The U.S. military's newest branch now has its marching music.
The Space Force, which is not yet three years old, just unveiled its official song, a 40-second ditty called "Semper Supra" (Latin for "always above.") And it goes a little something like this:
"We're the mighty watchful eye / Guardians beyond the blue,
The invisible front line / Warfighters brave and true.
Boldly reaching into space / There's no limit to our sky.
Standing guard both night and day / We're the Space Force from on high."
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 7:00 pm
by Daehawk
Whens the anime release?
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:36 pm
by Daehawk
Im a big Boston in the band Boston. And F me if I had never heard of their 2002 album Corporate America . Found it and now Im digging it. I really love I Had a Good Time and With You so far. So happy I found this.
I could walk to Platteville from where I live. (I'm not going to, though.)
This is a horrific story.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:22 pm
by Daehawk
Well someone's getting some money.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:34 pm
by The Meal
Daehawk wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:22 pm
Well someone's getting some money.
The officer who parked on the tracks is on paid leave.
The 20-year old girl in the back of the police cruiser has brain damage.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:50 pm
by Isgrimnur
The train did not derail and is still on the tracks, CSP said. Union Pacific has been notified about the crash.
Well, I'm glad the train is ok.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:46 am
by LordMortis
The Meal wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:20 pm
This is a horrific story.
I don't think it's WTF so much as OMFG. I'm not sure what the reasonable thing for the cop to do was if he pulled her over and she forced him to park on the railroad track. Institutionally, I think I would pulled up along side her and had her pull forward more to begin the stop but I don't know. The terror one must feel to see there is an oncoming train and there is nothing she can do. I do wonder why the cop didn't try get the car off the track as soon as the train warning started. Isn't that the first thing that goes through your mind?
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 10:27 am
by Daehawk
My God man! Cops are trained to use their guns not act rationally in an emergency situation!
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:03 am
by Blackhawk
Daehawk wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:22 pm
Well someone's getting some money.
She's absolutely getting money. Which she may or may not be capable of using for the remaining ~50+ years of her life due to severe brain injuries.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 11:23 am
by Pyperkub
Isgrimnur wrote:
The train did not derail and is still on the tracks, CSP said. Union Pacific has been notified about the crash.
The Meal wrote: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:20 pm
This is a horrific story.
I don't think it's WTF so much as OMFG. I'm not sure what the reasonable thing for the cop to do was if he pulled her over and she forced him to park on the railroad track. Institutionally, I think I would pulled up along side her and had her pull forward more to begin the stop but I don't know. The terror one must feel to see there is an oncoming train and there is nothing she can do. I do wonder why the cop didn't try get the car off the track as soon as the train warning started. Isn't that the first thing that goes through your mind?
I’m sure the cop unloaded her gun onto the oncoming train engine, but they take a lot to stop.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:17 pm
by The Meal
Primary reporting Plattville officer (who parked on the tracks) is a woman.
The U.S. military's newest branch now has its marching music.
The Space Force, which is not yet three years old, just unveiled its official song, a 40-second ditty called "Semper Supra" (Latin for "always above.") And it goes a little something like this:
"We're the mighty watchful eye / Guardians beyond the blue,
The invisible front line / Warfighters brave and true.
Boldly reaching into space / There's no limit to our sky.
Standing guard both night and day / We're the Space Force from on high."
"I'm sure it'll grow on us..."
I suppose that cringe-immunity is a prerequisite for serving in Space Force.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 7:11 pm
by Kraken
I think they were aiming for the USAF song (Off we go, into the wild blue yonder...) and missed.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:29 pm
by hepcat
Sounds like a Stalin era patriots song. It needs the words comrade and motherland.
The U.S. military's newest branch now has its marching music.
The Space Force, which is not yet three years old, just unveiled its official song, a 40-second ditty called "Semper Supra" (Latin for "always above.") And it goes a little something like this:
"We're the mighty watchful eye / Guardians beyond the blue,
The invisible front line / Warfighters brave and true.
Boldly reaching into space / There's no limit to our sky.
Standing guard both night and day / We're the Space Force from on high."
"I'm sure it'll grow on us..."
I suppose that cringe-immunity is a prerequisite for serving in Space Force.
OMG. OMG. OMG. somebody please tell the simulation administration team that we are aware that we are in a simluation. The game is over - the jig is up - stop already!
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 9:21 pm
by Max Peck
I prefer martial music that you can march to rather than something a choir can sing.
And if there are no lyrics, then the lyrics can't be cringe-worthy.
In the year 2026 archaeologists working in the Nevada desert discovered a portal to an ancient city on Mars.
