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Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:41 pm
by McNutt
What happened?

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:42 pm
by Rip

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:41 pm
by Isgrimnur

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:40 pm
by Jeff V
Still waiting for preseason to start. :x

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:42 pm
by Isgrimnur
What, yesterday's 0-22 loss against the Broncos not do it for you?

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:25 pm
by Xmann
And the Broncos defense without its best player and several starters on defense playing.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:33 pm
by Jeff V
I'm pretty sure that was the Broncos playing a pick-up game against some guys who showed up at the park. The Bears must still be at the airport waiting to get through TSA.

They just said on the news that was the first time they've been shutout preseason since Neil Armstrong was coach. And Armstrong coached some dreadful teams.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:09 pm
by Moliere
Jeff V wrote:I'm pretty sure that was the Broncos playing a pick-up game against some guys who showed up at the park. The Bears must still be at the airport waiting to get through TSA.
It was a shootout by the Broncos.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:04 pm
by Isgrimnur
Last March, Twitter and Facebook, along with other tech companies, faced off over which of them would get the rights to live-stream National Football League games on Thursday nights.

Twitter, in a rare win against larger rivals, emerged victorious with the deal. The N.F.L. saw disadvantages with some of the other bids. Facebook, for example, had set tough terms, under which the social network wanted to sell all the ads that would air during the football games, essentially cutting out the sales relationship between the N.F.L. and marketers, according to two people who asked for anonymity because the discussions were private.

Twitter, in contrast, agreed to pay the N.F.L. around $10 million to stream 10 games and to sell only a portion of the ad inventory exclusively. Twitter, which is based in San Francisco, wanted the Thursday night games because of their popularity; each game drew an average of 13 million viewers last season.

“Having that live programming every night when sports are playing — with no paywall, no logging in and directly from the source — that’s key to us,” said Anthony Noto, the chief financial officer for Twitter and formerly for the N.F.L., who helped forge the streaming deal.
To bolster the effort, Twitter is in talks with Apple to bring the Twitter app to Apple TV, which would potentially let millions of Apple TV users watch the streaming N.F.L. games, according to the two people briefed on the discussions.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 1:37 pm
by Dogstar
Are there any Titans fans here that can explain why they just gave up on a young WR who was last year's second-round pick? For a guy who, at best, is an average to sub-par tackle? I've heard about the work ethic concerns, but that seems a bit soon to give up on a player.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 12:07 pm
by Isgrimnur
Nothing like having a coaching staff you can be proud of.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:14 am
by stessier
I love the Cowboy's new slogan.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:48 am
by Isgrimnur
Six if you count Kraft Group LLC's. The one with the exclamation point is currently owned by them as well.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:53 am
by El Guapo
So next time your boss tells you to do your job, file a trademark action against him / her.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 9:42 pm
by Jaymann
Jeff Fisher was saying that 10 wins by the Rams this year would not be acceptable (too low). The over/under on Ram's wins is 7.5.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 10:03 pm
by Xmann
Jaymann wrote:Jeff Fisher was saying that 10 wins by the Rams this year would not be acceptable (too low). The over/under on Ram's wins is 7.5.
Continues to amaze me this guy still can get a head coaching job with year after year of mediocre teams.

And the Rams are extending his contract? Good luck with that.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:52 am
by El Guapo
Xmann wrote:
Jaymann wrote:Jeff Fisher was saying that 10 wins by the Rams this year would not be acceptable (too low). The over/under on Ram's wins is 7.5.
Continues to amaze me this guy still can get a head coaching job with year after year of mediocre teams.

And the Rams are extending his contract? Good luck with that.
I feel like that's the kind of thing that you only say if you're fairly sure you'll be fired after the season if you don't hit that number anyway. Otherwise you're just needlessly raising expectations in a way that would probably bite you at the end of the season.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 2:19 pm
by Moliere

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:05 pm
by Skinypupy
Tony Romo broke a bone in his back during their last pre-season game, out 6-10 weeks. Oof.

Guess it's a good thing Prescott has been tearing it up, not that I expect that will last for a whole season.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:16 pm
by rshetts2
Skinypupy wrote:Tony Romo broke a bone in his back during their last pre-season game, out 6-10 weeks. Oof.

