That one handed catch by the little kid? Amazing catch. And an amazing throw, for that age group.
Can I just tell you a little anecdote? I don't mean to make this about me, but this is one of the things that has stuck with me my whole life.
Around grade 8 (so about 12-13yo) I began to become competitive. I had been playing sports since..I don't even know. Let's say 5-6, but somewhere between 10-12yo I started to push. Hard. By the time I hit grade 8 I already had years of experience playing little league and peewee (midget, actually) football and all sorts of things but by grade 8 my name started showing up on trophies.
Grade 8 rolls around, and I learn that the city has a Terry Fox run for middle schools. Terry Fox is a famous Canadian who lost a leg to Cancer and then did inspiring charity work including running across Canada with only 1 leg. Anyway. It's a 10k relay race, with 5 girls and 5 boys, each running 1km then handing off the baton (so an actual relay).
edit: Getting a little more verbose than usual even for me, gonna cut it short.
At the start of training I'm average. There are 2 top runners, one who's family sport was running and a kid about a year older than us and going through puberty earlier, so he's bigger, stronger, faster. I train and I train and I train along side them. One day I actually beat the number 2 runner. I'm so excited that I brag to my girlfriend about how awesome it was that I was now faster than the #2. I'm the second fastest runner in the school!
She just looks at me sort of unimpressed and says something to the effect "Hey, that's great. Why are you stopping there? What's so great about second place? When are you going to be the fastest?".
I was like...holy shit. Why AM I satisfied with second place? Never having been a runner and starting so far behind these 2 guys, just reaching them was a huge victory. But why was I going just this far and no farther?
I trained my ass off, never quite dethroning the #1 but I made him work for it. Even better, we CRUSHED the 10km relay race. I mean, not even close. I think the second place team was still on their 9th leg when we finished.
The video triggered that memory for obvious reasons. Sorry for navel gazing.
That one handed catch by the little kid? Amazing catch. And an amazing throw, for that age group.
Can I just tell you a little anecdote? I don't mean to make this about me, but this is one of the things that has stuck with me my whole life.
Around grade 8 (so about 12-13yo) I began to become competitive. I had been playing sports since..I don't even know. Let's say 5-6, but somewhere between 10-12yo I started to push. Hard. By the time I hit grade 8 I already had years of experience playing little league and peewee (midget, actually) football and all sorts of things but by grade 8 my name started showing up on trophies.
Grade 8 rolls around, and I learn that the city has a Terry Fox run for middle schools. Terry Fox is a famous Canadian who lost a leg to Cancer and then did inspiring charity work including running across Canada with only 1 leg. Anyway. It's a 10k relay race, with 5 girls and 5 boys, each running 1km then handing off the baton (so an actual relay).
edit: Getting a little more verbose than usual even for me, gonna cut it short.
At the start of training I'm average. There are 2 top runners, one who's family sport was running and a kid about a year older than us and going through puberty earlier, so he's bigger, stronger, faster. I train and I train and I train along side them. One day I actually beat the number 2 runner. I'm so excited that I brag to my girlfriend about how awesome it was that I was now faster than the #2. I'm the second fastest runner in the school!
She just looks at me sort of unimpressed and says something to the effect "Hey, that's great. Why are you stopping there? What's so great about second place? When are you going to be the fastest?".
I was like...holy shit. Why AM I satisfied with second place? Never having been a runner and starting so far behind these 2 guys, just reaching them was a huge victory. But why was I going just this far and no farther?
I trained my ass off, never quite dethroning the #1 but I made him work for it. Even better, we CRUSHED the 10km relay race. I mean, not even close. I think the second place team was still on their 9th leg when we finished.
The video triggered that memory for obvious reasons. Sorry for navel gazing.
That's incredible! Nice work. Never quit. I can tell you get it.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:54 pm
by GreenGoo
It took my girl to make me get it, though. She opened my eyes. I probably didn't covey it correctly, but there was no meanness or anything in her response. It was more like "why are you stopping? You're not finished yet" I was perfectly happy being second. Ecstatic, even. Then...I wasn't.
It took my girl to make me get it, though. She opened my eyes. I probably didn't covey it correctly, but there was no meanness or anything in her response. It was more like "why are you stopping? You're not finished yet" I was perfectly happy being second. Ecstatic, even. Then...I wasn't.
You just needed a spark to give you the feeling to keep you going. Always striving. Always reaching. Strong.
She yawns and quickly flashes this. 100% intentional considering the outcry the day before and her husband flat out denying it. So what we have is a WH aide trolling with 4chan gang signs. Everything is fine.
