNN interview Patrick said "maybe" he chose the wrong words after "seeing a lot death in the last 12 hours." He went on to describe the protesters' expectation of police protection as an "irony of ironies."
During a press conference Friday evening at Dallas City Hall, Abbott sidestepped questions about Patrick's remarks and encouraged Texans to focus on what good might come from the tragedy that unfolded in Downtown Dallas.
When Greg Abbott seems reasonable and refuses to back you, you've fucked up.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:12 pm
by Defiant
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 7:08 am
by Holman
Isgrimnur wrote:Stay classy, Lt. Gov. Patrick
"All those protesters last night, they turned around and ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to protect them. What hypocrites!" an audibly emotional Patrick said.
Later Friday, during a CNN interview Patrick said "maybe" he chose the wrong words after "seeing a lot death in the last 12 hours." He went on to describe the protesters' expectation of police protection as an "irony of ironies."
Wasn't the protesters' expectation of police protection the entire reason for the protest?
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 8:17 am
by raydude
Yep. I believe the protest was in regard to wanting more protection and less preemptive escalation.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:20 am
by Defiant
The United States expelled two Russian officials on June 17 in response to an attack by a Russian policeman on an American diplomat earlier in the month, the State Department said Friday.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:10 pm
by Max Peck
Defiant wrote:The United States expelled two Russian officials on June 17 in response to an attack by a Russian policeman on an American diplomat earlier in the month, the State Department said Friday.
Russia has expelled two US diplomats from Moscow, after the White House said it had ordered two Russian embassy staff to leave Washington. On Friday, the US State Department said their move came after a Russian policeman attacked a US diplomat near the US embassy in Moscow. That US diplomat has now been expelled from Moscow, along with one other embassy worker. The Kremlin accused the men of being CIA agents. Russia's deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said both US embassy staff were expelled for "activities incompatible with their diplomatic status".
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2016 2:03 pm
by Defiant
Remember that Iran nuclear deal? Looks like there's evidence that
Iran sought chemical and biological weapons technology in Germany after that deal.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:43 am
by Isgrimnur
Republican Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas sustained “extensive second- and third-degree burns” on both legs below the knees and both feet — and may miss next week’s Republican National Convention as a result, his office said Sunday.
Spokesman Matt Hirsch said Abbott was with his family in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, on Thursday when he was scalded in an accident involving hot water. He declined to provide further details.
The governor was treated for several hours at nearby St. John’s Medical Center.
Abbott has used a wheelchair since a tree fell on him while jogging in 1984, paralyzing him from the waist down. Hirsch said the governor still has functioning nerve receptors in his legs and feet, however, and that he has felt pain as they react to the shock of being burned.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:49 am
by Smoove_B
3rd degree burns from hot water? Was the water in the form of lava?
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 11:50 am
by Isgrimnur
Maybe he was in a McDonald's kitchen, trying to get some coffee.

Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:02 pm
by Moliere
Abbott has used a wheelchair since a tree fell on him while jogging in 1984, paralyzing him from the waist down.
Another reason not to jog.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:16 pm
by hepcat
"Trump or third degree burns, Trump or third degree burns. Honey, do you know where my oxyacetylene torch is?"
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 12:50 pm
by $iljanus
I'm waiting for a rise in debilitating travel- preventing accidents among Republican Governors in the coming weeks.
Re: Political Randomness
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:07 pm
by Holman
There are 52 Republican senators. 16 have announced that they won't attend Trump's convention and 6 more haven't said either way. Two-thirds of the GOP senators up for re-election are skipping.
And, no, this is nowhere near normal.