Unfortunately it turned out to be in the martian New Jersey.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 12:01 pm
by dbt1949
When I was a kid the Blue Angels had a song too, just as bad.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 11:20 pm
by Daehawk
Local news says after all the other shortages and low stock of stuff that beer is next....shortages of both aluminum for cans and carbon dioxide ,,,,beer us up %5 already.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:55 pm
by hepcat
After working out today, I walked across the parking lot where my gym is located to a nearby Jewel Osco grocery store to stock up on bottled water. As I was leaving the store, I was stopped by a couple of older ladies getting signatures to put a local alderman on the ballot or something. I took out my left ear bud and listened to one of the ladies make her pitch, and then signed her form. As I was walking away, I realized I had dropped my left earbud and started searching around for it.
The lady who I had just talked to started trying to help me find it, bless her heart. She then called over her friend who started to help. But after about 2 minutes, the other lady decided that I had probably dropped it in my clothes...and proceeded to pat me down as I was turned away from her. We're not talking a cursory Hill Street Blues pat down...we're talking a full on Vic Mackey in the Shield pat down. At one point I swear to god she was seguing into a massage and was about to start playing some Barry White.
I didn't know what to do as I didn't want to be rude, so I kind of walked a few feet away from her. Which seemed to make her go into predator/prey mode as she just followed me, all while rubbing my back, sides and shoulders like I was a half off roast in the store.
After an agonizingly long 30 seconds or so (30 seconds is MUCH longer than you think it is when you're in this kind of situation) she stopped. Then she got it into her head that they had fallen into my shoes. She told me "take off those shoes, honey. they might have fallen down inside one of them.".
I swore to her that they were too big to have done so, but she seemed to determine to get those shoes off me, even lurching forward at one point in an attempt to help me doff my footwear.
It was at this point that I decided the left earbud was a lost cause, and I thanked them politely and went on my way.
But jeebus, between this and the neighbor lady who's mad at me for not being married, it's been a weird week with people.
...and I'm out a left earbud. Damn it.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:58 pm
by gbasden
It probably fell down in your underwear. If you'd just given her a few more minutes she would have found it for you!
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:15 pm
by hepcat
This is how I felt
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:21 pm
by Smoove_B
I went to a "men without pants" party once. There was a gauntlet you had to get through in order to gain entry and your description reminded me of it. I was a wholly unique once in a lifetime experience. That's about all I'll say there.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:23 pm
by Jaymann
I once saw Men Without Hats. Not nearly as exciting.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:24 pm
by hepcat
Smoove_B wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:21 pm
I went to a "men without pants" party once. There was a gauntlet you had to get through in order to gain entry and your description reminded me of it. I was a wholly unique once in a lifetime experience. That's about all I'll say there.
Oh, is that what prompted you to quit PTA?
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:27 pm
by Holman
hepcat wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 3:55 pm
After working out today, I walked across the parking lot where my gym is located to a nearby Jewel Osco grocery store to stock up on bottled water. As I was leaving the store, I was stopped by a couple of older ladies getting signatures to put a local alderman on the ballot or something. I took out my left ear bud and listened to one of the ladies make her pitch, and then signed her form. As I was walking away, I realized I had dropped my left earbud and started searching around for it.
The lady who I had just talked to started trying to help me find it, bless her heart. She then called over her friend who started to help. But after about 2 minutes, the other lady decided that I had probably dropped it in my clothes...and proceeded to pat me down as I was turned away from her. We're not talking a cursory Hill Street Blues pat down...we're talking a full on Vic Mackey in the Shield pat down. At one point I swear to god she was seguing into a massage and was about to start playing some Barry White.
I didn't know what to do as I didn't want to be rude, so I kind of walked a few feet away from her. Which seemed to make her go into predator/prey mode as she just followed me, all while rubbing my back, sides and shoulders like I was a half off roast in the store.
After an agonizingly long 30 seconds or so (30 seconds is MUCH longer than you think it is when you're in this kind of situation) she stopped. Then she got it into her head that they had fallen into my shoes. She told me "take off those shoes, honey. they might have fallen down inside one of them.".
I swore to her that they were too big to have done so, but she seemed to determine to get those shoes off me, even lurching forward at one point in an attempt to help me doff my footwear.
It was at this point that I decided the left earbud was a lost cause, and I thanked them politely and went on my way.
But jeebus, between this and the neighbor lady who's mad at me for not being married, it's been a weird week with people.
...and I'm out a left earbud. Damn it.
Hepcat finally gets his Golden Girls moment and *completely* blows it.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:29 pm
by Unagi
I had a similar thought.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:34 pm
by Smoove_B
hepcat wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 4:24 pm
Oh, is that what prompted you to quit PTA?
No, that was the no utensils pot-luck dinner and corn hole tournament. Still have nightmares about that one.
Re: Random randomness
Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:40 pm
by hepcat
brought tuna casserole, didn't ya? that's a rookie mistake that I see a lot at pot luck corn hole events.