Guess it's a good thing Prescott has been tearing it up, not that I expect that will last for a whole season.
Yeah, tearing it up in preseason is not a good indicator of regular season performance. He may be the real deal but he also may be the beneficiary preseason defense syndrome, time will tell.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:54 am
by em2nought
Oops, that's probably more R&P

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:42 am
by Jaymann
I always thought Kaepernick was a douche. Now I respect his stance. But he's still a douche.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:35 pm
by Pyperkub
Jaymann wrote:I always thought Kaepernick was a douche. Now I respect his stance. But he's still a douche.
Part of me wonders if this isn't a poorly thought out way to get the 49ers to cut him.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:19 pm
by tjg_marantz
Or, you know, he has convictions and is living by them.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:27 pm
by stimpy
tjg_marantz wrote:Or, you know, he has convictions and is living by them.

Yea...because a professional NFL player, raised by white parents and making millions of dollars, knows oh such much about the plight of the oppressed.....

You want to make a statement? Give back the millions of dollars you've made from the people that "oppress" you and yours.
Until he does that, he is nothing more than a blowhard hypocrite.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 5:39 pm
by Rip
stimpy wrote:
tjg_marantz wrote:Or, you know, he has convictions and is living by them.

Yea...because a professional NFL player, raised by white parents and making millions of dollars, knows oh such much about the plight of the oppressed.....

You want to make a statement? Give back the millions of dollars you've made from the people that "oppress" you and yours.
Until he does that, he is nothing more than a blowhard hypocrite.
Better yet go give it to some of the poor kids that kill each other over your shoes. Quit walking around imitating a thug in a rap song and let them know acting like that isn't cool at all.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:39 pm
by McNutt
What are you guys talking about? Why can't rich people make statements about people being killed by cops?

I do not agree with his form of protest at all, but I don't see how his money makes that protest hypocritical.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:34 pm
by naednek
my favorite criticism about Kap's protest is about how the military are in the field dying for our rights and he won't stand to make a pledge.

I respond stating they are fighting for all people's rights even those who choose to protest something peacefully. I'm sorry you don't like his action, but he has the right to do so.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:38 pm
by stimpy
McNutt wrote:What are you guys talking about? Why can't rich people make statements about people being killed by cops?

I do think agree with his form of protest at all, but I don't see how his money makes that protest hypocritical.
geez....I must have missed his big stand on black on black crime. he's not talking about "people". he's talking about all the oppressed people of color, like him.
I don't see how not standing for a flag is going to help anything.
He can do that all he wants. Wont change a thing. nobody is saying he doesn't have a right to do so.
Just don't see how doing that has anything to do with him wanting to help all of the poor, oppressed minorities. it's an empty gesture.
And he's only getting press because he is rich and has a platform. And THIS is what he does with it? say the least.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:44 pm
by naednek
stimpy wrote:
McNutt wrote:What are you guys talking about? Why can't rich people make statements about people being killed by cops?

I do think agree with his form of protest at all, but I don't see how his money makes that protest hypocritical.
geez....I must have missed his big stand on black on black crime. he's not talking about "people". he's talking about all the oppressed people of color, like him.
I don't see how not standing for a flag is going to help anything.
He can do that all he wants. Wont change a thing. nobody is saying he doesn't have a right to do so.
Just don't see how doing that has anything to do with him wanting to help all of the poor, oppressed minorities. it's an empty gesture.
And he's only getting press because he is rich and has a platform. And THIS is what he does with it? say the least.
He's getting press because it's preseason and the media are bored at watching 2nd and 3rd stringers.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:58 pm
by tjg_marantz
So much ignorance in here. Because he's rich, he shouldn't protest, because he was raised by white parents he shouldn't protest for minority rights. Blah blah blah, so stupid.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:03 pm
by stimpy
tjg_marantz wrote:So much ignorance in here. Because he's rich, he shouldn't protest, because he was raised by white parents he shouldn't protest for minority rights. Blah blah blah, so stupid.
Ya...ignorance is right.
Who said because he's rich he shouldn't protest?
Who said because he has white parents he shouldn't protest?
Try reading comprehension, buddy.

