Page 11 of 13

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:55 pm
by bb2112

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:18 pm
by Grundbegriff
One sugar is discarded. Don't worry-- we'll be seeing it again soon! Only 9 farms remain.

Here's the new draw:
  • tobacco
  • sugar
  • coffee
  • coffee
  • coffee
  • indigo

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:09 pm
by Chaosraven
Builder but damned if I remember for what right now

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:24 pm
by Grundbegriff
Chaosraven wrote:Builder but damned if I remember for what right now
Thanks for the reminder!

Chaosraven selects Builder and spends 7 doubloons, 1 VP, 1 colonist, and 1 Builder's bonus to construct... a Residence!

Action on Qantaga.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:28 pm
by Qantaga
Manned large sugar mill for 3 doubloons (4 - quarry).

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:29 pm
by Grundbegriff
Here's the menu:

Bank Board
Column 1
(2) [small sugar mill] [small sugar mill]
(2) [forest house]
(3) [storehouse]
Column 2
(3) [large indigo plant] [large indigo plant]
(4) [large sugar mill]
(4) [hospice]
(6) [large warehouse] [large warehouse]
Column 3
(6) [coffee roaster] [coffee roaster]
(7) [university]
(8) [library]
Column 4
(10) [guild hall]
(10) [customs house]
(10) [statue]

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:02 am
by Remus West
Small Sugar Mill for 1 (2 - 1 for Quarry).

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:57 am
by bb2112
No build

Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:07 pm
by Isgrimnur

Re: Boards

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 5:55 pm
by Grundbegriff
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 6:32 pm
by Grundbegriff
Start of Round 12:

Victory Point Chips: more than 80
Colonists in supply: 19
Colonists on inbound ship: 05
Coffee crates in supply: 8
Tobacco crates in supply: 9
Sugar crates in supply: 5
Indigo crates in supply: 10
Corn crates in supply: 9
Trade House: (1) --- (2) --- (3) --- (4) ---
Cargo Ship #6: coffee, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Cargo Ship #7: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Cargo Ship #8: sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, _____, _____
History: Round 01
Qantaga: Settler(quarry); RW (tobacco); bb (sugar); Is (coffee); CR (tobacco)
Remus West: Builder (tobacco 4); bb (sm sugar 2); Is (pass); CR (blk market 2); Qa (sm indigo 1)
bb2112: Mayor (2, sfarm, sm sugar); Is (1, kfarm); CR (1, cfarm); Qa (1, q); RW (1, ???)
Is: Prospector 1
CR: Prospector 1

History: Round 02
Remus West: Mayor (2, tobacco, tobsto); bb (1, indigo); Is (1, corn); CR (1, blkmrk); Qa: (1, indigo, ind plnt)
bb2112: Builder (sm market 0); Is (sm sugar 2); CR (sm market 1); Qa (pass); RW (pass)
Is: Settler (sugar); CR (tobacco); Qa (coffee); RW (tobacco); bb (tobacco)
CR: Trader 1 (-); Qa (-); RW (-); bb (-); Is (-)
Qantaga: Craftsman 1 (2indigo); RW (1tobacco); bb (1sugar); Is (1corn); CR (1corn)

History: Round 03
bb2112: Prospector (2)
Is: Mayor (2, sug, sugm); CR (1, sm mkt); Qa (1, qu); RW (1, tob); bb (sm mkt)
CR: Captain 2 (1corn); Qa (2indigo); RW (1tobacco); bb (-); Is (1corn)
Qantaga: Builder (coffee 4); RW (-); bb (sm indigo 1); Is (blk mkt 2); CR (tobacco 4)
Remus West: Prospector (2)

History: Round 04
Is: Settler 1 (quarry); CR (corn); Qa (sugar); RW (indigo); bb (sugar)
CR: Mayor (2 tob sto, mv blk to corn); Qa (1 cof farm, q to ro); RW (1 tob sto); bb (1 sm ind); Is (1 q, cof to blk)
Qantaga: Craftsman 1 (1indigo, 2coffee); RW (2tobacco); bb (1indigo); Is (1corn, 1sugar); CR (2corn, 1sugar)
Remus West: Trader 1 (tob 3 + 1); bb (sug 2+1); Is (-); CR (corn 0+1); Qa (cof 4)
bb2112: Builder (tob sto 4+1); Is (storeh 3blk); CR (-); Qa (lg mkt 5); RW (hospice 4)

