Monday night Tommy, Stuart and I got in a game of
Village, and I have to say, I was quite taken by the game.
In the game, you are playing the role of a family trying to achieve fame and fortune in a small medieval village. You start with four members of our family, your family farm, and a map of the village. In the village are various random resources scattered in multiple action areas: Harvest, Market Day, Traveling, City Council, The Church, Family, and Crafting. There is also spaces for the village chronicle, the village Well, and the graveyard. The Farm card is used to show family members that aren't assigned to a location, as well as the amount of grain you have in your stores, and a time track around the outside edge of the farm.
On your turn, you take one of the randomized resources (cubes of different colors) from a location, and this allows you to perform that location's action. For instance, you can take an orange cube from the
Harvest location, and get 2 bags of grain from the stores to add to your farm. Next turn, you may grab another orange cube from the
Craft area, take one of your family members and move them into an apprenticeship in one of the craft buildings, costing you 3 time units, and then that apprentice can make you whatever that building provides for another 3 time units. So you grab yourself a cart. On your next turn, you decide to go traveling, so you take a green resource from the
Travel location, and then pay your two orange cubes, your wagon, and 2 time units, and move one of your family members onto the first city in the travel area, gaining you that bonus for the area, and you place a marker on it to show that you visited there. A round continues until all of the resource cubes in play have been gathered up. Once all of the resources have been gathered, you then have a Mass, where the family with the most members in church gets some bonus prestige. The other areas:
- Family: Allows you to take another family member from your reserve and add them to your active members. All of the family members are numbered, from 1-4. You have to take the lowest numbered family members first.
- Church: Take one of your family members and try and get them accepted by the church. This is a random chance, where all of the applicants are dumped into a bag and 4 at random are pulled out (including a number of generic black monk figures, meaning you are never guaranteed a spot in the church.)
- Council: Pay green influence cubes and some time, and get into the village council! This grants you bonuses, including stealing the first player action, getting resources of your choice, etc. Plus bonus Prestige points at the end of the game, based on how far in the council you advance.
- Market Day: At this location, you have a group of customers wanting to buy different things. During Market Day, all players can sell off their goods to these people for prestige points at the end.
Now, many of the actions you see on the board are going to cost you one very important resource: Time. You move a marker around your farm track for every time point you use. There are also Plague resource cubes that will cost you time as well. Once the marker has moved all the way around your track and crossed the bridge, you MUST kill one of your lowest numbered family members. These family members can be taken from any location on the board, or your farm. Once you remove them, you add them to the village chronicle if there is still a space in the chronicle for them. For instance, in a 3 player game, you can only have one body in the chronicle space for Travel, so the first player to kill off a family member while traveling gets that space. If a second player would happen to kill off a traveler, then they would end up going into one of the anonymous grave spots, earning that player no bonuses at game end.
It's this little morbid piece of business that I think really separates this game from other Euros that I have played: the management of the death of your family members. When we first started playing, we were trying to avoid spending time as much as possible, because we didn't want to kill off any of our family members. Sometime around the third turn, it dawned on me that to have any chance of winning the game, you have to be somewhat aggressive about killing off people to gain spots in the village chronicle, for the bonus prestige points you gain at the end. But it's painful decision, because you paid a lot of resources to get that 1st generation family member to the highest spot in the council. But, death's a bitch.
The resource cubes were just that: Resource cubes. Even though the game says what the resource cubes are in the manual (stuff like speaking and skill and the like) to us they were merely colored blocks, and I knew that I needed to have a pink and an orange one to buy that plow. The theme kinda fell apart at this point.
We also ran into a problem with the resources. Early on in the game, Stuart took a cube from the Council, and handed over a green and brown cube to add a family member to the Council. Tom and I did a bit of a "huh?" because the council wanted two green cubes. It was at this point that we discovered that Stuart could not distinguish between the green and brown cubes. Printed on the board, he could tell them apart, but when he had the actual physical cubes, he was clueless, he just couldn't tell. Color blindness is a bitch. And oddly, this is the first time in a long time that his color blindness has caused a problem in a game. Well, to resolve the issue so we could continue to play, I grabbed a Sharpie and put a black dot on one face of each of the brown cubes. It offended Tommy's sensibilities that I was defacing a brand new game, but a little black dot didn't bother me none too much.
We weren't able to play a full game, because we got started late, but I really enjoyed what we were able to play. From our one run through the game, it seemed like the Market Day space was VERY powerful...I was able to snag the Market Day space each turn, and when we did end the game, I was 20 points ahead of the next closest player. We didn't have hardly anyone in the village chronicle though, so the bonues from that, and the council and church spaces never came into play.
Overall, I really enjoyed this one. The art on the board is exceptional. Putting the little number stickers on the meeples was a pain, and the resource cubes...well, their color choices were unique. Gameplay was different with the time/death mechanic, and the rounds were all different based on the resources that came out.
If you like medium weight Euros, this one is a good one. On the weighting scale, I'd put this one a little bit above Lords of Waterdeep.