She yawns and quickly flashes this. 100% intentional considering the outcry the day before and her husband flat out denying it. So what we have is a WH aide trolling with 4chan gang signs. Everything is fine.
Seriously? That's not photoshopped?
She did it - again???!
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:18 am
by TheMix
I guess that she didn't appreciate that there were people that didn't "get" it? Though you'd think that she would have discussed it with her husband first. She's now made him look like a complete jackass.
She yawns and quickly flashes this. 100% intentional considering the outcry the day before and her husband flat out denying it. So what we have is a WH aide trolling with 4chan gang signs. Everything is fine.
Not just any White House aide. A former clerk that worked with Brett Kavanaugh. Maybe she's trying to tell us he's into White Power.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:50 am
by GreenGoo
Paingod wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:45 am
Not just any White House aide. A former clerk that worked with Brett Kavanaugh. Maybe she's trying to tell us he's into White Power.
That's very compelling, especially after the buzz of the previous session where she was "caught" doing it. Maybe she feels everyone didn't get the message she was sending, so she's removing all doubt about what she's doing with her hand.
Or, she's just telling the white power groupies that everything is gonna be A-OKWhite Power when this is over.
Edit: I thought I stopped trying to figure out what was going on with this one? Damn it.
Paingod wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:45 am
Not just any White House aide. A former clerk that worked with Brett Kavanaugh. Maybe she's trying to tell us he's into White Power.
Edit: I thought I stopped trying to figure out what was going on with this one? Damn it.
You can't blame yourself when startling new information arises.
She yawns and quickly flashes this. 100% intentional considering the outcry the day before and her husband flat out denying it. So what we have is a WH aide trolling with 4chan gang signs. Everything is fine.
Seriously? That's not photoshopped?
She did it - again???!
Gonna need the video. It looks shopped.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:32 pm
by Skinypupy
LawBeefaroni wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:20 pm
Gonna need the video. It looks shopped.
She yawns and quickly flashes this. 100% intentional considering the outcry the day before and her husband flat out denying it. So what we have is a WH aide trolling with 4chan gang signs. Everything is fine.
Seriously? That's not photoshopped?
She did it - again???!
Gonna need the video. It looks shopped.
I did the same - she mouths an ok then throws it real quick. I almost want to give her the benefit of the doubt that she was really just throwing an ok. Either way incredibly stupid considering things.
She is unabashedly arrogant in her display of hatred. Only her wealth and position allows an Hispanic to be such in Trump's Amerika. If she were living with 10 families in Chula Vista, I doubt seriously she would be shilling for White power.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:05 pm
by Paingod
I got nothin' - but I don't want to hang someone for making hand gestures that -until very recently- were perfectly innocent and can be incorporated into your mannerisms. Now, you show me a group of guys with shaved heads doing it - I'll buy it. You show me a video of someone saying "Okay" and doing it, I'm not breaking out the kerosene. It looks to me like she's disagreeing with something, then agrees with the next and says "Okay" with a hand gesture.
What she needed for Day 3 was to be seated somewhere people couldn't see her hands if she was causing an uproar on Day 2. Knowing you had a publicity issue, you don't go back to the same place. She probably spent the entire day with a burning knowledge that people were staring at her hands endlessly to see what she would do.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:22 pm
by GreenGoo
Paingod wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:05 pm
I got nothin' - but I don't want to hang someone for making hand gestures that -until very recently- were perfectly innocent and can be incorporated into your mannerisms. Now, you show me a group of guys with shaved heads doing it - I'll buy it. You show me a video of someone saying "Okay" and doing it, I'm not breaking out the kerosene. It looks to me like she's disagreeing with something, then agrees with the next and says "Okay" with a hand gesture.
I'm confused as to her motivations, but come on man. There is zero chance she's "agreeing with something" with the gesture the day after she caused an absolute shitstorm with a nearly identical gesture.
If I lazily saluted as a civvy to another civvy which caused a shitstorm about the appropriateness of even using the gesture as well as the sloppiness of the gesture itself (I work for and with the military, in a civilian environment) you can be DAMN SURE I wouldn't do it the next day, unless I was specifically sending a message.
For me, I don't know what message she's sending or to who, but she's ABSOLUTELY doing it on purpose despite (or because) knowing the scrutiny she's under.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:01 pm
by Carpet_pissr
The video posted seems a lot more innocent than the still of course. Looks like she is communicating with someone off camera, then looks at someone else as if in response, and mouths "OK" and gives the sign. I actually thought the weirdly awkward position of her arm yesterday was worse (worse meaning harder to justify as just some weird mannerism).