History: Round 05
CR: Mayor (2 tob farms, 1 to blk mkt); Qa (1 lg mkt); RW (1 tob ro); bb (1 tob, ind to tob sto); Is (1 storeh)
Qantaga: Captain 1 (1indigo +1); RW (1tob); bb (1indigo); Is (1corn); CR (1corn)
Remus West: Settler (tob); bb (ind); Is (ind); CR (cof); Qa (cof)
bb2112: Prospector 1
Is: Craftsman (1corn, 1sugar); CR (1corn, 2tob); Qa (1ind, 1cof); RW (3tob); bb (1sug, 1tob)

History: Round 06
Qantaga: Prospector +2 (3)
Remus West: Trader +1 (tobacco + 1); bb (sugar 2); Is (-); CR (corn +1); Qa (coffee 5)
bb2112: Builder +1 (wharf 9); Is (sm indigo blk-VP); CR (office blk-VPcolcorn); Qa (office 5); RW (spec fact 8)
Is: Settler (quarry); CR (tobacco); Qa (corn); RW (corn); bb (indigo)
CR: Mayor (1tob, 1tobro, mv blk to off); Qa (corn); RW (spec); bb (ind); Is (quarry)

History: Round 07
Remus West: Craftsman 1 (2corn, 3tobacco); bb (1indigo, 1sugar); Is (1corn, 1sugar); CR (---); Qa (1corn, 1indigo, 1coffee)
bb2112: Trader (tobacco 5); Is (sugar 2); CR (tobacco 4); Qa (coffee 6); RW (---)
Is: Settler (sugar); CR (corn); Qa (corn); RW (corn1); bb (coffee)
CR: Mayor (blkmkt, corn, corn); Qa (corn, qua); RW (indigo); bb (wharf); Is (indigo)
Qantaga: Builder (library 5); RW (sm indigo 1); bb (---); Is (lg sugar 2); CR (lg market 4 + VP)

History: Round 08
bb2112: Prospector (3)
Is: Prospector (2)
CR: Craftsman (2corn, 2 tobacco); Qa (1indigo, 1 coffee); RW (---); bb (1indigo, 1 sugar); Is (1sugar)
Qantaga: Captain 2 (3 indigo); RW (2corn, 3tobacco); bb (1indigo, 1sugar); Is (---); CR (2tobacco)
Remus West: Settler (quarry+1); bb (indigo); Is (sugar); CR (corn); Qa (sugar)

History: Round 09
Is: Captain (1corn, 3sugar); CR (1corn); Qa (1coffee); RW (---); bb (---)
CR: Mayor 1 (lg mkt, corn); Qa (univ); RW (sm ind); bb (tob sto); Is (lg sug, ind2sug, q2sug)
Qantaga: Builder 1 (manned library 6); RW (---); b (spec fac 8); Is (---); CR (forest house)
Remus West: Trader 1 (tobacco 4); bb (indigo 2); Is (---); CR (---); Qa (---)
bb2112: Prospector (1)

History: Round 10
CR: Craftsman 1 (3corn, 4tobacco); Qa (2corn, 1ind, 1cof); RW (2corn, 1ind, 3 tob, +2); bb (1ind, 1sug, 1tob); Is (1corn, 2sugar)
Qantaga: Trader (coffee 4 + 2 + 2); RW (corn 0); bb (---); Is (---); CR (---)
Remus West: Builder (wharf 7); bb (lg indigo 3); Is (---); CR (---); Qa (Fortress 9 + man)
bb2112: Mayor (2); Is (1); CR (1); Qa (1); RW (1)
Is: Prospector 1 (2)

History: Round 11
Qantaga: Mayor (5); RW (2); bb (2); Is (2); CR (2)
Remus West: Captain 1 (1corn, 3tob); bb (1ind, 1sugar); Is (2sugar); CR (3corn); Qa (1corn)
bb2112: Trader (tob 4); Is (corn 0); CR (tob6); Qa (ind 3); RW (---)
Is: Settler 2 (indigo); CR (corn); Qa (sugar); RW (tob +1); bb (sugar)
CR: Builder (Residence 9); Qa (lg sugar); RW (sm sugar); bb (--); Is (---)

The number on the left is the price in doubloons. For worker capacity and VP value, see the BUILDINGS section above.
As these are acquired, I'll put them under erasure and mark them with the initial of the owner Qa, RW, bb, Is, or CR.

