A buddy of mine surprised me with Lords of Waterdeep as an early birthday present, a game that has been in my wish list for about a year now.
We were able to play a four player match tonight (all of us total n00bs). I'm happy to say that everyone really enjoyed it. While we didn't make any rules errors (to my knowledge), we definitely all made some strategic errors that we plan to correct next time.
My buddy who bought me the game was the big winner, primarily because he drew the builder as his lord and nobody figured out that we should stop him from, you know, building things until the third or fourth round. The guy in second came closest to winning by focusing on pure quest volume, but ultimately fell just short. I came in dead last thanks to my obsession with completing big point quests vs knocking out a bunch of more manageable ones. I got screwed over a couple of times at key moments which prevented me from completing those big quests and thus putting me further behind.
At any rate, really love the simplicity of the game rules and the fast gameplay couple with the strategic depth. I know it's viewed as rather simple in terms of worker placement games, but as an introduction to that style it was a big bit with our group.
[Update] This morning I was telling my wife about the game and uttered the following statement:
"I think you'd really like this game, babe. It's about backstabbing people."