I wonder how many people
1. Know about this Big Deal
2. Care about it
3. Have any power to do anything about it, even if true
A Venn diagram of those three items would indicate a MIGHTY small overlapping population methinks.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:04 pm
by TheMix
Maybe. But when I respond "okay" to someone and throw the "okay" sign, I do it to them. What's weird to me is that she looks to the side, but flashes the sign straight forward. Is she being told to communicate with the camera? It's almost like she's tapped into the coverage so that she can make sure whatever she does is successfully captured.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:19 pm
by Max Peck
Meh, even disregarding that she's either trolling or too stupid to refrain from flashing an innocent "OK" just a day after her initial tempest in a teapot, I still kind of despise her for the simple fact that her job title in the administration is "Special Assistant to the President for regulatory reform, legal and immigration policy."
If you need a reminder of what Trump's immigration policy is like, well...
I don't want to go into this too much because it's so, so dumb, but here I go. From the video, it doesn't look like she's mouthing "okay" to me. "Okay" is two syllables, with two different vowel sounds. It really looks like she's just making the "oh" sound, and then nothing after that. She could still be swallowing the second syllable, but maybe not.
The bigger problem is that she 100% has to be aware of the shitstorm she kicked up either intentionally or accidentally the other day. To go back to the same prominent seat and do something really similar, but more deliberately, seems awfully fishy. Now, maybe there's assigned seats. Maybe she's just trying to get a rise out of people. I dunno, it's weird.
Ultimately, it doesn't mean a goddamn thing, and the more worrying thing is the spectacle happening in the room in front of her.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:32 pm
by Max Peck
Conveniently, a lot of people seem to be spending more time talking about her hands than about Kavanaugh's confirmation. Mission accomplished?
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:36 pm
by Chaz
Max Peck wrote: Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:32 pm
Conveniently, a lot of people seem to be spending more time talking about her hands than about Kavanaugh's confirmation. Mission accomplished?
Yeah, probably. On that note, if you're not following @hegemommy on twitter, you should be. She's a lawyer and reproductive rights advocate, and has been live-tweeting the hearings the entire time. It's a great way to follow what's going on if you can't or don't want to watch the whole thing, and she provides some background along the way.
Watch his numerous reactions after they stuck him behind Trump at one of his ego festivals.
Is the lady that replaces him also white power hand signals lady?! She REALLY likes being in the background on camera!
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:34 am
by GreenGoo
If I remember correctly, I don't think so.
If you watch the video past the guy being replaced, you can see two others being replaced as well. Both replacements are by photogenic young women, and the people they replace are not particularly photogenic. Likely intentional. I understand why the guy was replaced. What crime did the other two commit?
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:58 am
by noxiousdog
My girlfriend just figured out Zina Bash. She just told me Zina is getting us to talk about her trolling rather than the fact that Kavenaugh perjured himself at least 3 times. It's like when Meliana went to the detention centers in her "I don't care" jacket.
Watch his numerous reactions after they stuck him behind Trump at one of his ego festivals.
Is the lady that replaces him also white power hand signals lady?! She REALLY likes being in the background on camera!
We absolutely think that's Zina Bash.
The facial expressions wouldn't be a problem if they just had those folks who dress in the white hoods standing behind him
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:36 am
by Smoove_B
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:13 pm
by Max Peck
GreenGoo wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:34 am
If I remember correctly, I don't think so.
If you watch the video past the guy being replaced, you can see two others being replaced as well. Both replacements are by photogenic young women, and the people they replace are not particularly photogenic. Likely intentional. I understand why the guy was replaced. What crime did the other two commit?
From the various interviews I've read, the other two are friends that attended the event with him. My understanding is that the two photogenic replacements are staffers.
Re: Pictures and Videos for R&P
Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:25 pm
by GreenGoo
Max Peck wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:13 pm
From the various interviews I've read, the other two are friends that attended the event with him. My understanding is that the two photogenic replacements are staffers.
I assumed the replacements were just sit fillers, but it makes sense that Drumpf would have photogenic young white women on his staff standing at the ready to frame him on tv.
With that said, what was the reason given that the other two were replaced?
Max Peck wrote: Sat Sep 08, 2018 12:13 pm
From the various interviews I've read, the other two are friends that attended the event with him. My understanding is that the two photogenic replacements are staffers.
I assumed the replacements were just sit fillers, but it makes sense that Drumpf would have photogenic young white women on his staff standing at the ready to frame him on tv.
With that said, what was the reason given that the other two were replaced?
By all accounts, they were literally replaced because they were friends of the first guy that was booted out. Since the event organizers had decided he was a trouble-maker, they apparently decided that his friends were likely to be up to no good as well.