Bank Board
Column 1
(1) [small indigo plant Qa] [small indigo plant bb] [small indigo plant Is] [small indigo plant rw]
(2) [small sugar mill bb] [small sugar mill Is] [small sugar mill RW] [small sugar mill]
(1) [small market bb] [small market CR]
(2) [black market CR] [black market Is]
(2) [forest house CR] [forest house]
(3) [storehouse Is] [storehouse]
Column 2
(3) [large indigo plant bb] [large indigo plant] [large indigo plant]
(4) [large sugar mill Is] [large sugar mill Qa] [large sugar mill]
(4) [hospice RW] [hospice]
(5) [office CR] [office Qa]
(5) [large market Qa] [large market CR]
(6) [large warehouse] [large warehouse]
Column 3
(5) [tobacco storage RW] [tobacco storage CR] [tobacco storage bb]
(6) [coffee roaster Qa] [coffee roaster] [coffee roaster]
(7) [university Qa] [university]
(8) [specialty factory RW] [specialty factory bb]
(8) [library Qa] [library]
(9) [wharf bb] [wharf RW]
Column 4
(10) [guild hall]
(10) [residence CR]
(10) [fortress Qa]
(10) [customs house]
(10) [statue]
1: Qantaga
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 02
Idle Colonists: 01
Employed Colonists: 17
Crates on Hand: Corn: 01, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [indigo farm_________1] [coffee______________1] [sugar_______________1] [coffee______________1]
 [corn________________1] [corn________________1] [sugar_______________1] [sugar_______________0]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [quarry______________1]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [sm indigo plant___1/1] [coffee roaster____2/2] [lg sugar mill_____1/3] [_____________________]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [library___________1/1] [office____________1/1]
 [_____________________] [fortress__________1/1] [university________1/1] [lg market_________1/1]

2: Remus West
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 02
Idle Colonists: 01
Employed Colonists: 16
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 01, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [indigo farm_________1] [tobacco_____________1] [tobacco_____________1] [indigo farm_________1]
 [tobacco_____________1] [corn________________1] [corn________________1] [tobacco_____________1]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [quarry______________1]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [tobacco storage___3/3] [sm indigo plant___1/1] [sm sugar mill_____0/1] [_____________________]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [specialty factory_1/1]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [wharf_____________1/1] [hospice___________1/1]

3: bb2112
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 04
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 14
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [indigo farm_________1] [sugar_______________1] [tobacco_____________1] [sugar_______________0]
 [indigo farm_________1] [indigo farm_________1] [coffee______________0] [indigo farm_________1]
 [sugar_______________0] [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [sm sugar mill_____1/1] [sm indigo plant___1/1] [tobacco storage___1/3] [lg indigo plant___3/3]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [wharf_____________1/1]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [specialty factory_1/1] [sm market_________0/1]

4: Isgrimnur
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 05
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 12
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [corn farm___________1] [coffee______________0] [sugar_______________1] [indigo______________1]
 [sugar_______________1] [sugar_______________1] [indigo______________0] [_____________________]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [quarry______________0] [quarry______________1]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [sm sugar mill_____0/1] [sm indigo plant___1/1] [lg sugar mill_____3/3] [_____________________]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [storehouse________1/1]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [black market______1/1]

5: Chaosraven
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 15
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [corn farm___________1] [tobacco_____________1] [tobacco_____________1] [corn farm___________1]
 [coffee______________1] [tobacco_____________1] [corn farm___________1] [corn farm___________1]
 [corn farm___________0] [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [tobacco storage___3/3] [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________]
 [residence(___________] [_____________________] [lg market_________1/1] [sm market_________1/1]
 [_________)________0/1] [forest house______1/1] [office____________1/1] [black market______0/1]
  • quarry Qa
  • quarry Is
  • quarry Is
  • quarry RW
  • quarry
  • quarry
  • quarry
  • quarry
  • tobacco
  • sugar
  • coffee
  • coffee
  • coffee
  • indigo
  • Builder
  • Captain
  • Craftsman +1
  • Mayor
  • Prospector +2
  • Prospector +1
  • Settler
  • Trader
As always, please let me know of any discrepancies!

