GreenGoo wrote:How long are you going to keep this up, Rip?
Until everyone simply stops engaging you completely?
As someone who was recently in his own echo chamber stroking his huge penis, I can see why you would want to stop engaging Rip. It really is quite extraordinary (my penis, that is).
I admit to clicking on a breitbart piece this morning. I didn't manage to get all of the way through it, but it was full of "facts" that may or may not be true, I didn't fact check, but the one thing I noted is that none of them were facts of wrong doing. They were all facts that were supposed to imply innuendo I guess, with the final result being conclusive proof of wrong doing. Like, "dogs ate my mom" "Clinton owns a dog" therefore "Clinton ate my mom" Q.E.D.
It was...bizarre. I don't even mean it was bizarre politically. It was bizarre objectively.
But the best part, a wiretap for a unrelated case snagged evidence:
In a strange overlap of political corruption cases, FBI agents were recording the call because they had placed a wiretap on the phone of the man Morrow was calling: John Lisko, then a top aide to state Treasurer Rob McCord. McCord has since pleaded guilty to attempted extortion.
Got to love politicians.
" Hey OP, listen to my advice alright." -Tha General "“I like taking the guns go to court would have taken a long time. So you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second.” -President Donald Trump. "...To guard, protect, and maintain his liberty, the freedman should have the ballot; that the liberties of the American people were dependent upon the Ballot-box, the Jury-box, and the Cartridge-box, that without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country." - Frederick Douglass MYT
This is a little too random for the Trumpocalypse thread and too political for the Random randomness thread, but it appears that through the mists of time Tareeq provides us with an explanation of The Donald's odd skin tone.
Tareeq wrote:Mrs. Tareeq and I are very good friends with a pair of married pharmacists. They've told us about a drug that, when overused, produces erections that can only be cured through the "cut and bleed" procedure, and a drug that turns people orange.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a Texas business group sued the federal government, alleging the Treasury Department’s rules limiting tax-motivated inversion transactions violate the law.
The lawsuit filed Thursday charges the government rewrote the Internal Revenue Code itself after Congress wouldn’t go along with President Barack Obama’s proposed legislative changes to limit inversions.
OtOH, I do concur that this isn't really the right solution. The right solution is based on a major tax overhaul that the dysfunction of a perpetually bought and paid for Congress does not seem to be able implement.
He does sound messed up in some way (is he normally such a whiny-sounding speaker?), but I think that maybe he was trying to say that there were none in that period after 9/11.
Here is a version with a bit more context. Although I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with him framing 9/11 as the worst thing to happen to the USA since the last time you guys messed with Canada. That could mean that Trump is planning to go another round, and I'm not feeling good about our chances on a do-over.
"What? What?What?" -- The 14th Doctor
It's not enough to be a good player... you also have to play well. -- Siegbert Tarrasch
He does sound messed up in some way (is he normally such a whiny-sounding speaker?), but I think that maybe he was trying to say that there were none in that period after 9/11.
Well, none apart from some. *cough*Anthrax*cough*Beltway Sniper*cough*UNC*cough*
The man had the opportunity to transcend politics and make a mark on history as one of the great leaders during a time of crisis. Instead, he's turned it into an opportunity to be as big a political shill as he can.
Now, Rip, this is just one person. It does not paint an entire movement.
Here's are some tweets from Milwaukee that no one is talking about...
"Black power in this mother fucker, man."
Or my favorite: "They beatin' up every white person."
Lol. Rioters destroying stuff at random. That's news. Most riots are orderly logical protests. Like when your team wins the Stanley cup.
As for "true" racists, there's enough to go around for everyone. You can only shoot people for so long before they lash out. How is this news to anyone?
The US is going through a particularly rough time right now. Systemic police violence is becoming more visible and angry disenfranchised people are resorting to violence to let their feelings be known. Throw in opportunistic criminals and things are ugly.
Exasperating the us vs them mentality only makes things worse.
But as long as you feel justified, have at it I guess.
Last edited by GreenGoo on Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
GreenGoo wrote:Lol. Rioters destroying stuff at random. That's news. Most riots are orderly logical protests. Like when your team wins the Stanley cup.
As for "true" racists, there's enough to go around for everyone. You can only shoot people for so long before they lash out. How is this news to anyone?
You can't call them racists. They have no institutional power. At least that is what everyone here keeps telling me.
GreenGoo wrote:Lol. Rioters destroying stuff at random. That's news. Most riots are orderly logical protests. Like when your team wins the Stanley cup.
As for "true" racists, there's enough to go around for everyone. You can only shoot people for so long before they lash out. How is this news to anyone?
You can't call them racists. They have no institutional power. At least that is what everyone here keeps telling me.
I see that silly argument all the time, but I can't recall the last time I saw it here.
GreenGoo wrote:Lol. Rioters destroying stuff at random. That's news. Most riots are orderly logical protests. Like when your team wins the Stanley cup.
As for "true" racists, there's enough to go around for everyone. You can only shoot people for so long before they lash out. How is this news to anyone?
You can't call them racists. They have no institutional power. At least that is what everyone here keeps telling me.
Is this what you care about? The freedom to call racists racists?
No I want society to step it up and call them racists and quit treating them like they are justified to act that way and thereby enabling this type of thing. I'm all for protesting, PEACEFULLY. Once you start looting, burning, and endangering the public it needs to be stamped out. Otherwise we should get used to it.