He can sit on his ass all he wants. Because as far as I can tell, that's all he's done for the poor oppressed people he is so concerned about. Other than become rich off of the oppressors.....
Opening your mouth and spouting shit isn't going to change anything. Do something proactive. Oh yea......that takes effort.......

And who are you to try and oppress my opinion?
It may be stupid and ignorant to you, but I have a right to it.
So your opinion of my opinion means less than nothing to me.....

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:44 pm
by Rip
naednek wrote:my favorite criticism about Kap's protest is about how the military are in the field dying for our rights and he won't stand to make a pledge.

I respond stating they are fighting for all people's rights even those who choose to protest something peacefully. I'm sorry you don't like his action, but he has the right to do so.
Of course he has a right to do so. As far as I know no one has questioned that. Much as many of us have the right to refer to him as a douchebag for doing so and to throw scorn on anyone applauding him for it.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:53 pm
by Jeff V
Sounds like Stimpy didn't get laid last night...

I don't know if Kapernick ever puts his money where his mouth is, but one reason America is great is that patriotism is optional. It was not after the French revolution when thousands were guillotined for not being patriotic enough. It's nice that we can dissent about government issues without losing our heads.

As far as the military "heroically defending our freedom", there hasn't been a credible external threat to our freedom since King George was sending red coats here to kick our ass (which they certainly did, even if it was a Pyrrhic victory). They are mostly tools doing the bidding of those who are unconcerned what the American people need or want.

To get back on track, I guess Matt Forte was worth more to the Bears than they are willing to admit? So far they don't look capable of winning a single game this year. :x

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:28 pm
by stimpy
Jeff V wrote:Sounds like Stimpy didn't get laid last night...
Actually, I did. I made her wear a Kapernick jersey, as I stood at attention and repeatedly oppressed her.
But I appreciate your concern.
God bless America!!!

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:35 pm
by Xmann
stimpy wrote:
Jeff V wrote:Sounds like Stimpy didn't get laid last night...
Actually, I did. I made her wear a Kapernick jersey, as I stood at attention and repeatedly oppressed her.
But I appreciate your concern.
God bless America!!!
that's some funny shit

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:52 am
by tjg_marantz

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:34 pm
by Pyperkub
tjg_marantz wrote:Or, you know, he has convictions and is living by them.
I appreciate that and back his stance for it, however, he has also been rather determined to force a trade or get cut since last year so he can get paid and go to another team. Sometimes I wonder if a part of this to him was a way to force the 49ers hand in that fashion. Kaep hasn't always had the best head on his shoulders when it comes to football and playing QB, and (to me at least) there is the possibility that this started as a ploy to aid in that goal, which has blown up far beyond what he thought it would.

On the other hand, I respect him for taking this stand and being so passionate about it. He has definitely achieved the goal of shining an even brighter spotlight on the issue, and for that I give him kudos.

I only wish that he had been able to:

1. Not start sleeping with another player's former girlfriend, who ended up getting released due in part to the consequences of Kaep's actions. He also lost a LOT of respect in the locker room from his teammates for that.
2. Spent more time on the mental side of being a QB than his physique.
3. Embraced the opportunity of Chip Kelly coming to the 49ers rather than trying to force a trade. On the surface, he could be a fantastic QB in Kelly's system, but he looked even worse than last year in his only preseason action.

He has created many reasons to want to get out of SF (mostly just poisoning the well for any future here), and given his history over the past year, this could have been another stunt to do so. I don't really think so, but I can't/won't rule it completely out.

I actually like Kaep, and this stance, but he seems unwilling or unable to put the right work in to be a better 49er QB.

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:44 pm
by stessier
Bosa finally signed - $17.5 mil signing bonus fully guaranteed, but there is offset language in the contract. So each side gave a little, but since Bosa was willing to do that from the start (wanted cash flow or no offset whereas Chargers said it had to be both), I say he wins. Won't play on Friday per team official. So now all he has to do is land on IR and let the checks roll in!

Re: 2016 NFL Pre-season

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 3:49 pm
by LordMortis
I respect his act of not quite civil disobedience in the public eye in his own way. Focus on him is focus on something that needs to stay in the public eye until there is change. Healing can't happen until change does.