Welcome to Round 12, the third governorship of Remus West!

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:27 pm
by Remus West
The trader tile should be cleared right now.

edit: It is correct in the write up but not the picture.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:29 pm
by Remus West
Prospector for 3 Doubloons.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:17 pm
by Grundbegriff
Remus West wrote:The trader tile should be cleared right now.

edit: It is correct in the write up but not the picture.
Yep. No big deal-- not worth retaking the photo, I decided.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:03 pm
by bb2112
Prospector for 2 dabloons

Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:58 pm
by Isgrimnur
Craftsman; extra sugar.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:37 am
by Grundbegriff
Isgrimnur wrote:Craftsman; extra sugar.
Coffee crates in supply: 8
Tobacco crates in supply: 9
Sugar crates in supply: 5
Indigo crates in supply: 10
Corn crates in supply: 9

Assuming max production, here's what happens:

Isgrimnur produces 1 corn, 1 indigo, 3 sugar.

Coffee crates in supply: 8
Tobacco crates in supply: 9
Sugar crates in supply: 2
Indigo crates in supply: 9
Corn crates in supply: 8

Chaosraven produces 4 corn, 3 tobacco.

Coffee crates in supply: 8
Tobacco crates in supply: 6
Sugar crates in supply: 2
Indigo crates in supply: 9
Corn crates in supply: 4

Qantaga produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, 1 sugar, and 2 coffee.

Coffee crates in supply: 6
Tobacco crates in supply: 6
Sugar crates in supply: 1
Indigo crates in supply: 8
Corn crates in supply: 2

Remus West produces 2 corn, 1 indigo, and 3 tobacco. Via his manned Specialty Factory, he receives 2 db.

Coffee crates in supply: 6
Tobacco crates in supply: 3
Sugar crates in supply: 1
Indigo crates in supply: 7
Corn crates in supply: 0

bb2112 produce 4 indigo, 1 sugar, 1 tobacco. Via his manned Specialty Factory, he receives 3 db.

Coffee crates in supply: 6
Tobacco crates in supply: 2
Sugar crates in supply: 0
Indigo crates in supply: 3
Corn crates in supply: 0

Isgrimnur, as Craftsman, receives a bonus crate of a kind he can produce. The only appropriate kind left is indigo, so he gets an extra indigo.

Supply after Craftsman:

Coffee crates in supply: 6
Tobacco crates in supply: 2
Sugar crates in supply: 0
Indigo crates in supply: 2
Corn crates in supply: 0

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:46 am
by Chaosraven
and that colonist on my coffee
My coffee should be empty, my black market should be full

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 1:12 pm
by bb2112
CR, if we assume you are correct, and make the adjustments, what would be the role you would like to pick?

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:35 pm
by Chaosraven

Trade tobacco for 7.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 2:42 pm
by Qantaga
Coffee for 6.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:54 pm
by bb2112
Sugar for 2.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 3:55 pm
by bb2112
Waiting to see if Remus wants to trade corn or indigo.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:54 pm
by Remus West
First I'll ponder if Chaosraven is trying to see how many victory points he can assist Qantaga in gaining. Then I'll go ahead and sell my Indigo for 1.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 6:23 pm
by Grundbegriff
Chaosraven wrote:
and that colonist on my coffee
My coffee should be empty, my black market should be full
Thanks. I knew it was something that begins with 'd'.

Final action of the round goes to Qantaga.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:40 pm
by Qantaga

Build manned Guild Hall for 7 doubloons (10 - double priv - quarry).