For every racist, violent black protestor that rioted in Milwaukee and yelled "kill the white people", there were far more many black citizens appalled by their actions that gathered the next day to help clean up.
Just as I don't assume that the KKK represents the future of white America, I refuse to assume that fringe elements within the black community represent theirs.
Then go tell people that on boards that actually disagree with you. Because I'm pretty sure that no one here has said that they are justified to act this way.
While we may have issues with law enforcement, the majority of people here still have respect for the rule of law and don't advocate destructive 'civil disobedience'.
hepcat wrote:For every racist, violent black protestor that rioted in Milwaukee and yelled "kill the white people", there were far more many black citizens appalled by their actions that gathered the next day to help clean up.
Just as I don't assume that the KKK represents the future of white America, I refuse to assume that fringe elements within the black community represent theirs.
I should certainly hope so. I don't assume that either. The KKK would never get coddled the way these and other urban rioters have been. We shouldn't just be appalled and clean up, they need to be punished so that others know protesting in that fashion is unacceptable no matter the cause.
Arrested is too light a sentence, I guess. He may be calling for mass extermination. And while we're at it, we should probably get those who showed up the next day and coddled the rioters by cleaning up after them. They didn't go far enough, it seems.
Why is nobody talking about the real crime here: filming in portrait mode.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
Outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was hospitalized in Nevada after an accident on New Year’s Day when his exercise equipment broke during his home workout.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is suing the manufacturer of the exercise equipment he was using when he fell in January and suffered severe injuries to his right eye and face.
Reid and his wife, Landra Gould, are seeking damages from Performance Health, a company that makes a latex band called TheraBand that is used for muscle resistance exercises, according to Courthouse News. Reid was using the band on New Year’s Day this year when the band either slipped or broke, “causing him to spin around and strike his face on a cabinet,” according to the lawsuit, filed Monday in the Clark County district court in Nevada.
Protect the Thera-Band resistance band or tubing by keeping it away from sharp objects. Remove rings from the fingers before using the resistance bands or tubing. Be aware of long, sharp fingernails.
Always examine the resistance band or tubing before use for small nicks, tears, or punctures that may cause the band to break. If you find any flaws,discard the product and replace before performing any exercises.
Caution: User must wear suitable eye protection such as safety goggles during this exercise to protect against possibility of eye injury as a result of the band or tube snapping towards the face if grip is lost or if the band or tube breaks.
Are you intentionally misquoting him? He clearly says "under those 8 years before Obama...", referring to the time between 9/11 and the Fort Hood shootings in 2009.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
Rip wrote:The KKK would never get coddled the way these and other urban rioters have been. We shouldn't just be appalled and clean up, they need to be punished so that others know protesting in that fashion is unacceptable no matter the cause.
Coddled like the right wing extremists who sized a government building in Oregon to incite a violent overthrow of the US government?
Or do we just go after the minority rioters in the cities? Never mind that attitude is the reason they're so upset and rioting....
"A lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on." -Terry Pratchett, The Truth "The presence of those seeking the truth is infinitely to be preferred to those who think they've found it." -Terry Pratchett, Monstrous Regiment
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
Are you intentionally misquoting him? He clearly says "under those 8 years before Obama...", referring to the time between 9/11 and the Fort Hood shootings in 2009.
If the context is wrong then this truly is a media game because every media outlet I can find omits the 9/11 to Fort Hood context. Every single one in video and in writing. He says Clinton and Obama. Nothing about the GWB years and 9/11. I'm looking for the whole presentation or better yet a transcript and my google fu is weak.
Rip wrote:The KKK would never get coddled the way these and other urban rioters have been. We shouldn't just be appalled and clean up, they need to be punished so that others know protesting in that fashion is unacceptable no matter the cause.
Coddled like the right wing extremists who sized a government building in Oregon to incite a violent overthrow of the US government?
Or do we just go after the minority rioters in the cities? Never mind that attitude is the reason they're so upset and rioting....
They arrested like 14 people. I saw more than that many who needed arrested in one 30 second video. There were more than 14 that were actually assaulting people.
The G7/8 summit regularly brings in over 200,000 protestors. Some of which are simply anarchists/hoodlums looking to destroy under the cover of legitimacy. The one in Toronto resulted in only 25 arrests.
How is any of this different?
But no, yeah, BLM is an unreasonable response to being shot without cause far too frequently and the whole thing is a cover for racist criminals to beat up white people.
Rip wrote:The KKK would never get coddled the way these and other urban rioters have been. We shouldn't just be appalled and clean up, they need to be punished so that others know protesting in that fashion is unacceptable no matter the cause.
Coddled like the right wing extremists who sized a government building in Oregon to incite a violent overthrow of the US government?
Or do we just go after the minority rioters in the cities? Never mind that attitude is the reason they're so upset and rioting....
Pretty sure those people were prosecuted. Heck they killed a couple of them as I recall. That said I don't recall them burning down businesses or assaulting reporters, etc.
Marginal "radical Islam" attacks, but even if I grant you that he still is not forgetting 9/11 which is the lead message in every story.
"The world is suffering more today from the good people who want to mind other men's business than it is from the bad people who are willing to let everybody look after their own individual affairs." - Clarence Darrow
Rip wrote:They arrested like 14 people. I saw more than that many who needed arrested in one 30 second video. There were more than 14 that were actually assaulting people.