Defiant wrote:What I've seen in articles is that ~125K new jobs are needed to keep up with workforce growth.LordMortis wrote:That's not necessarily true. Population expands. More people come of age to work than leave the work pool.cheeba wrote:More jobs created yet higher unemployment. Even the statistics are torn!" target="_blank
It sounds like we would have to have shy of 210,000 jobs added every month to keep up with population growth.The U.S. population is growing by about 2.5 million people each year. Of that, immigration contributes over one million people to the U.S. population annually.
Wouldn't the right numbers be the number of people entering working-age (18 or 22 or thereabouts) plus immigration minus emigration and retirements? Anyone know what those numbers would be?
It looks like the long term growth of the workforce will be ~0.6%
All this means the workforce will expand 0.6 percent annually for the next 40 years, down sharply from 2 percent between 1950 and 1985, according to the bureau. ... years.html" target="_blank
With the workforce at ~150M, that means just under 1 million new jobs a year to account for growth, or about 85K new jobs, if my numbers and math are right.