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:40 pm
by Remus West
Qantaga wrote:Builder

Build manned Guild Hall for 7 doubloons (10 - double priv - quarry).
Did you send a thank you to Chaosraven? :P

No build.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:47 pm
by Grundbegriff
Here's the menu:

Bank Board
Column 1
(2) [small sugar mill]
(2) [forest house]
(3) [storehouse]
Column 2
(3) [large indigo plant] [large indigo plant]
(4) [large sugar mill]
(4) [hospice]
(6) [large warehouse] [large warehouse]
Column 3
(6) [coffee roaster] [coffee roaster]
(7) [university]
(8) [library]
Column 4
(10) [customs house]
(10) [statue]

bb2112, Isgrimnur, and Chaosraven

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:29 am
by bb2112
Custom house

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 6:30 am
by bb2112
Remus West wrote:First I'll ponder if Chaosraven is trying to see how many victory points he can assist Qantaga in gaining. Then I'll go ahead and sell my Indigo for 1.
Yeah, I think it would be pretty hard to catch Q now. He has played an excellent game. :D

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 10:54 am
by Remus West
bb2112 wrote:
Remus West wrote:First I'll ponder if Chaosraven is trying to see how many victory points he can assist Qantaga in gaining. Then I'll go ahead and sell my Indigo for 1.
Yeah, I think it would be pretty hard to catch Q now. He has played an excellent game. :D
You're not helping either Mr. Set-up-to-gain-VP yet do nothing towards acquiring them. You could have gotten 1 less Doubloon for choosing Craftsman than you did by choosing Prospector and allowing someone else to craft and that 1 Doubloon would have been an extra VP when Captain comes around. :P

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:15 am
by bb2112
Remus West wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
Remus West wrote:First I'll ponder if Chaosraven is trying to see how many victory points he can assist Qantaga in gaining. Then I'll go ahead and sell my Indigo for 1.
Yeah, I think it would be pretty hard to catch Q now. He has played an excellent game. :D
You're not helping either Mr. Set-up-to-gain-VP yet do nothing towards acquiring them. You could have gotten 1 less Doubloon for choosing Craftsman than you did by choosing Prospector and allowing someone else to craft and that 1 Doubloon would have been an extra VP when Captain comes around. :P
I was trying to make sure I had enough for a big building. I didn't expect Craftsman then Trader to be played in quick succession after me. Either way, it is a swing of 1 victory point, so if I only lose by one, then I will conced your point. However, it took me so long to get into my set up, I will lose by a lot more than 1.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:18 am
by Remus West
bb2112 wrote:
Remus West wrote:
bb2112 wrote:
Remus West wrote:First I'll ponder if Chaosraven is trying to see how many victory points he can assist Qantaga in gaining. Then I'll go ahead and sell my Indigo for 1.
Yeah, I think it would be pretty hard to catch Q now. He has played an excellent game. :D
You're not helping either Mr. Set-up-to-gain-VP yet do nothing towards acquiring them. You could have gotten 1 less Doubloon for choosing Craftsman than you did by choosing Prospector and allowing someone else to craft and that 1 Doubloon would have been an extra VP when Captain comes around. :P
I was trying to make sure I had enough for a big building. I didn't expect Craftsman then Trader to be played in quick succession after me. Either way, it is a swing of 1 victory point, so if I only lose by one, then I will conced your point. However, it took me so long to get into my set up, I will lose by a lot more than 1.
Except without the Trader being played Qantaga wouldn't have nearly enough to go big either so you'd have time. If someone captained this round then you could have started next by Craftsman again to get the Doubloons you needed and again be set up for more VP.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:45 am
by Chaosraven
Waiting on Izzie's build?

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 1:47 am
by Grundbegriff
Chaosraven wrote:Waiting on Izzie's build?

Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:01 am
by Isgrimnur
Coffee roaster for 5

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 2:07 am
by Grundbegriff
Chaosraven spends 7 db, 1 Tobacco, 1 VP, and the colonist on the Forest House to buy the Statue.

Re: Boards

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:34 am
by Grundbegriff
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image
Enlarge ImageEnlarge Image

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion: GAME ON!

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:48 am
by bb2112
Captain for 1 dabloon. Ship my 4 indigo on the 7 ship.

Re: Puerto Rico, Game 02: Summer Scorpion

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 11:51 am
by Grundbegriff
Start of Round 13:

Victory Point Chips: more than 75
Colonists in supply: 19
Colonists on inbound ship: 05
Coffee crates in supply: 7
Tobacco crates in supply: 4
Sugar crates in supply: 1
Indigo crates in supply: 3
Corn crates in supply: 0
Trade House: (1) --- (2) --- (3) --- (4) ---
Cargo Ship #6: coffee, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Cargo Ship #7: _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____, _____
Cargo Ship #8: sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, _____, _____
History: Round 01
Qantaga: Settler(quarry); RW (tobacco); bb (sugar); Is (coffee); CR (tobacco)
Remus West: Builder (tobacco 4); bb (sm sugar 2); Is (pass); CR (blk market 2); Qa (sm indigo 1)
bb2112: Mayor (2, sfarm, sm sugar); Is (1, kfarm); CR (1, cfarm); Qa (1, q); RW (1, ???)
Is: Prospector 1
CR: Prospector 1

History: Round 02
Remus West: Mayor (2, tobacco, tobsto); bb (1, indigo); Is (1, corn); CR (1, blkmrk); Qa: (1, indigo, ind plnt)
bb2112: Builder (sm market 0); Is (sm sugar 2); CR (sm market 1); Qa (pass); RW (pass)
Is: Settler (sugar); CR (tobacco); Qa (coffee); RW (tobacco); bb (tobacco)
CR: Trader 1 (-); Qa (-); RW (-); bb (-); Is (-)
Qantaga: Craftsman 1 (2indigo); RW (1tobacco); bb (1sugar); Is (1corn); CR (1corn)

History: Round 03
bb2112: Prospector (2)
Is: Mayor (2, sug, sugm); CR (1, sm mkt); Qa (1, qu); RW (1, tob); bb (sm mkt)
CR: Captain 2 (1corn); Qa (2indigo); RW (1tobacco); bb (-); Is (1corn)
Qantaga: Builder (coffee 4); RW (-); bb (sm indigo 1); Is (blk mkt 2); CR (tobacco 4)
Remus West: Prospector (2)

History: Round 04
Is: Settler 1 (quarry); CR (corn); Qa (sugar); RW (indigo); bb (sugar)
CR: Mayor (2 tob sto, mv blk to corn); Qa (1 cof farm, q to ro); RW (1 tob sto); bb (1 sm ind); Is (1 q, cof to blk)
Qantaga: Craftsman 1 (1indigo, 2coffee); RW (2tobacco); bb (1indigo); Is (1corn, 1sugar); CR (2corn, 1sugar)
Remus West: Trader 1 (tob 3 + 1); bb (sug 2+1); Is (-); CR (corn 0+1); Qa (cof 4)
bb2112: Builder (tob sto 4+1); Is (storeh 3blk); CR (-); Qa (lg mkt 5); RW (hospice 4)

History: Round 05
CR: Mayor (2 tob farms, 1 to blk mkt); Qa (1 lg mkt); RW (1 tob ro); bb (1 tob, ind to tob sto); Is (1 storeh)
Qantaga: Captain 1 (1indigo +1); RW (1tob); bb (1indigo); Is (1corn); CR (1corn)
Remus West: Settler (tob); bb (ind); Is (ind); CR (cof); Qa (cof)
bb2112: Prospector 1
Is: Craftsman (1corn, 1sugar); CR (1corn, 2tob); Qa (1ind, 1cof); RW (3tob); bb (1sug, 1tob)

History: Round 06
Qantaga: Prospector +2 (3)
Remus West: Trader +1 (tobacco + 1); bb (sugar 2); Is (-); CR (corn +1); Qa (coffee 5)
bb2112: Builder +1 (wharf 9); Is (sm indigo blk-VP); CR (office blk-VPcolcorn); Qa (office 5); RW (spec fact 8)
Is: Settler (quarry); CR (tobacco); Qa (corn); RW (corn); bb (indigo)
CR: Mayor (1tob, 1tobro, mv blk to off); Qa (corn); RW (spec); bb (ind); Is (quarry)

History: Round 07
Remus West: Craftsman 1 (2corn, 3tobacco); bb (1indigo, 1sugar); Is (1corn, 1sugar); CR (---); Qa (1corn, 1indigo, 1coffee)
bb2112: Trader (tobacco 5); Is (sugar 2); CR (tobacco 4); Qa (coffee 6); RW (---)
Is: Settler (sugar); CR (corn); Qa (corn); RW (corn1); bb (coffee)
CR: Mayor (blkmkt, corn, corn); Qa (corn, qua); RW (indigo); bb (wharf); Is (indigo)
Qantaga: Builder (library 5); RW (sm indigo 1); bb (---); Is (lg sugar 2); CR (lg market 4 + VP)

History: Round 08
bb2112: Prospector (3)
Is: Prospector (2)
CR: Craftsman (2corn, 2 tobacco); Qa (1indigo, 1 coffee); RW (---); bb (1indigo, 1 sugar); Is (1sugar)
Qantaga: Captain 2 (3 indigo); RW (2corn, 3tobacco); bb (1indigo, 1sugar); Is (---); CR (2tobacco)
Remus West: Settler (quarry+1); bb (indigo); Is (sugar); CR (corn); Qa (sugar)

History: Round 09
Is: Captain (1corn, 3sugar); CR (1corn); Qa (1coffee); RW (---); bb (---)
CR: Mayor 1 (lg mkt, corn); Qa (univ); RW (sm ind); bb (tob sto); Is (lg sug, ind2sug, q2sug)
Qantaga: Builder 1 (manned library 6); RW (---); b (spec fac 8); Is (---); CR (forest house)
Remus West: Trader 1 (tobacco 4); bb (indigo 2); Is (---); CR (---); Qa (---)
bb2112: Prospector (1)

History: Round 10
CR: Craftsman 1 (3corn, 4tobacco); Qa (2corn, 1ind, 1cof); RW (2corn, 1ind, 3 tob, +2); bb (1ind, 1sug, 1tob); Is (1corn, 2sugar)
Qantaga: Trader (coffee 4 + 2 + 2); RW (corn 0); bb (---); Is (---); CR (---)
Remus West: Builder (wharf 7); bb (lg indigo 3); Is (---); CR (---); Qa (Fortress 9 + man)
bb2112: Mayor (2); Is (1); CR (1); Qa (1); RW (1)
Is: Prospector 1 (2)

History: Round 11
Qantaga: Mayor (5); RW (2); bb (2); Is (2); CR (2)
Remus West: Captain 1 (1corn, 3tob); bb (1ind, 1sugar); Is (2sugar); CR (3corn); Qa (1corn)
bb2112: Trader (tob 4); Is (corn 0); CR (tob6); Qa (ind 3); RW (---)
Is: Settler 2 (indigo); CR (corn); Qa (sugar); RW (tob +1); bb (sugar)
CR: Builder (Residence 9); Qa (lg sugar); RW (sm sugar); bb (--); Is (---)

History: Round 12
Remus West: Prospector 2 (3)
bb2112: Prospector 1 (2)
Is: Craftsman 1 (1corn, 2ind, 3sugar); CR (4corn, 3tob); Qa (2corn, 1ind 1sug, 2coffee); RW (2corn, 1ind, 3tob +2db); bb (4ind, 1sug, 1tob + 3db)
CR: Trader (tob 7); Qa (coffee 6); RW (indigo 1); bb (sugar 2); Is (---)
Qantaga: Builder (Guild Hall manned 7); RW (---); bb (Customs House 10); Is (Coffee Roaster 5); CR (Statue 7 + 1VP +1col + 1tob)

The number on the left is the price in doubloons. For worker capacity and VP value, see the BUILDINGS section above.
As these are acquired, I'll put them under erasure and mark them with the initial of the owner Qa, RW, bb, Is, or CR.

Bank Board
Column 1
(1) [small indigo plant Qa] [small indigo plant bb] [small indigo plant Is] [small indigo plant rw]
(2) [small sugar mill bb] [small sugar mill Is] [small sugar mill RW] [small sugar mill]
(1) [small market bb] [small market CR]
(2) [black market CR] [black market Is]
(2) [forest house CR] [forest house]
(3) [storehouse Is] [storehouse]
Column 2
(3) [large indigo plant bb] [large indigo plant] [large indigo plant]
(4) [large sugar mill Is] [large sugar mill Qa] [large sugar mill]
(4) [hospice RW] [hospice]
(5) [office CR] [office Qa]
(5) [large market Qa] [large market CR]
(6) [large warehouse] [large warehouse]
Column 3
(5) [tobacco storage RW] [tobacco storage CR] [tobacco storage bb]
(6) [coffee roaster Qa] [coffee roaster Is] [coffee roaster]
(7) [university Qa] [university]
(8) [specialty factory RW] [specialty factory bb]
(8) [library Qa] [library]
(9) [wharf bb] [wharf RW]
Column 4
(10) [guild hall Qa]
(10) [residence CR]
(10) [fortress Qa]
(10) [customs house bb]
(10) [statue CR]
1: Qantaga
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 01
Idle Colonists: 01
Employed Colonists: 18
Crates on Hand: Corn: 03, Indigo: 01, Sugar: 01, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:01

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [indigo farm_________1] [coffee______________1] [sugar_______________1] [coffee______________1]
 [corn________________1] [corn________________1] [sugar_______________1] [sugar_______________0]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [quarry______________1]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [sm indigo plant___1/1] [coffee roaster____2/2] [lg sugar mill_____1/3] [_____________________]
 [guild(_______________] [fortress(____________] [library___________1/1] [office____________1/1]
 [______)hall_______1/1] [_________)________1/1] [university________1/1] [lg market_________1/1]

2: Remus West
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 08
Idle Colonists: 01
Employed Colonists: 16
Crates on Hand: Corn: 02, Indigo: 01, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 03, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [indigo farm_________1] [tobacco_____________1] [tobacco_____________1] [indigo farm_________1]
 [tobacco_____________1] [corn________________1] [corn________________1] [tobacco_____________1]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [quarry______________1]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [tobacco storage___3/3] [sm indigo plant___1/1] [sm sugar mill_____0/1] [_____________________]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [specialty factory_1/1]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [wharf_____________1/1] [hospice___________1/1]

3: bb2112
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 01
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 14
Crates on Hand: Corn: 00, Indigo: 04, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 01, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [indigo farm_________1] [sugar_______________1] [tobacco_____________1] [sugar_______________0]
 [indigo farm_________1] [indigo farm_________1] [coffee______________0] [indigo farm_________1]
 [sugar_______________0] [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [sm sugar mill_____1/1] [sm indigo plant___1/1] [tobacco storage___1/3] [lg indigo plant___3/3]
 [_____________________] [customs(_____________] [_____________________] [wharf_____________1/1]
 [_____________________] [________)house____0/1] [specialty factory_1/1] [sm market_________0/1]

4: Isgrimnur
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 01
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 12
Crates on Hand: Corn: 01, Indigo: 02, Sugar: 03, Tobacco: 00, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [corn farm___________1] [coffee______________0] [sugar_______________1] [indigo______________1]
 [sugar_______________1] [sugar_______________1] [indigo______________0] [_____________________]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [quarry______________0] [quarry______________1]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [sm sugar mill_____0/1] [sm indigo plant___1/1] [lg sugar mill_____3/3] [coffee roaster____0/2]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [storehouse________1/1]
 [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________] [black market______1/1]

5: Chaosraven
Victory Points: ???
Doubloons: 00
Idle Colonists: 00
Employed Colonists: 14
Crates on Hand: Corn: 04, Indigo: 00, Sugar: 00, Tobacco: 01, Coffee:00

Code: Select all

[u][b]Plantations and workers[/b][/u]: 
 [corn farm___________1] [tobacco_____________1] [tobacco_____________1] [corn farm___________1]
 [coffee______________1] [tobacco_____________1] [corn farm___________1] [corn farm___________1]
 [corn farm___________0] [_____________________] [_____________________] [_____________________]

Code: Select all

[u][b]Buildings and workers[/b][/u]:
 [tobacco storage___3/3] [statue(______________] [_____________________] [_____________________]
 [residence(___________] [_______)_____________] [lg market_________1/1] [sm market_________1/1]
 [__________)_______0/1] [forest house______0/1] [office____________1/1] [black market______0/1]
  • quarry Qa
  • quarry Is
  • quarry Is
  • quarry RW
  • quarry
  • quarry
  • quarry
  • quarry
  • tobacco
  • sugar
  • coffee
  • coffee
  • coffee
  • indigo
  • Builder
  • Captain +1
  • Craftsman
  • Mayor +1
  • Prospector
  • Prospector
  • Settler +1
  • Trader
As always, please let me know of any discrepancies!

Welcome to Round 13, the third governorship of bb2112!